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Time to fly north for the summer Bella
Is it like ,having a neighbor check it or?
climate control systems can fail, plumbing freeze and bust and etc. I would hate to be gone for 6 months to come home to a soggy moldy mess for a house because a busted water line happened 2 weeks after I left.
1 reason I ask, in a couple years I should be in a better position financially and have considered putting a used camper on a spot up in the mountains to have a place to go to just get the hell away for a few days! maby a creek near by to gold pan in and such.
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Suddenly we should tolerate "art" that we don't like but be fine with removal of "art" others don't like. That double standard again.
I still haven't saw any of those evil southern men with their preverbal 4x4's hooking chains up to MLK in Charlottte.
Why? Because they are more tolerant than the liberals and have some respect for others property
That so called artwork, Knives, gnashing teeth ,are plainly visible. How could you NOT see the violence depicted? Blind and dumb people. By choice not by natural causes or accident.
2) the mural can't be moved in any way without destruction of same.
3) if the mural had been painted on the wall of the courthouse, then, if people
strongly objected to it, then the authorities could order it's destruction.
4) the statue of Lee was in a PUBLIC park and it was movable.
5) the mural is controversial fot what it depicts, but privately owned.
6) the statue honors a traitor to the United States who fought to preserve the
enslavement of African Americans and, these African American citizens
have the right to be upset that a public park hosts a hated person like Lee.
7) the statue could be moved to a more suitable location, like a private venue.
Think " The Daughters of the Confederacy", and no one could object.
8 )you say Southern men are more tolerant than liberals. If so, why aren't any
streets named after Martin Luther King in any white neighborhood,
especially in the South?
I wouldn't call this a "neighborhood".
I was on it back last year and unless people live way up high maby?
I was hit by a black lady that ran a stop sign in 95. Broadsided my car, totaled hers. I had to change a tire and did it there at the scene as I had a family member in the hospital I had to go see a 100 miles away . The policeman stayed in the area till I left, he actually told me I really should be going and change the tire elsewhere.
And HE was black.
So you tell me what i am supposed to believe about black 'hoods?
Reminds of those 12 dollar hamburgers at Cms back in the late 90's.
a bun,a patty,and a squirt pack of mustard or catsup, 12 bucks.
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Why was the dick not shown erect? Would it still be art if the dick was straight up? Would it be art if depictions of fluids were coming out? Where is the line between art and perversion? Who drew it? And who keeps moving it?
It appears that even back then, people were perverted
The small size of the genitals, though, is in line with his other works and with Renaissance conventions in general, perhaps referencing the ancient Greek ideal of pre-pubescent male nudity.
Commentators have noted the presence of foreskin on David's penis, which is at odds with the Judaic practice of circumcision, but is consistent with the conventions of Renaissance art.
Phart, the statue has political overtones too. Do some research.
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Now think about this.
Do we know that facebook and tweeter and so forth are the ONLY places faces were taken from?
And considering the level of hacking that goes on, the wrong people get ahold of your face,along with your private components, could black mail you for more than you would ever be worth.
Very sad
WTF does this mean? What is woke politics? Is it dealing with the debt ceiling? Is it dealing with the budget? Is it dealing with inflation or recession? What about women's health rights? Or, maybe, voter's rights? Is it about China's sabre rattling? How about e cars?
It's about Trump getting indicted. It's about what to do if you were born with a peepee or a slit. It's about letting you sit to pee if you want to. It's about how poor losers lost an election..or..... I know..........
It's about Republican Lauren Boebert bringing to the House that most important of all subjects...... PUBLIC URINATION IN DC.
A bunch of idiots destroying our great country.
It wont be long before the soliders will have to wear pink camo while on the battlefield to bring equity to the platoon.
The bullshit that gets called woke to clean it up verbally ,needs to stop when the gi's go in for basic.
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But yea, your age was verified to make sure you were old enough to buy glue .It is theorized that once a person matures they have enough sense not to huff the glue and are buying it to use as designed.
--------------------------------------- added after 13 hours
Kids use crazy glue to jam key holes. Spray paint for graffiti
You do NOT want this anywhere on you.
I use this for alot of repairs from auto to glueing shoes back together.
And yes, at 1 time Crazy Glue was a brand, had the guy hanging from a cable by his hard hat or a car hanging from a cable,supposedly held by super glue.
I have heard, that super glue it's self was developed for use in medical treatment of soldiers in Vietnam
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