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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

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By phart [Ignore] 08,May,23 15:18 other posts 
I helped a friend for years that was blind and I can tell you from experience, being blind requires alot of resouces and effort on alot of peoples part.
For this woman to think she has a right to blind herself, and then put a burden on society is a totally irrational idea. She should be in a damn funny farm.
Resources for the blind are difficult to get,and expensive and should be reserved for those people that are blind for reasons beyond their own control.
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By phart [Ignore] 08,May,23 13:33 other posts 
“A man should be able to do many things by himself. In particular: protect his family.”

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Cat,the war is at these peoples door.
By #610414 08,May,23 14:12
Still, it has nothing to do with our discussion

By phart [Ignore] 05,May,23 21:01 other posts 
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By #610414 05,May,23 21:04
By phart [Ignore] 05,May,23 21:25 other posts 
It is just a explanation of what debt ceiling means for those that may not understand exactly what it is. It seems we have no credit limit.

How well would it work if you didn't have a credit limit?
By #610414 06,May,23 14:54
This is not a credit card. As long as this country pays it’s debts, it can continue to get credit from all sources.
By dgraff [Ignore] 06,May,23 20:54 other posts 
We haven’t paid down our debt since bill Clinton was president
By #610414 06,May,23 21:51
Wish he was still our President.
In 1993, President Clinton and Vice President Gore launched their economic strategy: (1) establishing fiscal discipline, eliminating the budget deficit, keeping interest rates low, and spurring private-sector investment; (2) investing in people through education, training, science, and research; and (3) opening foreign markets so American workers can compete abroad. After eight years, the results of President Clinton's economic leadership are clear. Record budget deficits have become record surpluses, 22 million new jobs have been created, unemployment and core inflation are at their lowest levels in more than 30 years, and America is in the midst of the longest economic expansion in our history.
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,May,23 06:32 other posts 
I liked bill he was good for our country
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

But again he was a business man not a career politician or should I say criminal
By phart [Ignore] 07,May,23 21:04 other posts 
copy and paste from my congressman
Let's see if biden and his ilk are willing to step up to the plate or sit back and whine!


“I go on the principle that a public debt is a public curse and in a republican government more than in any other.” - James Madison

House Republicans made a commitment to deliver an economy that’s strong and a government that’s accountable. With our nation now staring down a debt crisis as a result of years of reckless spending, yet again, we are following through on our promise.

The days of President Joe Biden’s out-of-control spending in Washington are over.

Last week, we delivered for the American people with the passage of the Limit, Save, Grow Act. It will responsibly address the debt crisis while also limiting Washington’s spending, saving your tax dollars, and growing the American economy.

Washington Democrats have tried to mislead you about the legislation, even saying it would cut funds for the VA or veteran benefits. You know me—I would never support something like that. The Left are using our nation’s veterans as a political football to spread lies and instill fear to gain political advantage.

The truth is this legislation does not cut benefits but simply freezes spending at 2022 levels—levels once praised by President Joe Biden. It also reclaims billions in unused COVID-19 tax dollars, defunds Biden’s IRS army of 87,000 agents, and requires single, childless adults to look for work while on welfare programs—all while preventing the U.S. from defaulting on its debt and protecting your hard earned money.

You and your family deserve answers and strong leadership, and House Republicans have delivered a responsible plan that would save $4.8 trillion over the next 10 years, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.

We have done our job. If President Biden and Senate Democrats don’t like the plan we passed, they can offer an alternative and we can negotiate.

President Biden, former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer all have a long history of engaging in and supporting similar negotiations in the past. In fact, as Vice President, Biden led debt limit negotiations in 2011. Debt ceiling negotiations are nothing new, and recent polling showed an overwhelming 74% of Americans want President Biden and Chuck Schumer to negotiate with Speaker McCarthy.

Instead of presenting a tangible alternative, Senate Democrats and the President have wasted critical time and are placing our country’s credit on the line. You deserve better from your elected leaders, and are too smart to fall victim of their political games.

While many in Washington play games with your tax dollars, I will always stand up for you and your family and stay focused on working across the aisle on common sense solutions to improve our community, state, and nation.
By #610414 08,May,23 09:20
All this dribble is meant to hide the fact that the Repukers proposal is not something the country needs or wants. All the debt ceiling is, in plain language, is as follows. You go grocery shopping and have $100 available, but, you go to the store with a plan. You will only spend $75. However, at the checkout, the total is $87. At that point you pay $87. The debt ceiling is the same except in a national level. The BUDGET is where there should be discussions on what the government will spend or change. The Repuckers want to blackmail the Dumbocrats into doing things that should be studied before it’s approved. They are playing with a major, worldwide, financial disaster.
By phart [Ignore] 08,May,23 09:35 other posts 
I am thinking ,I know, that's bad, that a default might be the beginning to a solution. If the government can't spend a damn dime, and the PEOPLE are still going about their lives, adapting to the absence of government workers, perhaps the population will learn the bloated government we have now is not needed.
I was listening to some bs this morning about a default may cause issues with getting a passport or the veterans hospital may have issues. The doctors won't abandon their patients, the nurses that are working there for the right reasons will adapt and help the people who fought for our freedoms. Sure it couldn't go on for very long before things started going south ,but a glimpse of reality would be there for all to see.We don't need so much government. The only 1's really worried about a default are the 1's that would be missing a check they didn't work for,
By #610414 08,May,23 10:24
When the debt ceiling is reached, no checks will be issued FOR ANYTHING. Non-essential government offices will be closed. No passports, no forestry offices open. National parks will be closed. Veterans hospitals will handle emergency cases only. Social Security and Medicare would have to pay out from their reserves. The military and government workers would be affected.
The effects of a default and subsequent government shutdown would be far-reaching. Moody’s Analytics estimates a default could cost six million jobs and erase $15 trillion in household wealth. This is crazy, especially when you consider the following. Extending the debt ceiling does not authorize new spending. Instead approval allows the treasury department to pay obligations Congress has already approved.

By bella! [Ignore] 08,May,23 04:53 other posts 
The site's "must see and read", the blog authored by Puppet_Master!, /blogs/54129.html , such a hoot!

Poor, poor Freddy, on his monthly menstrual cycle being attacked in chat. Such a pitiful existence.....on his period and he shits and pisses all over himself, too!

By bella! [Ignore] 06,May,23 22:59 other posts 
Although this happened on April 28, 8 days ago, I did not hear about it. In a Chicago suburb, a 79 year old man shot his neighbor dead all because of the noise of a leaf blower!

What in the world is happening? Are we Americans that fucked up?

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By #692771 07,May,23 03:36
I would like to have a response to this, well I guess I am, but I am lost for words, so sad 😢
By phart [Ignore] 07,May,23 10:08 other posts 
Considering the dust clouds I made last week cleaning up the "back 40" it is wonder the military didn't nuke me!
Depending on the machine, some leaf blowers are noisy as jet airplanes. Electric,not as quite as we would like to think.I can hear my neighbors over a 1/4 mile away and it plugs in the wall.
By #610414 07,May,23 13:51
It's over the top. We have becomed a society that deals with adversity with the use of a gun. No one talks. No one compromises. No one thinks life is prescious. Then people question my insistence that firearms should be outlawed.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 07,May,23 16:24 other posts 
I am afraid that a lot of the world looking in from outside would say that yes, you are.

The truth is very different though. I read that 87% of US citizens are in favour of stricter gun controls. So it is a small minority that are the crazies. Sadly, they can cause so much horror and heartache.

By #692771 07,May,23 04:31
It amazes me that every time this idiot PITBULL opens his mouth, he just proves how much more stupid he is, it also seems that his stupid is festering into a much more powerful version of stupid, I'm not sure if that was the right term (powerful), but much more stupid than the previous time/s that he opened his mouth 🤷‍♂️
By bella! [Ignore] 07,May,23 07:15 other posts 
I posed this question a couple of days ago; is it possible to fix stoopid? phart was the only one to respond and his response was "NO". BOOM! There you go, popular opinion is that you cannot fix stoopid!

Here's an analogy that could possibly hold true for Freddy... STOOPID is similar to a snowball traveling downhill, continually increasing in momentum and continually increasing in size. That's my theory and that's what I'm sticking to!
By #692771 07,May,23 15:29
I would have to agree with your snowball analogy hit the nail right on the head 🤭

By #692771 07,May,23 03:58
Duplicate of Blog /blogs/54116.html


Mydoll a/k/a The pupeteer-SYD Investigation

The SYD Investigators have trailing Mydoll and his puppeteering here last 3 days. According to the investigators he used his credit card to buy points here. He spent about $500.00 to get 10,00 points here every 3 days. The last transaction of his credit card transaction failed because he is over the limit.

We also learn ThePupetteer has been donating more points to his circle of friends here especially CAT the saggy granny and Woody58. Woody'spage was cleaned because Mydoll puppet head donated points to him.

Finally, the investigators found The puppet head moron has exchanged some private messages with some members on the site and he told some of them that bella! is a bitch and she thinks she owns this site. We can't tell which member he contacted due to privacy. One member told the Puppet head bella! is a traitor and he should stay away from her.

Like this last idiot Muppet heads last blog (based on Bella!), the dribble he is going on with now is simply dribble nothing more nothing less.

All 3 of you that he tagged you guys in with his pathetic blog, we all know the truth & it is simply pointless for me to waste my time breaking it down in points for this poor simple brain-dead cunt PITBULL AKA PA-MORON.

CAT, Woody58, bella! & I have nothing to hide regarding these allegations.

Please feel free to tag Admin in to confirm if you wish Muppet, myself, I won’t, he has more important things to do than prove that your dribble is all it is, just dribble 🤷‍♂️

PS: I'm not sure wad this SYD thing is about, but the site tittle is now "Show It Off", as in SIO, I know your brain doesn't have the ability of memory, but let me retard for you, poor simple cunt, both SYD & SYC now operate under the combined name of "Show It Off", SIO has always been but now SYD & SYC no longer exist you fucking idiot.
By bella! [Ignore] 07,May,23 08:03 other posts 
Hey, I'm not a traitor but I am an independent thinker. If I find myself amongst a pack of numb-nuts and these numb-nuts are walking off a bridge or into a fire, you're darn skippy that I'm not following them!

Months and months ago, tecsan was their target. tecsan reacted much like CAT and when Skittles and/or Freddy would light into him, I responded to him publicly to ignore them, they are like bullies that get off on the reactions they receive. The advice that admin gave CAT the other day was spot on, ignore "whoever" and they eventually will move on.
By phart [Ignore] 07,May,23 08:48 other posts 
Who is this Midol person?
I thought Midol was a pill?
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Also, I am wondering, has AI gotten to a point it can troll websites? I know a program updated on my computer recently and a blowup window came up telling about a AI system?

By #692771 06,May,23 06:32
Duplicate of Blog /blogs/54093.html


bella! Exposed Part 2

We have some more information about the latest on the nasty cunt of this site; bella!

According to my SYD Investigators, bella! provided this clown
Pa-Freddys twin... some of the pictures he is using on his profile page. She also told him to trash my page using the highest points gifts. bella! funded Pa-Freddys with more points when he ran out of points. bella! continues to support Pa-Freddys actions on this site and told him to attack me in any way possible.

fuck you bella! and your puppeteer friend Mydoll.

Posting this here because it involves Bella! directly.

🚨ATTENTION🚨 PITBULL AKA PA-MORON, I’ll break this down into simple points so I hope it helps your only partially functioning puny brain to understand.

1. “bella! provided this clown. Pa-Freddys twin... some of the pictures he is using on his profile page”.

. I am sharing some images shared from other members, not one of them is from Bella!

2. “She also told him to trash my page using the highest points gifts”.

. Bella! Has not once given me any hints/suggestions of what to do on this profile, it is all totally of my own design, well in fact she did have one instance when she PM me about one of my blogs & her exact words were “I think you've taken the "attack" too far. I would delete the blog”, which I did not, ignoring her guidance.

So, in fact, bearing that in mind, I have actually gone against what she has guided me to do with this profile.

3. “bella! funded Pa-Freddys with more points when he ran out of points”.

. Bella! & or any member or my other profiles here have NOT donated a single point to this profile, some of my other profiles here like I have explained to you before PA-MORON are heavily laden with points, I use my other profiles to defend this one to delete shitty gifts left on my wall & I also use these profiles to delete shitty gifts on selected members on this site.

I DO not need any other member/s here to donate points, unlike you I have a well-paying job & finance all my points with hard cold cash. I’m not telling you how many points I have lying around this site, but what I will say, at any given time I have well in excess of 10,000 points to my disposal, so any points war directed at any of my profiles at any point is futile, from any member here, or if your alleged army come at me, I can take on any amount of this alleged army in defence, I also time my purchase of point purchases amongst my other profiles so I can avoid dodging the 3 day cooling down period, I am not doing anything against the rules, like donating points to members to do dodgy things, with one of my other accounts I did donate a few points to a single member, no where enough to use in any battle & this profile did actually donate I think maybe 100 points, to compensate for an action I used on the site, that could potentially cost that particular member points, its chicken feed & hardly worth mentioning to be honest.

4. “bella! continues to support Pa-Freddys actions on this site and told him to attack me in any way possible”.

. Covered this in Point 2.

In closing:

At the end of the day Bella! & I are good mates, its no secret, we have been mates for about a decade now & we have not always been on good terms with each other, that’s what being a good mate is all about, sometimes there is a falling out, but ya get over it & move on.

Above is factual unlike your blog PA-MORON that I have referenced to, is purely allegations that are not related to any fact what so ever.

I did actually think about tagging Admin in on this post to bring him into having a look, but I’m sure he has more important things to do than back up my facts against your dribble.

So I have laid it all out on the table you fuckwit PITBULL AKA PA-MORON, so if you continue to pursue my mate on these matters, all you are doing is proving how much of a useless dumb cunt that we all know you are

But feel free MORON, if u want to bother Admin, tag him in to back up my FACTS fuckwit.

Both Bella! & I have nothing to hide
By bella! [Ignore] 06,May,23 10:32 other posts 
Ah, yes, I remember! You posted a blog and I do recall feeling that you took things too far and suggested that you delete it.
By #692771 06,May,23 21:41
Well I don't like being told wad to do with my profiles 🤣🤣🤣
By bella! [Ignore] 06,May,23 21:48 other posts 
I realize that and that's why when I said that you took things too far and suggested that you delete your blog, you blew me off and did it your way by leaving the blog as is and posted.
By #692771 06,May,23 22:31
Your just....just....a big bossy pants, ner ni ner ner ner ner
By bella! [Ignore] 06,May,23 22:53 other posts 

By bella! [Ignore] 04,May,23 11:31 other posts 
Hi admin ,

I'm reaching out to you to settle something once and for all, how many profiles do I have? And is the VERIFIED profile for Pa-Freddys_Evil_Twin_Bro related in any way, shape or form to me?

Thank you for your consideration in this matter.
By admin [Ignore] 04,May,23 12:22 other posts 
To the best of my knowledge I'm not aware of any other profiles that belong to you except this very one.

Profile "Pa-Freddys_Evil_Twin_Bro" is operated from different country than yours and even from another continent. Also, it uses completely different speech patterns not typical for US speakers.
By bella! [Ignore] 04,May,23 13:54 other posts 
Thank you, admin, for confirming what I felt was obvious. Please block your ears, I'm going to use language that I normally do not use. Got your ears blocked? Here goes.....


admin has confirmed that I have but one profile, yep, only one profile. And the profile that one dumb cunt professes to be mine is definitely not me based on the information admin has received. It just amazes me that some people are so STOOPID. Oh well, you can't fix stoopid.....
By #610414 05,May,23 17:10
Well, I’m not sure. He did say, “to the best of my knowledge”
By bella! [Ignore] 04,May,23 13:58 other posts 
Regarding the speech pattern, sometimes that's easy enough to change. Look at Sir-Skittles, he seems to have mastered the technique, wouldn't you agree?
By admin [Ignore] 04,May,23 14:27 other posts 
I don't think Skittles ever bothers to change his speach patterns. Most of people can't see the difference anyway.

Over years it's been speculated that many permanent members of this site are me or I'm them, while I'm not even native English speaker and I'm sure there are plenty of errors in my posts and messages that give this away. While some of the members that are speculated to be me are poorly literate and make a lot of typos and grammatical errors, they won't ever make some of the mistakes I can make. Still, some people are sure we are same people.
By bella! [Ignore] 04,May,23 14:36 other posts 
Regarding Sir-Skittles speech patterns, I'm actually speaking about when he successfully created the fake member by the screen name of pincushion. That personality was quite entertaining!

Sir-Skittles seems to favor the English and Australian colloquial speech patterns.
By phart [Ignore] 05,May,23 08:57 other posts 
I am looking forward to being able to come on the forum and not have to read about all this bickering.
By #610414 05,May,23 13:53
Phart, Baby, there's over 200 pages of threads in the forum. 98% (I made that up) with no DRAMA. Why bitch about us?
By phart [Ignore] 05,May,23 15:30 other posts 
Well, I am not talking about "us" as in our agruing,I am talking about this pa froddy shit that just keeps coming up. I mean if he is a asshole,just ban him and move on.
By #610414 05,May,23 16:29
The problem is not all Pa-Moron’s fault. Some of the problem is caused by the site’s rules. For instance, say you send an inappropriate gift to a member and immediately ban him. According to the site rules, he can send you a gift back. I think it’s fair, but, if he keeps that gift buried in his gift library, he can bring it up and send you another inappropriate gift any time he wants. Until a few weeks ago there was nothing you could do about it other than retaliate. Admin made it possible for you to identify the inappropriate gift(s) you’ve sent and remove it at a cost. Once they are all removed, he can’t send you any more gifts. Unfortunately, almost everyone that has dealt with these trolls has sent them one inappropriate gift and not everyone is familiar with this new rule.
Another problem is that banning someone does not prevent the member from writing countless numbers of blogs and polls that are denigrating to the banning member. I believe that if a member is the subject of one of those blogs or polls, the member should have the right to destroy them. This would need
Admin‘s intervention.
By admin [Ignore] 05,May,23 18:29 other posts 
Technically it's not possible to be sure if the blog is about someone particular. The author can use euphemisms. I've told this many times - stop paying attention and he will get bored quite soon. That's what trolls do, they feed on your attention. Why do you care what some blabbermouth writes about you? Even if you can't ignore it completely think about it like that - you live in his head rent-free. Just don't allow him to live in your head. It's not sanitary.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,May,23 18:36 other posts 
It is good, sound advice that I have given and will listen to you and that voice in my head.
By #610414 05,May,23 19:51
That is good advice except it’s not all of it. I’ve banned Freddy and Skittles a long time ago. I still get questioned by other members asking why Freddy or Skittles are so nasty to me. In other words, I can ignore them, but my reputation here, on site, is lower than your shoe soles. Now, you might describe his actions to be finite if he gets bored. I find that over 2000 blogs, polls, and mentions in forum threads, let alone the daily inappropriate gifts does not spell, “he’s getting bored”. One way or another I’ve been a member of this site for a minimum of 5 yrs. How many more years does a PAYING member has to endure? Thank you for letting me vent.
By admin [Ignore] 05,May,23 21:08 other posts 
Oh, your reputation here is low not because of Freddy. No one cares what he writes. It was your own actions.
By #610414 06,May,23 14:56
Such as?
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

Never mind, Admin. I get the picture. At least I know where I stand.
--------------------------------------- added after 11 minutes

I just bought enough points to buy back every inappropriate gift I’ve sent to PITBULL. Let’s see what happens.
By bella! [Ignore] 06,May,23 16:37 other posts 
I hoped that you would have just accepted admin's words for what it is. You are not unique, he has said the same thing to me, too. Regardless of whether you believe it or not, you have a reputation, I have a reputation. Think about your words and actions and accept the ramifications.
By #610414 06,May,23 19:14
There are over 25K members that belong to the site. I doubt very much that Admin can keep track of all our reputations. I made a mistake in my previous post. I said,
“my reputation here, on site, is lower than your shoe soles.” What I meant to say was, “Anyone that reads FREDDY’s blogs would think that my reputation here, on site, is lower than your shoe soles.” I think that Admin really doesn’t know what most of the members think about you or me. I think he might have had negative opinions of you and me. People don’t “complain” about a member they like. Only disgruntled members complain. So, Admin gets a skewed idea about members like you and me. Whatever our reputations are, we are what we made of it. I accept my reputation, according to Admin, is not the best. Fine, members will just have to deal with that as they see fit. And, no, I’m not going to sugar coat my persona because some sissy-pants gets offended. There are a lot worse members and, usually, they don’t even support the site.
By bella! [Ignore] 06,May,23 22:00 other posts 
Just my guess, admin entertains a lot "stuff" relating to the site. He fields concerns publicly and privately regarding "things" that don't work as anticipated or our basic suggestions that WE THINK might enhance the site. He hears our bitchin' and moanin' both publicly and privately regarding personality clashes. He is the "eye in the sky" as far as this website goes and he takes everything that is shared publicly and privately and forms an opinion, right or wrong, it is what it is. Not too long ago, he posted; "If I start deleting every pair of paid members who have some kind of quarrel between them, I may as well shut down the site altogether, because no paid member will be left and I'm definitely not gonna pay for the server with my own money." He's not going to delete and ban members unless they break a serious rule.

I know YOU know that Freddy and Skittles enjoy "attacking" members, that's their fun and they get a rise out of you. Read admin's words and advice again;

"I've told this many times - stop paying attention and he will get bored quite soon. That's what trolls do, they feed on your attention. Why do you care what some blabbermouth writes about you? Even if you can't ignore it completely think about it like that - you live in his head rent-free. Just don't allow him to live in your head. It's not sanitary."

....admin spoke the truth.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,May,23 16:50 other posts 
Banning as in blacklisting him is always an option however that doesn't stop him from fabricating. For me, my above post is vindication that I have only one profile. Although some of his staunch supporters find him "entertaining" and possibly funny, I feel he has gone overboard with his out-and-out lies. Basically he is nothing more than an immature, schoolyard bully.
By #610414 05,May,23 17:11
You think? Funny, I’ve been saying that all along and until he went after you, there was never a peep from you.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,May,23 17:41 other posts 
What's funny is I find that you will not step back and take a good look at yourself. You advocate him being booted from the site and basically for the very same things you have done.
By #610414 05,May,23 19:37
You, madam, are full of shit. I don’t suffer assholes well, but, again you are putting me in the same class as him. When are YOU going to remove your rose colored glasses?
By bella! [Ignore] 05,May,23 20:59 other posts 
There you go, you are not able to respond without being crude and vulgar. You just do not know when to put a lid on it.
By #610414 05,May,23 21:05
No, I don’t. Sue me
By dgraff [Ignore] 06,May,23 19:07 other posts 
I personally liked Florida grandson the poor boy used to beg his grandma to stop showing off her bits on this site it was hilarious 😂
By phart [Ignore] 06,May,23 20:49 other posts 

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