Just showing the world that everyone is smart about something there own nitch and none of us are completely flawless it makes people feel better about them selves
Portmanteau? You introduced me to a new word, a legitimate and recognized word at that! In all my years that's the first time I ever "heard" that word, thank you, JustWill!
I had to do a bit of thread cleaning this morning, deleting MULTIPLE asinine posts containing a few words a lots of emojis. Understand that for the most part, I do not care what is said and/or posted however I do mind when a member decides to take over and storm the thread by posting nonsensical responses that are basically emojis that are lines and lines long.
I've made posts in the forum asking admin if his system could be programed to limit the length and possibly the content of a post. I think admin enjoys seeing how much we enjoy annoying one another and how we act like a bunch of children. I apologize that the thread was "censored" and I that in doing so, there were other posts removed, too.
My final thought is, it's really sad when a member or members don't seem to have self discipline and lack common sense.
When I removed the bullshit I referred to above, it seems that system also deleted "responses" that those posts received. Oh, the "casualties" caught in the crossfire.
It's indeed possible to limit things, but then you will find yourself in situations when you can't post something, like those "are you spamming" cases that already happen. There is no way to limit anything without collateral. Even on facebook which has access to the best programmers and hardware users often get banned for innocent posts, because their algorithms mistakenly identify them as insulting.
I understand. It's really sad that a member or members aren't able say what they have to say without being repetitive and annoyingly lengthy.
admin, admit it, you rather enjoy sitting back on the sidelines and watching us go through our childlike antics and tantrums, wondering how far we will take our stupidity. C'mon, admit it.
Though it may be interesting sometimes from a bihevioristic point of view I don't really watch that close what happens on this site. I only pay attention when it blows in some extraordinary way. Once upon a time I ran an anonymous board site for several years and it was full of stupid kids and trolls, so there is relly not much new you can show me here, except may be that some of you are over 60 and still behave like 12 y. old.
Also, animation smileys are already limited to 3 or 5 per message, I don't remember exactly. People use unicode special characters to post a lot of smileys here.
Goldman Sachs has been forced to revise their economic outlook for the coming year, following Joe Manchin's statement that he won't support Build Back Better.
The projected growth is now 2% instead of 3%.
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But you can all rejoice in the fact that Joe Manchin's donors will reward him
and his dirty coal company will not suffer from the competition of renewable energy.
And the coal miners will continue to have jobs and the power plants will be able to continue to create electric for car charging.
There does not need to be competition of renewables. Make them AFFORDABLE and let the CONSUMER make the choice.
Coal is already a dying technology, because renewables are cheaper. But they take some investments, which BBB would have provided. If you think Joe Manchin cares about miners, you're a sucker. The coal miners' union urged him to support BBB, because there's good legislation in there for the miners. But you've probably heard nothing about that from the media you consume.
So now we know what positions Goldman's is holding... they bet wrong! Although the Morgan Stanley projection is slightly above the Street's consensus, which is still 4.0.
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Now, go back to being locked up Dutch cunt! Nothing but a government rat on the dole.
The BBB would have actually done something productive. Republicans can only
cut taxes for the rich. They give away your tax dollars to people who don't need it
and screw everyone else. Seeing billionaires fly rockets is all that you get.
And your precious 'freedom' killed 809.000 of your countrymen, so far...
And again with that "on the dole" crap. I have a job and only have been jobless for 3 months in my whole life. By improving my knowledge and skills, I earned myself a stimulating, versatile, well paying job. I'm not overly enthusiastic about what big pharma is doing politically, but people need medicine sometimes, to save their lives or improve their quality of life. I'm helping to improve the quality and availability of those medicines, lower the price and make the job of my colleagues safer and more rewarding.
Some of us lost our ability to work public work and be valuable to society. BUT in my case I still do what I can to help people and do odd jobs to make ends meet easier.
As for big pharma ,I think it is very wrong for them to charge such high prices for things like insulin that has been in production for years.IT is all profit ,they should cut that cost down. If our government cared about diabetes and cancer 1/10th as much as they claim they do about this covid,the supply's would be mailed to you for cost of production. I recently got a prescription for the generic for Mobic. For inflammation .Insurance pays some and I get it for 2.20 a month at the local drug store.Has REALLY improved how I feel the past month or so. BIG improvement in my life in general.
Maybe I struck a nerve, but I don't think the value of people is measured in how much they WORK or their ability to work. So what is the principle of Sir-Skittles, calling me 'on the dole' something?
On the dole means: receiving money that a government gives to people who do not have jobs or who are very poor. I'm not, but I wholeheartedly support that 'dole'.
People can be of great value, without working. And many working people do damage to society. I consider a person a valuable member of society, when their actions are beneficial to society and nature (which supports it). Just supporting yourself and keeping the economy running is not my principle of a valuable member of society.
Still, all people have the basic human right to live a good life and the ability to contribute doesn't take away from that.
Because of corporate, moneyed influence of politics, your employer was allowed to cut corners on safety, which caused your accident. The donations of big pharma to politicians and allowing the politicians to have conflicts of interest (owning companies and stocks) are the reason for those high prices. Those high prices make pharma companies lots of profits, but they hurt society. Illnesses that go untreated restrict the patients to participate in society to their full potential. Medical costs are the main cause for people going bankrupt over their debts. Apart from their own misery, this hurts society too. Big pharma lobbyists claim they are forced to demand high prices to afford innovation and research, but most of that research is done with public money (e.g. by universities) and innovation comes from competition, which the pharma companies try to minimize by lobbying (bribing) for favorable licensing rules.
Kyrsten Sinema was against BBB, because it contains drug price negotiations and she has conflicts of interest, because of big pharma donations (not just campaign donations, but also personal speaker fees) and her daughter profited from price gauging EpiPens.
Even the so-called 'liberal media' doesn't talk about her corruption.
Accidents on the job don't harm just the victims, but also society. In the end it harms the economy as well, but companies make short-sighted decisions, based on profits. The company you worked for probably doesn't even have influence over your politicians, but if big companies are allowed to cut corners on safety, small companies can only keep up, by doing the same.
Actually $2.20 a month is not that high for improvement of your life, but the cost of making the drug is probably a fraction. People who need biological anti-inflammation drugs are billed way way more. 'Biologicals' are much more difficult to make, but there's also big profit associated with those. The companies making them are milking their patents to the max. They pay my bills and they make a good employer, but they could be much more beneficial to society if they didn't choose profit over people.
I don't know what would happen to my job, if the world decided to nationalize all the pharma companies, but I still promote that and vote for politicians who push for it, because it would greatly expand access to healthcare for the whole of society.
Coal miners should have the same attitude. They should understand that their job is hurting the world and their health, and the best thing for everyone is the government taking away their jobs. Dying at 60 from black lung is not better than being forced into another job or early retirement. But corrupt Joe Manchin lies to you that his block of BBB helps those coal miners. And the media never points out how he got rich from coal and his donations depend on him blocking BBB. But now he even finds the coal miners' union against him and many companies who understand that child care helps people to work, which is important for the growth of the economy.
There is actually noting in BBB that hurts the economy or the people or the national debt, it only hurts the bottom line of some companies and therefore the wealth of some corrupt politicians.
If your such a big contributor to the pharmacy industry then try helping me I’m 59 going on 60 quick I have deep vein thrombosis and have had a pulmonary embolism I’m supposed to be taking a self leveling blood thinner called eliquis my health insurance cut me off saying I have a preexisting medical issue they tell me to enroll in a government program and the government says I make to much so I’m stuck no insurance company will pick me up and the government shut the door in my face my Eliquis costs 258 dollars a month and there is no generic substitute I quit taking it 2 years ago I bought a 3 dollar bottle of aspirin instead it seems to be at least keeping me alive and out of the hospital so what is your solution to this scenario will the Dutch send me my medication 💊 I think not
My suggestion is to sell your home, property and any assets, pack your bags and move to The Netherlands.
Once you get there, buy some metric tools and do what you do best, repair cars. Don't bother being a business owner like you are here, work for someone else and take advantage of them, don't work to your full potential. My guess, many of the European countries are the same, when you work, you pay taxes, you then get free healthcare coverage.
Our country will miss you but if you are able to go elsewhere and live off the government, we understand, you can be their problem.
I couldn’t live in the Netherlands the wooden shoes would hurt my feet most of their land is sinking they have a leak in the dyke and the boy with his finger in the hole don’t have big enough fingers to completely seal it he tried his dick but it’s not big enough either
I think he would need some "Wentworth" ,"spelling" ,tools to work on some european stuff.For some reason,people over there are not expected to work very hard.Just enough to look like they are moving.Kinda like American union workers.
I get sea sick if I see moving water,no way I could live in the nether regions.
Now you're somewhat overestimating my influence. There's 7 managers above me to the CEO. And even my CEO wouldn't stand a chance in changing the US health insurance system, by himself, if he really wanted.
For any significant change in your healthcare system, you probably need both parties to want change, because even if Bernie Sanders had won by a landslide, even most Democrats prefer your for profit health insurance system. Politicians have government provided health care, so they don't suffer your problems AND they are all rich AND a several of them got rich from ownership in pharma companies, speaker fees or stock trading with inside knowledge.
In the Netherlands, Eliquis (Apixaban) costs approximately €820 per year, in a dose of 5 mg twice a day. Our health insurance would cover that from the basic insurance, which means it wouldn't require any co-payment. If it's prescribed by the GP, no insurance can refuse to pay for it.
Maybe you could take Acenocoumarol or Phenprocoumon instead. Those are maybe not as good, but a lot cheaper. They are at least better than Aspirin.
The Dutch system is a lot cheaper than the American system, but I've seen lists where we were the second most expensive in the world. Our system covers everyone's basic needs, but because it's also privatized health insurance, the basic yearly health insurance premium has gone up from €1098 in 2017 to €1522 in 2022. The yearly deductible was introduced in 2006 at €150 and has risen to €385 for 2022.
For good, but affordable health care for all, The Netherlands is not your best choice. Better move to Canada. It's not as crowded, they also speak English
and they probably allow you to keep your guns.
Those are actually very observant points. Damn, now what
I might be a bit defensive about that 'dole'. Social security is very important to me. Even though it has mostly only cost me money, I value that security blanket very much, for when I would need it.
Sorry for being always negative. It's for a big part in the nature of Dutch people. Moaning about politics is our number one sport. If there something you can be proud about, it's that Americans are incredibly optimistic. Every American I've met filled the room with a positive attitude.
That's all the positivity I can muster for now. Because, what is my basic premise
is that it definitely makes your life more pleasurable to have a sunny deposition,
but a people of unyielding optimists can easily taken advantage off.
I wouldn't know how to point out issues associated with that, in a positive way.
Another liberal whining tax cuts favor the rich, the corporations, etc. Flawed logic as these cuts fuel hiring, investment, and growth. Build back better only adds debt, more government, and enormous costs being pushed to lower income consumers.
Build it back... a joke.
Biden thinks he is some new FDR and the progressives think FDR is a hero. Too bad they can't recall history: Without WWII his projects would have ruined the US economy.
Dgraff, check out online pharmacies. Canada exports tons of drugs to the US from our liberal utopia for exactly the reasons listed above. If you move to Canada all healthcare including prescriptions dental and vision is free after you’re 65 from those liberal cocksuckers! Actually it’s not just liberals, our conservative governments also support this. Ya gotta leave your guns at home though! Pot is legal everywhere and we make a lot of good whiskey!
This is one of many online pharmacies that sell primarily to Americans. Good luck and merry Christmas! 🎄
They are priced in US dollars.
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Just for the record, I have never used this company. It just happened to be the first one that came up when I googled it. I have never bought pharmaceuticals online.
That was very kind of you, kebmo, to share the information with dgraff. I'm curious whether these companies and/or these pharmaceuticals are manufactured in Canada or are they actually made in a third world country? --------------------------------------- added after 95 seconds
Duh! Looks like there is a column that provides that information. Sorry about that!
Thank you kebmo I have in the past got on line Eliquis from the Canadians and it was only 53 dollars as opposed to the 258 dollars it cost me in the United States but they wouldn’t send me them every month some United States regulations and then yet it got me in trouble with my doctor it’s just much simpler to drive to the store and buy aspirin and my weekend shots of Yukon keep my blood thin enough --------------------------------------- added after 80 seconds
And my thanks to the Canadian people for the money they have all ready saved me
Would it be worth your while to buy what you can and take them but not every day? Sometimes some is better than none. You know, like blow jobs!
I do know that a shit load of Americans get their insulin for diabetes in Canada. It's a LOT cheaper here. This is why drugs are cheaper in Canada than the US:
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Eliquis makes me feel funny in side I get all trembly so bad I can hardly sign a check and I have told my doctor about it and she said it was one of the side effects I bet I write out at least 20 checks each day I can’t be struggling to write a check --------------------------------------- added after 54 seconds
It could be your diet, guys. Maybe you're taking in too much saturated fats.
I know you love your freedom to eat meat. This liberal doesn't want to take that away from you, because I love it a lot myself. But eat some unsaturated fats too. Use olive oil instead of butter. Greek people drench everything in olive oil and they have the lowest rate of heart attacks in the world.
Don't let the libtards outlive you. They're already having a leg up on you because they can vaccinate without shame.
No my issue is hereditary my father had the same problem so did my older brothers my grandfather dropped over dead in the front yard but back then everything was thought to be a heart attack so they now figured it was a blood clot that killed him the Graffs have thick blood thus our ability to withstand extreme cold weather
At least you know, so you can do something to prevent problems. I read pineapple is a good food to prevent blood cloths. I support that (ananas = pineapple).
Trickle down has never worked, it only makes billionaires even richer.
But, damn they cucked you hard. That's why Bezos' rocket looks like a dick.
BBB wouldn't have increased the debt at all, when Joe Manchin had allowed to tax the billionaires a bit. NOT taxing their companies, taxing them PERSONALLY, because they pay (almost) NOTHING now.
Do you like paying more taxes than Bezos?
Trickle down has never worked, but strengthening the economy from the bottom up has worked consistently. BBB was a plan thought up by corporate Democrats, with great deals for industry in it, but it contained some good things for the lower and middle class too. You would have probably benefited yourself from it.
When debt is increased for tax cuts (for ...) they say nothing, but when they want to spend money on normal people they scream bloody murder about the debt.
At least recognize that.
How many people worked on bezo's rocket? Jobs in other words?
How much risk does bezo's and his investors take to build and launch a rocket?
How much risk is in YOUR job? Not quite as much I am sure.
for risk to be taken there has to be some positive result for the risk taker.Or there is no incentive.
Liberals didn't complain when tax money was used to build and launch a rocket and related objects to the moon?
You don't care about jobs when I tell you green energy creates millions of jobs. It's only an argument if it suits your narratives.
Space tourism is absolutely useless. Those rockets can also serve other purposes, so it's not the worst he can do, but he still doesn't need to have that kind of money personally.
My job is very safe now. Although sitting behind a computer 8 hours a day isn't very healthy. I know of only one death in our company for the last 10 years. A contractor fell of the roof. We have over 1000 people, doing all sorts of jobs. I did get a good scare once; I got shocked with 380 volts, because LOTO was not performed correctly. There have been more close calls, but my employer promotes incident reporting. We investigate incidents like that and make sure it can never happen again.
If your past employer had so many deaths, for such a small team, he probably didn't care enough. That's why it is good when the government investigates safety periodically.
Your government is doing the big handouts, just not to you, but to billionaires.
My government spends around 11% more per person than your government, but 67% of it is going to social security, healthcare, education, culture and science.
If you can't work a job, you are not in much of a position to benefit your self, much less society.
I am going to have to read about this black lung thing,I don't think they still carry birds into the caves and if the bird rolls off it's perch and dies they know they are in to far.
Phart, The bird in the mine is referred to as canary in a coal mine. This is what it means:
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Black lung disease is different.
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Looks like only about 10 % of the miners get the black lung after 25 years
" More than 10 percent of America's coal miners with 25 or more years of experience have black lung disease, the highest rate recorded in roughly two decades, according to a government study released on Thursday that showed cases concentrated heavily in central Appalachia"
So if 10% is the highest it has been in decades, hum,that is not nearly as bad as the media makes it sound.The way liberals and fear mongers make it sound it would be 90+ % of the miners after 5 years service.
"Oh, it's just 10% of employees who suffer a horrible death, who cares."
Would you have said the same if 10% of employees in your sector had accidents like yours?
And according to you, coal miners are incapable of doing anything else, so they will all work for at least 25 years. Or will you give all coal miners retirement after 20, 15 or 10 years of service?
Coal mine bosses are increasingly cutting corners on safety, because they can't compete. That's going to increase black lung disease.
It's a dying industry from the Industrial Revolution.
It has been long dead in most other modern countries.
Should you let the employees die with that industry?
There's a labor shortage, use it! Give them other jobs.
The UK handled the death of coal mining horribly.
The industry collapsed and all coal miners were unemployed.
Can the US do better? You do take pride in your innovation strength...
🤣 all this political shit amounts to nothing. Unless your a saint or a monk that sits on top of a hill fuck flogging a dead horse. Stop swimming against the current. Swim across... simple regardless of propaganda and mis information. Google might be yo friend but is it right Just saying.
You're obviously right that it will amount to nothing, but I like the battle.
Actually the world is progressing fast, it's conservatives who are swimming against the current. For hundreds of years they have been shouting from the hill that the progress of that time would destroy America for ever.
- The abolition of slavery.
- Civil Rights Act, which legally ended segregation
- Roe v. Wade
- Euthanasia / physician-assisted suicide
- Decriminalization of homosexuality
- Gay marriage equality
- Legal recognition of a gender identity
Conservatives fight back all the time, but it will all be reality at some point, because young people are much more progressive and the conservative
Fox News viewers are dying off.
Or can you name one goal conservatives permanently got cemented into law, since the bill of rights?
Sure!!! But can you stop it. This shit has been going on forever. I have a suggestion to keep you all occupied just swim.
Fuck L Ron Hubbard and
Fuck all his clones
Fuck all those gun-toting
Hip gangster wannabes
Learn to swim
Fuck retro anything
Fuck your tattoos
Fuck all you junkies and
Fuck your short memory
Learn to swim
Fuck smiley glad-hands
With hidden agendas
Fuck these dysfunctional
Insecure actresses.
That's true. Thanks for the tip.
But then you don't have to talk or think about any big subjects ever.
Many people buy their own bunker and keep it stocked with food, for a war that never comes. People buy guns to protect themselves against robbers, who never in their right mind think there's something good in their decrepit house.
As long as people talk about politics and I see viewpoints go unchallenged,
I will continue to comment on whatever I have an opinion. If it bothers you, don't read it. If it bothers everyone, it sure is the prerogative of the moderator to make this a right-wingers only topic and block the irritating socialist. But I think it will get boring soon.
If bella want's this to be a politics-free zone, I would comply.
Some say a comet will fall from the sky followed by meteor showers and tidal waves Followed by fault lines that cannot sit still Followed by millions of dumbfounded dipshits.
And some say the end is near Some say we'll see Armageddon soon I certainly hope we will I sure could use a vacation from this Stupid shit, silly shit. Your choice,feed the machine but at the end of the day it's all just One great big festering neon distraction.
You seem to be a (run down and fuck one) kinda guy where as I'm more a (walk down and fuck them all) kinda person. Hope you have a great Xmas and hope your thirst for knowledge don't eat you up inside.
Those person types are unknown to me 'run down and fuck one' vs 'walk down and fuck them all'. I'm too lazy for running, but I only fuck one girlfriend.
The thirst for knowledge is wonderful. Politics is just one of my interests, I follow astronomy, evolution, biology and philosophy subjects too.
Yes all a must on a sex site. And I bet you like mirrors too. . So when are you saving the world? Or be it the Nether region's. Bloody spell check... Netherlands? Keep us posted
You know the Republicans were the liberal at that time.
The conservatives were all in the Democratic Party back then.
The parties switched ideologies a long time ago.
Why then are the Republicans protecting the confederate flag and statues and the Democrats want them gone?
History. Ancestors. Equality. You have your heritage I have mine. We learn to tolerate each other and live together. Peace on earth.To wipe 1 peoples hertitage away and replace it with another only moves the hatred around a bit.Solves nothing.My thinking may not be the same as everyone elses but that is my privilege.
Leave my heritage alone and I won't bother yours. Tolerance was a big buzz word not to long ago.
actually several people died out of our 40 person crew over the 12 years I worked there.
Nothing much could be done. Some were accidents ,some were negligence of upper people like my case.
NO risk,no gain. Sure I would like to see the death rate down to 0, but that is not possible in the REAL world.
Just 1 stat,related to replacement energy sources for coal.
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It's a low number, so it doesn't matter right?1,000 deaths per trillion kWhrs produced
less than coal,but still people die.
No free rides.
Ask the folks that died after Chernobyl, oh that is low numbers per kw so they don't matter right?
Again,no free rides.
This current lockdown makes no difference to me; I've been working from home for close to 2 years, I still see family and friends and I always shop online. Well, I do regret not being able to see the new Matrix movie.
Maybe you've noticed that I don't post recognizable pictures. But I guess you think scientists are too serious to be on sex sites. Having learned the scientific method and using it daily does not make one loose sexual interest or love of life. Science only enriches life.
I don't publish anything publicly, because I'm working for a private company. What I publish internally is owned by the company. It would be worth something to our competitors, but not much to science in general. You have a very narrow definition of 'scientist', because you don't have a clue what science is and how it works.
At some point in the (near) future, automation will replace even more of the low skill jobs. The low skill workers will need welfare soup and government housing to survive. With my education, skills and ability to learn, I will be able to stay useful. Ask yourself if you can stay ahead of the curve. Maybe you should change your position on 'the dole', you might need it, in the coming 40 years of your working age.
You need some ambition and drive to get a good education, learn skills
and maintain the ability to learn, wouldn't you agree?
Ambition and drive are definitely important for climbing the ladder in management. I'm not interested in that. I use the average level of ambition
I have to improve my skills and volunteer for challenging projects.
That has served me well so far. Pressure kills creative thinking.
My reply is usually: "Isn't that why fucktards exist?"
He's the guy who introduced me to the term, and he is an expert on calling-out site fucktards.
There is not a single bastard word in my vocabulary...
That's the only one that counts.
I've made posts in the forum asking admin if his system could be programed to limit the length and possibly the content of a post. I think admin enjoys seeing how much we enjoy annoying one another and how we act like a bunch of children. I apologize that the thread was "censored" and I that in doing so, there were other posts removed, too.
My final thought is, it's really sad when a member or members don't seem to have self discipline and lack common sense.
admin, admit it, you rather enjoy sitting back on the sidelines and watching us go through our childlike antics and tantrums, wondering how far we will take our stupidity. C'mon, admit it.
That's like three steps down from the average fucktard...
The projected growth is now 2% instead of 3%.
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But you can all rejoice in the fact that Joe Manchin's donors will reward him
and his dirty coal company will not suffer from the competition of renewable energy.
There does not need to be competition of renewables. Make them AFFORDABLE and let the CONSUMER make the choice.
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Now, go back to being locked up Dutch cunt! Nothing but a government rat on the dole.
cut taxes for the rich. They give away your tax dollars to people who don't need it
and screw everyone else. Seeing billionaires fly rockets is all that you get.
And your precious 'freedom' killed 809.000 of your countrymen, so far...
And again with that "on the dole" crap. I have a job and only have been jobless for 3 months in my whole life. By improving my knowledge and skills, I earned myself a stimulating, versatile, well paying job. I'm not overly enthusiastic about what big pharma is doing politically, but people need medicine sometimes, to save their lives or improve their quality of life. I'm helping to improve the quality and availability of those medicines, lower the price and make the job of my colleagues safer and more rewarding.
So what makes you a valuable member of society?
As for big pharma ,I think it is very wrong for them to charge such high prices for things like insulin that has been in production for years.IT is all profit ,they should cut that cost down. If our government cared about diabetes and cancer 1/10th as much as they claim they do about this covid,the supply's would be mailed to you for cost of production. I recently got a prescription for the generic for Mobic. For inflammation .Insurance pays some and I get it for 2.20 a month at the local drug store.Has REALLY improved how I feel the past month or so. BIG improvement in my life in general.
On the dole means: receiving money that a government gives to people who do not have jobs or who are very poor. I'm not, but I wholeheartedly support that 'dole'.
People can be of great value, without working. And many working people do damage to society. I consider a person a valuable member of society, when their actions are beneficial to society and nature (which supports it). Just supporting yourself and keeping the economy running is not my principle of a valuable member of society.
Still, all people have the basic human right to live a good life and the ability to contribute doesn't take away from that.
Because of corporate, moneyed influence of politics, your employer was allowed to cut corners on safety, which caused your accident. The donations of big pharma to politicians and allowing the politicians to have conflicts of interest (owning companies and stocks) are the reason for those high prices. Those high prices make pharma companies lots of profits, but they hurt society. Illnesses that go untreated restrict the patients to participate in society to their full potential. Medical costs are the main cause for people going bankrupt over their debts. Apart from their own misery, this hurts society too. Big pharma lobbyists claim they are forced to demand high prices to afford innovation and research, but most of that research is done with public money (e.g. by universities) and innovation comes from competition, which the pharma companies try to minimize by lobbying (bribing) for favorable licensing rules.
Kyrsten Sinema was against BBB, because it contains drug price negotiations and she has conflicts of interest, because of big pharma donations (not just campaign donations, but also personal speaker fees) and her daughter profited from price gauging EpiPens.
Even the so-called 'liberal media' doesn't talk about her corruption.
Accidents on the job don't harm just the victims, but also society. In the end it harms the economy as well, but companies make short-sighted decisions, based on profits. The company you worked for probably doesn't even have influence over your politicians, but if big companies are allowed to cut corners on safety, small companies can only keep up, by doing the same.
Actually $2.20 a month is not that high for improvement of your life, but the cost of making the drug is probably a fraction. People who need biological anti-inflammation drugs are billed way way more. 'Biologicals' are much more difficult to make, but there's also big profit associated with those. The companies making them are milking their patents to the max. They pay my bills and they make a good employer, but they could be much more beneficial to society if they didn't choose profit over people.
I don't know what would happen to my job, if the world decided to nationalize all the pharma companies, but I still promote that and vote for politicians who push for it, because it would greatly expand access to healthcare for the whole of society.
Coal miners should have the same attitude. They should understand that their job is hurting the world and their health, and the best thing for everyone is the government taking away their jobs. Dying at 60 from black lung is not better than being forced into another job or early retirement. But corrupt Joe Manchin lies to you that his block of BBB helps those coal miners. And the media never points out how he got rich from coal and his donations depend on him blocking BBB. But now he even finds the coal miners' union against him and many companies who understand that child care helps people to work, which is important for the growth of the economy.
There is actually noting in BBB that hurts the economy or the people or the national debt, it only hurts the bottom line of some companies and therefore the wealth of some corrupt politicians.
Once you get there, buy some metric tools and do what you do best, repair cars. Don't bother being a business owner like you are here, work for someone else and take advantage of them, don't work to your full potential. My guess, many of the European countries are the same, when you work, you pay taxes, you then get free healthcare coverage.
Our country will miss you but if you are able to go elsewhere and live off the government, we understand, you can be their problem.
I get sea sick if I see moving water,no way I could live in the nether regions.
For any significant change in your healthcare system, you probably need both parties to want change, because even if Bernie Sanders had won by a landslide, even most Democrats prefer your for profit health insurance system. Politicians have government provided health care, so they don't suffer your problems AND they are all rich AND a several of them got rich from ownership in pharma companies, speaker fees or stock trading with inside knowledge.
In the Netherlands, Eliquis (Apixaban) costs approximately €820 per year, in a dose of 5 mg twice a day. Our health insurance would cover that from the basic insurance, which means it wouldn't require any co-payment. If it's prescribed by the GP, no insurance can refuse to pay for it.
Maybe you could take Acenocoumarol or Phenprocoumon instead. Those are maybe not as good, but a lot cheaper. They are at least better than Aspirin.
The Dutch system is a lot cheaper than the American system, but I've seen lists where we were the second most expensive in the world. Our system covers everyone's basic needs, but because it's also privatized health insurance, the basic yearly health insurance premium has gone up from €1098 in 2017 to €1522 in 2022. The yearly deductible was introduced in 2006 at €150 and has risen to €385 for 2022.
For good, but affordable health care for all, The Netherlands is not your best choice. Better move to Canada. It's not as crowded, they also speak English
and they probably allow you to keep your guns.
Notice how Dutch cunt never posts anything positive? Not even about his own Liberal Utopia country!
I might be a bit defensive about that 'dole'. Social security is very important to me. Even though it has mostly only cost me money, I value that security blanket very much, for when I would need it.
Sorry for being always negative. It's for a big part in the nature of Dutch people. Moaning about politics is our number one sport. If there something you can be proud about, it's that Americans are incredibly optimistic. Every American I've met filled the room with a positive attitude.
That's all the positivity I can muster for now. Because, what is my basic premise
is that it definitely makes your life more pleasurable to have a sunny deposition,
but a people of unyielding optimists can easily taken advantage off.
I wouldn't know how to point out issues associated with that, in a positive way.
Build it back... a joke.
Biden thinks he is some new FDR and the progressives think FDR is a hero. Too bad they can't recall history: Without WWII his projects would have ruined the US economy.
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My country has done absolutely nothing for me in the last year
This is one of many online pharmacies that sell primarily to Americans. Good luck and merry Christmas! 🎄
They are priced in US dollars.
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--------------------------------------- added after 15 minutes
Just for the record, I have never used this company. It just happened to be the first one that came up when I googled it. I have never bought pharmaceuticals online.
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Duh! Looks like there is a column that provides that information. Sorry about that!
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And my thanks to the Canadian people for the money they have all ready saved me
I do know that a shit load of Americans get their insulin for diabetes in Canada. It's a LOT cheaper here. This is why drugs are cheaper in Canada than the US:
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--------------------------------------- added after 54 seconds
My aspirin works just fine
It could be your diet, guys. Maybe you're taking in too much saturated fats.
I know you love your freedom to eat meat. This liberal doesn't want to take that away from you, because I love it a lot myself. But eat some unsaturated fats too. Use olive oil instead of butter. Greek people drench everything in olive oil and they have the lowest rate of heart attacks in the world.
Don't let the libtards outlive you. They're already having a leg up on you because they can vaccinate without shame.
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But, damn they cucked you hard. That's why Bezos' rocket looks like a dick.
BBB wouldn't have increased the debt at all, when Joe Manchin had allowed to tax the billionaires a bit. NOT taxing their companies, taxing them PERSONALLY, because they pay (almost) NOTHING now.
Do you like paying more taxes than Bezos?
Trickle down has never worked, but strengthening the economy from the bottom up has worked consistently. BBB was a plan thought up by corporate Democrats, with great deals for industry in it, but it contained some good things for the lower and middle class too. You would have probably benefited yourself from it.
When debt is increased for tax cuts (for ...) they say nothing, but when they want to spend money on normal people they scream bloody murder about the debt.
At least recognize that.
How much risk does bezo's and his investors take to build and launch a rocket?
How much risk is in YOUR job? Not quite as much I am sure.
for risk to be taken there has to be some positive result for the risk taker.Or there is no incentive.
Liberals didn't complain when tax money was used to build and launch a rocket and related objects to the moon?
Space tourism is absolutely useless. Those rockets can also serve other purposes, so it's not the worst he can do, but he still doesn't need to have that kind of money personally.
My job is very safe now. Although sitting behind a computer 8 hours a day isn't very healthy. I know of only one death in our company for the last 10 years. A contractor fell of the roof. We have over 1000 people, doing all sorts of jobs. I did get a good scare once; I got shocked with 380 volts, because LOTO was not performed correctly. There have been more close calls, but my employer promotes incident reporting. We investigate incidents like that and make sure it can never happen again.
If your past employer had so many deaths, for such a small team, he probably didn't care enough. That's why it is good when the government investigates safety periodically.
Stick to what you know: big government handouts and waste.
My government spends around 11% more per person than your government, but 67% of it is going to social security, healthcare, education, culture and science.
I am going to have to read about this black lung thing,I don't think they still carry birds into the caves and if the bird rolls off it's perch and dies they know they are in to far.
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Black lung disease is different.
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Looks like only about 10 % of the miners get the black lung after 25 years
" More than 10 percent of America's coal miners with 25 or more years of experience have black lung disease, the highest rate recorded in roughly two decades, according to a government study released on Thursday that showed cases concentrated heavily in central Appalachia"
So if 10% is the highest it has been in decades, hum,that is not nearly as bad as the media makes it sound.The way liberals and fear mongers make it sound it would be 90+ % of the miners after 5 years service.
Would you have said the same if 10% of employees in your sector had accidents like yours?
And according to you, coal miners are incapable of doing anything else, so they will all work for at least 25 years. Or will you give all coal miners retirement after 20, 15 or 10 years of service?
Coal mine bosses are increasingly cutting corners on safety, because they can't compete. That's going to increase black lung disease.
It's a dying industry from the Industrial Revolution.
It has been long dead in most other modern countries.
Should you let the employees die with that industry?
There's a labor shortage, use it! Give them other jobs.
The UK handled the death of coal mining horribly.
The industry collapsed and all coal miners were unemployed.
Can the US do better? You do take pride in your innovation strength...
Actually the world is progressing fast, it's conservatives who are swimming against the current. For hundreds of years they have been shouting from the hill that the progress of that time would destroy America for ever.
- The abolition of slavery.
- Civil Rights Act, which legally ended segregation
- Roe v. Wade
- Euthanasia / physician-assisted suicide
- Decriminalization of homosexuality
- Gay marriage equality
- Legal recognition of a gender identity
Conservatives fight back all the time, but it will all be reality at some point, because young people are much more progressive and the conservative
Fox News viewers are dying off.
Or can you name one goal conservatives permanently got cemented into law, since the bill of rights?
So swim across and let progress progress.
Fuck L Ron Hubbard and
Fuck all his clones
Fuck all those gun-toting
Hip gangster wannabes
Learn to swim
Fuck retro anything
Fuck your tattoos
Fuck all you junkies and
Fuck your short memory
Learn to swim
Fuck smiley glad-hands
With hidden agendas
Fuck these dysfunctional
Insecure actresses.
Just my thought
I have no problem with saying fuck to all those things.
But then you don't have to talk or think about any big subjects ever.
Many people buy their own bunker and keep it stocked with food, for a war that never comes. People buy guns to protect themselves against robbers, who never in their right mind think there's something good in their decrepit house.
As long as people talk about politics and I see viewpoints go unchallenged,
I will continue to comment on whatever I have an opinion. If it bothers you, don't read it. If it bothers everyone, it sure is the prerogative of the moderator to make this a right-wingers only topic and block the irritating socialist. But I think it will get boring soon.
If bella want's this to be a politics-free zone, I would comply.
And some say the end is near Some say we'll see Armageddon soon I certainly hope we will I sure could use a vacation from this Stupid shit, silly shit. Your choice,feed the machine but at the end of the day it's all just One great big festering neon distraction.
You seem to be a (run down and fuck one) kinda guy where as I'm more a (walk down and fuck them all) kinda person. Hope you have a great Xmas and hope your thirst for knowledge don't eat you up inside.
The thirst for knowledge is wonderful. Politics is just one of my interests, I follow astronomy, evolution, biology and philosophy subjects too.
The conservatives were all in the Democratic Party back then.
The parties switched ideologies a long time ago.
Why then are the Republicans protecting the confederate flag and statues and the Democrats want them gone?
Leave my heritage alone and I won't bother yours. Tolerance was a big buzz word not to long ago.
Nothing much could be done. Some were accidents ,some were negligence of upper people like my case.
NO risk,no gain. Sure I would like to see the death rate down to 0, but that is not possible in the REAL world.
Just 1 stat,related to replacement energy sources for coal.
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It's a low number, so it doesn't matter right?1,000 deaths per trillion kWhrs produced
less than coal,but still people die.
No free rides.
Ask the folks that died after Chernobyl, oh that is low numbers per kw so they don't matter right?
Again,no free rides.
What really makes me laugh is he claims to be a scientist. If he was, he 100% would not post his picture on this site!
So, we know he is not published or respected. Just another faux intellect posting the work of others.
Enjoy your welfare soup and government housing.
Maybe you've noticed that I don't post recognizable pictures. But I guess you think scientists are too serious to be on sex sites. Having learned the scientific method and using it daily does not make one loose sexual interest or love of life. Science only enriches life.
I don't publish anything publicly, because I'm working for a private company. What I publish internally is owned by the company. It would be worth something to our competitors, but not much to science in general. You have a very narrow definition of 'scientist', because you don't have a clue what science is and how it works.
At some point in the (near) future, automation will replace even more of the low skill jobs. The low skill workers will need welfare soup and government housing to survive. With my education, skills and ability to learn, I will be able to stay useful. Ask yourself if you can stay ahead of the curve. Maybe you should change your position on 'the dole', you might need it, in the coming 40 years of your working age.
and maintain the ability to learn, wouldn't you agree?
Ambition and drive are definitely important for climbing the ladder in management. I'm not interested in that. I use the average level of ambition
I have to improve my skills and volunteer for challenging projects.
That has served me well so far. Pressure kills creative thinking.
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