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Started by bella! [Ignore] 13,Aug,23 07:15  other posts
This thread is for questionable content. WHY? Just because! I am someone who enjoys the Hodge Twins. YEP, the Hodge Twins. They probably make the hairs on the back of a WOKE person stand straight up! Anyway.....

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By bella! [Ignore] 16,Sep,23 06:16 other posts 
A short compilation of "Creepy Joe" moments.

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By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 16,Sep,23 08:38 other posts 

By bella! [Ignore] 16,Sep,23 06:18 other posts 

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By bella! [Ignore] 15,Sep,23 07:35 other posts 
This woman said a mouthful!

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By bella! [Ignore] 14,Sep,23 15:44 other posts 
Hunter BIDEN indicted on gun charges.

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By phart [Ignore] 14,Sep,23 20:04 other posts 
He could murder 500 monks , rob a train, burn down Seattle, and his dumbass dad will pardon him. Doing anything to hunter the next year and a half is a waste of time. Keep the charges on record and when bidens ass is booted out of the white house CHARGE BOTH with everything .
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Sep,23 20:14 other posts 
Or we could take both of them out on an old ship and hang them from the yard arm
Arrr matie
By phart [Ignore] 14,Sep,23 22:19 other posts 
naw,to easy, I want to see ol joe sitting on his porch,in a rickety rocking chair,with his dog by his side, watching the world go by flourishing under a republican President.That will be the most fitting punishment for joe the puppet
By #610414 14,Sep,23 21:20
Papa already said he would not involve himself with Hunter's legal problems, let alone pardon him IF he gets CONVICTED.
By phart [Ignore] 14,Sep,23 21:51 other posts 
he is rambling with speeches and screaming during speeches, how can we trust anything he says? his marbles are leaving the bag.
By #610414 14,Sep,23 23:56
You don't have to trust him. That's the beauty of our system of government. Use your vote and whatever the outcome, be grateful you can do that.

By phart [Ignore] 14,Sep,23 08:59 other posts 
Churchs burned, lies pushed and told by the leader ,turns out it was all a lie,
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Now to me, if I was a Canadian, and my leader had pushed lies as truths to a point that churches were burned and he has the gall to say ,"I understand", I would be demanding he be kicked out of office.
By #610414 14,Sep,23 21:25
But you are not.
By phart [Ignore] 14,Sep,23 21:51 other posts 
But how would you feel if you were canadian? ANd you are a catholic so, your pope had to apologize for something the church was not guilty of, for a change.
By #610414 14,Sep,23 23:53
I'm not a Roman Catholic. As far as we, Orthodox Catholics think, the Pope is just the Cardinal of Rome. I do get your point but the story has basis behind it. My religion's caretakers are not blameless either. This story, perhaps true, perhaps not, comes in the heels of countless moles.tations of innocent children by the very people our religions (all of the different ones) tell us to trust in order to get to heaven.

By phart [Ignore] 14,Sep,23 22:17 other posts 
"I am on 24-7,I don't have weekends".
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This is a step in the right direction, if we humans want to live peaceful, easy lives, just let the tech do everything,we can lay around in the shade drinking sweet tea.
Companys could make sky rocketing profits ,without screwing over workers, there would be few if any workers!

By phart [Ignore] 12,Sep,23 20:46 other posts 
I could have told them this along time ago.
We had a good cheap pill for congestion, they put it behind the counter and put this shit out there.
it don't work.
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By bella! [Ignore] 12,Sep,23 21:56 other posts 
So the product is kept in the pharmacy and now the state keeps a record on how much of the product you're buying. If it works and you're not abusing the drug, what's keeping you from buying it?
By #610414 12,Sep,23 22:12
More expensive
By bella! [Ignore] 13,Sep,23 05:30 other posts 
Everything seems to be "more expensive", right? I can only address what I see happening in my neck of the woods....the price of gasoline has continued to soar, a pound of Boar's Head mesquite smoked turkey breast (lunch meat) is $13.49 per pound. A 32 ounce jar of Duke's Mayonaise is $8.49 and a loaf of bread is more than $4.00. And I have only illustrated the price of eating a sandwich.
By #610414 13,Sep,23 07:27
Yes, you are right. Cold cuts are over the roof. We buy them at BJ's. They are a lot cheaper and they frequently have in-store coupons. I also like Publix supermarket BOGO's, buy one get one free. We don't use many regular bread loafs. We like Cuban bread. It's made fresh daily. We have to buy it every other day as it goes hard after the second day.
Inflation is hitting everyone in all areas of the country.
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Sep,23 20:27 other posts 
Yep thank you Joe Biden
By #610414 14,Sep,23 20:54
Explain to me why he should take the heat. The House is controlled by the Repuckers led by that ass licking McCarthy. Nothing gets done, not that they even know how to fix it. The last Clown drove the deficit to the stratosphere and started a tariff war with, of all countries, China, the country we consider our Big Box Department Store. He drove intrest rates way up.
So, what do you do? You blame this inflation on the man that's trying to fix it. I actually agree that our leaders are too old and no longer have fresh ideas to let us soar like the proverbial eagle, but, talking trash doesn't help.

By bella! [Ignore] 12,Sep,23 07:19 other posts 
This is an American rapper's spin on BLACK "ECANAMY". If you have questions, tough.

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By phart [Ignore] 12,Sep,23 09:40 other posts 
Well, more power to them if they want to start their ecanamy. Sounds like it is off to a great start.
By bella! [Ignore] 12,Sep,23 10:59 other posts 
By the way, it's nice to see that my posts capture the interest of some folks.
By phart [Ignore] 12,Sep,23 11:40 other posts 
Have you noticed the lack of response from certain people though?
By bella! [Ignore] 12,Sep,23 13:21 other posts 
You mean the "certain people" that ALWAYS HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY?
By phart [Ignore] 12,Sep,23 20:30 other posts 
By #610414 12,Sep,23 22:15
I don't know what you are talking about. I mean, I really don't know what you are talking about.
By bella! [Ignore] 13,Sep,23 05:33 other posts 
Do you see yourself as being one of those "certain people" that phart has referenced that always has something to say?
By #610414 13,Sep,23 07:39
Yes, I do. That's what a forum is for. In Phart's case, though, he gets blasted on everything he posts. I like him, but, his comments are too conservative even for the average right winger. On the other hand, there's only 3 or 4 members that respond to his........ahh.... political and social views.
By phart [Ignore] 13,Sep,23 10:06 other posts 
Well I was thinking leo and annanas would be just chomping at the bit to respond to something like this.
Cat, not really.

My point in chuckling a bit when I watch it, is I don't think their education level is up to par to "start their own Ecanamy.
But, if they want to go out to a open field and build a city and everything it takes to make it work,go for it.

By bella! [Ignore] 12,Sep,23 07:47 other posts 
Eric Adams (D), mayor of New York City, is concerned that the influx of il/legal immigrants entering NYC will destroy their city.

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By phart [Ignore] 12,Sep,23 09:38 other posts 
you might check your link, this 1 is about the economy for the black people.

As far as eric adams, HAHAHAAAAA Yea right, since Guliani is no longer mayor that place has fell to pieces. Granny killer didn't do it no favors for sure.

I hope the immigrants tear the place down. the people in that city put those liberal idiots in charge and they deserve everything that the sanctuary city mentality brings them .Democrats STILL are to fucking blind to see the open border is the problem.
By #610414 12,Sep,23 22:19
Please show us were that southern border is in New York State.

By phart [Ignore] 12,Sep,23 12:02 other posts 
That miserable exscuse for a vice president we have, actually had the gall to compare the 9-11 Terrorist attacks to january 6th .
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What a dumbass.
By #610414 12,Sep,23 22:17
So true. 9/11 was a foreign act of terrorism. Jan 6 was a domestic act of terrorism. Out of the two, Jan 6 was the most dangerous for our country.

By bella! [Ignore] 12,Sep,23 13:26 other posts 
The State of California has voted in favor of House Resolution 57, the Golden State will now recognize August as Transgender History Month starting in 2024.

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By phart [Ignore] 12,Sep,23 20:30 other posts 
Yea, and they also will take your kid away if you don't allow it to trans.
By #610414 12,Sep,23 22:13
Yeah, right.

By phart [Ignore] 09,Sep,23 21:44 other posts 
I went to walmart this evening,I was lacking some mt dews' and treated myself to a box of Little Debbie star crunch snack cakes.
On the way home, I got to thinking. What if there is a 346 pound woman riding her 20 year old Hoveround in the store and suddenly realizes ,"Hey, where are the BIG DEBBIE cookies? This is fat-phobic.
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Sep,23 04:21 other posts 
You over think things. Just sayin'.....
By phart [Ignore] 10,Sep,23 12:56 other posts 
That is what I feel about people complaining about Uncle Bens rice, Aunt Jemima, The cute little indian girl on the butter box. People are over thinking
By #610414 11,Sep,23 21:33
I don’t like rice but, especially, Uncle Ben’s. I think Aunt Jemima’s syrup is too sweet, and I use Irish butter. I guess I’m a racist.
By phart [Ignore] 11,Sep,23 22:14 other posts 
you don't like Aunt Gemima's surup????
By #610414 12,Sep,23 22:09
No, I don't. I use orange marmalade.
By dgraff [Ignore] 10,Sep,23 11:40 other posts 

By bella! [Ignore] 11,Sep,23 23:15 other posts 
Although this is months old, it's still a hoot when the Twins put their spin on DEMOCRATS "DEMAND" 14 TRILLION IN REPARATIONS

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By phart [Ignore] 09,Sep,23 22:10 other posts 
This really shows me just how lousy our so called president is.
He is not even going to visit New York on 9-11.
He is going as far away as he can and still be on US territory.
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I sure hope people wake up and realize,regardless of who goes in there, biden is 1 person that shouldn't be.
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Sep,23 04:24 other posts 
He's sending Kamala in to be his "pinch hitter".
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 10,Sep,23 09:37 other posts 
She will get booed for sure here
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Sep,23 10:20 other posts 
Since you live where you live will this event close much if anything?
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 10,Sep,23 12:57 other posts 
Not really... prob some street closures because of the cunt Kamala
By #610414 11,Sep,23 21:30
I thought he was going to be in a memorial service at the Pentagon to honor the dead passengers on the flight that was supposed to crash into the Pentagon. Those were real heroes along with the first responders.
By phart [Ignore] 11,Sep,23 22:13 other posts 
Apparently not.
I do wish the government would make 9-11 a national holiday and take 1 we already have off the list,like labor day. 9-11 and labor day are close enough together,just change the federal holiday to 9-11.

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