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New Comment Rating: -6 Similar topics: 1.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME 2.No Collusion. 3.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME analysis. 4.democrats and associated press close believeallwomen twitter account after Biden sexual assault case came to light 5.Ok,here is a thread for discusson regarding Biden Comments: |
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Me, I'm a Trump supporter
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He is like a antidote to the aoc types.
Folks like him are the last hope this country has.
How Did Biden Bungle It This Badly?
Experts predicted 2021 would be a banner year for America’s economy. Perhaps
the best ever. President Biden inherited a historic economic rebound from COVID
that smashed expectations, lifesaving vaccines, major regions re-opening from
lockdowns, and trillions of dollars in bipartisan COVID relief coursing through the
Yet, in his first year in the White House, according to the non-partisan
Congressional Budget Office, the economy failed to meet consensus projections
every quarter of his presidency. President Biden is now a whopping 1.1 million
jobs short of his promises from the partisan $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan,
steep rising prices have wiped out the last three years of wage gains for workers,
and Main Street businesses are struggling to find workers to survive. Economic
optimism about the future has plummeted, and Americans of all political views
have lost confidence in President Biden’s competence to heal the economy.
So, what went wrong?
Here are President Biden’s Top 5 Economic Mistakes
1. Took his eye off COVID. Rather than focus on America’s priorities of
defeating the virus and healing the economy, President Biden immediately
launched into a radical ‘transformation” of America, starting by ramming through
Congress a partisan $1.9 trillion “COVID Stimulus” that ignored the need for
crucial COVID tests and treatments (less than 10 percent of the bill was COVID
related), paid people more to stay home than to work, and fueled inflation. Then,
as vaccinations stalled and omicron cases soared, he demanded a $5 trillion Build
Back Better socialist spending bill that included trillions in new tax hikes on Main
Street businesses and massive giveaways to the wealthy, big corporations and
special interests.
2. Denied and dismissed inflation – then made it worse. For too long
President Biden ignored rising prices, first denying the concerns, dismissing it as
“transitory” and a “high class problem.” Then he blamed it all on the Federal
Reserve. Meanwhile, he fueled the highest inflation in 40 years, so crippling that
families paid $3,500 more last year to buy the same items as the year before.
Excessive government spending and “emergency” programs that convinced the
jobless not to seek work stoked 7 percent inflation. Now, America is facing a
wage-price spiral that could drive double-digit inflation in the coming year.
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3. Threatened massive tax hikes on America’s business – just as they
were fighting to survive the pandemic. President Biden threatened to impose
trillions of dollars in higher taxes that would slow the economy, drive U.S. jobs
overseas, and hammer small businesses. His insistence on raising U.S. business
tax rates to the highest among America’s competitors is widely criticized as an
economic surrender to China, Russia, Europe, and Japan. Although stalled in the
Senate, the crippling Biden tax hikes continue to create uncertainty and
discourage investment in new U.S. plants, equipment, and technologies that
would lessen the supply chain crisis. Ways & Means Committee Republican Leader
Kevin Brady termed the Biden tax hikes “the biggest economic blunder of our
4. Punished work, making the labor shortage worse. President Biden
discouraged Americans from reconnecting to work by paying the jobless lavish
unemployment benefits, sending stimulus checks after the economy was already
recovering, and creating “emergency” social programs that no longer required
Americans to work to be eligible—like the popular Child Tax Credit that was
transformed into a massive welfare program. His sweeping January executive
order—which allowed the jobless to self-attest they were “uncomfortable”
returning to work to keep unemployment checks flowing—wreaked havoc on the
worker crisis. Then it was made worse by “emergency” Obamacare subsidies that
in many cases gave more affordable health care to the jobless than available at
5. Destroyed confidence in America’s recovery among families and small
businesses. Faced with worker shortages, higher prices, empty shelves, and
potential tax hikes, small business optimism in the future has plunged to its
lowest in 48 years. Consumers' economic outlook has sunk to the lows of the
middle of the pandemic, and the expectation of further high inflation (6 percent)
through 2022 is a record high. An overwhelming majority of workers report their
paychecks simply can’t keep up with the higher prices and costs under President
Biden, and a majority of Americans report they question President Biden’s
competency to lead the economy.
BOTTOM LINE: Economically President Biden began his presidency standing on
third base… then promptly stole second. His one-party rule in Washington
emboldened the most radical elements of the Democratic Party to ignore the
voices of mainstream Americans, resulting in a first year in the White House that
is bitterly disappointing for workers and Main Street businesses. Given his
damaging policies and mismanagement of America’s economy, the simple truth is
that a “Biden-free” economy would have been much stronger, with less inflation
and more workers back on the job.
Under Biden's student loan plan, a cashier with medical debt who never attended college will pay the law school loans of a lawyer earning $300,000.
It's hard to imagine a more regressive, counterproductive, and cruel plan.
And besides ,my father and myself paid for my associates degree. I didn't get any help elsewhere .And the jobs i was eligible for ,would have paid a debt had i made 1.
But a simple accident with a power tool 2 months ago is costing me 60 bucks a month for the next 3 years. After I had already paid 300 bucks, and my insurance had paid 1100 bucks.
So I am dealing with medical debt.
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The department's move will cancel outstanding loans. Borrowers who have not paid off their debt will receive refunds of past loan payments, officials said. But borrowers who fully paid off their loans will not receive refunds, they said.
Beau of the Fifth Column worded pretty much my own opinion on it very well.
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Herd all the liberals to certain states and fence them in.
Getting America back from the brink of destruction, by destroying it.
Because of inflation, which is a global problem.
Civil war is not very positive for the value of the dollar.
And what will you do after the war? Democracy? It didn't work for you before.
Instead of Civil war, you might just agree to split the country in two.
Would save a lot of lives and they might be just as happy to get rid of you.
And you think you would do better on the red side, with it's no minimum wage, no social security, war on drugs, closed-minded education, theocratic sexual repression and winner takes all - work or starve mentality? It would end up like the Philippines.
I would be interested to see what happens to the blue side, with it's living wage, take care of the sick and needy, equality and free sexual morality. It sounds a lot like France. But the progressives might want to pull it more to the level of Denmark. Would be a good place to live and work. I think Elon Musk might still prefer the blue side. He needs to sell his electric cars. Bezos would go to the red side, he needs his slave labor.
and a police force and let capitalist economy handle everything else?
What makes you think of that as a civilized country?
My state is fucked up enough with a ding bat democrat governor that kept the state shut down way to long.
In just 10 states and the District of Columbia do more voters approve than disapprove of Biden’s job performance, though even those spreads have shrunk dramatically since the end of the first quarter of 2021.
Even in Biden’s home state of Delaware, which he won by nearly 20 percentage points in 2020 and where voters had previously elected him to seven terms as their senator, voters are closely divided over his job performance. Half of First State voters approve of Biden’s job performance, down from 62% at a similar time last year, compared with 45% who disapprove, up from 32%.
If there’s a silver lining for the president, it’s that in most states, the pace of his decline slowed between the last quarter of 2021 and the first quarter of 2022. But that might not provide much solace for Democrats in key states in this year’s elections, or for his party looking to place itself on good footing ahead of the 2024 presidential election.
Biden’s standing in key states
Biden’s net approval rating has dropped by more than 20 points over the past year in all of the states hosting hotly contested Senate races or competitive House races this fall that are also set to feature prominently in 2024.
Even in Colorado, which Biden won by nearly 14 points in 2020, more voters disapprove of him than approve, 49% to 47%. It’s similar to his standing in Virginia, where his downturn among self-identified suburbanites helped hand Republican Glenn Youngkin the governorship
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