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Started by #502711 [Ignore] 16,Jun,18 21:29
It's about stuff...

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By leopoldij [Ignore] 04,Apr,19 19:02 other posts 
Have you guys noticed that the Obersturmbannführer has appointed an Untersturmführer as a busboy/petty assistant?
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By #502711 02,Apr,19 18:57
Is this what my thread has been reduced to, a monkey pen where everyone is throwing their turds at each other? Let us have a constructive conversation...
By #578610 02,Apr,19 19:24
I'm sorry. I mistook your place as a safe harbour for a friend to unload. It won't happen again.
By #502711 02,Apr,19 20:05
We had another group for that remember?
By #578610 02,Apr,19 21:12
I remember. That was the place we could do everything in secret. Hide from the One Eyed Witch. So, why did you guys let it go? Never mind. It's not worth talking about it. So, how is Leo's pussy collection going? You doing much chatting here? How about that Dgraff.
By dgraff [Ignore] 02,Apr,19 21:17 other posts 
Mmm mmm I love a good pussy collection
By #578610 02,Apr,19 21:23
CountryCouple54 is good
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His wife is not bad either,,

By #578610 21,Mar,19 20:32
[deleted image]
By leopoldij [Ignore] 24,Mar,19 15:14 other posts 

By #578610 23,Mar,19 12:03
I found this gem in a dumpster thread. I think it's worth re-posting
I'm blocked so I can't give it direct.(twowarmtts2)

Mr Scorpio69
I'm afraid you misunderstood the meaning of respect as used in the mantra "Respect has to be earned". What the lady whom you opened the door for, or the gentleman you pulled from the burning car, owes you, is gratitude. If they gave it to you or not has nothing to do with respect. You, opening that door is the respect you give to your mother for teaching you to be a gracious gentleman. You are paying homage to a woman that wanted you to be a better man and a champion of women. You, saving that man from a horrible death is the respect you bestow on your father and other people in your life that taught you that life is valuable and worth risking life and limb to preserve it. Respect is not something you accumulate because you need the recognition of doing something right. These days it seems people want to be first no matter what. Win at any cost. The me first generation, right? And you think that other generation was "the greatest generation"? There's nothing new in the world. It just seems like that. And you wanting or expecting a thank you for doing something that you should do no matter what, makes you one of them.

My opinion

By leopoldij [Ignore] 10,Mar,19 17:56 other posts 
Breaking news: M&Ms ha[ve] 3 new peanut flavours:

• Thai Coconut Peanut
• Mexican Jalapeño Peanut and
• English Toffee Peanut

Which one will you eat before fucking?
By #485312 11,Mar,19 16:55
l wouldn't eat any of them, because they're racist lollies, which have been over priced, for low quality chocolate wrapped around spoiled nuts, to use up the nuts that would normally be thrown out, and coated in sugar and artificial colourings.
a nut flavoured nut ? packaged with a warning that says, 'may contain nuts', so they might not even be real nuts wrapped in nut flavouring. Well it could be rabbit droppings rolled in coconut flavoured essence, saying its from a foreign land where the food preparation standards could be very questionable .. well there was 3 minutes of my life wasted. my time is more precious *lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 11,Mar,19 18:12 other posts 
By #502711 11,Mar,19 21:10
If I HAD to choose one then probably the Mexican jalapen(swigly line)o peanut
By #23212 12,Mar,19 15:46
Hi A-M187:
Try holding down Alt and typing 0241 = ñ .
By #502711 12,Mar,19 16:54
Hey sinanff, it doesn't work for me
By #578610 12,Mar,19 17:55
Switch to a Spanish key board. You can switch back and forth. You can find it in Google ready to download
By #23212 12,Mar,19 20:11
Hi again A-M. I don't understand why, because unless you are on a Mac, holding down the 'Alt' key while typing in '0241' (that's a 'zero'241) works on every Windoze computer I've ever used. ???
By #502711 12,Mar,19 20:38
Not working for me. But this is a brand new computer & I had a problem with the keyboard because the configurations were all backwards
By #578610 18,Mar,19 11:18
Sinaff, Two things,,,as far as I know ñ is used only in the Spanish language. As a Canadian where do you get to use it? Also, if you have a laptop, alt 0241 using the quirty #s on top wont work. You have to use ALT and the 0241 typed in the #s sect of the keyboard
By #23212 21,Mar,19 01:31
Thank you for the clarification here. Yes, I was using the numbers section on the right for the 'Alt 0241'--glad to realize that the numbers 'on top' don't work the same.

"As a Canadian", I use the tilde when I write in Español, one of the 4+ languages I speak. :x [Tu parles Français?]
By #578610 21,Mar,19 07:35
No, just Español. All others I use Google.
By dgraff [Ignore] 11,Mar,19 21:56 other posts 
You don't eat them before fucking you stick them in her pussie and lick them out with your tongue

By #578610 10,Mar,19 12:17

only registered users can see external links

My opinion
By #502711 10,Mar,19 18:08
Yes men these days have become weak pack animals. These BOYS are too afraid to lose a fight, that pack mentality, that's why they would rather bring a gang with them or a weapon, no honour, no courage. You can lose a fight & still walk away victorious. If you stood your ground & fought back you would earn the respect of your opponent. Kids these days have no scruples, they can't take criticism, they all wanna be some toy gangsta
By #578610 10,Mar,19 18:22
Well said, lollipop.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Mar,19 19:53 other posts 
In modern times you find no honor within your enemys.
I later realized I better clarify this.
Aussie,idealy,you are correct,2 men would fight it out in the middle of the street and it would be done.But those times have passed and folks that thrive on violence have no honor.

A thief-rapeist,whatever,breaking into your home has no honor,so to try to be honorable as a victum of their efforts would put you being dead.
By #502711 10,Mar,19 21:22
In the case of a thief or rapist breaking into your home, I believe honour goes out the window. That is a time when it's you must protect yourself & your family at all costs.
By #578610 11,Mar,19 00:02
I guess I better clarify. I hate guns but if there's someone breaking into my home to do me harm I would not have any compunction in killing him/her. Yes, guns have a place in society. Certain guns and under certain situations
By leopoldij [Ignore] 11,Mar,19 18:13 other posts 
I like your principles mate.
Learning to lose is just as important as winning.
By #502711 11,Mar,19 21:04
Thanks Leo, very true
By #485312 11,Mar,19 21:07
yeah, its definitely a telling thing about some, watching how they lose, being gracious and humble whether you win or lose is how true sportsman and women are defined as real winners.. *lix*

By #578610 13,Feb,19 12:32
[deleted image]

Ever notice that men are harder to get them clean than a dog???
My opinion
By #502711 07,Mar,19 01:13
Well some places are hard to reach we need an extra pair of hands
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Mar,19 19:22 other posts 
Omg is that Charlie
By #578610 09,Mar,19 20:11
Did you want a fuck?
My opinion, cunt
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Mar,19 20:14 other posts 
Yeah sure I will hit that

By leopoldij [Ignore] 06,Mar,19 23:59 other posts 
Baking bread.
By #502711 07,Mar,19 01:13
Jerking off onto tacos
By leopoldij [Ignore] 07,Mar,19 10:16 other posts 
Someone told me that the Bella manages to start huge conversations about topics, like bras being and Wal-Mart shopping, so I thought to give it a try to.
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Let me try again:
Are guns cheaper in Wal-Mart than Amazon?
By #578610 07,Mar,19 11:13
Last big chat Bella had was about Cooking and Bologna. Her Stuff Just Stuff forum is getting SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORING!!!!!
By leopoldij [Ignore] 07,Mar,19 20:26 other posts 
Are you participating in it? Hasn't the Bella blacklisted you?
By #578610 07,Mar,19 21:36
Leo, All I have to do to read her forum is not sign in until I read it. She does the same with everyone she blacklists. To be honest, her forum is not worth participating. BORINGGGGGG!!!!!
My opinion
By phart [Ignore] 07,Mar,19 13:55 other posts 
depends on which 1 you are looking at.
Walmarts selection is limited and frankly,not much there that appeals to REAL gun folks.The wanna be's and the bullet buzzards are their main customer.And besides the last lady I talked to at wally world that did the gun sales, said she was tired of the bullshit paper work for the low salary.and the harrassment from 60+ year old men having to show thier id's to prove their age. That is so damn dumb.

Bullet buzzards are folks that buy and gather bullets and hoard them.
By #502711 07,Mar,19 17:20
You poor Americans having to show ID to get a gun. You should see the hoops us Aussies have to jump through & even then we can only get access to hunting rifles, shot guns & some hand guns. I wanna shoot things with an AR-15 too!
By phart [Ignore] 07,Mar,19 18:29 other posts 
Well I didn't explain that well enough,you have to show id just to buy the bullets to make sure you are over 18.When a hunched over 60 year grey haired guy walks up to the counter with a 20 year girl there that ask him for a id to make sure he is over 18,it is annoying to the old guy.
By #502711 09,Mar,19 00:44
They ask for ID so that they can at least identify the guy that shot a bunch of people later on.
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Mar,19 19:15 other posts 
See Leo that's how you keep a forum thread on top by talking about topics that are interesting to everyone but it will keep sliding back to second page as long as you keep talking about how sexy fat chicks are or how you finger a hooker
By #578610 07,Mar,19 21:40
Yeah, Leo. Subjects like who should be deleted, who is fake, witch member is on the top of a list that doesn't belong there, or maybe, how to cook steaks medium rare, or weather a certain 19 yr old warms a bed.
My opinion
By phart [Ignore] 08,Mar,19 15:43 other posts 
May I politely ask just what is wrong with people discussing other topics than sex? I don't see a damn thing wrong with us discussing anything and everything we wish as long as we are not injuring anyone or encouraging illegal activity.
If I want to ask how to make my farts smell like roses, damn it I will start a thread.
UNless you are the admin,you need to get your underware out of a wad so you can sit more comfortably and not be so damn grouchy.
By #578610 08,Mar,19 16:33
Phart,,,good question. There's nothing wrong with that but, in MY OPINION, it's boring,,,How is it you get to state an opinion like you just did in this thread and I can't state mine. Is it because you have a cock? Are Bella's friends special? Do you hate me or something about me? Did I go to your forum or your personal page and tell you that you have saggy tits? or did i say you have stupid opinions and ideas? When you answer for yourself and some of these people that believe their shit don't stink, then I might agree with you. And I'm willing to bet the next entry here will call me an insulting name and tell me to fuck off.
My opinion
By phart [Ignore] 08,Mar,19 18:12 other posts 
You might consider the fact that you are acting like a troll.And that is not opionion.Google it.
You might also consider the fact that some of us have other lives outside of posting here and hell if I get booted plumb off a here in the next 5 minutes,I will live on without it.Since you thrive on stirring Shit ,without this outlet,you might experiance problems with your health.
Frankly,since opionions are more valued than facts or common sense,I think you must have a boring and sad life OUTSIDE of this website and you come here trying to be keyboard warrior and troll to give yourself a pick me up.
That is Just my OPIONION< of course, like yours,may not be worth a shit.
By #578610 08,Mar,19 18:33
I respect your opinion. Everyone assumes that because I like the site then I don't have a life outside of SYC. Nothing is further from the truth. I am married to Charlie. We've been married for 32 yrs. We have 3 children that I adore and 7 grandchildren. I have a great career, own my home debt free and have sent 2 of my children through college. I baby sit many weekends with my younger grandchildren and have many friends. Several from childhood. I don't need this place to validate my existence. I'm here to blow steam after very intense work days and sparring with you guys is fun for me. But, I have never stated any of this crap. Yes, I do post provocative posts. I do like to see the reactions from you guys. But, you guys always make it personal and that makes me dig in and fight. If That makes me a troll, what do you consider Dgraff is? or 2nice? Or Blue?
I guess it would be easier to say all of you are cyber bullies and you really are a bunch of sorry ass pervs and I really don't care what you think of me other than the fact that if you call me a bitch i'll call you a cunt. Common sense would be if all of you go play finger up the ass with yourselves. Tell me, What do you have in life? How about 2nice? JustWill? Blue? I feel sorry for all of you. Even that sour woman, Bella.

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