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Started by kebmo [Ignore] 19,Jul,18 05:03  other posts
I'm sure a lot of people here don't want to talk about the US President. I am also sure that there are a lot of people that do want to so let's do it here so they won't have to "listen" to us if they choose not to.
I watch a LOT of news, Canadian and American. I don't get Foxx News but I do get CNN and MSNBC which are very left leaning. The two Canadian news networks, CBC News and CTV News are more middle of the road. I watch the late shows too and I especially like Seth Myers' "A Closer Look".

Let's talk Trump!

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By leopoldij [Ignore] 07,Nov,18 19:23 other posts 
Trump threatened to adopt a “warlike posture” and retaliate if they use their newfound power to investigate his financial and political dealings.

Imagine the audacity of the democrats! To want to investigate the president's dealings! How stupid! This president is above the law!

By kebmo [Ignore] 07,Nov,18 03:45 other posts 
Well I think that went rather well. The babysitters have arrived.
By #491031 07,Nov,18 12:17
Let the spankings begin!

By #551147 02,Nov,18 13:51
There's so much pure unadulterated bullshit, anger, and idiocy in this thread. I don't even know where to begin... Someday! If the mood strikes me (which will probably be NEVER). I may indulge myself, and attempt to explain the definition of "liberalism". For now, I simply don't have the strength. As arguing with a "liberal" is like arguing with someone with attention deficit disorder. Don't like what I've said... Go suck a dick! 😉
By #491031 02,Nov,18 16:40
For the record, I'm okay with sucking a dick no matter how you define "liberalism".
By #551147 04,Nov,18 12:22
This is EXACTLY why you are loved by many... 😘
By #491031 04,Nov,18 17:30
"Loved" is kind of a strong word. I've always viewed it more like "Fondly tolerated".
By kebmo [Ignore] 03,Nov,18 00:18 other posts 
Scorpio, that's why I started it in it's own thread. It's not for everyone. You can choose to open it or not. There is no middle of the road with Trump. It's a love or **** situation but if you open this thread, that's what you'll find, love or ****.
--------------------------------------- added after 38 hours

By #551147 04,Nov,18 12:23
I get that Kebmo, and thanks for doing so.
By #562152 03,Nov,18 09:42
Scorpio69,,whether there is or there isn't bs,anger,idiocy in this thread, at least we have the balls to state our views. I find it amusing that you can come and imply you have the definition for a liberal but you don't have the balls to describe yourself and give valid reasons why we should emulate your way of thinking. You may feel that arguing with us is like arguing with someone who has attention defecit disorder. We have similar problems. Arguing with your type is like dealing with a toddler who wants a toy and can't have it
By #551147 04,Nov,18 12:32
Feisty old broad huh? Well... You got the right one this time. 😉 My lack of explaining, certainly didn't have anything to do with my balls, it was strength as aforementioned. SEE! YOU read into what I said, what YOU wanted to see. Put your bifocals on and GET IT RIGHT, ok? As for acting like a toddler who can't have a toy. Well... I was an ONLY c.h.i.l.d. so I may somewhat fit that description. Alas, I will say this, FACTS Trump BULLSHIT any day of the week. Good luck kool aid drinker. I would have thought by now at YOUR age you would have grown up. My BAD for assuming such.
By #562152 04,Nov,18 14:55
You can call me an old broad and take offense when I suggest getting a set and explaining yourself? Ok. At least tell us why it’s so hard for you to explain liberalism and why you think it’s a bad thing
By #551147 05,Nov,18 04:08
Heya TWOWARM... I took NO offense to what you said. As for the "old broad" comment, lighten up! It was akin to a lil poke in the ribs as we are not that far apart in age. 😉 All in due time I will explain. I promise! 🤚
By phart [Ignore] 04,Nov,18 14:56 other posts 
I happen to like Grape Koolaid.
I was a only chi1d myself and I won't get into it but if I was raised today I would have been taken away and put in foster care while my mother sat in prison.
But I decided when she did leave home and left me to learn on my own how to take care of myself and so on that I would pay attention to others actions and the results and learn from it.Someone wrote that is what a wise man would do. My knowledge and opionions are derived from watching the news, talking with real people out there in the real world that try to run bussiness's and raise familys.And from a college education.Although I don't write like. Biggest waste of those years of my life.I could have had several more years towards retirement to show for that time from a decent county or state job.
For example. Before Trump the unempolyment rate around here was very high. Construction workers were loosing homes and struggling. Now, you never see them at home,always working. New vehicals in the yards, kids in college, life is better for them. Leadership that understands bussiness can help folks get back to work. Logical.
Watching these bafoons like the 1 running for gov in Florida while under investigation by the FBI btw, makes me sick.I know there are alot of democrats in that state.But they can't all be dumb enough to vote for that dumbass.And his color aint got a damn thing to do with his abilty to run a state.It is his ethics that are on tv -Fox news if you take a moment and watch, that are a problem.
By #551147 05,Nov,18 04:25
Hey phart, next time try a splash of vodka in your grape kool aid 😉 Yum! 😋 I do primarily watch fox news, but! I occasionally watch HLN and CNN until I can no longer tolerate their bashing. However, most my opinions and beliefs are self formed, and I take pride in that. It's what makes me, ME!
By #562152 04,Nov,18 15:00
When Obama was president conservatives ripped him a new one. The Rush Limbaugh’s of the day, and every right wing conservative accused him of being a chimp with stupid ideas. Now, we are the “fake news” because we criticize Trump.
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And what exactly is he doing or done that makes people like you kiss his ass like he was a savior?
By #551147 05,Nov,18 04:50
I think you are directing this at phart, but I would like to comment.

Obama seemed like a cool guy, great dad, and a decent husband. No question in my mind about that. It was his radical ideas that I, personally, did NOT subscribe to. That being said... Guess what! I was INFURIATED when people actually made it across the lawn to the door of the White House. He was at the time, THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES! My President (not my choice or my pick) nevertheless My President!! He was leading the best country, in MY opinion, in the ENTIRE world. And as such, should be protected the VERY best from any and all lunatics no matter from what walk of life they are from. Do you understand that? Outraged! Speaking against his views is one thing, and certainly don't rise to "bashing him".

Does this President AT MINIMUM! Get the same MINIMUM respect? Whether you OR anybody else in the United Staes likes him or not. He's our President! I don't necessarily agree with everything he says, as I didn't necessarily disagree with everything Obama said. But I bet you by God, you can't cite ONE instance calling for Obama's death. At least from anyone of any importance. Can you?

Disagree with his ideas, stay strong to your convictions, all you like. Make any and every attempt you can to change the guy's mind. Calling him vile names and for his death is a lil overboard and frankly despicable and abhorrent!

OH! Almost forgot to address 2 other of your remarks.

This is just ONE example, the most recent that I personally observed. That I'm recalling at this very moment for the sake of discussion. "Fake News" Yeah, you gotdamn betcha! When he says he's a "nationalist" and one of the idiot channels remarks that he stated OR eluded to... "WHITE NATIONALIST" WTF else can you make of that, other than... "FAKE NEWS"? Any SANE individual should be able to see why it's called "fake news". Why twist his words at all? Does that make sense to you? Why twist it? Just report what he said WITHOUT the friggin spin, conjecture, or personal opinion, conspiracy theory, etc. It's IDIOTIC! Hearing that how many actually believe now that he did say white nationalist? That is why, to answer that remark.

Lastly... I can only speak for me. I'm not, nor have I ever kissed anyones ass, nor our President, for any reason whatsoever. The man has made many changes for the positive, in my opinion and should be applauded for such. Nothing more nothing less. Unemployment lowest in like 50 years, people are making more money, getting raises, our healthcare costs actually went down and that's BIG when you have many k.i.d.s. like I do. He cares about OUR country! That is what's MOST important. For example... I care to a certain degree about my neighbors and their c.h.i.l.d.r.e.n, but to my or my family's peril... HELL NO! Who would? You? Would you care more about your neighbors family than your own? Using that analogy, he wants OUR country to be even better and stronger than any other in the world. But, he's such an asshole and bigot, right? Funny! For being such a racist, all the other races (non whites) in this country are sure benefitting from his choices.
By kebmo [Ignore] 05,Nov,18 05:03 other posts 
Scorpio, I bet heads rolled for the breaches of security at the White House. Big heads.
By #551147 05,Nov,18 05:25
I hope they did! It actually happened a couple times if you remember? I was in D.C. when a man with a gun got near the white house. He got what he deserved, they shot and killed him. I never wanted to see a hair on Obama's head harmed. As he was OUR leader. Trump doesn't even get that modicum of respect. Anyone with that much hatred in their heart for another human being, to call for his death and many of the other vile garbage they say directly about him or his family, should be ashamed. You can disagree all day long without making it personal. It's sickening! BTW... You guys Leader 😁😁😁 He's kinda cute though 😉
By #491031 05,Nov,18 12:20
Scorpio, I don't want him dead, but he IS one of the most repulsive human beings in existence. (He's kind of like Paris Hilton in a suit.) The guy has no class. This is not a conclusion I arrived at just recently...that's been my view on Trump since as far back as I can remember.
I hear a lot of people complaining about Trump-bashing, but they all tend to overlook the fact that he is actually the Basher in Chief.
The President sets the tone, and the tone these days is pretty crappy...
By #562152 05,Nov,18 12:02
Scorpio69, the president is the president and the office demands respect. No argument with that. What you forget is that many of his accomplishments were started by the previous administration. You know whom I mean. The one refered by Mr Trump’s base as the chimp? Along with his wife? As far as other races benefiting, his demeanor and actions have set back race relations 50 yrs. I will give you that we,as a country, buy too many foreign made products. But, no one was complaining when the unions got lug nut installers $25 an hour contract at Ford. And similar in other industries so our manufacturers left for China and other countries. There’s been as many Republican presidents as democrats yet no one stopped the exodus of these manufacturers. Now, Mr Trump wants to fix it with tariffs. Poor idea. Tariffs don’t work. And lastly, we’ve always been the land of milk and honey. Where does he get off saying we need to make this country great again? When did we stopped being number one? Maybe he meant “not great for him and his rich cronies?”
By kebmo [Ignore] 05,Nov,18 19:24 other posts 
TWM and Phart, I STRONGLY disagree with your statements that the President and their office demand respect. Demand? Respect is earned and it is the opinion of myself and a millions of others that Mr. Trump is not a respectable person. He represents the Office of the President so by default the Office does not have the respect of millions of people either...for now.
By #562152 05,Nov,18 20:40
I'm sorry I didn't make myself clear. The office of the presidency demands and should get respect. Case in point, you do not address president Trump as Mr Asshole. The man on the other hand is and often described as an asshole.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Nov,18 18:55 other posts 
There is no clear black and white answer to alot of the questions ask here and else where.
But let me ask a question that I know will have different answers but it might help you think.
How many of you would fill the postion of President and take all the bullshit Trump has and still keep trying to fullfill the promises you made to the people that put you in office? Not many I bet. Most would either chicken out or cry "everybody hates me".
Trump has been given the least amount of respect by the media and folks that disagree with him than any other prez in our nations recent history. Obama got more respect that Trump.Bill Clinton was getting blow jobs from interns before meeting with important leaders from other countrys and he still gets respect.
I think Trump gets less respect because he does not hold back on how he feels and he has succeeded in life. Most folks that don't like him will give a long list of reasons, but deep down it is simple.They are jealous of his successe's.
I don't kiss Trumps ass. I just feel like he is trying to do what he promised us and is fighting a long hard fight while doing it.
I disagree with the parties view on net neurality and the E 15 gas crap but hell, we would be blown to hell by Rocket man by now if HIllary had got in.
By #562152 05,Nov,18 20:47
All presidents have their agenda and people that support him and people that don't. The rough way he pushes his ideas is one reason he gets little respect. He acts like a king instead as a president

By kebmo [Ignore] 27,Oct,18 03:56 other posts 
Gee I really hope that the 7,000 people from Honduras don't get into the US as refugees. I really don't think that the US could handle a population increase of 0.000021492%. That would be the same as 700 people coming to Canada.
By phart [Ignore] 27,Oct,18 10:24 other posts 
last count I heard was 14000.That included the MS13 members along for the trip. and honestly, no ,our systems are not designed to handle so many people.Each county has x amount of money and it is meant for the citizens of that county. not every other countrys rejects. WHy don't those people stand up and fight or why doesn't someone go down there and elimate the threat they claim to run from?
By kebmo [Ignore] 27,Oct,18 14:04 other posts 
You are making the same claims that some Canadians made before we welcomed 25,000 Syrians in 2015/16. "There are bad guys amongst them". Well we accepted them and they haven't overrun our country...yet.
I think the US should be more concerned about Americans killing Americans, not refugees. You know, like the terrorist that was arrested yesterday. American born Florida resident.
--------------------------------------- added after 15 minutes
….and in Pittsburgh today. Robert Bowers was arrested for the slaughter of eight people in a place of worship.

Americans killing, or trying to kill, Americans.
By #491031 27,Oct,18 16:16
Any moment, some Trumpian nimrod will declare this, too, as a liberal plot to discredit Trump.

While we are on the subject of the Fucktard in Chief:
Trump actually said that the shootings in Pittsburgh have nothing to do with "Merica's gun laws and that, if an armed guard had been present at the synagogue, the deaths could have been prevented.
By phart [Ignore] 27,Oct,18 16:37 other posts 
Trump is correct a armed guard may have prevented that tragedy.
Just last week while eating breakfast there was about 10 people at a near by long table discussing church safety.Turns out the sheriff's department is coordinating efforts with church deacons to TRAIN church members how to carry,and use a firearm in a hostile situation.Yep,the very thing that threatens the members,is sadly the only tool that protect them. Unless you all want to stand out side with some Wasp spray maby?

I am starting to think perhaps we need to open a safe trail north thru the US to Canada and let those Hondurans go leach off your governments programs.Hell,some of the immigrants already here might join them and we would be rid of them! Instead of 14,000 you all might get a bonus crowd of 50,000?
Once leached dry,you all might see things different.
The Horn Of Plenty does have a bottom.
Kembo,I am glad you did add the word "YET" to your statement. At least I can rest assured knowing that YOU know the possibility is there for problems later.
I have a friend that lives about 3 hours away by interstate hwy. I went to visit shortly after 9-11 and we were out in the back yard. I saw yellow tape around a house up the hill. I ask why? He said 1 of the pilots of the crashed planes had came to the US and married a really fat,as in 350 pound woman,that lived there a couple years before.Police had it roped off for investigation. He said a week before he had spoke to the guy.Never had any problems or police calls. Just a average neighbor.Until that day.
It can and will sneak up on you.
By kebmo [Ignore] 28,Oct,18 00:39 other posts 
Maybe if the US tweeked the Second Amendment so there weren't so many guns in the US, Americans would stop being slaughtered by other Americans. Phart, Americans are the people you need to fear, not immigrants. I know you have stories about immigrants killing Americans but for every one of those, there are probably 100 about Americans killing each other.
Who slaughters chiidren in your schools? Americans. Who slaughtered people in multiple places of worship in the last five years? Americans.
Places of worship and schools shouldn't have to have armed guards, people shouldn't be shooting the people that are inside such places.
This DOES NOT happen in Canada on such a horrifying scale because we are not a country full of guns.
By phart [Ignore] 28,Oct,18 10:02 other posts 
Yes I know that the school killers are American citizens ok?
I think the main point you are missing is there is a bottom to the barrel of goodies the immigrants are coming her for,.
You have better sense than to think money grows on trees and grocerys come from out of the sky .
By #491031 28,Oct,18 16:55
Here in 'Merica, we love our guns more than we love our ch1ldren...
By phart [Ignore] 28,Oct,18 23:17 other posts 
You might love your guns more than your kids,but most love their kids more.That is why they have guns to defend them! DUH
don't put no "we" shit in there. We are not all Kooks!

if you do some googling you find little known stories all over of guns preventing a killing or whatever.But the media seldom covers those storys because it does not fit their agenda.
By #491031 29,Oct,18 09:31
Anyone who believes that the solution to gun vi0lence is to require armed guards at churches and schools, rather than to do something about how easy it is for the crazies to get their hands on a gun, is--most definitely--a "kook".
What other "civilized" country deals with this issue in that fashion?
By phart [Ignore] 29,Oct,18 19:38 other posts 
It would take decades to get all the guns gathered.What are we to do,just let the killing continue until people are taught to value life and liberty and quit killing each other with guns,knives and rocks?
By #568769 29,Oct,18 14:13
That's 'Muricah', Will. Gots ta says it jis lak one of dem suthernrs ta git it's FULL meanin'.
By phart [Ignore] 29,Oct,18 19:40 other posts 
And you don't have to talk redneck to us.We can read.We are not perfect,but we can read the constituion that says we can have guns to protect ourselves
By phart [Ignore] 03,Nov,18 20:02 other posts 
Lets put this in a differnt perspective.
Let's say a 1000 il1egal immigrants come to your town. They bring nothing but babies and empty stomachs.
Each day they walk around and take a can of soup from your cabinet,a coke from the fridge and the morning paper. They do this every day and leave nothing good in return. Is this ok with you?
Your k1d is sick and needs to go to the doctor.To pay his bill you have to let the phone company cut your phone off for a week until the next check comes. Mean while,a immigrant walks in,gets the care needed,and walks out talking on their free phone from your government. Is that ok with you?
You loose your job,and have been looking for 3 weeks. You see a ad in the paper and respond,only to find 1 of those imigrants has taken the job. Meanwhile you get a foreclosure notice in the mail.Is this ok with you?
I could go on, but I am trying to get you folks to look at this immigration thing from a different perspective than the "horn of plenty is full bring your many" attitude.
THis is 2018, not 1940. Things just can't work that way any more.
By admin [Ignore] 29,Oct,18 07:00 other posts 
You are missing the point. Mexico and Honduras made a packt 5 or more years ago that Mexico allows Honduras il1egal migrants to move freely through its territory as long as they do not intend to stay in Mexico but going to enter USA il1egally. Really, I'm not joking, it was on the news and it was official.

So it's not about 7000 people, it's about closing the channel through which constant flow of il1egal migrants is being siphoned into USA.
By #568769 29,Oct,18 14:26
How about 'give us you poor, give us your hungry', etc.?...I know. That was way back when...things were different. Got ya, Admin. Things ARE different now. So 'Muricah' kin fergit what made it AMERICA...
By admin [Ignore] 29,Oct,18 14:54 other posts 
100 years ago and before people moved to USA looking for opportunities to just work (and I do not mean employment). Now they move for employment, benefits and welfare. Do you understand the difference?

Also, I'm against all borders and citizenships at all. It was not me who made a welfare state out of USA. I'm only stating the obvious - if you open borders to USA, in half of a year you all will be living like in India.

And by the way, I'm not a resident of USA. I would be glad if I could come there without a visa. It's cheaper to fly via USA into many directions, but it requires a visa. And I'm not talking 10% cheaper, sometimes it's 3 times cheaper.
By #568769 29,Oct,18 15:24
And you are adding the evidence of what I stated in an earlier post on this page. Look further and you will see I stated human population is the real problem. I do understand the difference. So, please don't condescend to me. I ain't no country bumpkin jis fell of da hay wagon. I have lived outside the US for many years...Likely you and I see an ideal planet Earth...undivided by borders and race. Simply one planet, with ONE race...of humans that can see there are no differences in any of us. Except for countries and governments and what all racists see...skin color.
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

BTW...My grandparents left Germany in 1923. Because they ALREADY saw what was coming. Talk about foresight. I wish I had theirs...But sadly, there is no escape anymore to a country that welcomes all...
By admin [Ignore] 29,Oct,18 17:23 other posts 
I'm not condescending, I just don't have a good feel of what I say in other languages. Honestly, I'm not even always good with my native language, I'm slightly autistic.
By kebmo [Ignore] 29,Oct,18 15:50 other posts 
talk5s, Give us your poor , give us your hungry as long as they're white.
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes

...and Christian.
By #491031 29,Oct,18 16:09
You know, if these mass shooters started attacking yacht clubs and country clubs instead of schools and churches, you wouldn't be able to swing a dead cat without hitting a bunch of new gun regulations...
By kebmo [Ignore] 29,Oct,18 16:17 other posts 
JustWill, ain't that the truth?!
By phart [Ignore] 29,Oct,18 19:21 other posts 
Talk about KOOKS, I reckon you all are sitting around with your Wasp spray and 9-11 on speed dial right? When seconds count, the cops are minutes away!
When it was written,"give us your hungry and poor", that was in a time when people were still willing to WORK for what they recieved.it was a attitude along the lines of John F Kennedys speach, "Ask not what your country can do you,but what you can for your country".BY the way,he was a democrat and said that! PRoves at 1 time the Democrat party had some level of inteligence. Damn shame it is shot to hell now.
Immigrants built this country with their bare hands,along with slaves. This shit going on now is equal to spitting on thier graves. Those folks worked for what they got.They were not able bodied,lazy ass people just wanting to ride the gravey train.BYw the way,My heritage is mostly German and Cherekee. None of my family was wealthy and I was the first to go to a college,even though it was only a 2 year degreee. Most never graduated.Couldn't ,they were busy working the fields and welding to put the food on the table.
They didn't come over here and expect the citizens to keep them up .
By #491031 29,Oct,18 22:34
It must be so horrible living every day in constant fear and paranoia...
By phart [Ignore] 30,Oct,18 11:03 other posts 
When you take your own safety seriously,and you keep your nose clean,as in stay out of dangerous neighborhoods and so forth, there is no need for fear or paranoia. You feel safe because you yourself take responsibility.
There lies the problem. You folks don't want to be responsible for yourselves.you want to be pampered and protected like chicks under the mother hens wings.That attitude is part of the reason why alot of these country's with gun control "mind control" didn't make it to the moon and so forth.We take chances,but we also take responsibility.
By phart [Ignore] 30,Oct,18 11:24 other posts 
Well,i just read that 5200 troops are headed to the border for "support roles" and to build tents to put the migrants in.Oh boy,so we are going to be feeding the bums after all.BUILD THE DAMN WALL!
China built a wall over 2000 years ago and it worked.Without all the red tape!
By kebmo [Ignore] 04,Nov,18 00:32 other posts 
Where is that wall anyway? It should be built by now.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Nov,18 18:59 other posts 
To many Rhino's in the way. Rhino as in "republican in name only."
People of his own party won't help him get the job done.
Funny thing though,I just saw today on this damn #$(#*$ "smart" phone screen that Obama was stumping for a senetor that SUPPORTS the wall! HUM!
I dispise this new "smart" phone. It has something on it called "newsroom" It is more like "Trumpbash2018" channel. I will be asking about how to get rid it when I go pay my bill next week.
By #562152 05,Nov,18 12:07
I agree with you Kebmo. No country can handle so many toilet attendants and tomato pickers. And all the diseases they carry but don’t make them sick could devastate the Southwest. All the coyotes and prairie rats could disappear

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