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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

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By phart [Ignore] 09,May,23 18:14 other posts 
This is 1 of the better ideas I have read about lately.
So you have ask for help buying food,food stamps,ok, here is your food card. Now, go buy healthy foods so you won't be applying for Medicaid for being obese in 4 years.
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"He added, "As with everything in Washington, this proposal has opponents. But there is nothing compassionate or responsible about spending taxpayer dollars on empty calories that contribute to health crises."
By bella! [Ignore] 09,May,23 21:51 other posts 
Seems like a good proposal to me. Heck, not that I want these items however I feel that soda/pop, potato chips, pretzels, Doritos, doughnuts, cookies, pastries, etc are extremely expensive and are LUXURY ITEMS. I don't like the idea that these types of "food items" can be acquired through SNAP or any food assistance program. Heck, I don't believe that these programs pay for toilet tissue and toiletry items (which I feel are essential) yet will pay for luxury items.
By phart [Ignore] 09,May,23 21:58 other posts 
I am on a very tight budget for the next year and a half but Mt Dew and Dukes mayonaise are the 2 things I allow my self to splurge on. Everything else I like or want food wise I do without or buy the generic. I would love to buy a big pack of candy bars, but they have went out of sight cost wise and I just can't justify the cost.
By bella! [Ignore] 09,May,23 22:09 other posts 
Are you working or receiving assistance from the government?

By #692771 09,May,23 19:24
[deleted image]

There is a new 🚔Sheriff🚔 in town PITBULL AKA PA-MORON.


Any members that wish to join me in my crusade against this idiot, please click the following link 👉 /blogs/54118.html 👈 for details.


By bella! [Ignore] 09,May,23 21:27 other posts 

By bella! [Ignore] 09,May,23 11:03 other posts 
Wake up, Puppet_Master!, wake up! You and your missus need to put on pajamas because that perv, Freddy is watching us! I'm dressed but I don't know if you two sleep naked. Oh, Freddy, you are such a joke! Bwahahahaha! Bwahahahaha! Bwahahahaha!
By #692771 09,May,23 17:11
I'm awake I'm awake fill me in what's been going on
By bella! [Ignore] 09,May,23 21:13 other posts 
Freddy is watching us.....I'm not concerned about me, hes on EST and I'm up and dressed. You on the other hand, are hours ahead and sleeping. I'm just concerned that the you two might be sleeping in the buff and the creeper, Freddy is perving on you. Ewwwww!
By #692771 09,May,23 21:21

By bella! [Ignore] 07,May,23 08:47 other posts 
A 12 year old middle school boy fights back after his school told him to change his "There are only two genders" tee shirt!

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By phart [Ignore] 07,May,23 08:54 other posts 
Since he is running against the current narrative, he won't get any attention. Now if he was talking climate change or was trying to tell everyone he was a mermaid, he would be worldwide.

Personally I am glad he is standing up. Alot of this new thing about genders and such is being forced onto these kids, they don't need the distraction from their actual education.
By #610414 07,May,23 13:56
The kid has a brass set. That's undeniable and commendable. However, wearing a t-shirt with that message shows he has been indoctrinated to repudiate transgender people and, probably gay and lesbian people too.
By phart [Ignore] 07,May,23 17:00 other posts 
When I was his age in school we were taught IN SCHOOL that there was MALE and FEMALE.
Only recently has there become 496 more genders.
By #610414 07,May,23 18:15
Yeah, well, the medical professionals did not understand the difference between biological genders and mental genders. Things change. In the 1970's we got a lot of new technology and there were advances in the psychological field. What they taught you in school, while accurate, was not the whole story. You argue all the time, insinuating that trans-genders are just a fad and not real. Why? What’s so hard to accept that there are men that wish they were women and wome that wish they were men? These people, except for their “wish” are normal people with all the abilities and hangups of other people.
By #692771 08,May,23 06:46
I can see where both you & phart are on this topic, my thoughts for what it is worth there are still 2 basic physical genders, well a 3rd if you consider maphrodite, I guess, but in this modern world people also have the option to change physical gender if they wish, gender I always though was a term for the physical gender of a person or animal for that matter, but the world changes & different ideals change as well I guess, if mentally you feel your another gender but you are the other, I personally would consider that to be something else then gender, I have known couples personally that were male female physical gender & mental like hetro, then the male for some reason decides he wants to become female, but stays with the same female then they become a lesbian couple, I don’t really get that to be honest, so maybe my thinking is a little old school like phart, but look I’m happy for each to their own, what eva floats your boat.

Some things are now getting out of balance & a bit silly, for example. My kid that is female like physically & mentally is a female. At school she is not allowed to ware nail polish, but the transgender kid, a guy in a dress that carries a handbag & talks funny, can wear nail polish to school jewellery & has other privileges, why, because if the trans kid is told not to, it is considered to be discriminatory against his gender. What toilet can the trans kid use, either or, but my daughter has to use the female toilet only, it’s all getting a bit out of balance. Why should trans gender people have more rights than non-transgender people 🤷‍♂️

I used to work for a Church a couple of years back & they had training on stuff twice a year so here is another scenario, this particular module was about trans gender. So, let’s say Mike, a burly blocky bloke big beard all the looks & personality of Mike was clearly male. For years in the work place, he pissed in the male toilet.

Now one day you see Mike, nothing had changed he heads for the female toilet, you approach Mike & say hey that’s the female toilet, Mike in his big burly voice said, today I identify as a female.

As a employee I was not allowed to take that any further I had to inform my supervisor, his job was then to advise the guy above him, what went on beyond that was not understood, the training stopped at that level I was a mere peasant worker 🤣🤣.

Now I’m not homophobic or anything, myself & my partner are both bi & we have family & friends that are this new wang fangle different gender stuff.

But shouldn’t the straights, for one of better terms, have the same rights as these Tran gendered people 🤷‍♂️

Also with big Mike its going a bit far don’t you think 🤷‍♂️
By phart [Ignore] 08,May,23 07:01 other posts 
The big Mikes of the world going into the wrong bath room are going to walk in 1 day and have to be carried out because they have had the shit beat out of them.
I wonder just how long women are going to take this shit of not being able to compete in sports without big Mike and his duct tape and lipstick beating them at every turn.
I wonder how long mothers are going to put up with their daughters being around big Mike when he is standing there tucking himself back into his pants after a wiz.
Women have tried for decades to get equal pay and rights and etc, only to have wimpy men that can't win in the mens group, put on lipstick and duct tape and take away everything they have worked years to achive.
It is not going to get any better,until women fight back
By #692771 08,May,23 16:29
I couldn't agree more
By #610414 08,May,23 08:57
Puppet_Master!, this subject brings many opinions to the table and mine is just one more. I don’t deny that there’s a male gender and a female gender and an intersex condition where both sexes genitalia is mixed in the same body. This is straight from Biology 101 and no one would deny it either, even transgenders. This term, transgender, is a relatively new term and I believe that it was coined to describe, not a traditional male/female gender, but, a psychological condition. Humanity has accepted that there are people who are attracted to their own “gender”. We call them gay or lesbian. This too is a psychological condition. So far, so good. Now, we get into the “Twilight Zone” of the situation. Let’s explore the bathroom thing. The main complaint is that of a biological male should not go into a female bathroom, but, if you stop to think about it, a transgender male would have to use a sit-down toilet to do his business and that is in a private stall. Any woman would be doing the same. So, what’s the big deal. The same if there’s a reversal situation.
Every year millions of women get a face lift, reworked boobs or ass, liposuction, and other surgical procedures (pussy tuck). No one calls this mutilation, yet, when someone wants to change the look of their genitalia, they call that mutilation. I call that hypocritical.
These procedures are, usually, irreversible. That’s why I don’t believe it should be performed on anyone younger than 16 yrs old. and, even at that age, have the approval of a parent and psychologist. Having said that, I have no problem with a male child dressing like a girl or a female child dressing like a boy. Again, I believe there should be guidance by a psychologist. And, in this situation, these children should be allowed to use the bathroom that corresponds to their “psychological gender” IF they so choose.
What I don’t condone is when anyone gets special treatment other than the obvious (bathroom usage, etc). That includes changing your psychological gender depending on the day. If you choose to be male or female, that’s ok, but, if one day you decide to be the “other” gender, then I believe you should be that gender from that day on, and, you should dress appropriately.
No rules and regulations will apply to every situation. That’s why rules should not be written in stone.
By #692771 08,May,23 16:32
You bring up some very good points CAT thankyou for your response
"Why should trans gender people have more rights than non-transgender people"

You're right, they shouldn't have more rights. Everyone should have the right to express themselves as they want, up to a point of 'decency'. That decency just shouldn't be determined by gender, but equally for boys, girls and anything in between.

But understand that exceptions can be made, according to people's needs.
You don't give rights associated with being dyslectic to children who are not dyslectic.
Those rights are given to dyslectic children, to improve equality.
If you give the same rights to all children, equality goes down.

For a girl, it's not a 'right' to dress as a girl. That's the norm.
For a girl, there mostly already is the right to dress as a boy.
So it's not not an additional right for a boy to be allowed to dress like a girl,
that's just extending the rights to dress how they want, to all.
Or you take away that right from all and only allow them to wear the same pants and shirt, for both boys and girls. That's also equality.

And you either allow nail-polish to all or prohibit it for all.
There is absolutely nothing in biology that says that painting nails is associated with having a vagina, instead of having a penis. That's a gender thing, it's just a construct of society. Just like wearing a skirt was normal for male Scotsmen.

Understand that for every school that gives trans kids 'too much rights',
there are many schools that provide trans kids with no rights.
By #692771 08,May,23 16:39
You also bring up some very good points, thank you for your input.

1. Regarding children that have other stuff going on, like my kid & does receive extra assistance that other kids do not.

2. So it's not not an additional right for a boy to be allowed to dress like a girl,
that's just extending the rights to dress how they want, to all.
Or you take away that right from all and only allow them to wear the same pants and shirt, for both boys and girls. That's also equality.
I agree.

3. And you either allow nail-polish to all or prohibit it for all.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 09,May,23 17:13 other posts 
Thanks. If people just discuss these challenges neutrally, it will be easier to find solutions. People who are forced to fight for their rights, sometimes overcompensate. If they are treated fairly, they will also understand that they can have unfair advantages. However, that's also a fact of life. We are all not dealt fair cards. Some people are smarter, taller, prettier than others and they have more advantages than other people. That's biological variation. Are we going to separate all people according their biological advantages, before we allow them to compete? We do it with boxers, so that giant doesn't kill the scrawny guy, but where do we set the limits?
Is it fair for a petite trans-girl to run against a 6'3 muscular woman?
I think this discussion is muddled by a lot of baisses.
But, it's nice to see someone agree on some of that.
By #692771 09,May,23 17:25
I agree with everything you have said in this response 100%, in the animal kingdom only the strong will survive, even our ancestors (if you believe in the theory of evolution I guess), who lived in caves, it was the same for them, I would like to think that as a race we have evolved.

As a race of so called intelligent (well this could be argued sometimes 😁 ), sentient beings, I think the ultimate goal is to give all the opportunity to be equal, but trying to reach this equality some times gets a bit murky, but it is a ever changing process as out race changes, as times goes on, sometimes its difficult to get things quite right 🤷‍♂️
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 09,May,23 17:33 other posts 
What is also funny, is that people who support competition the most, for wealthy people stacking the economy in their favor, get so incredibly offended by a trans-girl maybe having some advantages over cis-girls in something innocent like school sports.
By #692771 09,May,23 18:12
Now you gone done it, cracked open a fresh can of worms 🤣🤣

I used to be in competitive sport a life time ago & when I wasn't so fat, was actually quite good at it, one of the top in my state.

I'm not touching this one with a 10ft pole
By phart [Ignore] 09,May,23 17:57 other posts 
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By bella! [Ignore] 08,May,23 22:57 other posts 
Thank you for providing a easy to understand/"dumbed down" explanation as to why special needs children are given a different set of "rights" versus giving ALL children receiving the the same and/or equal rights. You have expressed it so simply that even the dumbest person would understand.
By bella! [Ignore] 08,May,23 11:52 other posts 
Hmmmmm.....One day Mike states in his big, burley voice that he's a woman? Did you follow him to the ladies room? Did he sit or stand?
By #692771 08,May,23 16:05
🤣🤣 no I was unable to because of my training, so to embellish on the training a little more.

So you would think that you had three options.

1. Announce that you identified as a female, follow big Mike into the ladies room to see if he stood or sat.

2. Walk away & ignore big Mike & go over to your colleges & poke fun at him once he came out.

3. Report the matter to your supervisor.

The training by the Catholic Church (lets crack open another can of worms for shits & giggles), was quite clear, options 1 (partly I also had the right to identify as female), & 2 were off the table.

As an employee of the Catholic Church, you were obligated (like had to), report the matter to your supervisor only.

Oh & I did make a little error on my last message left on this, my direct supervisor worked with us blokes & any of us that identified as female on any given day, he was unable to respond to the event, his obligation then was to report it to his supervisor, dood up in the office (whether this guy identified as female or not is unclear), then his obligation was to report the mater in town to head office with the Archdiocese & beyond that I don't know, that's as far as my training went 🤭
By dgraff [Ignore] 08,May,23 09:03 other posts 
All this trans gender gay and lesbian is learned no kid is born thinking they want to be a woman
My advice is keep a close eye on who your kids are around and what they are seeing on tv
By #610414 08,May,23 09:20
That’s not true.
By dgraff [Ignore] 08,May,23 09:32 other posts 
That is an old argument and to my knowledge it’s never been proven either way I learned it at an early age from some older boys do you think if a kid doesn’t see it or is introduced to it he would have turned out to become gay or transgender I hardly doubt it
--------------------------------------- added after 111 seconds

The problem is it’s publicized and the kids see it everywhere
By #610414 08,May,23 10:07
This is from a paper published in Google. The lesbian, gay, and bisexual orientations are not disorders. Research has found no inherent association between any of these sexual orientations and psychopathology. Both heterosexual behavior and homosexual behavior are normal aspects of human sexuality. Both have been documented in many different cultures and historical eras. Despite the persistence of stereotypes that portray lesbian, gay, and bisexual people as disturbed, several decades of research and clinical experience have led all mainstream medical and mental health organizations in this country to conclude that these orientations represent normal forms of human experience. Lesbian, gay, and bisexual relationships are normal forms of human bonding. Therefore, these mainstream organizations long ago abandoned classifications of homosexuality as a mental disorder.

Notice they say these are NORMAL forms. Upbringing in the early years do contribute but, it’s well documented that these proclivities are from birth and remember, being heterosexual IS ALSO a proclivity.
By dgraff [Ignore] 08,May,23 10:16 other posts 
I’m just saying they had to have been subjected to it somewhere along the lines a man does not wake up one day and say hey I think today I would like to suck a cock
By #610414 08,May,23 13:01
According to the members here, that's exactly what happens.🤣🤣
By phart [Ignore] 08,May,23 10:27 other posts 
I don't recall kids I went to school with wanting their dicks cut off, or girls wanting their boobs chopped off.

And Cat, tumy tucks and boob jobs are mutilation as far as I am concerned. keeping the weight at a healthy level and being who and what you were born is what most perfer.
Boob job,that just shows me that if the Creator can't please her with what was given to her, I sure as hell don't have a chance of pleasing her.
By dgraff [Ignore] 08,May,23 10:49 other posts 
There is a brain disorder that causes self mutilation but most of them are in a nut house in a padded room
They were all in the closet back then.
Just like gay and lesbian people were too.
Just like left-handed people were until the 1920's.
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By phart [Ignore] 08,May,23 13:26 other posts 
Not really, they were there,we knew who they were,but they didn't get in everyone's face about it.They actually wanted to just live and let live.Now they want MORE MORE MORE.
And take take take control of kids minds.
Just like the drag queens reading books to kids.
some of you don't see the problem.
What is wrong with asking,why do drag queens want such a young audience?
By #610414 08,May,23 14:14
Your conspiracy slip is showing.
Funny how the things you think are a problem are the exact same things that the right-wing media and Republican politicians are telling you are a problem.
That epidemic of transgender kids is a lie. It's just the latest right-wing fear propaganda. It's just a distraction for Republicans being absolutely useless.

Conservatives have been fear-mongering about the depraved youth,
since the time of Elvis.
By phart [Ignore] 08,May,23 15:22 other posts 
The trans thing is getting ubsurd,check the link I posted elsewhere here,
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By #692771 08,May,23 16:46
By phart [Ignore] 08,May,23 18:27 other posts 
So you agree this person's cheese has slid off their cracker?
By #692771 08,May,23 18:32
Oh most defiantly, love the analogy 🤣🤣🤣
By #610414 08,May,23 13:02
Your attitude would assure that.
By phart [Ignore] 08,May,23 18:36 other posts 
tv,internet,and etc. Girls have been known to be "tomboys", and grow out of the short phase and never look back. But this tit chopping and dick chopping is just to much for a kid to be mature enough to even consider.

Strange,very strange, how a 5 year old can't decide which toy they want with their happy meal.They are to young to drive,to young to drink to young to _____fill in the blank. They have to wait until 18 to vote or take a bullet for their country, but at 2 they can decide and know 100% without any shadow of a doubt they are not what the contents of their pants says they are.
Where you 6 years old then? So that was 50 years ago?
The first time that the human genome was sequence fully was 1990.
In your childhood, science did know so little about the processes that are responsible for a zygote turning into a boy or a girl or a person with characteristics of both.
But, some ignorant teacher told you something 50 years ago,
so that's what you will refer to as your authority on sex and gender science.
I call your teacher 'ignorant', because even 50 years ago, scientists understood that not every female has XX chromosomes and not every male has XY chromosomes. However, maybe that's not fair on her, because she might have known, but just found information on topics like that too complicated for her class. Physics classes also don't start with quantum mechanics, even if they teach in 2023. So, there might be some false generalization going on here and there. That's why most teachers tell you to never stop learning.

Biology has progressed since the 50's. It's actually very interesting.
Why limit yourself to the science they taught children 50 years ago?
By dgraff [Ignore] 08,May,23 09:36 other posts 
I think all teachers are pieces of crap 💩
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 08,May,23 10:51 other posts 
So, what's the alternative?
Learning things for yourself?
The dark ages?
By dgraff [Ignore] 08,May,23 11:18 other posts 
Now you’re talking that would all suit me just fine
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 08,May,23 11:39 other posts 
Which one?
By phart [Ignore] 08,May,23 18:37 other posts 
Just how dark were the dark ages? I have never read much about them. Did kids want their dicks cut off? did women stand and pee?
By bella! [Ignore] 08,May,23 11:35 other posts 
And I think you are wrong! That's like tossing all bikers in the same category and asserting that they are all troublemaking, drug taking, booze drinking, thugs. That's not the truth. We can't paint a picture with such broad strokes.
By #610414 08,May,23 13:03
No. I've known some very good teachers. Teachers that changed my life. Don't paint them all with the same brush.
By phart [Ignore] 08,May,23 18:39 other posts 
I had some good 1's, and I had some that were not worthy of being in the class room. Not many though. If you were a slow kid or had issues with bullying and etc as I did, you were passed over by most teachers.
By phart [Ignore] 08,May,23 13:27 other posts 
There has been Male and Female for eon's. Only recently did the tiny % of people with some sort of issue came to be on the forefront due to media dramatization an so forth
By #692771 07,May,23 15:32
Its free speech FFS, what is going on with this world 🤷‍♀️
By phart [Ignore] 07,May,23 17:03 other posts 
exactly, he clearly stated he see flags and stuff that he disagrees with, but those people have rights to.
I remember a time when Tolerance was the word of discussion .We were supposed to tolerate things we didn't agree with.
What happened to tolerance?
I don't go pull down MLK's statue with my tractor and chain?
I don't whine about the wierd colors on things as I drive down the road. I have my flags and no one has pulled them down either.
THat is what living in a free country means, we are FREE to exspress ourselves.
By #610414 07,May,23 18:19
Within reason. These days it’s open season on liberals. Their ideas are just as good as anyone’s
By phart [Ignore] 07,May,23 21:05 other posts 
Not really, some of their ideas allow young people to damage themselves at a age their minds are not mature enough to understand what is going on.
Some of their ideas will break the nation financially.
By #610414 08,May,23 09:26
That’s pure BS. You know it doesn’t work that way. And as far as them breaking the nation financially, let me remind you that a liberal administration brought the deficit to 0 and that another fixed the worst depression/recession in the last 60 yrs. Also, that the last President increase the deficit to an obscene level.
By dgraff [Ignore] 08,May,23 13:23 other posts 
That was way back when the democrats were for the little guy not them selves like they are in the last 20 years it started with Obama
By #610414 08,May,23 13:29
Yet, the major crap started with the Bushes and in particular, Bush Jr. You can BS all you want but you can't change history. Maybe DeSantis will block this part of history too.
By dgraff [Ignore] 08,May,23 17:01 other posts 
I never said I was a bush fan
By dgraff [Ignore] 08,May,23 11:24 other posts 
Yeah right if anyone happens to be a retard quit trying to fix everything why can’t you socialist just accept things the way they are or the way they were do you really like paying through the nose for everything i don’t
By #610414 08,May,23 13:07
No one does but streets don't fix themselves and the military doesn't come free nor Social Security, Veterans affairs, madicare and medicare, OR, FOR THAT MATTER, GOVERNMENT.
--------------------------------------- added after 15 minutes

Accepting things as they are makes you a heartless person. There are thousands upon thousands that need help or support. Not everyone can open a car service center and be self-sufficient. And I'm willing to bet your "mountain" was handed down to you. Some day you will need more help than what you can provide for yourself. Then, I'd would like to know if you feel the same. Good luck, Mountain Man.❤️
By dgraff [Ignore] 08,May,23 19:06 other posts 
I won’t need help I have that all planned out thank you
By bella! [Ignore] 08,May,23 11:41 other posts 
There should be "freedom of speech". If black students can proclaim Black Lives Matter! If the LGBTQ students can show their pride, this young man should be able to where his feelings on his shirt. Unless I'm missing the mark, there's nothing offensive or threatening about; There are only two genders.
By #610414 08,May,23 13:11
You are right up to the point there are complaints. Usually, from an adult. Most children ignore stuff like this. Think about this. Suppose a high school kid decides he's going to wear a t-shirt with that face of Hitler imposed over the pic of a Swastika? Free speech. Would you agree?
By phart [Ignore] 08,May,23 13:18 other posts 
Yes,sadly,if we are supporters of free speech,then we should just walk right on by the kid with the the hitler shirt on.
His right to wear it.anything else is a double standard.
By #610414 08,May,23 13:24
This demonstrates that you lack the ability to see the different nuances on what is proper and what's not.
By phart [Ignore] 08,May,23 15:19 other posts 
equal is equal,if there are any conditions, then it's not equal.
By dgraff [Ignore] 08,May,23 19:09 other posts 
Cool 😎 were can I buy a shirt like that
Sure, I'm fine with people advertising their ignorance on their chest.

If you want to wear a 'The earth is flat!' shirt, go ahead!

But remember that you only support free speech,
if you also support speech that you don't like.
By bella! [Ignore] 08,May,23 12:22 other posts 
So, you believe that the young fella's message is inaccurate?
By dgraff [Ignore] 08,May,23 19:14 other posts 
Wait you mean the world is not flat I thought it was proven when Christopher Columbus sailed the Nina the pinta and the Santa Maria off the edge never to be seen or heard from again
By phart [Ignore] 09,May,23 17:41 other posts 
If the earth was flat dgraff, we would not be here at all, the fucking cats would have pushed us off the edge by now.
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,May,23 18:16 other posts 
Do you mean actual cats or cat
By phart [Ignore] 09,May,23 18:17 other posts 
Oh hell, she would chase us both off the edge with a broom!
By #610414 09,May,23 18:35
Not Mountain Man. 🥰🥰
By phart [Ignore] 09,May,23 21:06 other posts 

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