By johnp 14,Nov,13 22:26Arrogance?? U love tasteless jokes but draw the line at anatomy jokes???? The joke goes like this if u get offended well to b honest I really don't give a fuck! lol.... What is the useless skin around a pussy called?? A woman!! Hahaha..... Just a dumb joke does not mean I think women r useless!! Ur missing out 2 btw anatomy jokes r some of the best 
By boc 01,Aug,13 01:19I have many more in the father & son series of jokes. My mind automatically categorizes jokes in groups like father & son, ethnic, women vs men (i've got some for both sides here)...When I tell one, the rest from that category come rushing to the surface. And ultimately they are all linked by common threads that switch from category to category. It's kind of like the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon thing with other actors.
By #502711 16,Nov,18 17:19
By routemaster 30,Jun,14 00:49A ventriloquist sets his puppet down and begins his act by making it speak jokes about blonde bimbos. After five minutes, a blonde bimbo in the audience stands up and yells out: "What's the matter with you? All these so-called jokes about ladies just because of the colour of their hair. Don't you realise how offensive it is?"
Mortified, the ventriloquist starts to apologise profusely but again the blonde bimbo interrupts him. "Not you, dickhead," she shouts, "I'm talking to that bloke sitting on your lap."
* * * * *
By leopoldij 18,Jan,20 20:52"Joke":
Two antennas met on a roof, fell in love and got married. The Ceremony wasn't much, but the reception was excellent.
The rest are here:
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By Sickboy 04,Jul,14 18:27So, you guys like to tell jokes, huh? Gigglin' and laughin' like a bunch of young broads sittin' in a schoolyard. Well, let me tell a joke. Five guys, sittin' in a bullpen, in San Quentin. All wondering how the fuck they got there. What should we have done, what didn't we do, who's fault is it, is it my fault, your fault, his fault, all that bullshit. Then one of them says, hey. Wait a minute. When we were planning this caper, all we did was sit around tellin' fuckin' jokes! Get the message? Boys, I don't mean to holler at ya. When this caper's over - and I'm sure it'll be a successful one - we'll get down to the Hawaiian Islands, hell, I'll roll and laugh with all of ya. You'll find me a different character down there. Right now, it's a matter of business.
By kebmo 23,Aug,18 22:44"Over 50 million people watched the final episode of The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson."
-Jay Leno
"In 2005, after Carson's death, it was revealed that he had made a habit of sending jokes to Dave Letterman via fax machine which Letterman would then sometimes incorporate into his monologues. The January 31, 2005, episode of the Late Show with David Letterman, which featured a tribute to Carson, began with a monologue by Letterman composed entirely of jokes written by Carson himself after his retirement."
By Ananas2xLekker 08,Aug,22 12:51Oh, I agree there is a lot of humorous possibilities in the whole concept. A human struggle, related to sex and identity, with all sorts of history, social and religious stigma against it and practical challenges attached to it, that's a comedy goldmine.
Dave Chappelle's jokes were good jokes. But because transgenders are the easiest to poke fun at, of all people and all subjects, I found it a bit lazy. I think there are levels of humor morality. Making fun about a situation doesn't hurt anyone's feelings and is the hardest. I think it's the highest level of comedy. Making fun about people's ideas is a level lower. People might take offense, but ideas are voluntary, so it's their own responsibility if it's easy to make fun of their ideas. The bottom level of comedy is making fun of people's identity or disability. People cannot help or escape their identity or disability, so many have agreed that it shouldn't be a subject for humor anymore, because it could hurt the people who are disadvantaged already. I'm not calling for laws to forbid it or wanting them to be 'cancelled',
but I just think it's a bit lazy and might not watch their comedy anymore.
There is a gap in humor, where people are allowed to make fun about their own disadvantaged group or disability. A black man can get away with black jokes easier than a white man. I cannot explain why exactly, but it is. So, if Dave Chappelle likes transgender jokes that much, he could invest in a sex change operation and appropriate easy material for himself, for the rest of his career.
By phart 22,Nov,21 15:02Democrats makes jokes after the parade killings,
How in the hell can that sick female make jokes about that?
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By #560926 10,Jun,19 06:28The old jokes are always the best
By #487013 31,Oct,18 12:35
By bella! 31,Oct,20 14:48Me, I don't like to make jokes about death.
By #537944 09,Sep,17 08:35There's so many missed jokes on this thread now.
By #88520 22,Jan,11 16:34nah the doglover still has the better jokes 
By leopoldij 25,Jun,22 05:54I often copy jokes from elsewhere in this thread. Just propagating the fun!
By HunterAce 19,Sep,16 02:43Both,sadly, are great jokes 
By leopoldij 10,Apr,16 11:32I should always precede my jokes with a declaration. I always fail to do that.
By #44121 19,Jun,10 22:03I just hope it ain't Pub (Bar) jokes. 
By #11818 20,Oct,09 14:42Its ok Admin, just throwing a few jokes around. Looks entertaining if its taken up
By #303133 02,Dec,12 07:13Ironically, the-joker doesn't actually DO jokes...
By #485312 19,Jan,20 14:33love a good groan, perfect dad jokes *lix*
By phart 23,Nov,23 16:34 Well they have to pay her for the time off! so the jokes on the employer on that 1.
By mr_blue 07,Oct,15 01:42I have only seen the first one so far...good start...a few in jokes for the Trekkies 
By #688177 15,Dec,23 06:24wife, “why do you keep torturing me with these bad pun jokes”
Hubby, “every now and then you need a little pun-ishment”
By bella! 10,Jan,22 18:31I haven't heard the last two jokes! 
By #45601 07,Feb,11 23:46Freud was also proven to be one of the biggest jokes in psychology
By phart 09,Jan,23 14:36All jokes aside, sadly you made a good observation.
By leopoldij 26,Jan,18 03:40I think jokes unite people, even ones who don't fully agree on everything.
By All469ernow 11,Apr,21 07:50All jokes aside. I can fuck all I like but lways have to pull to cum. It’s fucked up but always been that way. Very frustrating
By phart 25,Nov,20 16:53This is supposed to be a thread for JOKES, Not a flowchart of our countrys future!
By dgraff 02,Jul,19 19:58Hahaha bikers hear the best jokes 
By up-for-it 17,Dec,21 11:26Most people can't talk about sex, they make jokes about it at best
If they were more open about about it, manu would have a better sex life too
By phart 22,Nov,21 20:46You spoke the truth right there.
Sad situation.And that sick ass bitch making jokes.
By gradurgaur 07,May,17 18:29It was so Good Even better then first one more jokes and lot more of cool action like it alot.
Cant wait to see part 3
By phart 01,Aug,23 12:44I never paid him any mind either.thought he was silly. but when he got arrested ,the jokes were funny!
By bella! 31,Jul,20 04:10I guess I'm having a difficult time differentiating between jokes and what is actually in people's mind and heart.
By leopoldij 20,Aug,18 10:28I hope you don't want to include jokes about menstruation in this thread because they aren’t funny. Period.
By PSerect 11,Jul,21 03:24Being a gay man, I love a good gay joke. Here is one of my favorite corny gay jokes:
How do you get 3 gay men off of your couch?
Jerk one off and the other 2 will cum!
By phart 07,Oct,21 18:24A front man? A ear piece? was he giving us some insight on how things were going to be????
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By phart 23,Oct,20 14:29All jokes aside,if men did not want anything that a woman had, do you honestly think women would be where they are today?
A few maby,but not as many as there are in the working real world.
By qhaos 03,Oct,12 03:41the RIGHT age for me!  without jokes, seems like 20 yo, good shape, nicely aroused, but for a most accurate evaluation... i need a close up!
By #358797 29,Dec,13 23:56Unfortunately I have. My father is a sicko, and he used to run around naked after showers. My mother cracks jokes and says being with him was like "being poked with a thumb"...
By phart 26,Jun,21 11:38All jokes aside,bad situation, and sadly, people have known it was sinking since the 90's! Who ever knew this and didn't do anything about it, should be on the chopping block.
By phart 06,Jun,22 10:15Probably alot of practical jokes will be played on others with them. And you will have the few perverts that will walk around with 1 in their ass so they further create the facade of being a female.
By #551147 18,Nov,20 20:49That's a good thing because I wouldn't touch that ugly bastard with your snatch...
Jokes on YOU! 
By tecsan 05,Jan,24 00:16Obviously you do not take jokes well.You offered BS from H. Stern. What an idiot. Hell, if I were ever on ridiculus COMEDEY show I would maybe say I wore diapers like joey.
By mr_blue 03,Dec,18 17:53Am I crying here ? I don't think so...
Why would I seek my mum's tit? I'm not a b@by...
I'm already at home thanks...
You can't even curse me properly,"your mum" jokes
Do you really want to try to bait me ?
You lost as soon as you started
By phart 15,Dec,22 14:22Well all jokes aside for a second,do they not have bathrooms in the UK that these heavy drinkers can use?
I mean peeing in the streets for residents to have to walk in is something you would expect from a 3rd world country,not the UK?