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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

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By #610414 29,Jan,21 12:03
I can not believe that 3 weeks ago Republicans (Democrats too) were in danger of losing their life during the January 6th uprising and now are backing away from finding Trump guilty of enciting a riot in the capitol. Short memories.
By phart [Ignore] 29,Jan,21 12:39 other posts 
To many folks have went over Trumps words and can't find enough to convict him of inciteing a riot.Those were adults that went in the capitol,they made up their own minds.OF course extremist like that fellow in the fur hat and red and blue all over his face are going say "trump made me do it" because they don't want to take the blame for their own stupidity.I talked with a fellow last week that he and his wife bought bus tickets to go to washington on that day.They were at the washington monument a safe distance away from the building.He said the media has downplayed the number of people that were there,and has twisted the narritive to fit their agenda. He went with a group on 3 buses.others in this area went in their church buses at church exspense because they felt like their religious freedom is at stake as much as alot of other things and it was worth the money to be heard.
What I can't believe is the elected officials actually thought their lives were in danger.Shows a couple things,1, they don't trust the law enforcement to do their jobs,2,they don't trust the people that voted them in nor voted against them,3,they must have a guilty conscience or they would not fear the American people,4, Had the folks coming into the capitol actually wanted to hurt people,they would have needed trucks to haul away the victums.
Yes barging into the capitol in that manner was wrong. But do I blame them? No,the American people are fed up with what happens in that building without remorse from either side.Questions were ask by millions,a simple aggreement by the democrats to investigate claims of fraud would have sufficed for the majority.
By #610414 29,Jan,21 13:18
Your explanation is too simple, too naive. When the crowd chanted "hang Pence", what do you think would have happened if they had found him? Same question if they had captured Schumer or Pelosi? You desperately want America, normal, every day America, to excuse their action. Shades of Sir LittleBalls. I've got to admit, he was right. Go pray on your pentagram. Maybe the ghost of Trump will re-appear shouting, "It was a landslide. I won the election. They stole it."
By phart [Ignore] 29,Jan,21 13:38 other posts 
Do you honestly think that a group of citizens would have HUNG the vice president? SHHESH,talk about naive.
They would have never got their hands on him with no more guns than the people carried in.
If they have a person on camera breaking a window,or throwing the fire extingusher that killed the policeman,fine,they commited a crime.BUt so did that cop that killed the unarmed Air Force vet to. We have never even been told his name.They must be scared other Air Force personal will drag his sorry ass behind the barn for shooting a unarmed woman.
But folks just walking around,looking,talking,taking pics,speaking their minds,yea,it is time to let the shit go and move forward with more important issues.Like Impeaching biden for abuse of power while vice president.And cirumventing democracy by bypassing the congress and writing all the laws he wants in excutive orders.
By #610414 29,Jan,21 13:41
Sure, baby. What ever floats your boat. HAHAHA
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

Republicans who cheered Trump's executive orders now grumble about 'record number' from Biden
Trump signed 220 of them.

By bella! [Ignore] 25,Jan,21 17:02 other posts 
Since January 20, inauguration day, the price of gasoline in my city has increased by 25%. And we are only 5 days into a new regime....😬
By phart [Ignore] 25,Jan,21 20:26 other posts 
the ink is not even dry on all the executive orders yet,just wait.
I could go on for hours.but while you can still afford it,I would reccomend getting some Pop corn and a cold drink and sit back,shit is about to get real bad
--------------------------------------- added after 40 minutes

Use only registered users can see external links to follow the oil barrel price and gasoline whole sale prices.Yep,if you look,steady rise after the first of the year on oil barrel price.I can't find a chart on gas prices that I can narrow in onto the days though.
By #610414 26,Jan,21 08:20
While policies under new President Joe Biden’s administration could also affect gas costs, experts are not pinning the recent rise in price to his inauguration.

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By bella! [Ignore] 26,Jan,21 08:50 other posts 
You have to admit, odd timing.
By #610414 26,Jan,21 10:17
Yes, IT'S odd timing, but, the timing is not the new president's fault. Looking at it from the previous administration's point of view, they couldn't do anything to prevent the price hikes either. Their only responsibility was to do a better job (a ten fold effort)at fighting Covid. Obviously if the main variant is the Covid numbers, no one has found a way to control it yet.
BTW, phart, if you fight your battles with Google, you die with Google.
By phart [Ignore] 26,Jan,21 10:40 other posts 
I didn't use google,that site has been a shortcut my desktop for over 10 years.
And normally in the winter gas is cheaper because of less demand. why is it going up? bidens threats to our energy independance.
By #610414 26,Jan,21 10:48
Who knows? All I’m saying is that it’s not Biden’s fault
By phart [Ignore] 26,Jan,21 14:40 other posts 
Trump is near you now,not in the White house,whatever happens now is not his fault.It was all thrown on him when he was in,he is out,so where does that throw the crap now?On biden.
Over 11,000 American jobs lost on his first day in office in 1 line of work,some unifier he is,BUT For once I am pulling for Canada with both arms,they are SUEING bIDEN.Hehehe,hit his ass in the wallet,where he might notice it.The canadians did nothing to deserve their citizens being put out of work either and I am glad to see them standing up to biden on that issue.
By #610414 26,Jan,21 15:21
Of course the “Canadians” are suing. They OWN THE FRICKIN pipeline. Did you forget to mention that? And fact check went to the company and they stated that at most, only 1000 people lost their job and mostly they were temporary anyway. I think your colonoscopy doctor went a little bit too far and hit your brain.
FYI. Trump will and should be blamed for a huge amount of crap. Being out of office doesn’t excuse him.
By phart [Ignore] 26,Jan,21 16:35 other posts 
It was supposed to excuse obama,and don't tell me you haven't tried to protect him from blame.
By #610414 26,Jan,21 18:50
What blame? Your racist blame? Ha.
By phart [Ignore] 27,Jan,21 11:58 other posts 
No blame for his ruining our military and regulating so many bussiness's out of bussiness or out of the country.
By #610414 27,Jan,21 13:53
None of those happened EXCEPT in your imagination
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You know what? Perhaps, in your case, Sir Huxley ofthe LittleBalls was right on.
By phart [Ignore] 27,Jan,21 18:07 other posts 
Jeez,did you not listen to the last President when he explained it half dozen times what kind of a mess he walked into when he took the job?
By #610414 27,Jan,21 19:46
With all his lies, you think I would listen to him?
By phart [Ignore] 28,Jan,21 10:03 other posts 
We were supposed to listen to obama's hot air,what makes you to special to listen to Trump speaking?
By phart [Ignore] 28,Jan,21 20:46 other posts 
If you believe only a 1000 jobs were affected,I have some nice beach front property that I can sell you for a real deal in North Dakota.
Alot goes into a huge job like that.a years long job.Do some research,use Duckduckgo or another site besides Google,they are known for clipping stuff they don't like,like the truth or at least a side of the story they don't like.
By #610414 29,Jan,21 08:15
Sure, baby. DuckDuckGo? What about MouseMouseCheese?
By #610414 29,Jan,21 08:30
phart, Google is the search engine. I could have used another search engine. This URL is of Wickepedia. Any search engine would offer this URL if you ask for "the Keystone oil pipeline".
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Go check it out. Read the whole thing. Then, come back and tell us how everything works in the real world. BTW, this was originally supported by the Kosh Brothers. Wonder why? The piece tells you why.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 25,Jan,21 21:29 other posts 
Biden and his Latte Libs have ZERO understanding of business, economics, or how their fantasy island polices fuck everyone.
By phart [Ignore] 26,Jan,21 10:42 other posts 
By dgraff [Ignore] 25,Jan,21 21:33 other posts 
Yep I knew this would happen it does every time
By #610414 26,Jan,21 10:22
"D" you should hire yourself out to the president's committee on crystal ball's early warning system.
About oil and retail gas prices

Shown here is the variation and projections over 7 years indicating
1- the current figures are not exceptionally high
2- the current state is a steady continuation of a multi year trend
[deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 9 minutes

On retail prices, shown here is a 5 year historical sample indicating
1- again the current prices are remarkably low
2- this seasonal variation is not at all unusual
[deleted image]
By phart [Ignore] 27,Jan,21 11:55 other posts 
Yea on a trend back to over a 100 bucks a barrel.A trend that even by the chart you posted,was headed downward as the effects of Trumps deregulation and our pumping our own oil were starting to take affect.
By Magnus_Phallus [Ignore] 27,Jan,21 16:42 other posts 
The chart you are looking at is showing
production and consumption not prices.

The balance of production and consumption
Is the main influence on price for crude.

The sharp decrease on that chart is directly and solely
related to pandemic effects on consumption leading to
an ajustement in production which resulted in
a substantial yet momentary decline in crude oil price.

Nothing on that chart allows the interpretation
made in your response. I’m left to wonder if you
have the requisite understanding on this subject.
By phart [Ignore] 27,Jan,21 11:52 other posts 
And again,thanks to biden,if the oil companys need to borrow money,their credit rating is lower,which means higher intrest rates,which means higher oil prices. Thanks biden for fucking up America.
By #610414 27,Jan,21 14:03
Can you correlate your theories? How do you figuere it's Biden's fault that oil companies need to borrow money?
By Magnus_Phallus [Ignore] 27,Jan,21 17:05 other posts 
It doesn’t seem possible to reconcile the contradicting
assertions made to advance this opinion.

A higher crude price is advantageous to American oil producers.
When compared to world average American oil production is exorbitant.
Reducing dependence on imported oil in a cost-effective way
necessitates a fairly high minimum break even price.
Higher crude prices inevitably come with higher retail prices.

As they say, you can’t have your cake and eat it too.
Either a robust profitable oil sector or low prices at the pump.
You have to choose.
By phart [Ignore] 27,Jan,21 18:15 other posts 
To a point you are correct.BUT if the Saudi's are selling us oil at 80 bucks a barrel,and we produce it for 55 a barrel,we would be using our oil.Until the opec wised up and lowered their barrel price to a point we could use their oil and keep ours in reserve. If they wake up on the wrong side of the bed and jack the price up,we go back to pumping our own.
By Magnus_Phallus [Ignore] 28,Jan,21 01:45 other posts 
This appears to be a fanciful hypothetical extrapolation
based on misunderstanding of rudimentary concepts.

OPEC does not sell oil nor does it dictate the price for it.
It sets production targets for member nations.
That of course has an impact on crude oil prices.

Because the 13 member nations of OPEC account for
nearly half the world production they do have a substantial
influence on prices. It is not however the only factor.

For example of the top 5 oil exporters world wide
3 are non OPEC (Russia, The USA and Canada)
Their production also influences oil pricing.

More significantly, global consumption is a key
factor in price trends for oil OPEC has no control over that.

Moreover the openly admitted goal of OPEC
is a stable balance between supply and demand.
Thus securing reliable income for its members.
They value stability as the most desirable outcome.
This is reflected in their decisions. They don’t act on whims.

All those things and quite a few more go into
the complex and subtle matrix of what makes up
the global oil market.

It is always wise to guard against seductive manichaean rhetoric
and avoid misleading oversimplification.
By phart [Ignore] 27,Jan,21 18:10 other posts 
Companys have always borrowed money to use for exspansions,the interst is tax deductable in some cases.
Also,you need to use a search engine to read the artical.
The oil industry has been assigned a higher risk.
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By #610414 27,Jan,21 20:05
Funny, the other day you criticized the new president because companies had to borrow money.
By phart [Ignore] 28,Jan,21 10:06 other posts 
acknowledgeing they do it does not mean I support it.
By dgraff [Ignore] 28,Jan,21 21:30 other posts 
He’s our president every thing is his fault you know how it works
By phart [Ignore] 27,Jan,21 18:12 other posts 
I filled up 1 truck yesterday at 2.10 a gallon at the Murphy station. Today,same station,2.24 a gallon. overnight 14 cent increase.
By #610414 27,Jan,21 19:42
While it's true that the price went up, if your truck fills with 20 gallons, it's only $2.80 more per fillup. A Burger King whopper is more expensive.
By phart [Ignore] 28,Jan,21 10:05 other posts 
35 gallons for a fill up on 1,39 on the other 1
By #610414 29,Jan,21 08:13
Still. The real reason is that the previous administration artificially held down the price to make itself look good. As soon as Biden came in, he advocated for a free market.
Wow, 35 gallons is 132 liters. That's a thirsty car. My car can only take a third of that, although it drives at 4.2 l/100 km = 55 mpg (when I'm just driving to work and back in the summer). Now it does around 6.2 l/100 km = 38 mpg.
However, the price of the cheapest pump I can find today is €1.529/liter = $7.03/gallon for normal unleaded petrol.
By phart [Ignore] 29,Jan,21 10:30 other posts 
It is a truck with a large V8 for towing and such 16 mpg max and that is driving like a old man..But even my other 1 with a smaller engine,not much better mileage.
By kebmo [Ignore] 27,Jan,21 18:33 other posts 
Bella, and yet every time there’s a big drop in the price of oil the oil companies tell us how it has to get through the system before the price drop reaches consumers.
As an aside, the price of West Texas intermediate oil is about the same price today as it was a year ago.

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By phart [Ignore] 28,Jan,21 10:03 other posts 
oh just go make solar panels
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Blow hard bastard,I thought we were rid of him a long time ago.
By #574505 29,Jan,21 09:21
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That can never be caused by Biden's plans. It takes months to implement any plan. However it could be a speculative reaction of the oil price to his plan to stop the Keystone XL oil pipeline construction. Or the price at your gas stations is in the hands of a right winger who wants to make you feel that Biden will hurt you.

By bella! [Ignore] 28,Jan,21 22:39 other posts 
This was something that was attached as a closing remark on an email that I received;

Thought for the day: Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant' is
like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist.'
By phart [Ignore] 29,Jan,21 10:28 other posts 

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