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Started by #610414 [Ignore] 14,May,20 02:51

New Comment       Rating: 3  

By #672017 22,Oct,22 20:54
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"this year the deficit fell by $1.4 trillion — the largest one-year drop in American history"

But sure, some people expect Republicans to "save" the economy.

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"If we calculate the average annual real GDP growth in the United States under Democratic and Republican presidents going back to 1947, the economy grew one percentage point faster on average under Democratic than Republican presidents.

Now, a legitimate counterpoint might be that the last two major economic crises — the global financial crisis (GFC) of 2008 and the COVID-19 crisis of 2020 — occurred under Republican presidents. So what happens if we filter our sample, eliminating the two crises and halt our analysis in 2006? The difference in real GDP growth . . . grows even larger."
By #610414 23,Oct,22 08:55

By #610414 22,Oct,22 16:32
Jon Stewart Calls Out US Hypocrisy of Right-to-Work State Policies ‘Devastating the Working Class'
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"The last few decades of globalization allowed corporations to scour the planet for the cheapest labor and loosest regulations, devastating the working class. Capital is mobile and workers less. So entire industries packed up and abandoned the communities that built them,"
"The auto industry left Michigan and Ohio for Mexico and China. Textile companies left North Carolina for Sri Lanka, Taiwan and Vietnam. And heavy machinery manufacturer, Caterpillar, shipped jobs from Illinois to… wait. What? Texas?!"
Texas Governor Greg Abbott answered the question in the simplest form: "We have low taxes, reasonable regulations, right-to-work laws. As China is to America, Texas is to Illinois."
The US Tax System ‘Broken': ‘Bad Uncle Sam' Keeps ‘Reaching His Dirty Little Paw Down Our Pants'
"Now, if you don’t speak business euphemism, says John Steward, allow me to translate what the governor said: Low tax means less money to spend on infrastructure, reasonable regulations mean ‘you weren’t using that finger, that you lost, anyway' and right to work means weak unions — which means companies can get away with lower pay and fewer benefits. And they do."

Corporations are not pro-USA or pro-employees. They are pro-corporations and f...k everyone else.👿
By phart [Ignore] 22,Oct,22 18:51 other posts 
You or him 1 has it so fucking backwards. More Texans are PROVIDING FOR THEMSELVES now due to the jobs Caterpillar brought them. Unlike the textile industry that did leave our state to go overseas,that employed NO Americans.

Would you rather all the people in texas be unemployed to?
As for regulations, common sense and osha are Plenty enough regulations. You don't need any more government involvement in jobs.
By #610414 23,Oct,22 08:54
What about the people in Illinois? I guess you don't see the point of the article.
Corporations are not pro-USA or pro-employees. They are pro-corporations and f...k everyone Else.
That is the point. At least Caterpillar didn't leave the US. Whoopee, what about all those employees whose life was thrown into major turmoil? I don't think I have it " fucking backwards". There are TWO wrongs here. Caterpillar's greed is one. Texas government's anti-worker's rights is the second. The worst and the most dishonest is "This is a right-to-work state" it makes it sound as a boon to workers when, in reality, it's a way to styfle union participation.👿

By #610414 22,Sep,22 09:32

DEV01, Phart, DJS, Ananas2xLekker, Andthisisme, Kebmo, Leopoldij, some others.............and me. What have we became? In a tribute thread dedicated to a person that, right or wrong, made such an impact on the world, we bring petty politics into it.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 22,Sep,22 09:50 other posts 
The debate is precisely about the "right or wrong"
(and who defines these terms?)
and the tacit assumption that the monarch, whichever monarch, is a god-like figure and the head of an empire.
By #610414 22,Sep,22 10:11
I'm not again THAT discussion. I'm saying it doesn't belong in a thread created to wish someone RIP
By leopoldij [Ignore] 22,Sep,22 10:13 other posts 
That's absolutely right.
Well pointed out.--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutesBut we're defective humans, you see. We love to be right, we love to be smart, we love to be better than others, we love to say we're right and they're wrong, we love to hide our mistakes and crimes.
We're nasty.
By #610414 22,Sep,22 10:23
I would be the last person to argue that point. If my Charlie decided to beat my ass every time I get nasty, I would not have one.😈
By leopoldij [Ignore] 22,Sep,22 10:52 other posts 
Ha ha
Well, consider me spanked.
By #610414 22,Sep,22 17:30
By phart [Ignore] 22,Sep,22 13:44 other posts 
Well there is a flip side to this coin.
Just because some of us talked about the politics of the mess does not mean we mean any disrespect to the dead.
The Queen was a mechanic in the military. Not many women took that role during those times. She was a good person and did her job.
The question is ,in modern times, what is the job of a "queen" or a "king"? They have a parliament to govern.
What is Billionaire charley going to do with 2 billion dollars that was just dumped on him?
He had a beautiful wife ,Dianna, and cheated on her like a sorry ass redneck bastard. And I still believe to this day he was behind her death.But with his money, and influence, he got away scott free.
That should show the world the quality of person he is.

And 1 of the straws that broke this camels back was for at least 2 fucking weeks it was difficult to even get a weather forcast off the tv for all the media coverage of the people marching and falling around her casket.
Put the poor woman to rest.
400 secret service to protect our so called president bidet since he was to damn goody 2shoes to ride in the bus with the rest of the people invited. Wants all of us to cram onto a amtrak rail car like the jews in nazi germany but he has to ride in his limo. Sorry no good asshole.
By phart [Ignore] 22,Sep,22 13:59 other posts 
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This should give you a indication of how the world views the US now. Way back from the front.

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Race is still a issue with the monarchy.
You're right, the political discussion would have been more appropriate in another topic. Apologies again.

Still, there must have been a lot of political tension, either about her life, her death, what she represented or her funeral, because no one got into a political tirade over the RIP topic for Olivia Newton John and not even about the RIP topic for Nichelle Nichols, who in her time was considered controversial.
By #610414 22,Sep,22 17:35
I remember the 1960s English tv shows dealing with MI5 In colonial Africa. I remember The Falklands war, I remember Diana. All during her reign. I also know of her numerous charities along with the rest of the monarchy's charity. This lady came on the scene with Hank Williams and exited with ????? Get the picture?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 23,Sep,22 17:32 other posts 
Sounds like the UK has not been getting much positive coverage in American media. It's not much different in my country. Especially when the UK left the EU, it was a daily dose of frustration. They wanted to exit and keep all their nice benefits, but without the downsides, while the EU wanted to make it hard on them and didn't want them to have their cake and eat it too. At that time we didn't see much difference between the leaders of the UK and Trump. Boris Johnson is often compared to Trump. Besides the looks, he has the same narcissism. However, Boris is smarter and has a less repulsive personality. If it wasn't for his bad idea's, I might even miss him.
Now the tories have voted in Liz Truss. What a boring, depressing cunt!
Well it might be good for the labor party, because no one will vote for her,
because they like her humor and charm.
If the labor party could only find a leader with more charisma than a hairy scrotum...
By #610414 23,Sep,22 20:05
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 22,Oct,22 13:59 other posts 
The boring, depressing cunt is out.
By #610414 24,Sep,22 07:57
This is a report found in
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on why the UK left the EU

Membership of the European Union wasn’t delivering
The data showed that there had been enormous variations in attitudes towards the European Union over the last decade. The big picture is that people supported membership if they felt that it was delivering what they wanted – a prosperous economy, protection against crime and terrorism, control over immigration and efficient public services. If they did not feel that membership helped to deliver these things, or worse still prevented the British government from delivering them they opposed membership. Many of the latter felt ‘left behind’ by changes in society and the economy.
Britain’s failure to effectively recover from the worst recession for over 70 years (200 coloured the whole backdrop of the referendum, leaving many people feeling discontented and unrepresented.
The collapse of power in the Middle East The protests, demonstrations, riots, coups and civil wars that began in 2010 across the Middle East and North Africa and have become known as the Arab Spring, created new waves of immigration into Europe.
Many voters concluded that not only had successive UK governments mishandled the issue of immigration but so had the European Commission. When "Angela Merkel threw open Germany’s borders, doing so broke a number of EU regulations. This only served to harden views on immigration across the rest of the EU and Britain. People felt they’d lost control of it, and fear and anxiety crept in as a consequence.” Currently there are two forms of immigration into the UK; uncontrolled immigration from the EU and controlled immigration from outside.
At the same time,In managing the economy, the EU opted for austerity – resulting in significant problems for countries including Greece and Italy. and delayed economic recovery both in Europe and Britain. before the referendum, the then Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, issued extremely dour predictions for the effect of Brexit on the economy. These predictions went all the way to 2030. The models used to make them are just not capable of forecasting that far ahead.”

The fragmentation of British politics. Elections results used to be based around the electorate’s strong allegiance to a particular party. But now this is fragmenting and the party system is fragmenting as weakening party attachments produce large scale volatility in electoral behaviour. "The party system is coming unglued. This is important because a fragmented system makes it harder to govern and makes policymaking and planning much more difficult – and therein lies the serious consequences of populism, something there is still significant problem for in the UK,” he said.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 25,Sep,22 10:57 other posts 
Good analysis. I agree with everything in it. It didn't contain many new insights for me, but it organized it nicely.

My own idea in the subject is;
- The EU is a center-right coalition. It is good for trade and corporations, but bad for 50% of the poorest people, because the EU forces privatization, which causes wealth and income redistribution from the poor to the rich in social democracies like the UK. The UK already did have a lot of income inequality caused by Thatcher's austerity, so the EU did not help poor people in the UK, but it was good for the London finance sector. Ever been to London? I saw more Lamborghini's in the first hour, than I saw before in whole my life. I stopped looking at the standard super-cars after the first day and only the fully tricked out versions, that would double their value, got my attention after that.
- The tories (right-wingers) blamed all that on the EU, while it was right-wing policies who worsened the income inequality in the UK. And off course they would blame it on immigrants. No one can deny that immigrants compete for money and benefits with the poor original residents. It's just scummy to blame even poorer people for income inequality, when the only problem the rich have is how to still get noticed in the most expensive super-cars money can buy.
- The tories were very successful in blaming the EU and the immigrants that were 'sent by the EU' and the stupid populists among them were demanding to get out of the EU, while the corporate right-wingers were more cautious at first, because trade and the EU banking system have made them and all their friends rich as fuck. However, they had to stand against the labor party defending the EU, so they ended up in a situation outside their control.
- Whenever you throw the referendum bone at the public, the public wants it. So the UK government was forced to do it. And we all know how it ended.
- After both David Cameron, who supported continued membership, and Theresa May, who failed at making an acceptable deal, resigned over Brexit, it was up to Boris. He delivered an agreement that was only slightly better than just letting Brexit happen without an agreement, but worse than Theresa May's agreement, according to a major economics think tank.
- However, the UK is not doing as bad as expected. They fell back significantly compared to the EU, but they have not completely crashed, as some people projected.

Here are two articles about the effects of Brexit:
Focusing on the economy:
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Here is a government study about how the UK is taking advantage of leaving the EU:
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Here is an alarming article from just before the Covid crisis:
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It's just not clear yet, whether leaving the EU will help the people who voted to leave. With the tories still at the helm and Liz Truss vowing to cut taxes, avoid austerity and meet fiscal rules (which is impossible), there is no way to predict where they are heading. The UK now has more freedom to decide their own direction, which I would like for my own country, but if they take a direction that
is even to the right of the EU, the people who voted to leave will suffer the consequences.

"We find that voting Leave is associated with older age, white ethnicity, low educational attainment, infrequent use of smartphones and the internet, receiving benefits, adverse health and low life satisfaction."
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By #610414 25,Sep,22 13:56
Only time will tell. I can only opine on what experts and people closer to it have to say.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 22,Oct,22 13:54 other posts 
It looks like the people closer to her understood pretty quickly.
By #610414 22,Oct,22 16:02
That's the fastest ever
By #672017 22,Oct,22 14:05
The UK monarchy has made enemies by way of it's colonizer history, and like it or not the queen was the figurehead of that shame (no matter how sweet she was).

It's not surprising that many are unable to muster sympathy for her passing, despite the human aspect of it all.

By #610414 22,Oct,22 11:26
Biden turned his attention to Republican lawmakers who received loans under the federal Paycheck Protection Program during the pandemic, and then subsequently had those loans forgiven.

“I don’t want to hear it from MAGA Republicans, officials who had hundreds of thousands of dollars of debts, even millions of dollars in pandemic relief loans forgiven, who now are attacking me for helping working class and middle class Americans,” the president continued. “My team at the White House posted a video of this, folks, online.”

Biden proceeded to ding Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and Vern Buchanan (R-FL) over their forgiven PPP loans.

“Marjorie Taylor Greene, she and her husband got $180,000 in business loans forgiven from the PPP program,” Biden said. “She said it’s completely unfair for us to forgive student loans for working and middle class Americans. Representative Buchanan of Florida said our plan was reckless. Guess how much he got in that program forgiven? Two million, three hundred thousand dollars.”

Biden also went after Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), who cast student borrowers as “slacker” baristas who “wasted seven years in college.”

“Ted Cruz, the great senator from Texas,” Biden said. “He said it’s for slackers, quote, ‘slackers’ who don’t deserve relief. Who in the hell do they think they are?”

Hippocrates, liars, obnoxious.

By #463848 22,Oct,22 09:36
I am in UK. When I have a look at who has visited my profile, I find there is a very high proportion of males from USA. Is this to do with the comparable number of members?
By #610414 22,Oct,22 10:35
There's the number difference in nationalities, the number difference in gender, and the number difference in sexual preference. From what I've seen, the the most common nationality is American (USA). In the gender groups, males outnumber females by huge amounts. And in the sexual preference, gay or bisexual members outnumber straight members.

By #610414 21,Oct,22 09:53

What does Rubio do to help Cuban-Americans, and Floridians? He opposes increasing the federal minimum wage. He supported repealing the Affordable Care Act, which would have resulted in millions of Floridians losing health insurance. He obstructs immigration reform and pathways to citizenship for Dreamers and Temporary Protected Status recipients, denying refuge to those fleeing the same dictatorships he hypocritically pontificates about.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 21,Oct,22 16:17 other posts 
By Gntlmn [Ignore] 21,Oct,22 21:31 other posts 
He's just another naziboy coprophagia addict on the grift.
By #610414 22,Oct,22 08:00
No condiments either. 😈

By leopoldij [Ignore] 21,Oct,22 15:05 other posts 
This machine kills fascists
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By leopoldij [Ignore] 13,Oct,22 02:31 other posts 
Alex Jones must pay Sandy Hook families nearly $1 billion for hoax claims, jury says.

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That's great. Thugs like him should be punished. The billion dollar bill will hurt him. I like that.
By #610414 13,Oct,22 09:41
By leopoldij [Ignore] 13,Oct,22 17:47 other posts 
I just posted it on purpose to see if your recovery white ultra nationalist religious despicable friend would react. I was kinda thinking that he'd condemn hate. But he didn't! That's true devotion to nazi principles. I'm amazed.
By phart [Ignore] 15,Oct,22 17:40 other posts 
If I am a nazi, you are a catholic priest.
By phart [Ignore] 18,Oct,22 21:22 other posts 
Now do you see?
A precedent has been set and now ever freeloader in the country is going to sue people over words.
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There is some asshole sueing the hotsauce manufacor Texas Pete because it is not made in Texas.Although if you turn the bottle around it says clearly where it is made.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 18,Oct,22 21:47 other posts 
I'm directing a typo.
Recovery should be Reactionary
By phart [Ignore] 19,Oct,22 09:57 other posts 
That would be Correcting wouldn't it?
I feel sure the grammer police are just as liberal as you are so you will be safe from retribution.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 19,Oct,22 11:16 other posts 
Indeed. Well-spotted, thank you.
Two typos, one after the other.
Of course, I must blame the autocorrect feature
of my stoopid phone
and my inability to switch it off.
I do switch it off occasionally, then I upgrade
the operating system or the phone hardware,
and then I'm back at square one.
I'm fucking tired of tweaking the fucking
"smart" phone all the time.

Again: mea culpa.
But please don't shoot me. (I know you won't.)
--------------------------------------- added after 26 seconds

P.S. stoopid was spelt so on purpose.
By #610414 19,Oct,22 07:28
Phart, you take everything as being the norm.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 13,Oct,22 19:56 other posts 
Look at that too
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I love it how they fucked Alex Jones up for hate speech and for causing so much distress to the families of murdered ch1ldren. Fucking white supremacist nazis should fuck the shut up.
--------------------------------------- added after 121 hours

There was a typo in my message

I didn't mean to say Recovery.
I meant to say Reactionary.

Reactionary is a term that sits you well.

Actually, I've no idea what you're saying
in your reply.
By phart [Ignore] 13,Oct,22 09:55 other posts 
how can this be a good thing in the long term?
This is a direct violation of the constitution.
Freedom of speech.
this sets a precedent for the future that everyone that says anything offensive to a person or small group can be sued.
That is essentially erasing freedom of speech.

Does this mean I agree with Jones, No. he is a jurk.
But as I said,this judgement will erase freedom of speech for the American people in the long term

By the way,
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Jerry Nadler said the violence in portland was a MYTH>
people have died in portland to.
So should the lawyers sue Nadler now?
OH, he is a democrat, so he has freedom of speech.
The alex jones thing, although he is a jurk, is the simple fact he is linked to the conservative cause therefore a enemy of the democrat.
By #610414 13,Oct,22 14:07
Freedom of speech applies to speech that doesn't cause harm or mayhem. It's ok to speak, write, or communicate in some form, your views or opinions. What you can't do is bring harm or pain to other people when you do. These people endured over 10 yrs of pain and violent threats because of this jerk. The "judgement" was handed down to him by a jury of his peers. Twelve people true. Your last sentence, "the simple fact he is linked to the conservative cause therefore a enemy of the democrat" is pure horse shit. Weather he's an enemy of the Democrats has nothing to do with the hurt he put these people through. Let me give you an example, and right at front, I'm saying it's just made up, and also something you won't like. Suppose I say that I don't believe your Mom was pure. Suppose I say she was a slut and died sucking her neighbor's cock, and I broadcasted that daily on the radio, would you, knowing the truth, want to shut me up? I bet you would............and I'm sorry, it was just an example.
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I don't know about Jerry Nadler. This country is very litigious. If someone thinks he should be sued, that's for the courts to accept the suit or not
By phart [Ignore] 13,Oct,22 17:07 other posts 
I would want you to shut up but I would probably do something besides sue.
10 years of threats and "pain".
I can't deny there was mourning and a feeling of great loss and a desire for justice.BUT the 1 they should have sought justice for was the shooter.
This money will not bring back the kids,it will not stop Alex from speaking.
IF the people suing were really seeking justice,and not just riding on the money train, that money would be donated to charity or something.But no,the people will live high on the hog, acting like it is free money,when in reality,they LOST A HUMAN LIFE to get it.

And I would also like to know what section of the constitution sets the guidelines you speak of as to freedom of speech.
By #610414 13,Oct,22 17:50
The money was the punishment. The shooter will get his due. The Constitution states we have freedom of speech. The guidelines were set through many years of common and codified laws. Like many of the laws we live by, the Constitution states the obvious but, the nuances are here by use
By phart [Ignore] 14,Oct,22 20:32 other posts 
It has been shown that nancy pelosi,filmed by HER OWN DAUGHTER ,said she wanted to punch Donald Trump and nothing is being done.
She clearly stated she wanted to do physical harm to a SITTING PRESIDENT of the USA.
Where is the outrage? Why can she get away with that? She should have to eat Bryers icecream and her husband drink CHEAP liquor on a street corner while Donald enjoys her assets.
What Nancy did was wrong and she should pay.I mean,unless we are going to apply that ol democrat double standards thing again.hee?
By sherryann [Ignore] 14,Oct,22 20:56 other posts 
Phart, nothing will happen, she along with all the Trump haters will get away with anything & everything as long as it's against Trump. Hatred is found among people who think alike.
By phart [Ignore] 14,Oct,22 21:11 other posts 
By #610414 15,Oct,22 09:47
Sherryann you Republicans think alike. Does that mean you belong to a group of hateful people?😈
By sherryann [Ignore] 15,Oct,22 14:11 other posts 
CAT,I'm not a Republican or Democrat, (was Democrat long ago for years). I voted for Trump both times and will again. I suspect anyone can be a hate filled person including Republicans.
By #610414 15,Oct,22 14:21
Sherryann I'm sorry for assuming something not true. Let me edit that:

Sherryann, you Trumpists think alike. Does that mean you belong to a group of hateful people?😈
By sherryann [Ignore] 15,Oct,22 15:18 other posts 
No. We are decent law abiding law enforcement supporting truthful good people. Everything you claim we are, you are and worse. I'm not wasting my time energy or my Saturday going back & forth with you answering your questions. It's futile. I would rather we both send each other shit piles.
By phart [Ignore] 15,Oct,22 17:25 other posts 
I would like to add to her response and say that i am a registered independent or non affiliated ,which ever you choose to call it.
I have voted for a few democrats in lower level offices that were older men that were the "old" democrats that still had a little common sense.
By #610414 15,Oct,22 17:28
I never said you weren't. I just asked a question. I guess I got my answer.
By #610414 15,Oct,22 09:45
Phart, what exactly do you want to happen? You think if she is charged with this threat and goes to court then Trump would have to attend the proceedings and every bit of his dirty laundry would come out? Wouldn't that be great? The Speaker would gladly go for that. That treasonable son of a bitch should not have been president and you f..ING Repuckers should have convicted him on both impeachments. 👿
By phart [Ignore] 15,Oct,22 17:27 other posts 
I would like to see her go thru a impeachment trial or whatever is similar that has the power to remove her ass for unethical behavior. Like Sherry ann said, nothing will become of it and frankly, if this, jan 6,the russia hoax, hillarys emails and the whole fucking kicknkabootal was dropped and that energy and money used to FIX AMERICA,I would be fine with it.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 17,Oct,22 12:08 other posts 
Trump and all his administration were using private email servers too.
They won't punish him for that either. He has done much worse.
And Hillary cooperated with the investigation, Trump didn't.
She was saying that, because the president send an angry mob to hang her
and Mike Pence and AOC and stop the democratic process.
I agree it was wrong, but Trump said much worse about her.
By phart [Ignore] 17,Oct,22 13:44 other posts 
Well anything Trump said about nancy was earned by nancy, she and that elizebeth warren and that other crazy 1,are enemy's of the state.
By #610414 19,Oct,22 07:32
Trump has lied all his life but he really worked overtime during his presidency.
Did Nancy send a mob after him, with the intent of killing him?
Trump tried to do a coup. Tell me what Nancy did that makes her worse.
By phart [Ignore] 14,Oct,22 21:11 other posts 
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By #610414 15,Oct,22 10:17
That is his right
Wow, you are being so predictable. Didn't I say that you defend right-wingers who violate the limits on free speech?

The limits on free speech are incitement, defamation, fraud, obscenity, child pornography, fighting words, and threats. That was what Alex Jones was doing. He was demonizing survivors and parents as paid crisis actors and then right-wing idiots made the life of parents who lost children and children who saw their schoolmates being murdered even worse than the hell it already was. Alex Jones was personally hurting them. He had no evidence for that. He only did it to sell more ape-scrotum-powder and other bullshit snake-oil, that he claims has all sorts of health benefits and the FDA should sue him over.

How is that the same as discrediting the claims of right-wingers that Antifa was involved with the violence in Portland. What is the evidence for that? Is Jerry Nadler causing threats the families in Portland? How is he doing incitement, defamation, fraud, obscenity, child pornography, fighting words, or threat?
If he is, yes, lawyers of affected families OF HIS SPEECH should sue Nadler.
By phart [Ignore] 16,Oct,22 09:04 other posts 
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I will add to that,that fucking dr fauchi should pay 100 billion or more. sumbitch lied about mask for 2 months and caused people to die.
A direct link to peoples death.Not just words or a theory,but he had the respect of millions and let them down.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 17,Oct,22 11:51 other posts 
If you can prove that Fauci knew masks did prevent Covid infection and he lied about that, that's a good reason to sue him over. It depends if he can argue that the science was not clear yet at that time or that he lied to protect hospital personnel during a shortage of masks, weather it sticks to him. Still, I would support the attempt, because my country was affected by the same lies. It is never OK to lie to the public, for whatever reason, because it harms trust.

Speaking about trust during a pandemic; Trump was commander-in-chief and lied
much worse about much more. And how about Tucker Carlson? Why not sue them
for all their lying, which surely caused more deaths?

However, Fauci did not do it for his own benefit, but he was a spokesman for the government organization trying to contain a deadly pandemic. Alex Jones was peddling lies only to enrich himself and punish political enemies.
By phart [Ignore] 17,Oct,22 13:47 other posts 
fauci had a financial stake in the lab that the virus came from, perhaps not his money directly being used, but he benefited. we learned in school that virus's travel by air.that is not even debatable.
He convinced the American people that mask were not needed.BUT the medical staff had to wear them for some odd reason?
that gave the virus 2 months or more to spread like wildfire.
Trump at first had no reason not to trust fauchi,and fauchi knew that.So he took advantage of it to eventually make Trump look bad,which left wingers got ahold of and ran with .
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 21,Oct,22 11:14 other posts 
And how does he benefit personally from that lab during Covid then?
It seems like that lab doesn't have much of a future now.
If he had any personal investments in it, he surely lost his money.

Not all viruses travel by air; e.g. chicken-pox, HIV, monkeypox and 'kissing disease'.

There were no masks available and right-wingers wouldn't wear them anyway,
so your accusation doesn't fly. He should have been honest, but that might have
created bigger risks, if selfish people started hoarding masks. People could stay at home, medical staff could not.

Trump made himself look bad. He said Covid was a hoax publicly, while acknowledging it was very dangerous privately. He peddled stupid shit like injecting bleach, a bright light in the lungs, Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. That was all misinformation.
By #610414 21,Oct,22 14:08
fauci had a financial stake in the lab that the virus came from, That is a lie. Maybe you forget that The Clown closed down the department that handles pandemics and stripped the government warehouses of decease fighting equipment and supplies, including respirators and MASKS.
If viruses travel only by air, why did we use so much hand and surface desinfectants? The Clown never needed any help to look bad. His ignorance of facts ant ten yrs old knows is well documented. And if you don't believe that, look how he's behaving now.

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