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Discussion Forum on Show It Off

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Started by #502711 [Ignore] 16,Jun,18 21:29
It's about stuff...

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By leopoldij [Ignore] 16,Jun,19 05:06 other posts 
Here's a good way to masturbate.
Rub your cock against her pussy, paying special attention to her clit.
Immediate and intense benefits for both.
Why masturbate alone when you can benefit someone else at the same time?
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By leopoldij [Ignore] 15,Jun,19 18:41 other posts 
Meanwhile in China..

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By leopoldij [Ignore] 04,May,19 10:19 other posts 
Why do you guys tolerate that asshole dgraff?
He's here only to talk shit about everyone (except his boss, bel).
This is a thread created by Aussieman and that piece of shit comes here and makes fun of his girlfriend, lix.
And yet, he's tolerated.
This would have been impossible in another thread.
The guy is fucktard troll.
To me, it's amusing to see what kind of shit he comes up with each time.
But I'm not sure these Aussieman should tolerate him.
He does though.
This says a lot about Aussieman's character.
He's a strong man.
Not only physically, buy also as a character.
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One thing that amuses me is to envision the discussions he has with his nazi momma, when he goes back to her to report what's on this thread. I wish I could hear their conversation. That would be the best comedy in the world.
By dgraff [Ignore] 04,May,19 13:50 other posts 
Leo I hadn't said any thing about lix or Aussie man for a long time until now I even made peace with Aussie man but you keep stirring the pot and bringing me back Bella blames hot pussy but she had nothing to do with it the problem is you Leo don't you understand that if you keep your big mouth shut off of us I go away I was gone a whole year but you kept running your mouth and brought me back
By leopoldij [Ignore] 05,May,19 06:44 other posts 
This is how much "peace" you made with Aussieman:

[deleted image]
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I uploaded the above as a temporary image. Just in case it goes away, I copy and paste what it says:

dgraff at 03,May,19 22:58

I kinda feel sorry for Aussie man I found out that his parents abandoned him at a young age leaving him in the dessert to be raised by holler monkeys until lix found the hairy little bugger she shaved him down ant nurtured him back to health and raised him to be the uneducated little baboon he is today
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,May,19 06:56 other posts 
You dumb bastard look at the date that's after you caused us to be back at each other's throats
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,May,19 07:08 other posts 
I now know why you and lix are such good friends your both delusional how have I never let up when I was off line for a year with medical issues that means I made no comments for a whole year I'm only back 4 month's the late John spooner use to go out of his way to make sure I knew you guys do not represent the rest of the Australian public in fact he referred to you as border line criminal
By #460385 14,May,19 23:59
By #485312 05,May,19 05:42
dgraff digs his own hole every time he opens his pie hole, aussie lets him come to let others see what dick head he really is, same as a few others he lets come here to spread their crap. dgraff has some delusion that he and his 'herd' are the only people worth knowing here, he really does have thoughts of unfounded grandeur about himself, and there is not bigger shit stirring piece of shit then dgraff in these forums. everyone with half a brain can see it, thats why he cant see it.. he has never let up with on me with his crass and vulgarities and in his delusional world, he seems to think he's kept his big pie hole shut, when in fact he has been the one that caused, kept it going and stirred most of it in the first place.. really no one gives a toss about him and he has a hand full of friends that are all trolls, wow, thats one hell of resume lol, aussies character surpasses his in every way.. he'd have to climb a long way to come close to my man as human being.. *lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 05,May,19 06:26 other posts 
Well said my sexy friend.
This thing (I hate to call him "person"--he doesn't deserve it) comes here, obviously under the commands of his nazi boss, and tries to create animosity between Aussieman and me, between you and me, etc. He does not understand (how can he, he can't think, he can't read, he can't speak English) that established friendships can't be shaken by trolls who just spit shit. It's so obvious to anyone that whenever the thing opens his mouth the only thing that comes out is excrement.

He thinks that Aussieman is his friend. As you said, and as I said above, Aussieman has a strong character and is a real human being; he just lets him *be* here so that everyone can see what kind of ignorant, moronic, dense, brainless, foolish, dull, idiotic, slow-witted, empty-headed, imbecilic, vacuous comments this dunce makes and what kind of disgraceful, delinquent, deplorable persona appears behind them.
By #485312 05,May,19 17:21
we both laugh at his bullshit comments, its worse than the cunts, did you see the bit where he said he was gone for 12 months, and then the first thing the arsehole did when he got back was come straight here to put shit on me ... didn't take him a day to start his shitty behaviour again, so his form has always been the same, just a dick head with a bad attitude, and a fucking ugly set of friends with mouths like sewage systems.. lm glad theyre on this tiny site, so the rest of the world doesn't have to see them, theyre confined to this tiny little forum on one or two threads, YEAH, THEYRE REALLY IMPORTANT lol, as important as a turd in the ocean *lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 05,May,19 18:32 other posts 
Indeed. He was away and he came back to spread hatred and to spy for his nazi boss.
By #485312 05,May,19 22:51
l was in intensive care and for 2 weeks and l still had the internet, l think he was in a spot where you don't get internet... where you room has a hole for a shitter... the net is great like that, you can say what you want and pretend you were sick/tired/away/lockedup.. *lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 05,May,19 18:42 other posts 
To further see what an idiot he is, look at his latest picture:

[deleted image]

It says, with big white letters in black background:

"This is the United States of America. Speak English or get the fuck out."

This is funny/stupid for two reasons:

1) About 13% of US citizens are Spanish speakers. Spanish is a major language in the United States.

2) He himself CAN'T speak English properly. I speak better English than him and I'm not American. So, according to his posting, he should get the fuck out of the US.
By #502711 16,May,19 18:43
I tolerate him because if he wants to be a dick then he can show that to everyone that reads the posts here. I'm not going to ban him from this thread because I don't block people just because I don't agree with them, I can handle criticism or even verbal abuse, i'm not so soft that words from someone i've never met hurt my fucking feelings. If that was the case I would have left here long ago. I won't tolerate vile comments here though. Whatever was said in the past, let us forget from here on in, if dgraff agrees then I am willing to call a truce, i know he is reading this. I don't have the time or patience for shit talk here, I come here for fun.
By whatsupcocks [Ignore] 10,Jun,19 01:06 other posts 
well put. I cum here to have fun and meet people from all around the globe . Know matter who you are or were you live , all have needs and desires , and this is why this site is so much fun. Who cares about the PLAYER HATERS there's one or more in every crowd. we all have nothing to hide on a one of a kind web site like this one. Hay AUSSIEMAN I have some ice cold Rainer's for you. Just let me know , although they might be a little warm be the time they reach you. RBEGOOD.
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By leopoldij [Ignore] 14,Jun,19 15:32 other posts 

By #502711 27,May,19 08:01
Pete The Meat Puppet
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By leopoldij [Ignore] 27,May,19 14:46 other posts 
Lol. Where did you find that?
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I mean, how did you come across that?
By #502711 27,May,19 21:07
I look up weird stuff
By leopoldij [Ignore] 28,May,19 11:18 other posts 
Me too.
By whatsupcocks [Ignore] 10,Jun,19 00:16 other posts 
that is a bizarre video . I think i will stick to porn.
By #502711 10,Jun,19 00:18

By #578610 04,Jun,19 22:11
[deleted image]
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[deleted image]
By leopoldij [Ignore] 05,Jun,19 09:39 other posts 
This image is private.

What's she doing? I can't see. She has blacklisted me because she couldn't reply to my questions.
By #578610 05,Jun,19 09:39
i'll fix them

By #502711 01,Jun,19 22:08
Detroiters Are Waging Paintball Wars As A Way To Stop Gang Violence:
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By #551147 01,Jun,19 23:28
That's certainly interesting but at least half of them idiots that behave like that, don't have the mental capacity to limit it to just paintball guns. They gotta be the biggest baddest motherfuckers on the street. In which case, that could actually make it worse. So, you pelt the baddest mofo with paintballs. He's so incredibly pissed that you just ruined his Gucci Shirt that he pulls the real thing out and starts blasting. I just don't know about that one...
By #502711 01,Jun,19 23:50
Either way, the way I see it, someone is getting shot no matter what. I think these guys are trying to redirect the aggression into something fun that could possibly bring people together, but of course there's always that humourless guy, one wrong look away from going berserk & shooting up a neighbourhood that will get caught up in this idea. It is wreckless I agree, they could have tried to get young kids getting into trouble to take up paintball as a hobby or something
By #551147 02,Jun,19 00:15
Couldn't agree more

By leopoldij [Ignore] 01,Jun,19 07:17 other posts 
Look at this nice pussy rubbing my cock. I love to spread it open, make it wet, and then fuck it. Wonderful.

[deleted image]
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Same cock, without the pussy this time

[deleted image]

By leopoldij [Ignore] 30,May,19 18:05 other posts 
Feels great this way

[deleted image]

By leopoldij [Ignore] 27,May,19 15:05 other posts 
It's in Portuguese, but it's funny (as well as fucking sexy):

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By #502711 27,May,19 21:11
That chick in the purple had some booty, goddamn
By leopoldij [Ignore] 28,May,19 11:18 other posts 
I know...
I *knew* you'd appreciate that (like you appreciate fine things in life....), that's why I linked it. I was expecting this reaction from you. Cheers!
By #502711 28,May,19 18:25

By leopoldij [Ignore] 25,May,19 10:29 other posts 
[deleted image]
By #578610 26,May,19 14:14
By leopoldij [Ignore] 26,May,19 14:42 other posts 
Whose pussy is that?
Another bella?
By #578610 26,May,19 18:27
All I know is that the member is Bella
By leopoldij [Ignore] 26,May,19 19:37 other posts 
It can't be the nazi bella. There's no chance in a billion that she'd show her cunt. She still hasn't comprehended that this site is called show your cunt. Or, maybe, she doesn't have any.
By dgraff [Ignore] 26,May,19 19:49 other posts 
See right there Leo you just can't keep your big fucking mouth shut things were quiet over here until you and hot pussy showed back up you know Aussie man would rather not have shut thrown back and forth yet here you two are inviting trouble here Aussie man needs to learn if he's going to have two pets he needs to keep them on a leash and muzzled so they don't bother any one
By #578610 27,May,19 07:32
D I asked Bella about this. She blew me off. I thought it was funny. For God's sake, get a funny bone. Hahaha, get a funny bone
By #485312 26,May,19 23:33
someone should put a muzzle on that fucking dog that keeps barking its bullshit and he should stop thinking he has any idea of what aussieman is thinking, the only leash needed here is for the crim with the shitty attitude *lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 27,May,19 03:01 other posts 
He's not acting independently. He's reporting to his nazi sexless momma who's told him to keep an eye on me and those who post cunt pics. Since she's blogged me, but still wants to exercise her puritan views, she's enjoyed an army of imbeciles to spread their excrement around. And what's better for this job than some ultra conservative uneducated bigot rednecks?
By #491031 27,May,19 08:02
Hey, leo, you misogynistic, micro-cephalic, moron...stay the fuck out of my threads. You are not welcome, and I don't want to see the garbage you write.
The folks in this thread seem to like you. Just share your idiocy with them from now on.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 27,May,19 14:44 other posts 
Hey willy, don't use adjectives that apply first and foremost to yourself.
I'll post wherever and whenever I like. Threads aren't owned by anyone.
Now go tell your nazi momma.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 27,May,19 14:49 other posts 
Oh, by the way, I'm glad my postings gave you something to do. You must be thankful that you spent all this time reading my postings in this thread and conclude that people here like me. You must be thankful to me that you filled in your idle time (which must be something like 99% of your time) with something else: reading my postings.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 24,May,19 20:33 other posts 
Sex is as necessary as fresh air, H G Wells said.
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Most people, especially here (with a few notable exceptions) would agree.

What do you think?
By #502711 25,May,19 01:03
Of all the delights of this world man cares most for sexual intercourse. He will go any length for it-risk fortune, character, reputation, life itself. and what do you think he has done? He has left it out of his heaven! Prayer takes its place.

- Mark Twain
By leopoldij [Ignore] 25,May,19 03:53 other posts 
Great quote mate!
You're my brother in spirit.
By #502711 25,May,19 07:36
Cheers Leo

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