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And we all thought that Trump likes cats rather than dogs only registered users can see external links
I mention the possibility of an intimate liaison between Jared Kushner and Mohammad bin Salman for the purpose of humor.
The best explanation I've ever seen of why the West finds itself saddled with such an unsavoury "ally". Lots of other good stuff too.
[deleted image]
It is legal to smoke pot in all National Parks because when you're camping, it is considered a temporary home.
You know in Colorado and the other states that can sell weed here in the US, the dealers can not put the money in a US FDIC insured bank because Thankfully the Feds still consider it **** money and would seize it!.
Car wrecks have increased in Colorado.
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Trump and anyone else with any sense at all would take a second look at all this and shake their heads.
You see Phart, Bob has been having a toke after work for years, it's just where he gets it that's changed. The pot sold in your neighbourhood, and it IS being sold there, is profiting the Mafia and whatever thugs run the racket and it's not going to go away. Your prisons are full of non violent pot users in part because they are for profit prisons and the owners want them full of anybody yet your chiidren are being murdered daily in their classrooms and nobody seems to give a flying fuck about it. Where are your priorities Phart? Killing chiidren by the hundreds every year is OK but smoking a joint after work is the crime of the century?
Do you know about the opioid crisis? People are dying in the streets of the world, including Canada, and that is THE real problem that we need to take care of.
So the bottom line Phart is that it's just not worth the while of police and courts to fight a fight that is unwinnable and futile. Most Canadian citizens and politicians are OK with the change so we did it and you can be sure that other states will do it too. Get used to it.
It didn't stop when Prohibition was lifted.
The mountains are full of stills to this day making moonshine,and from what I understand the moonshiners are NOT paying any taxes. People buy it because it is better quality and the government does not get taxes off it.
And do you know why the government does not like moonshiners? Because they don't pay taxes.
Why is pot legal in your country now? Taxes.
Will it stop the unlawfully sold weed? No, the unlawful weed will be cheaper and plentiful and folks will be growing it at home and mislabeling it and so forth.
Only time will help you understand the Pandora's box you have opened.
Mafia,Do you HONESTLY think the Mafia is going to just wither up and blow away like yesterdays fart? NO, they will just sell more crack,more cocaine,and who knows what else.The damn Mafia is MUCH more powerful than any government and in some sense has better morals than our government. Remember who came up with the soup kitchen first? Al Capone.Google it.
Yes, short term profits for your government.But long term dope heads dependent on your government later.A BAD tradeoff.
Best I can remember the gal I grew up with that turned out to be my former girlfriend, her first use of drugs was weed,then it was not enough,and she went on to other stuff.
The market for the stronger stuff will bring the Mafia to the top once again. And the government will be faced with a much larger monster to try to cage.
Where did you find the "facts" about impaired accidents and workplace injuries will likely increase tenfold because of the legalization of cannabis?
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This 1 pisses me off because if someone goes to work high,they should NOT collect if they are hurt because of it.
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this link can lead to better understanding of how some folks will downplay the role of pot in a accident.Which causes the stats you or I would use in a argument to be incorrect or biased or hard to find.
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I can provide more if need be.
edit,here is 1 that will help with the tax revenue,
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overall crime, the report said, went up by 11 percent in Colorado between 2013 and 2016, and in the state's biggest city, Denver, crime rose by 17 percent. Despite promises that marijuana sales would generate major tax revenue, only 0.8 percent of the state's budget was paid for by pot taxes.
Now that is less than 1 percent.Are the lives lost worth that lousy .8 %>? I mean really.
By the way,would any of you want a ems worker or a fireman responding to a call at your home high on pot?
--------------------------------------- added after 107 hours
I was just eating breakfast awhile ago with some policeman and at another table,a nurse in a ER.
The Er nurse said during her shift they get 3 to 5 per night of heroin od's. The 1's they are able to talk to once the emergency is under control, yep,they started out with pot,it was not enough and they moved up.
Not as many as you would think come up saying pain meds led to it as the media wants you to believe.Could it be the liberal media steering opinion? Hum.
Pot is not the biggest issue locally. It is heroin and a lot of folks are not making it to the hospital after they od. Actually the next county over is number 1 in the state for heroin od.
Sadly, the cops told me they and the ambulance folks will respond to a od, and give the narcon, some one will call a hour later from the same address and need the narcon AGAIN.
They had 1 person that did it 6 times in 24 hours!!!
Meth, they said the Mexicans are importing it now because it is cheaper and the fact the folks here can't get all the stuff to make it.
I ask about dwi and the cops told me if a person fly's in from a state that pot is legal to smoke and they rent a car and they are pulled and found impaired,it is a dwi and they will be dealt with.
They did tell me that during a traffic stop or something the pot head is calmer and easier to arrest and control than a meth or heroin addict.
They also said that due to the better economy **** use in general is DOWN from what it was during the last recession.
Strange,I would have thought it the other way around?
I mean really? What people need is help cleaning up and rebuilding.Paper towels can be used to clean mold and mildew and be burned to rid of the germs for good.
As for Puerto Rico,those poor folks need some help,to move off that damn island and to a safer place to live.
Humans and their structures can not stand on a tiny island that is surrounded by a huge ocean and expect to survive. The constant rebuilding is costly,the death toll is untolerable.
It is more logical to help those people pack and leave instead of rebuilding and rebuilding and etc.
And I can't help but remember a few weeks ago about 6 semi trailers of "aid" were found abandoned in a parking lot.Some it spoiled and ruined,the remainder was to be sent there. I am also reminded of the pallets of tarps and building materials that are rotting in the sun down there.
I also read the stock holders report from 1 of the major power company's that sent trucks and men down there to fix the power grid. All the tourist dollars that come into that place must go into someones pocket because the power grid was very outdated and about impossible to fix.My neighbor went on a mission trip down there. They built a small school. Went back later,the school was GONE and there were mulitable little "huts" built from the material.
Complicated,no real answer.As long as there is more that 1 person,there will be more that 1 opionion.
Kinda like joke about the lone survivor of a plane crash on a small island. When they found him he had built a makeshift town with 2 churches. When ask why 2 churches , he said he didn't like the opionions of the folks in the first 1! Split personality!
A majority implies there is a minority. So men are falsely accused? What standard do we use to determine who is telling the truth and who is not telling the truth?
Perhaps it is a situation it is best to let a sleeping dog lay? Or perhaps our health care system needs to have something setup to help women in this situation deal with the mental stress ?
I mean,1 perspective could be,if the man r@ped me 30 years ago,what will he do to me now if he gets the chance to catch me in a dark corner? Am I willing to risk being killed?
Another perspective could be,a simple case of mistaken Id. OH there is the guy that groped me 30 years ago! Wham. And that guy might have been 400 miles away using a chainsaw at the time she claims he was groping her boob.
Slippery slope,slipper slope. Makes alot of us afraid to unzip our pants.
But in reality,if you up and shot a r@peist and got him off the street,most folks could not care less.you did your part to clean the gene pool.
Let's say a gay man runs a large company and a couple women not really knowing he is gay try to seduce him to get a job or a promotion.
Ok,let's say this poor fellow has night mares and so forth and suffers mental aquish.
20 years later 1 of those women is up for election for govenor of their state.This gay guy comes out saying she tried to seduce him for a job.
He would not have any more evidence than a woman would to prove his case.Nor would the women have any evidence to prove themselves innocent.
With the tables turned, and this new logic of women never lieing about sexual things, would the gay guy get sent sailing out the door head first or would anyone listen to him?
In fact, you should believe in nobody except on facts.
Belief and faith are words that only idiots make use of.
However, it is a fact that, thanks to societal structure and religions, women have been suffering much more than men. This is not to say that there are no women who take advantage of anything in order to promote themselves.
When it comes to the choice of a single person who is to be the judge of the court, then this person should be free of ALL suspicions. Even if there's a 0.01 % chance that this person has harassed women (and the chance is at least that in the case of Kavanaugh), then this person should not be chosen. Pass this person. Make another choice.
But, in an era where the thugs rule, of course the simple rationale above is ignored.
There are no perfect humans.All have flaws,all have done "wrong" since I can't use "sinned" as you would immediately assume I was being religious again.
I doubt most folks Knighted by the Queen are perfect enough to make it thru the media's bashing and the liberal sifter.
Name a person that would be a good supreme court justice. Just 1 name. Then the rest of us can sit back and pick them apart.
I was under the impression that he was 1 of the better mayors of New york.Some of them,like the 1 outlawying a large drink,seem a bit nutty.
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The Trump administration’s antipathy to tackling climate change is well known
– the President has called climate change a hoax invented by China and pledged to
take the U.S. out of the Paris climate change agreement, while a recent
U.S. government report suggests that global temperatures will rise by 4°C (7°F)
– and that there is nothing we can do about it,
so we might as well carry on pumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
Trump will be held responsible for the destruction of humanity. It's not a joke.
But it will be too late. There will be no room for sorries and apologies because
your grandgrandchildren will die. And they will be thinking of you, your ancestors,
as the ones who supported the destruction.
A year ago, we learned: New Study Says Extreme Climate Change Preventable only registered users can see external links
That was, actually, false. Things are
Now, right now, scientists politely urge
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But people think that an uneducated businessman knows more than scientists.
He only cares about his skin and about his well-being until he dies.
He does not care about his supporters, he does not care about the world,
he does not care about humans, he does not care about your descendants.
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Or that volcano in Hawaii will erupt some more.Does anyone study the effects of a volcano in relation to the humans effects?
WE as industrialized humans have been making smoke since the 1800's with steam locomotives and the like. Less that 200 years!The earth has been here for MILLIONS of years.IF we stopped making smoke ,smoke as being pollution", right now, the earth will still continue to evolve and change and kill us off right along with the dino's. We are just another parasite on the earth and we will be ridden of just as the dino's.
Creating panic and economic suffering to try to stave off a change in the earths temp is futile at best and will only negatively affect humans in the long run.
Kinda like a volkswagon trying to push over Mount Everest.
He's using the language of the billionaires, even though, probably, he's not even a rich guy.
Also, he doesn't realize that anyone would rather suffer financially in a clean planet, and be poor, rather than be a millionaire in a dying planet.
That's what the religious retarded conservative right has done to many of your compatriots. It has transformed them into vegetables. 50% or so of the population of the supposedly no. 1 country in the world dares refute the scientific process, with the blessing of the government.
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But they are so uneducated that last night, on one of the Late Shows they asked people on the street if Trump did right in supporting Christopher Columbus for the Supreme Court nomination. They all answered some form of approval,, how can we convince this great unwashed of the dangers of denial when they don't even know what is happening around them
It's so fucking funny!!!!
(And sad at the same time.)
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NO one wants to suffer,on a dying planet or a clean 1. We could have both a clean planet and prosperity if folks would use HYDRO,SOLAR and wind for energy instead of Nuclear.
I am not religious,according to a verse in the Bible I am not welcome into the Church because my balls were damaged when I was a ****.So don't call me religious,I doubt I can do anything to defy the Word and get up to Heaven.
I am not retarded.I am college educated.
I WILL always rebel against authority if it ask something of me I don't feel is right and I will always rebel science that refuses to look at ALL the side effects of their ideas and try to come to a compromise.
The thing is that nuclear energy is safe and environmentally friendly. In the same time nuclear facilities have been in operation, in the USA (1942 to now) there was 3 mile island, but no one died directly from the accident (cancer from radiation is still under study) but nothing else. In the same time, millions of people died from complications of tainted air. One thing about science is that it works with facts only. People, on the other hand, have a habit of believing in science fiction and want to know why science ignores this
Also,do some googling about the disposal site,I think in Oregon,that holds a bunch of used nuclear fuel,Rods.Leaking into ground water. We need water,just as bad as we need air!
A neighbor made ALOT of money shortly after 3mile island welding in auxiliary cooling systems into nuclear plants all over the country. It took a large crew to do the job as exposure times were limited. He had to wear a badge that would alert him when he had been exposed to the acceptable level of radiation. He could not stay in the space but for 15 minutes to weld.It took part of that to setup to do the weld,and it had to be xrayed. Years later,He is now eat up with all kinds of ailments.
The plant nearest to me had a little known "near tragedy" a few years ago.The lake water used to for cooling has fish in it.Environmentalist demanded a filter screen be installed on the pumping system to prevent hurting the fish.Hum, 1 day temps starting rising,alarms were going off! OH SHIT. Turns out that screen was clogged up with,You guessed it, FISH. Of course you didn't hear about that on the news because your friends in the media made sure you heard all about that terrible coal ash.
The Investigating Commission found the nuclear disaster was "manmade", that the direct causes of the accident were all foreseeable prior to 11 March 2011. The report also found that the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant was incapable of withstanding the earthquake and tsunami. The earthquake was a magnitude 9.0. That is very very strong, and the tsunami it cause was 15 meters high,,that's 49" to you. A monstrous wave that finished what the earthquake started. The plant was built in the wrong location too close to an earthquake fault line. Now, all this is known and as you say, on the net. The place is still dangerous to go too near and the sea life around is contaminated and is continually monitored.
I'm sorry for your neighbor, High risk jobs are just that. Auto brake mechanics almost always develop lung decease from the asbestos dust from the pads. AC techs have more burns from refrigerant leaks than stove repair men.
The fuel rd depository is a real concern, but, you will find that the danger is from us. We shortchange the construction, we push through dubious plans,,and downright embezzle the money to do a good job
So they can't be perfect or fool proof.
As long as there is a Human involved,something can fuck up.
We as the human race would need to step back 200 years and give up the world as we know it for a positive change to be made for 5 generations ahead to notice it. And then,if they don't learn from the mistakes we made,they will just put the earth right back where it was before the change.Because we are human.
If you want to save earth,you would have to leave it and go somewhere else. And then, that place would eventually get screwed up to!
technology is to blame,we wanted better lives over a 100 years ago.We got them,as we are so much better off than our ancestors. I mean look,we can communicate to others 1000's of miles away!
Could we do that and the environment not be changed?
"our sun will go supernova at some point" ... that'll take a few billion years.
"WE as industrialized humans have been making smoke since the 1800's with steam locomotives and the like. Less that 200 years!" Indeed, and we've fucked the Earth up more than any physical process would have fucked it up in millions of years.
All that is proven, man.
Your reaction is due to the fact that this idiot (Trump) and all his likes are keeping you and others in darkness because they themselves are STUPID.
Who cares about economic suffering?
Economic suffering is nothing compared to what's gonna happen. NOTHING.
Your grandgrandchildren would rather be poor and live on the streets than suffer the consequences of the total fuckup going on.
How dare you refute all scientists? Have you any idea of what science means or does?
"Who cares about economic suffering"
MOST normal People that are trying to live today!
With people like Rocket Man and folks in Iran with nukes,and all the aging nuclear plants leaking radiation,and you are worried about some smog? Come on man,THINK for a minute.
Have they got the leaking stopped in Japan from that nuclear plant that was damaged and pouring out radiation into the ocean and so forth? Nope.
They did build a solar farm near Chernobyl but there is still radiation leaking,still people sick.
Just so you can have affordable electricity to run your computer to call ME a idiot for wanting to burn a bit more oil or coal.
Neither of us are idiots. We just don't agree.
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1. Only 45% of Americans were able to correctly identify what the initials in GOP stood for: Grand Old Party. Other popular guesses were Government of the People and God’s Own Party. Republicans obviously scored much better than Democrats did on this answer. [source]
2. 55% of Americans believe that Christianity was written into the Constitution and that the founding fathers wanted One Nation Under Jesus. This includes 75% of Republicans and Evangelicals. [source]
3. Although a “relatively” high 40% of people were able to name all three of the United States branches of government — executive, legislative and judicial — a far lower percentage knew the length of a Senator’s term. Just 25% responded that a Senator’s term stretches for six years. Even less, 20%, knew how many Senators there were. [source]
4. Americans are known to pick recent heads of state as among the best president in history, which is why Clinton and Reagan regularly rank higher than Lincoln, FDR and Washington. However, Hoover used to routinely top polls of the worst, but today, just 43% of Americans knew who he was, according to statistics from the University of Pennsylvania. [source]
5. When asked on what year 9/11 took place, 30% of Americans were unable to answer the question correctly, even as few as five years after the attack. This was according to a Washington Post poll conducted in 2006. . [source]
6. It’s not shocking that 80% of Americans believe that there is life out there somewhere, because it’s hard to look at a vast universe and think we’re completely alone. But another 1 in 5 allege that an alien life form has abducted a friend or family member of theirs, which based on population estimates of around 300 million means that a lot of fucking people have been probed. [source]
7. When looking at a map of the world, young Americans had a difficult time correctly identifying Iraq (1 in 7) and Afghanistan (17%). This isn’t that surprising, but only a slim majority (51%) knew where New York was. According to Forbes and National Geographic, an alarming 29% couldn’t point to the Pacific Ocean. [source]
8. 25% of Americans were unable to identify the country from which America gained its independence. Although 19% stated that they were unsure, Gallup findings indicated that others stated answers varying from France to China. Older folks scored much better than young people on this question, as a third of those 18-29 were unable to come up with the correct answer. [source]
9. Despite being a constant fixture in school curricula, another 30% of Americans didn’t know what the Holocaust was. Despite being some of the worst devastation in human history, Americans were unable to identify the country responsible: We were. Us. [source]
10. Even though we are a predominantly Christian country, only half of Americans knew that Judaism came before Christianity, because the words “Old Testament” are apparently very confusing in that regard. [source]
11. A surprisingly high percentage of Americans, 20%, believe that the Sun revolves around the Earth, instead of the opposite, aka. the correct answer. This is despite the fact that centuries of science have consistently proved otherwise. [source]
12. In 2011, Newsweek found that 29% of Americans were unable to correctly identify the current Vice President, Joe Biden, when asked to take a simple citizenship test. Although a relatively low 6% didn’t know when Independence Day was, a much, much higher percentage (73%) had no idea why we fought the Cold War. [source]
13. According to most polls, Americans didn’t know that Obamacare was scheduled to go into effect. Kaiser puts the number at 64%, whereas others say as few as 1 in 8. [source]
14. 2006 AP polls showed that a majority of Americans were unable to name more than one of the protections guaranteed in the first Amendment of the Constitution — which include speech, assembly, religion, press and “redress of grievance.” Just 1 in 1000 could name all of these five freedoms. However, 22% were able to come up with the name of every member of the Simpson family. [source] TC mark
Some things like the date Obama care was to take place,are not first and foremost in our minds as there was LITTLE to nothing we could do about it.
Most of us would need to read up some before answering those questions.
I hated studying for test as a youngan.
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