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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

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By bella! [Ignore] 06,Apr,23 16:04 other posts 
Hey, dgraff , it's 91 degrees in LaBelle, Florida NOW and 51 in my hometown in Michigan. Believe me, the 91 degrees is HOT but it's not humid! Monday through Friday, sometime between 7 to 7:15 a.m., I go for a 3+ mile walk because any time after 9 is too HOT!
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Apr,23 05:38 other posts 
Wow that’s too hot for me I turn the A/C on when it gets over 75 degrees in the house

By bella! [Ignore] 07,Apr,23 01:41 other posts 
What is the deal with chicken and waffles? What is it about two very distinct and separate food items that makes them so popular when served together?

By bella! [Ignore] 05,Apr,23 23:53 other posts 
This is really interesting, questionable currency received via an ATM machine.

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By dgraff [Ignore] 06,Apr,23 08:50 other posts 
Maybe it’s Joe Biden’s new funny money with track able spy wear
By #610414 06,Apr,23 09:25
It belongs to Marjorie Tailor Green. She thought Monopoly is real, played with real currency.😈

By dgraff [Ignore] 04,Apr,23 19:07 other posts 
Is the cold weather over now today we topped out at 74 in Pennsylvania
Time to fly north for the summer Bella
By bella! [Ignore] 04,Apr,23 21:07 other posts 
Yeah, at my place in Michigan, it wasn't 74 degrees but it was a respectable 56 degrees today. I will be going home in about 2 weeks. Got some things to do down here, some loose ends to tie up before I will leave. My new winter home is almost where I want it to be, there's things to get done.
By phart [Ignore] 04,Apr,23 23:51 other posts 
Not being noisy and not asking exact details but how do you secure a winter home and or a summer home?
Is it like ,having a neighbor check it or?
climate control systems can fail, plumbing freeze and bust and etc. I would hate to be gone for 6 months to come home to a soggy moldy mess for a house because a busted water line happened 2 weeks after I left.
By #610414 05,Apr,23 13:29
I have several relatives from the New England area that are snowbirds. They shut off the main water valve at the water meter or cut power if they have water wells. If leaving Florida, they leave the AC on a high temp setting around 76* to prevent mildew and mustiness. Spare key to a trusted neighbor/ friend for weekly checkups and a security system with inexpensive internet cameras. Some buy a used car and leave it here so they can fly instead of driving.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Apr,23 17:27 other posts 
My apology that I wasn't able to address your question sooner. Looks like CAT's post was basically how I would have responded.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Apr,23 20:32 other posts 
Ok, just curious. It is all alot of us can do to keep 1 household in 1 piece. lol

1 reason I ask, in a couple years I should be in a better position financially and have considered putting a used camper on a spot up in the mountains to have a place to go to just get the hell away for a few days! maby a creek near by to gold pan in and such.
By #610414 06,Apr,23 08:39

By Dev01 [Ignore] 06,Apr,23 07:04 other posts 
BTW Leo... I'm Quarter pound you fuckin chicken nugget

By bella! [Ignore] 03,Apr,23 23:03 other posts 
This is interesting...... This is a controversial mural painted on the outside wall of a coffee shop in Altadena, CA. One woman, a woman of color sees "art" and the next woman, one that appears to be Caucasian sees "black images fighting each other with knives". The Caucasian woman asserts that the mural is insensitive and has no place in the community.

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By #610414 04,Apr,23 08:28
The Caucasian woman is, in my opinion, right about the mural being insensitive, but, it is art and like any other form of art, if you don't like it, don't look at it or ignore it.
By phart [Ignore] 04,Apr,23 08:53 other posts 
Gee, where was this sentiment when Robert E.Lee and Traveler were taken down in virgina?
Suddenly we should tolerate "art" that we don't like but be fine with removal of "art" others don't like. That double standard again.
I still haven't saw any of those evil southern men with their preverbal 4x4's hooking chains up to MLK in Charlottte.
Why? Because they are more tolerant than the liberals and have some respect for others property

That so called artwork, Knives, gnashing teeth ,are plainly visible. How could you NOT see the violence depicted? Blind and dumb people. By choice not by natural causes or accident.
By #610414 04,Apr,23 09:16
1) the mural in question is on a wall of a private property.
2) the mural can't be moved in any way without destruction of same.
3) if the mural had been painted on the wall of the courthouse, then, if people
strongly objected to it, then the authorities could order it's destruction.
4) the statue of Lee was in a PUBLIC park and it was movable.
5) the mural is controversial fot what it depicts, but privately owned.
6) the statue honors a traitor to the United States who fought to preserve the
enslavement of African Americans and, these African American citizens
have the right to be upset that a public park hosts a hated person like Lee.
7) the statue could be moved to a more suitable location, like a private venue.
Think " The Daughters of the Confederacy", and no one could object.
8 )you say Southern men are more tolerant than liberals. If so, why aren't any
streets named after Martin Luther King in any white neighborhood,
especially in the South?
By phart [Ignore] 04,Apr,23 12:59 other posts 
Both citys I am aware of with MLK BLVD are in the center of town or on the outskirts. none directly thru black hoods.
By #610414 04,Apr,23 13:44
I bet none go through white areas or their name changes when they do.
By phart [Ignore] 04,Apr,23 23:53 other posts 
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I wouldn't call this a "neighborhood".
I was on it back last year and unless people live way up high maby?
By #275407 05,Apr,23 07:21
I wouldn't go through any town on a street named Martin Luther King Blvd, because if I did, they might be naming a street after me in the near future after I've been fatally shot for being white, that wasn't a racist statement because I've been in those neiborhoods and almost got beat up or killed because I'm a white boy in a town where I don't belong just because I made a wrong turn on a street to bring me there.
By #610414 05,Apr,23 08:42
Look at it again. The photos clearly depic an African American neighborhood ( look at the people in the pic)
By phart [Ignore] 05,Apr,23 09:40 other posts 
There were streets in the county I worked in that you did NOT want to be caught near after dusk if you were white, period. Police would tell you this.
I was hit by a black lady that ran a stop sign in 95. Broadsided my car, totaled hers. I had to change a tire and did it there at the scene as I had a family member in the hospital I had to go see a 100 miles away . The policeman stayed in the area till I left, he actually told me I really should be going and change the tire elsewhere.
And HE was black.
So you tell me what i am supposed to believe about black 'hoods?
By #610414 05,Apr,23 10:01
Me? That's up to you. You are not the only one that doesn't like to be caught in the 'hood'

By bella! [Ignore] 04,Apr,23 21:14 other posts 
I went to the show today and paid $7.34 for a glass of Coke, couldn't afford the popcorn!
By phart [Ignore] 04,Apr,23 23:49 other posts 
let me guess, not outside food or beverage allowed right?
Reminds of those 12 dollar hamburgers at Cms back in the late 90's.
a bun,a patty,and a squirt pack of mustard or catsup, 12 bucks.

By bella! [Ignore] 03,Apr,23 17:53 other posts 
Saturday Night Live and their spin on the controversial subject matter of Michaelangelo's David.

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By #610414 03,Apr,23 18:01
It shouldn't be controversial. It's a beautiful work of art
By phart [Ignore] 04,Apr,23 09:01 other posts 
Why did the artist make such a point of depicting the dick and balls and hair so well?,why not a simple cloth over it? Why so well depicted?
Why was the dick not shown erect? Would it still be art if the dick was straight up? Would it be art if depictions of fluids were coming out? Where is the line between art and perversion? Who drew it? And who keeps moving it?
It appears that even back then, people were perverted
By #610414 04,Apr,23 09:26
The nudity reflects the story of David as stated in the Bible, I Samuel 17:38–39: "And Saul armed David with his armour, and he put an helmet of brass upon his head; also he armed him with a coat of mail. And David girded his sword upon his armour, and he assayed to go; for he had not proved it. And David said unto Saul, I cannot go with these; for I have not proved them. And David put them off him."[25]

The small size of the genitals, though, is in line with his other works and with Renaissance conventions in general, perhaps referencing the ancient Greek ideal of pre-pubescent male nudity.

Commentators have noted the presence of foreskin on David's penis, which is at odds with the Judaic practice of circumcision, but is consistent with the conventions of Renaissance art.

Phart, the statue has political overtones too. Do some research.

By phart [Ignore] 03,Apr,23 21:17 other posts 
Is YOUR face on the internet?
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By bella! [Ignore] 03,Apr,23 21:33 other posts 
That's CRAZY!
By phart [Ignore] 04,Apr,23 08:54 other posts 
Yea, and there are those out there that just don't comprehend that the internet is just not a safe place for your face.

Now think about this.
Do we know that facebook and tweeter and so forth are the ONLY places faces were taken from?

And considering the level of hacking that goes on, the wrong people get ahold of your face,along with your private components, could black mail you for more than you would ever be worth.

By phart [Ignore] 03,Apr,23 12:26 other posts 
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Very sad
By #610414 03,Apr,23 14:20
"the Biden administration’s whole-of-government embrace of woke politics"

WTF does this mean? What is woke politics? Is it dealing with the debt ceiling? Is it dealing with the budget? Is it dealing with inflation or recession? What about women's health rights? Or, maybe, voter's rights? Is it about China's sabre rattling? How about e cars?
It's about Trump getting indicted. It's about what to do if you were born with a peepee or a slit. It's about letting you sit to pee if you want to. It's about how poor losers lost an election..or..... I know..........
It's about Republican Lauren Boebert bringing to the House that most important of all subjects...... PUBLIC URINATION IN DC.
A bunch of idiots destroying our great country.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Apr,23 16:11 other posts 
it is about the military becoming to soft and liberal to do it's job.
It wont be long before the soliders will have to wear pink camo while on the battlefield to bring equity to the platoon.
The bullshit that gets called woke to clean it up verbally ,needs to stop when the gi's go in for basic.
By #610414 03,Apr,23 18:00
If the military is becoming too soft, replace the sergeants.

By bella! [Ignore] 03,Apr,23 04:24 other posts 
This is a ventriloquist appearing on Canada's Got Talent. Just my opinion, he's not really funny or entertaining and his tongue hangs out of his mouth which makes him visually distracting!

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By bella! [Ignore] 01,Apr,23 13:36 other posts 
I needed Super Glue/Krazy Glue and drove up to Walmart to purchase. My assumption was that I would find the above in Walmart's hardware area. Although I didn't find Super Glue or Krazy Glue, I was able to find Gorilla Glue, my guess a comparable glue right next to DUCT TAPE! Woo hoo! Much to my surprise, when I was doing my self check out, I needed to be somewhat "carded" for the purchase of glue! What's up with that?
By Jamie [Ignore] 01,Apr,23 13:45 other posts 
never has happen to me..
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Apr,23 14:05 other posts 
Do you/have you bought Gorilla Glue lately?
By Jamie [Ignore] 01,Apr,23 14:13 other posts 
Yes a few times
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Apr,23 15:09 other posts 
They don't card you because you look like a GO-RILLA!
By Jamie [Ignore] 01,Apr,23 16:18 other posts 
Not for that but for buying beer.
By #610414 01,Apr,23 14:20
It's not just glue. Walmart policy
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Apr,23 16:18 other posts 
Okay, Walmart store policy but for what reason? Have any crimes been committed using Gorilla Glue? I wonder if the policy was put in place months ago when the woman used it in her hair?
By Ray10754 [Ignore] 01,Apr,23 17:17 other posts 
Some stores in some states will card for the purchase of the following, certain glues, tapes and caulking compounds, paints and varnishes, due the the chemicals they are made up from, some folks have been found to use them to ( Huff, sniff ) for the high, It is a unwritten law that has been around for several years but not commonly enforced.
By phart [Ignore] 01,Apr,23 17:48 other posts 
Yea,it was common years ago for people to open a gas can or gas cap on a tractor or something and sniff gasoline,back when it was strong for a "high". Strange.
But yea, your age was verified to make sure you were old enough to buy glue .It is theorized that once a person matures they have enough sense not to huff the glue and are buying it to use as designed.
By #610414 01,Apr,23 18:46
The DIY stores like Home Depot stopped selling spray paint yrs ago to prevent graffiti
--------------------------------------- added after 13 hours

Kids use crazy glue to jam key holes. Spray paint for graffiti
By Ray10754 [Ignore] 01,Apr,23 19:53 other posts 
Every HomeDepot Lowes and all hardware stores here in Maine still sell spray paint
By phart [Ignore] 01,Apr,23 21:02 other posts 
Yea and the colors they carry change often and when you need the same color 2 years later,forget it.! Krylon is disappearing off the shelves of walmart and lowes. Rustoleum is good paint but the gloss black Krylon just has a sharper,glossyer look to it than rustoleum. hard to do long term projects and get enough of some paints and they last long in the can to.
By #610414 01,Apr,23 23:39
I'm sorry. I meant to say stopped selling to those under 18. Spray paint is still sold
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Apr,23 21:01 other posts 
phart, regarding the general "theory", I call BULLSHIT to that! If you were a problem teen/young person, unless you changed your ways or were confined to remanded to a detention center or prison, you probably grew up to be a sketchy adult!
By phart [Ignore] 01,Apr,23 21:02 other posts 
true,But at least they tried.
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Apr,23 20:54 other posts 
Thanks, Ray!
By sherryann [Ignore] 01,Apr,23 23:34 other posts 
That super glue works wonders
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Apr,23 23:50 other posts 
Super Glue brand super glue or Gorilla Glue?
By sherryann [Ignore] 02,Apr,23 16:25 other posts 
Super glue brand. I remember crazy glue brand that also worked great. (not sure if the brand name was crazy glue, I'm pretty sure it was).
By #610414 02,Apr,23 19:01
The things you learn looking for songs on YouTube to post in Bella's other thead, if you combine baking soda with any super glue, the mix turns instantly into a hard, woodlike substance, good to fill nail holes and other holes
By phart [Ignore] 03,Apr,23 00:40 other posts 
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You do NOT want this anywhere on you.
I use this for alot of repairs from auto to glueing shoes back together.
And yes, at 1 time Crazy Glue was a brand, had the guy hanging from a cable by his hard hat or a car hanging from a cable,supposedly held by super glue.

I have heard, that super glue it's self was developed for use in medical treatment of soldiers in Vietnam

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