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It just a joke

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Started by #688177 [Ignore] 11,Mar,23 03:26
Lets hear your jokes then;

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By biggg [Ignore] 07,Jan,24 12:21 other posts 
He only noticed he had diarrhoea when he took his bicycle clips off

By routemaster [Ignore] 06,Jan,24 04:20 other posts 
Two big blokes went into a pub. One said to the other: "Your round."
"You can talk, you fat sod," the other bloke replied.

By #688177 07,Jan,24 02:43
By routemaster [Ignore] 07,Jan,24 03:55 other posts 

By #688177 07,Jan,24 02:38
Me, “ I have just published a book about Poltergeists”
Mate, “Oh great, how’s it doing”
Me, “They are flying off the shelfs”.

By #688177 30,Dec,23 03:46
Cowboy, “You put glue on my revolvers boy”
Son, “ No Pa, honest I didn’t”
Cowboy, “you sure as well did”
Son, “I swear I didn’t, don’t you believe me?”
Cowboy, “Dam it, no. I’m sticking to my guns”
By biggg [Ignore] 30,Dec,23 14:01 other posts 
By routemaster [Ignore] 06,Jan,24 04:22 other posts 

By #688177 06,Jan,24 04:15
Me, “my new year’s resolution is to decorate my living room in velcro”
Mate, “what, is this another crap joke, you will never do it”
Me, “I will & I’m going to stick to it!”

By #688177 05,Jan,24 04:14
Mate, “what you been doing recently?”
Me, “ oh this & that, been shopping with the wife, brought one of them new fangled toilet brushes”
Mate, “Any good?”
Me, “Seems to work well at getting it all clean”
A few days later. . . .
Mate, “I got me one of those new toilet brushes”
Me, “Oh, hows is working for you?”
Me, “Well to be honest, I find it scratches and leaves my ass sore, so I have gone back to toilet paper!

By #688177 29,Dec,23 02:39
Doc, “ your having a heart attack, Ill grab the defibrillator”
Me, “Don’t grab it later, grab it now!”

By #688177 29,Dec,23 02:38
Mate, “Any idea why the French eat snails?
Me, “They don’t like fast food”

By #688177 28,Dec,23 04:04
Nice quiet & easy drive home last night, but strangely I spotted an Ice-cream sundae, a lemon drizzle cake, an apple pie & a Eton mess.
The streets were desserted!

By #688177 27,Dec,23 07:51
Me, “have you heard about a strange illnesses going round that makes you forget 80’s music?”.
Mate, “What the… is something going to be done about it?”
Me, “No one knows the Cure”

By #688177 26,Dec,23 02:50
Do you know how much Santa pays for parking at Christmas?
Nothing it’s all on the house!!

By #688177 24,Dec,23 01:50
Sylvester Stallone said he wants to make some movies about historical classical composers.
In the first film he wants to paly, Beethoven, but asks some fellow actors who they might want to be.
Jean Claude Van Damme said, “I’ll be Mozart”.
Bruce Willis said, “I’ll be Tchaikovsky”
Arnold Schwarzenegger refused to comment!!!

By #688177 23,Dec,23 03:12
Where do Pirates get their hooks from
Second hand stores!

By #688177 23,Dec,23 03:10
A guy walks into a bakery and asks “can buy a ham sandwich with cream cheese?”
The attendant say’s “sorry we only take cash” . . .

By tecsan [Ignore] 22,Dec,23 03:36 other posts 
What is the bad thing about a lung transplant? That first loogie is not yours.

By #688177 22,Dec,23 02:47
Me, “hello mate how are you now?”
Mate, “Officially 12 months without my addiction”
Me, “that’s good, what was it now”
Mate, “chocolate, nuts & marshmallows”
Me, “well, credit to you, that you've done it, but it must have been a Rocky Road!”

By #688177 19,Dec,23 02:59
Mate, “I don’t quite understand now knitted jumpers are so cheap, Did you know it takes 3 sheep to make just one jumper?”
Me, “Didn’t know that sheep could knit!”
By #700043 21,Dec,23 06:04

By #688177 21,Dec,23 03:32
A guy just knocked a jar of Mayonnaise off the shelf at the store.
Involuntarily shouted, what the Helman!

By tecsan [Ignore] 20,Dec,23 03:16 other posts 
A woman was walking down the road when she noticed two cows smoking a joint. The steaks were high.

By #688177 20,Dec,23 03:00
Me, “This is a tidy farm you have; would you happen to have some eggs for sale?”
Farmer, “We try and keep it clean, but sorry we don’t have chickens”
Me, “I guess that’s why it’s impeccable then!”.

By #688177 11,Dec,23 04:13
Me, “Doc, I have a problem with my hearing”
Doc, “Describe the symptoms”
Me, “They are yellow, Homer works at the power plant & Marge has blue hair!”
By #700043 17,Dec,23 13:27
By biggg [Ignore] 18,Dec,23 10:55 other posts 

By #688177 18,Dec,23 03:25
A sandwich walks into a bar and orders a drink
Bartender says “sorry but we don’t serve food here”!

By routemaster [Ignore] 14,Dec,23 02:52 other posts 
Little boy asked his mum: "mummy, does grandpa sound like a frog?"
"Of course not," replied his mother, "whatever gave you that idea?"
"Well," replied the little boy, "daddy's just said that when grandpa croaks, we're going to go to Disneyland."

By #700043 17,Dec,23 13:26
By routemaster [Ignore] 18,Dec,23 03:20 other posts 

By #688177 17,Dec,23 12:20
Me, “Excuse me, where can I find books about paranoia?”
Librarian, (leans over and whispers in my ear) “THERE BEHIND YOU”!!!

By #688177 16,Dec,23 02:40
Me, “I got a pet termite, I called it Clint”
Mate, “Why Clint?”
Me, “Because Clint eats wood!”.

By #688177 15,Dec,23 06:24
wife, “why do you keep torturing me with these bad pun jokes”
Hubby, “every now and then you need a little pun-ishment”

By #688177 14,Dec,23 03:11
I have been grilling a chicken for 2 hours. . .
It still won’t tell me why it crossed the road!

By #688177 14,Dec,23 03:10
Mate, “ I have just brought a 12 year old whisky”
Me, “I don’t think their parents will like that”

By routemaster [Ignore] 14,Dec,23 02:50 other posts 
Little boy came home and said to his mum: "Mummy, I've just been to a strip club."
"Oh you naughty boy," replied his mother, horrified. "Did you see anything you wasn't supposed to?"
"Yeah," replied the little boy, "daddy."

By #688177 13,Dec,23 01:49
Me, “I spent my entire life’s savings on pasta”
Mate, “That must be a lot of pasta”
Me, “Well it’s worth every penne”

By #688177 12,Dec,23 03:54
Mate, “did you know the people of Antarctica, rarely get sick, even though it’s so cold?”
Me, “No, but I bet it’s because they are ice-o-lated!”

By #688177 12,Dec,23 03:53
Me, “It was so cold yesterday my computer froze”
Mate, “you need to keep it warmer!”
Me, “yes, well It was my own fault, I had too many windows open”

By #688177 11,Dec,23 04:13
Mate, “last night I had a nightmare, I was drowning in an ocean of fizzy orange”
Me, “That was not a nightmare, it was a Fanta sea!”

By #688177 09,Dec,23 09:33
Me, “ I left school wanting to become a magician”
Mate, “wow, so what went wrong?”
Me, “I failed the exam, they were all trick questions!”

By biggg [Ignore] 07,Dec,23 13:45 other posts 
(This does not work in the metric system) I wrote my Mum to say I have grown another foot. So she knitted me another sock.
By #681164 08,Dec,23 19:04

By #688177 08,Dec,23 07:43
Me, “hello mate how are you now?”
Mate, “Officially 12 months with out my addiction”
Me, “that’s good, what was it now”
Mate, “chocolate, nuts & marshmallows”
Me, “ well you have done it, but it must have been a Rocky Road!”

By #688177 07,Dec,23 03:38
JUSTICE is a dish best served cold!
If it were served warm, it would be justwater!!!

By #688177 06,Dec,23 02:55
A Weasel walks into a bar,
Barman, “what can I get you?”
Weasel, “pop”

By #688177 05,Dec,23 02:35
My Friend decided to get a face tattoo of his favourite Star Wars character!
You should have seen the Luke on his face 😊

By #688177 02,Dec,23 02:43
Yesterday I was washing my car with my son
He asked “dad, why can’t you use a sponge?”
By biggg [Ignore] 04,Dec,23 11:53 other posts 

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