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POLITICS...Pertaining to the United States of America.

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Started by tecsan [Ignore] 13,Sep,22 03:10  other posts
Your views, thoughts or simply opinions. The Economy is not well (understatement). I know there are some here that will try to link the country they are residing in as problems of the USA. Sorry the USA cannot be responsible for 100% of the problems in the world nor should they be expected to help repair all problems.

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By PITBULL [Ignore] 13,Aug,24 08:22 other posts 
We are not going back!

By kebmo [Ignore] 12,Aug,24 22:12 other posts 
So a bunch of Trump documents got hacked and of course releasing them to the public would be wrong because that would be to America’s enemies benefit, so says Steven Cheung, campaign spokesman.

Remember when Wikileaks released all of Clinton’s emails? Remember when Donald Trump asked Russia to find Clinton’s 30,000 emails?

I wonder why he feels differently today…
-End Sarcasm
--------------------------------------- added after 10 minutes

If it helps Trump, it’s good.
If it doesn’t help Trump, it’s bad.
As to the effect that it has on the country that he wishes to lead, well, he doesn’t give a fuck about that now does he?

By phart [Ignore] 12,Aug,24 18:59 other posts 
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wow,she can really explain things in simple terms can't she?

By PITBULL [Ignore] 12,Aug,24 06:55 other posts 
We are not going back

By PITBULL [Ignore] 11,Aug,24 16:09 other posts 

By phart [Ignore] 11,Aug,24 13:34 other posts 
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By phart [Ignore] 11,Aug,24 13:00 other posts 
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HAHAHAHAAAAA Told ye, she aint indian no more!!!
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 11,Aug,24 13:27 other posts 
Is being bi-racial such an impossible concept to understand?

She has been treated as 'black' by racists all her life.
In your racist America, you are either white or not, she's not.
That's why you call her the 'DEI candidate', remember?

By #710929 11,Aug,24 12:24
I like JD Vance he is cute
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 11,Aug,24 12:50 other posts 
I hope you don't vote for politicians just because they are cute.
I hope you vote for politicians who represent your ideas.

By #710929 11,Aug,24 11:29
Kamala Harris 2024

By phart [Ignore] 11,Aug,24 09:58 other posts 
When you don't have anything good to run on, steal your opponents ideas.
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She had never uddered a word about this until she stole it from Trump

By PITBULL [Ignore] 09,Aug,24 15:24 other posts 
By Cody8789 [Ignore] 09,Aug,24 17:34 other posts 
Back where
By PITBULL [Ignore] 09,Aug,24 20:55 other posts 
Stop playing around
By Cody8789 [Ignore] 10,Aug,24 00:49 other posts 

By kebmo [Ignore] 09,Aug,24 22:25 other posts 
Aren’t banning books contrary to the American first amendment?

How about this? If you don’t like it, don’t read it and don’t let your kids read it If it’s that important to you.

By kebmo [Ignore] 09,Aug,24 21:39 other posts 
You know all that stuff that everybody was saying about Joe Biden, being too old and unable to be president and yada yada yada? Well, I agree. He’s too old for another four years and I’m glad he called it a day.

Now look at Donald Trump. 78 years old, hard of hearing and he’s just going off the deep end every time he talks to any reporters. Did you guys actually see his two recent interviews with the black reporters and the thing at Mara Lago yesterday? It was insane! All the things that everybody said about Joe Biden can be applied to Donald Trump. He’s just too old for the job for four years.

But of course, he won’t be a man and bow out, he will fight to the end and then he will lose to Kamala Harris. Then of course, he will refuse to concede the election, blah blah blah same old shit. That’s my call.

By kebmo [Ignore] 08,Aug,24 23:30 other posts 
“Trying to fact check Donald Trump in real time is like trying to catch every raindrop before it hits the ground.”

-Renée Graham

By PITBULL [Ignore] 08,Aug,24 21:42 other posts 

By phart [Ignore] 07,Aug,24 16:31 other posts 
here is a good example of liberals trying to push their ideas,
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 08,Aug,24 04:04 other posts 
'Liberals'? Are you seriously comparing random people on the internet
with the rhetoric of Republican POLITICIANS AND TRUMP HIMSELF?

Trump voters have accused Democrats of being blood drinking pe.do.phile
demon worshipers. That idea was supported by Republican POLITICIANS.
(Trump On Ghislaine Maxwell: ‘I Just Wish Her Well’. Weird? Depraved?)

Trump calls actual Nazi's 'good people'. Fair to compare him to Hitler.

By the way, your own VP candidate has called Trump Hitler in public,
so what are you talking about?

By AngelofDeath [Ignore] 25,Jul,24 09:49 other posts 
This is for the site alley CAT. Looks like it’s time to make a call to the Florida state sex offender office.

[deleted image]
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 26,Jul,24 04:06 other posts 
Wow, if these pathetically silly antics are MAGA's only idea to attack Kamala Harris with,
it will be a landslide victory for her.

Please come up with something better. You owe it to yourself.

You need to fake shit, while Democrats can just speak the truth about your guy.
By AngelofDeath [Ignore] 26,Jul,24 08:18 other posts 
When you live in America, come back and try again to insult me. Idiots like you always think their opinions matter. You think because you can use google and watch the news you have an inkling of how living in the United States actually is. But then again you are anal licker and agree with allowing ****philes on-site and people that fuck dogs. A perfect candidate to be a Democrap.

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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 26,Jul,24 08:23 other posts 
That's only an answer, when you have nothing better.
Can you only parrot things other people say?
Why don't you try thinking for yourself?

Is it normal in America to elect sex offenders, who were friends with sex traffickers
of minors, and most likely engaged in crimes with those sex traffickers of minors,
to the presidency? Would I understand, if I lived in America?

That was a funny video though.
By AngelofDeath [Ignore] 26,Jul,24 11:56 other posts 
Imagine being so obsessed with the political affairs of another country you know nothing about that you have to interject yourself into everything to make yourself appear well rounded and intelligent. I mean no one gives a fuck about the Dutch so why not huh?
By kebmo [Ignore] 26,Jul,24 18:48 other posts 
Canadians give a fuck about the Dutch.

Now I’ll wait for you to say something clever.
By AngelofDeath [Ignore] 26,Jul,24 19:37 other posts 
Whatever Kebmo, you’ve really turned into a jackass. Or maybe you e always been one and your true colors are finally showing. I’d say no one gives a crap about Canadians either, but my friend Daffu was a Canadian and one of the coolest, and smartest people I had the pleasure to call a friend. I guess you’re the exception to Canadians being nice.
By kebmo [Ignore] 26,Jul,24 19:47 other posts 
My jackassedness is reciprocal to yours.
By AngelofDeath [Ignore] 26,Jul,24 20:44 other posts 
Insert eye roll. Okay Uncle Fucker.
By kebmo [Ignore] 26,Jul,24 21:32 other posts 
I have always found it interesting that unintelligent people like yourself invariably resort to name-calling when they have no intelligent retort to someone else’s comment.
By AngelofDeath [Ignore] 26,Jul,24 23:52 other posts 
And what makes you think you’re intelligent? Please enlighten us, but yeah not really. Watching paint dry would be more intellectually stimulating than anything that comes out of your mouth.
By #719542 27,Jul,24 04:56
& here you are going on about political stuff again, maybe you changed your mind, we all change our minds from time to time so its all goods Chainsaw
By AngelofDeath [Ignore] 27,Jul,24 09:33 other posts 
Yeah, I don’t give a fuck. Go down another fifth.
By phart [Ignore] 01,Aug,24 09:47 other posts 
You folks really need to give a fuck about each other! then worry about the folks that try to hold back the ocean with damns and water pumps so they can live below sea level.
Think about that for a moment and you will see, those folks may be smart engineers to pull off that stunt,but to expect to win against mother nature holding back the ocean,while complaining about cow farts, shows their lack of common sense.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 01,Aug,24 17:22 other posts 
Even for my country, where we all live below the sea level, the sea level rising is the least of the worries of climate change. The first thing will be a tsunami of refugees from countries that are becoming too hot for human survival. Next is a food crisis due to agriculture becoming impossible in more and more areas. For the US it's then the ever increasing damage from hurricanes. The US will suffer from flooding long before The Netherlands will, because we think ahead.
I challenged you to do better, but you just doubled down on bullshit.

kebmo: "Now I’ll wait for you to say something clever." Yeah, me too.

What happens in America affects the whole world. Of course I am obsessed with America turning into a fascist dictatorship, because The Netherlands neighbors Germany, the country that showed the exact same signs in their 1930's, as the MAGA movement is now showing.

The problem is that you know nothing. You don't know any history, you don't know your own country's law and constitution, you don't know anything except for the lies that your media, funded by oligarchs and christo-fashists, want you to believe.

People like you don't give a fuck about anyone, and people like you think everyone else is like you. You're wrong, you're a minority. A majority of Americans DOES care about what happens outside of America. Sure, most Americans cannot point out
The Netherlands on a blank world map, but most of them recognize our freedom,
our products, our innovation, our history and our culture of being honest and direct.

Every American that comes to my country (and that's a lot) never wants to leave, because it is exactly what Americans used to stand for; freedom on principle and progress from entrepreneurship. The Netherlands IS the American Dream.

Meanwhile, you are turning that dream into a fantasy for the actual America.
You are turning America into a failed state. You are turning it into Russia;
the country that is telling its citizens they are fighting Nazis in Ukraine, while doing complete and utter Nazi shit. The failed communist state turned to fascism.
The country that once was your biggest enemy is now your example.
You want to break down democracy completely and turn the US into an autocracy,
while your orange cult-leader is using pure Nazi rhetoric, to rally his cult-members.

You are the one showing your ignorance. You just know the people of your in-group and you have no curiosity about anything happening anywhere else in the world.
That's why you think America is just like you, while it absolutely is not.
I know more about your country than you.

You are a minority. You are not a real American. America is based on liberty,
America is liberal and you are a traitor to America's core principles.
By AngelofDeath [Ignore] 31,Jul,24 20:40 other posts 
I didn’t even bother to read what you wrote past the first few sentences. Fuck you and fuck Kebmo. In the words of Doughboy played by Ice Cube in the movie, Boyz n da’ hood. “Shut up bitch!” Take your political views and shove them up your ass along with Kebmos tongue. You all bore me.

[deleted image]
By phart [Ignore] 31,Jul,24 20:58 other posts 
It's not hard to understand why the folks jumped on the Mayflower is it?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 01,Aug,24 03:31 other posts 
Yes, those little snowflakes were desperate to find a safe space too.
You don't have to be on the internet; the biggest 'marketplace of ideas'.
Go look for a safe space then, snowflake. Truth Social needs you.

What's with the picture? You're on this website too!
Actually, there's a lot more people like you here, than 'liberals'.
All frustrated conservatives, who cannot even relax on an adult website.

Liberals actually have opinions. When you cannot argue yours, or fail at showing any logic to them, you just show you're all indoctrinated.
By phart [Ignore] 01,Aug,24 09:49 other posts 
-Liberals censor opinions that don't meet their standards, sad.

They were not snow flakes that jumped on a ship to go to a new world, they were tough independent thinking people that wanted better than a liberal world.
They didn't mind hard work to achieve a goal.or they would not have sailed.
GO back to that same point in history and see if you can show me a group of folks from Africa that went out to seek a new life,a new country,there weren't any.
For them to have medicine,and a better life, they had to either be taken to it or have it brought to them.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 01,Aug,24 11:47 other posts 
When you accuse liberals of censoring, it's always crying about them not giving some right-winger a platform to speak. They are not entitled to their platform,
it is earned on merit. Yes, there are standards; honesty (being true to the facts) is one of them, and they fail that standard 98% of the time. That's not an opinion question, that's a failing to meet the standards of science and education question.

Many of those settlers were indeed Christian fundamentalists, fleeing Europe, but you have no idea, when you call Europe of that time a 'liberal world'. Europe was still incredibly conservative. Those were not 'tough independent thinking people', they were religiously indoctrinated zealots, fleeing religious reform.
It might be harsh to call them 'snowflakes' though, because they were literally fleeing to a 'safe space'. Still, they turned against religious reform that was desperately needed, because religion tyrannized people completely. The Age of Enlightenment started later and only took hold after the French Revolution.

"Influenced by the new ideas of the Enlightenment, the American Revolution (1765–1783) is usually considered the starting point of the Age of Revolution.
It in turn inspired the French Revolution of 1789, which rapidly spread to the rest of Europe through its wars."

The development of liberalism was not going faster in Europe. America founded the first and most liberal laws in history, which rivaled the French liberalism.
In fact, American liberalism has managed to implement secularism and the elimination of the ruling aristocracy into law, much more effectively.

Why bring Africa(ns) into it? What's the relationship?
By phart [Ignore] 01,Aug,24 12:03 other posts 
Why not?
Why is it a liberal can spew aint Israel words uncensored but let a conservative speak against a topic they hold dear and it is censored.
Hell, google even tried to make it hard to find info about Trumps assassination attempt and were finally called out on it and apparently fixed it.You still get a flood of harris stuff when you do get Trump results. When you want results on 1 topic you clic for it, you aren't asking for the rest. That wouldn't be censor ship to throw her ad's in there,I don't know what the word is, but it shouldn't be done.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 01,Aug,24 12:14 other posts 
Are you kidding? Anti-Israel speech is literally called antisemitism.
It is censored like no other speech. Meanwhile, Netanyahu's propaganda machine is welcome everywhere, to lie their asses off.

Or are you talking about Netanyahu himself getting boycotted?
Yes, the fucker is a war criminal, and it's shameful he was allowed to speak.
Some people have principles about who gets a platform.
Netanyahu should be in jail in The Hague, awaiting trial for war-crimes and genocide, not be allowed to talk to Congress.

Info about Trumps assassination attempt? You mean conspiracy theories
and direct calls to violence, don't you? I can find as much as I want on it,
so what are you looking for?

You gotta come up with something better.
By tecsan [Ignore] 03,Aug,24 05:15 other posts 
he is a snowflake come down where safe again...
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 03,Aug,24 05:51 other posts 
I wouldn't call Netanyahu a snowflake, but your Congress definitely gave
that war-criminal a "safe space" to spread his lies. Is that the job of your congress? Having war-criminals justify their war-crimes? Did they even
fact check Netanyahu's claims?

When is a representative of the Palestinian people invited
to speak to Congress? Are you going to hear both sides?
By phart [Ignore] 07,Aug,24 15:19 other posts 
they have a space to live,the palestinians, but no,they had to support hamas,harbor hamas,let hamas build tunnels under their churchs,schools and hospitals, so no, they don't deserve a chance to speak,they brought the wrath of the Israeli people onto themselves.
1 hamas,to many hamas,1 hezbolla, to many, war criminal,ha,would you even know what is a criminal? I guess you think the Shah of Iran is a hero to right?

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 07,Aug,24 07:00 other posts 
It's so much fun seeing Jordan Klepper making MAGA people say dumb things.
I'm sure they are not all this dumb, but damn does he make it look easy.
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 06,Aug,24 11:55 other posts 
Tim Walz: "They keep talking about the middle class. A robber baron real estate guy
and a venture capitalist, trying to tell us they understand who we are?
They don't know who we are!"

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