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Discussion Forum on Show It Off

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Started by #578610 [Ignore] 07,Mar,19 11:30

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By #578610 10,Mar,19 23:32

[deleted image]

My opinion
By dgraff [Ignore] 11,Mar,19 05:44 other posts 
Your opinion not any one else's
By #578610 11,Mar,19 07:14
That's what I said. I'm glad you can read.

My opinion
By 2nice [Ignore] 11,Mar,19 08:41 other posts 
[deleted image]
By #578610 11,Mar,19 09:16
Your the one that said you we're bored you said you liked confrontation I can quit any time your ready I'm trying to show you if you live by the sword you can die by the sword


My opinion

By #578610 11,Mar,19 11:13
Angelofdeath just blacklisted me. Why? Who knows. I guess she just got on the rag and needed to act out. Otherwise, if you can read this, Angelofdeath, at least have the decency to face me and tell me what your problem is.
My opinion

By #578610 11,Mar,19 10:37

[deleted image]
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I was surprised that so many men pee in the morning before the wank. Well, another mystery solved.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 08,Mar,19 17:53 other posts 
I'll show you this pussy then
[deleted image]
and say that I'd gladly fuck it.

[Let's see if the stinky morons will complain because I said this.]
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Mar,19 06:54 other posts 
Oh Leo you poor sole more fat chicks with dirty ass holes could you just find one that wipes or do you get a discount for the shittie ass
By #578610 09,Mar,19 07:48
Only proves hemorrhoids, like you, are hard to get rid off,
My opinion
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Mar,19 14:41 other posts 
Suck me hot pockets
By #578610 09,Mar,19 14:55
Sure baby, your tit is waiting for you in the other forum
My opinion
By leopoldij [Ignore] 10,Mar,19 04:49 other posts 
We were waiting for your reaction, asshole, to have a laugh. You're spreading hatred and react even when nobody referred to you. You keep looking for trouble, asshole, you comment at places that have nothing to do with you. That's the definition of an asshole. If hotpussy has a problem with me linking a pussy pic, she'll tell me. It's Not your fucking business to play the policeman. You're a fucking troll.
By dgraff [Ignore] 10,Mar,19 07:25 other posts 
Awwwwww little Leo did I strike a nerve you can get quite angry for the little twat that you are
By #578610 10,Mar,19 09:20
The "little twat" is 10 times the man you are. You are just nasty since Lix threw you out of her groups for being an ass. I would have done the same. Go back to sniffing rotted pussy from the Cyclops.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 10,Mar,19 15:47 other posts 
Go back to your momma and clean her ass. That's all what you're food for asslicker.
By dgraff [Ignore] 10,Mar,19 16:32 other posts 
You go back to your momma lix and tell her I'm proud of her for remaining silent in all this she has come a long way
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Now if only you could get the mouth of the South to shut the fuck up just once everything would be fine
By #578610 10,Mar,19 17:28
You still don't get it. I'm a force of one. Neither Leo, or Lix and certainly not you and your henchmen have the power to shut me up.
Who knows, maybe Lix and the Cyclops were told to tone down their retoric. Neither one is getting involved. At least, not directly.
My opinion
By leopoldij [Ignore] 10,Mar,19 17:42 other posts 
Don't use words like "Cyclops" and "rhetoric". He doesn't understand them. His English vocabulary doesn't contain them.
By #578610 10,Mar,19 18:38
He speaks and understands english???
By leopoldij [Ignore] 10,Mar,19 20:57 other posts 
He speaks something.
But he understands nothing.
He's a fucked up hillbilly.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 10,Mar,19 17:47 other posts 
I'd fuck this pussy any time.
[deleted image]
My opinion. And I can defend it.
By dgraff [Ignore] 10,Mar,19 17:55 other posts 
Hey that's the one from below with the shitty ass and look who it is hot pockets or twowarmmitts or mandy658 or bonbon69 or Charlie or twowarmmitts 2 lets see did I leave anyone out
By #578610 10,Mar,19 18:18
Yeah, Twowarmtts.
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So, smart. Did it come to you after you blew him that must not be mention?

My opinion

By #578610 10,Mar,19 18:17
In the last 4 day at least 5 different forums lit up like the 4th of July fireworks display. There were several people using their noodle to make me jump through hoops. Some members liked it, some did not, but, they got curious and commented on the goings on. That, people, is how you get out of "BORING". There's so many other interesting subjects than peanut butter ice cream. Do as you like, but, if the forums sink, so do you. Think about it.

My opinion
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So, smart. Did it come to you after you blew him that must not be mention?

My opinion

Assholes not withstanding

By #578610 10,Mar,19 09:17
[deleted image]

The guy sucking my tit is Charlie. He is 6'2" with an average cock and a very sweet disposition. I'm lucky to have him. Everyone here thinks i'm Charlie. If you people think that then at least spell the name correctly. For a woman the name is spelled C h a r l i,,,,,I know you graduated from kindergarten and did not go on to higher education but, after all your years, i would have thought you'd have picked up some know how.
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That pic of me is an actual "now" pic. I may post younger pics of me but i'm not ashamed of my looks. Make fun all you want but as the cyclops said, beauty is skin deep. The real essence of a person is how he/she thinks.
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If I choose to be friends with (not hang out, and this you can ask Lix if she'll talk to you) Lix, AussieMan, oe Leo, it's because they never put me down, unlike you and your fellow Cyclops Rats.
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You are a sorry excuse for a human being, let alone a man. You pick on a woman and think it's a good, funny thing. Now I guess you'll come back with something like "saggy tits" or "80 yr old crone" or whatever, but, I know what I am, and neither you, nor JustWill, phart, or the Cyclops will ever come up to my levels.
By dgraff [Ignore] 10,Mar,19 11:56 other posts 
Your the one that said you we're bored you said you liked confrontation I can quit any time your ready I'm trying to show you if you live by the sword you can die by the sword
By #578610 10,Mar,19 12:06
I did. What i did not do is ask you to confront me. I don't care if you stop or not. I think you know i don't let it drop. You always come up with manly sayings like if you live by the sword you can die by the sword. Too bad you are not much of a man.
You know, it almost sounded like a plea to stop. You and the others crossed the line sometime ago, not all at once, but you all did. Like I asked Old Phart, you expect me to turn the other cheek? I rather die in a cyber death than do that.
You, more than anyone, stick your nose where it's not welcomed and make trouble. You know how to bait other members to fight. You truly are a troll. Well, if you noticed, I fight dirty. You could just go back under your handler's skirts and leave me alone.
By dgraff [Ignore] 10,Mar,19 12:29 other posts 
I will quit when you do I can go as long as you can I'm much younger than you my opinion
By #578610 10,Mar,19 12:46
True,,I'm an 80 yr old crone with saggy tits

[deleted image]

and it looks like this war will go for a long time or until you go crying to Admin like you guys do all the time,
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My opinion
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Sorry,,I guess a nude woman is repellent to you,,,

My opinion
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[deleted image]

I guess this is more your speed
My opinion
By phart [Ignore] 10,Mar,19 12:53 other posts 
Wow,why would you demean YOURSELF, after being upset by others for saying bad things about you?
IF you are not something you are happy with,YOU and only YOU can change or improve yourself.
By #578610 10,Mar,19 13:00
You are kidding me, right??? HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Poor baby. You've been like this all your life??? WOW WOW WOW
My opinion
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I'm so sorry, lollipop. I did not realize. I've been taking advantage of a man-child
My opinion

By #578610 10,Mar,19 12:16

only registered users can see external links

My opinion

By #578610 10,Mar,19 10:21
Mr Dgraff is always making fun of me and generally acting like a cheesy RAT in service of the Cyclops. Well, check out this link. It goes to his personal pages on the site. This is the one that makes fun of me?????/HAHAHA!!!!


My opinion
By dgraff [Ignore] 10,Mar,19 12:03 other posts 

By #578610 10,Mar,19 10:30
One M&M for you, two for me. Two M&Ms for you, four for me.
Lets make them chilly flavor. Or is it butterscotch?,,
that earned the "pie-in-the-face" contest.
My opinion
By dgraff [Ignore] 10,Mar,19 12:00 other posts 
Hahaha i like pie

By #578610 10,Mar,19 10:35
House Republican explains decision to vote against anti-hate resolution
only registered users can see external links
My opinion

By #578610 09,Mar,19 20:21
NOW,THIS IS EXITING. I didn't think the professor had it in him.

Chapter 31 )

According to the plan initiated by Eric and Mark, his younger br*ther and my best friend in the world, the goal was to see how many times the two of them could fuck me before their parents got home from work that afternoon. Since there were few things I enjoyed more than having either of my guys stuff his cock in my bottom (having either dick in my mouth edged that out by a slight margin), I was more than willing to participate in this exciting endeavor. When it came to my guys and sex, I was a total whore--and I am not at all ashamed to admit that. I loved sex, I loved their dicks, and I loved them; not necessarily in that order.

As it turned out, the number of times that Mark and Eric could bone me during the allotted time on that wonderful Snow Day, not including my older playmate's marvelous sodomizing of me while I was bent over the arm of the sofa earlier that morning, was five. That's five times between the two of them, not apiece. I'm not sure that even my horny ass cold take that.

My opinion

By #578610 08,Mar,19 17:33
From Bella
So, CandyMandyBonBonCharlieTwits IS logging out to read the forum topics that she cannot see or otherwise participate in? Such a sad, sad woman.
The pot calling the kettle black. So, how did you find out what I posted?
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Did you log out too? We both are interested in the other's posts. I have to do it the hard way. All you have to do is give tit to one of your minions, like Phart.
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I bet they even know the brand of tampons you use and yes, I'm not a lady. I don't believe in hiding behind a made up persona,
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My opinion
By phart [Ignore] 08,Mar,19 18:28 other posts 
I aint no one's minion. I make my own decisions,
As for being a "Real" man because they ban you,it is just the only way the site has setup for us to get rid of annoying people that are causing issues to us.
Nothing anti man or wimpy about it.
Go play with your voodoo dolls or something
By #578610 08,Mar,19 18:42
WOW, you are really brave out in the public forum. You are different in the private mesgs
By phart [Ignore] 08,Mar,19 18:51 other posts 
Here are the only private messages you were sent? How am I different?
Is it that I said go play with your voodoo doll?

Mar 8, 18:15 phart: I just got into this mess that you have with these other folks,don't understand it,and think it is a bunch of silly bullshit.

Mar 8, 18:15 phart: who is that?

Mar 8, 18:08 hotpussy: so, did you collect your tit suck from the Cyclops???

Mar 8, 16:36 Hotpussy: you guys are right about one thing,,,i like excitement. the more you rattle my cage the more i snarl, but, i have to be careful.

Mar 8, 15:39 phart: Hehahahaha, rattleing your cage.
By #578610 09,Mar,19 07:54
You left something out. It's what you posted on the Cyclop's forum that puts your PMs in perspective.

now you know why I planted that comment! You give a person enough rope,they will hang themselves, all you have to do is wait.
And really I am wondering if it is a woman.

Phart, you are a double dealing RAT.
By phart [Ignore] 09,Mar,19 16:09 other posts 
Who cares?
By #578610 09,Mar,19 17:01
I don't know. Being a dishonorable man, i already assumed that you don't care. It was an observation.
My opinion
By phart [Ignore] 09,Mar,19 18:20 other posts 
You are a outright waste of time whoever or whatever you are.
You say your father taught you to stand and fight.i seriously doubt he taught you to pick a fight.You are doing that on purpose with whoever you can just to stir trouble.Funny thing is,trouble here is of no real issue in the real world.A couple clics and you are out of my world and I am out of this 1.So for your twisted mind to consider me dishonorable for not copieing and pasting what could be read by anyone here and calling me a rat, really doesn't bother me.
I would say Fuck you, But you would just lay there. So I will just say fly a kite whoever or whatever you are.
I honestly think you are a old guy in the hand dug basement under his ex mother in laws single wide trailer getting his jollies trying to make others miserable..
A real person would not act the way "you" do.
By #578610 09,Mar,19 18:44
If I'm a waste of time you just wasted a good chunk of it. And if it doesn't bother you to be told why then why are you here for? You want to insult me more? You want others to see how clever you are? You want to show others what a twisted mind I have? Well, go ahead, tell the world how a pussy was mean to you, RAT. Then go report to your handler, little pee pee
By phart [Ignore] 09,Mar,19 18:53 other posts 
By #578610 09,Mar,19 20:14
Wow,,that's some comeback.

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