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What constitutes minor pics on this site

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Started by PITBULL [Ignore] 18,Mar,21 15:54  other posts
I was on a chat room early this afternoon and 2 members were having an argument about "minor children pics". One of the members was posting pics of very young people. In my opinion, they were not minor pics. The pics were young guys with shaved pubes hair but no minor. The member rejecting the pics was saying to other member to stop posting minor children's pics. I tried to settle the feud but not success.
The member posting the so-called minor children's pics claim the pics of the guys were 18 yrs old.

I would like to know what are minor children's pic
for you

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By tecsan [Ignore] 21,Mar,21 02:25 other posts 
Again...18 let me spell it out eighteen...What a weirdo...༼☯﹏☯༽
By #605848 08,May,21 14:27
tecsun Why don't you shut the fuck up...
By tecsan [Ignore] 09,May,21 02:23 other posts 
Because I am right...Anyone under 18 constitutes a minor...Any one with half a brain knows that...
By PITBULL [Ignore] 09,May,21 11:23 other posts 
Not all states consider 18 a minor. Laws are different in each when it comes to defining a minor.
By tecsan [Ignore] 12,Jun,21 01:56 other posts 
No state considers 18 a minor...But under 18 hell yes and bet the majority agrees with me...Fuck off little queer bitch...Just a minor correction there...Get it minor...Jackass...

By tecsan [Ignore] 12,Jun,21 01:51 other posts 
Anyone here see the idiocy of this post???

By bella! [Ignore] 08,May,21 13:41 other posts 
Looks like Youngluck2020 deleted his profile and returned as Youngluck .

Members should aware that he was previously deleted by admin because he claimed to be under@ge. Maybe a more appropriate profile name should be Badluck!
--------------------------------------- added after 18 hours

It's laughable that Youngluck would blacklist me and write this reason.

• Trailer trash that talked about sex with her father and it grossed me out enough i blacklisted her after she continued even after i asked her to stop, I blacklisted her now she blacklisted me idc Seriously Grow up

Perhaps admin would verify that I have NEVER chatted with you. Youngluck, are you a confused little boy who likes to play games or are you simply a liar?

By tecsan [Ignore] 01,May,21 01:28 other posts 
Whom in their right mind would even ask this question...༼☯﹏☯༽
By spermkiss [Ignore] 01,May,21 11:55 other posts 
"Who" not "Whom". It's the subject of the verb "ask".
By tecsan [Ignore] 02,May,21 02:05 other posts 
So I made a mistake...Now what is your excuse for not answering my qustion...
By spermkiss [Ignore] 02,May,21 12:25 other posts 
That's harder. But I'll give it a whirl. I can think of two kinds of people.

One is a bona fide artistic photographer whose work includes nudes, including nude children. This person is seeking guidelines to be sure his work doesn't cross over into pornography. Look up Jock Sturgis.

The other is pornographers who wish to make their work look "artistic" to avoid arrest.
By tecsan [Ignore] 02,May,21 23:04 other posts 
So you are telling me a criminal is asking this question...Sounds that way to me...I knew it was hard to answer...That is why you avoided it the first time...༼☯﹏☯༽
By spermkiss [Ignore] 03,May,21 11:15 other posts 
All not true.
By #613564 06,May,21 02:10
It's hard to know, many times!! Some look older than they are!! They all have fake ID's now!!
I stay away from any "****" sht adverts or links!

By #632705 03,May,21 19:49
Admin does a great job of getting rid of the illegal stuff quick. I have never seen anything **** on this site.

By tecsan [Ignore] 19,Mar,21 01:04 other posts 
ANY PERSON UNDER 18 YOA...Everyone in the states knows that...Under 18 then they are a minor in this country...Simple view minors in this country then law broken...The states does not go along with other countries on this crap...Come on wake up...I think you already knew this...My question is...Why would a sane person in the USA ask this...???
--------------------------------------- added after 22 hours

A person claiming to be a paralegal (oops another lie) asking that question...
By #613564 27,Mar,21 00:06
What if they are "Nudists"? That is seen as protected under the 1st Amendment, and there are legal nude pictures, of under-aged children Nudists, online.
But they are being portrayed in 'typical' daily activities, and nothing sexual, in any way!
By tecsan [Ignore] 01,May,21 04:11 other posts 
Then no arousal and would or should be in the proximity of his/her parents...Really come on...This is crap is illegal...By all means it should be...Stop the predators...What parent that is a nudist (stupid crap) would let a 13 year old run nude alone...Nudist is ridiculous...However that was not even the perverted question in the first place, it was more general...Someone trying to condone pe...philia༼☯﹏☯༽
By fila1305 [Ignore] 02,May,21 05:57 other posts 
And what if they are nudists? That is not really an excuse. You should also take in account the context in which the pics are posted. Nudists or not, nude pics of minors should never be posted on a site with a sexual/erotic base, like SYD.

Personally I think nudist pics like this should never be published at all because you never know where these pics end up. But if they were to be published, then only when the persons have become of age and gave their explicit permission for publishing.

By #565684 21,Mar,21 11:11
But how do you know if they are at least 18 or not? They could lie. Then what can you do? There are probably 17 year old's that look 35 and 20 something's that look 16....just sayin.
By bella! [Ignore] 21,Mar,21 13:33 other posts 
Does a 15, 16, or 17 year old look different than 18, 19 or 20 year old? Probably not.

If their pictures are titled as such, saying they are under 18 OR they tell you in a conversation that they are under 18, then for all purposes, they are under 18 and should not be here. If you have knowledge that a member is under the age of 18, it is your responsibility to report that member.
By dgraff [Ignore] 22,Mar,21 06:35 other posts 
Under 18 will get you 20 years with that being said I like young hard body’s but like with Markis I ask him to show me proof of his age so he sent me a picture of his birth certificate before we even met in person
By kebmo [Ignore] 22,Mar,21 16:06 other posts 
dgraff, a guy pulled up to my place and got out of his truck. He looked about 13! I saw his Driver's Licence before anything happened. I wrote a blog story about it.... but you wouldn't like it.

By dgraff [Ignore] 22,Mar,21 18:47 other posts 
Markis didn’t drive when I first met him in fact I taught him to drive 3 years ago that’s why I have grey hair he is not a great driver and has demolished 3 car’s all ready I also taught him to ride motorcycles and he’s good on a bike but I’m afraid if he don’t pay attention and screws up it could be life changing for him
By tecsan [Ignore] 01,May,21 01:27 other posts 
If you suspect then leave...We all know what that means...
By tecsan [Ignore] 21,Mar,21 22:32 other posts 
You run away...Until you have proof...Otherwise proof will find you...༼☯﹏☯༽

By tecsan [Ignore] 24,Mar,21 01:51 other posts 
Just to keep this BS on top...Some freaky crap ...

By babycok [Ignore] 22,Mar,21 14:45 other posts 
This could be any age

By kebmo [Ignore] 22,Mar,21 04:41 other posts 
Read this blog I wrote.


By tecsan [Ignore] 21,Mar,21 22:30 other posts 
Little paralegal dude, if you suspect they are under 18 then they may be...So run away...༼☯﹏☯༽

By tecsan [Ignore] 21,Mar,21 02:27 other posts 
BTW the person posting this claims they are a paralegal...༼☯﹏☯༽

By tecsan [Ignore] 21,Mar,21 02:23 other posts 
Just so others can see the stupidity...

By #637729 18,Mar,21 20:38
The simple answer is anything under 18 is a "minor". Even if this site was ran in a country that allowed under 18 pics, you have to follow your home countries laws (in your case, the USA). Unless you want the FBI knocking on your door
By #637305 18,Mar,21 21:00
Wrong again, if this site was in a country where "age of consent" differs then it would have no jurisdiction of the "(USA) Age of Consent 18 years old" Sorry but that's how it is.
By admin [Ignore] 18,Mar,21 21:57 other posts 
Age of consent has nothing to do with permitted age of people in sexually explicit materials (i.e. photo/video). They are separate provisions of criminal codes. In some countries age of consent is 15, but photos of 15 years old having sex or just showing their private parts are still illegal. To the best of my knowledge at present time there are no countries in the world left where explicit sexual content with people under 18 is legal. Nudists photos are somewhat of a grey area and depends more on judicial traditions than laws, but I would advice to stay away from them anyway.
By #637305 18,Mar,21 22:13
Generally, international laws and treaties provide agreements which nations agree to be bound to. Such agreements are not always established or maintained. The exercise of extraterritorial jurisdiction by three principles outlined in the UN charter. These are equality of states, territorial sovereignty and non-intervention. This raises the question of when can many states prescribe or enforce jurisdiction. The Lotus case establishes two key rules to the prescription and enforcement of jurisdiction. The case outlines that jurisdiction is territorial and that a state may not exercise its jurisdiction in the territory of another state unless there is a rule that permits this. On that same note, states enjoy a wide measure of discretion to prescribe jurisdiction over persons, property and acts within their own territory unless there was a rule that prohibits this.
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

Sorry but I believe this is the "correct" information that you were intending to bring to attention.
By admin [Ignore] 18,Mar,21 23:17 other posts 
Not sure what you want to say with all those fancy words, but you seems to live in US and possession of child porn is a federal crime in US and you can go to prison for it no matter which state you live in. See 18 U.S.C. §2252.

only registered users can see external links

note that minor is defined as "under 18".
By #637305 18,Mar,21 23:22
The PROTECT Act, §105(a)(c), modified the law against "sex tourism" and establishes an age of consent of 18 for Americans engaging in any sexual encounter outside the USA. Thus, even in places where it is legal and socially acceptable for an adult to date an adolescent, an American doing so is subject to prosecution for it by the US government. There is no exception for marriage, so an American of any age marrying anyone under 18 in another country, even with the blessings of the parents and with a legitimate marriage license from the local jurisdiction, is breaking this law.--------------------------------------- added after 9 minutesWhat are you trying to argue with me about? haha There are no fancy words, it's the specific information necessary for those drawn to this topic.--------------------------------------- added after 24 minutesAt least in regards to member (Mattyboy..) Questions. I posed the information that you shared also earlier, somehow I'm not seeing it but yes we established the laws on child pornography, now it's moved to questions asking "If someone outside the country can have sexual relations with those under 18 if they are not a citizen of that country" The answer is NO.

By #275407 18,Mar,21 17:59
Under 18 is illegal to show on this site no matter where your from.
By PITBULL [Ignore] 18,Mar,21 20:08 other posts 
you right about it. But with Youngluck2020 comments are right too.
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Mar,21 20:53 other posts 
Please note that admin has notes on said member.

Current member: Youngluck2020 detected as possible previously banned members:
May be
Youngluck (#617664):
Deleted by admin, User claims to be under@ge
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Mar,21 22:07 other posts 
Oh, Youngluck2020 ! You have got to be the biggest pussy/snowflake!

The other day you reported a member for comparing his manhood to that of a 13 year old. Three people voted to delete the guy based on your referral. I came along and disagreed. Members should not have to worry about being deleted for saying they are hung like a 13 year old. It's no different than someone saying they are hung like a horse or that they have balls the size of a bull. I also added that it was YOUR profile that was deleted by admin because of your claims to being under@ge.

You blacklisted me and called me "Trash". Whatever! Members need to be aware of YOU and be careful how they interact with YOU. YOU seem to be stirring things up and trying to entrap members into saying something that you could report them for. I can't imagine positive outcomes of members that interact with you.

By #637305 18,Mar,21 20:19
Yes, did you forget to read the last paragraph😑
By #275407 18,Mar,21 20:22
If an American goes to another country where sex is legal under the age of 18, the American will still be liable and charged with sex with a minor, those are the laws in the U.S.
By #637729 18,Mar,21 20:36
If the "American" is in the other country, I would think the laws in said country would apply while the American is visiting.

In the case of online websites, you must ab-hear to the rules of whatever country that website is hosted in. Also keeping in mind the laws of your own country.
By #275407 18,Mar,21 20:42
No, google it, you can't go to other country and go against your own country's rules. You will be arrested when you step foot back in your country
By #637729 18,Mar,21 20:47
I mean, I don't plan on doing that... I like my men older haha but don't you always have to follow the laws of the land you are currently in? Confusing.
By admin [Ignore] 18,Mar,21 22:02 other posts 
I can't say for all countries, but US citizens sure have to follow US laws regarding sex with minors while visiting other countries. If it becomes known to US law enforcement in some way you will be arrested on arrival. There were multiple cases like that, you can find them on google.

Here is an article for you from us justice department - only registered users can see external links
By #637305 18,Mar,21 22:25
Yes, although typically if an official of that particular country becomes aware of this, you could be incarcerated until deported back to the country in which you claim citizenship where then you will face criminal prosecution.
By #637305 18,Mar,21 20:48
The PROTECT Act, §105(a)(c), modified the law against "sex tourism" and establishes an age of consent of 18 for Americans engaging in any sexual encounter outside the USA. Thus, even in places where it is legal and socially acceptable for an adult to date an adolescent, an American doing so is subject to prosecution for it by the US government. There is no exception for marriage, so an American of any age marrying anyone under 18 in another country, even with the blessings of the parents and with a legitimate marriage license from the local jurisdiction, is breaking this law.
By #275407 18,Mar,21 20:49
Thank you youngluck
By #637305 18,Mar,21 20:53
Sorry but that's the law. It's easy to use the law as easy as it is to break the law.
By #637729 18,Mar,21 20:55
no need to be sorry, we are happy you are providing actual info and not opinion.
By PITBULL [Ignore] 18,Mar,21 20:53 other posts 
thank you for the info.
By #637305 18,Mar,21 20:55
Welcome. Always like to inform those with the CORRECT facts even if the internet has persuaded them otherwise 🙂

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