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Words you DISLIKE

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Started by leopoldij [Ignore] 04,Sep,18 12:21  other posts
Post some words that, according to you, are nasty, that you ha_te or just dislike. It could be anything, from food, to a concept, but let's avoid specific names.

For example, here are some words I find pathetic, that I dislike (all starting with R, just for fun):




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By #632705 22,Apr,21 22:06
trump, skittles, trump, Republican, trump, cop, trump, police, trump, Boyd, trump, frot, trump, social distancing, trump, conservative, trump, tucker Carlson, trump, Sean Hannity, trump, Nancy Grace, trump, Ted Cruz, trump, Ben Carson, trump, ICE, trump, border crisis, trump, border wall, trump, border patrol, trump, patriot, trump,
By leopoldij [Ignore] 22,Apr,21 22:35 other posts 

By sherryann [Ignore] 22,Apr,21 01:04 other posts 
Die. Mainly when it's used this way: "That cake is to die for" or "I'm dying to get that new phone" or similar nonsense like that. I hate hearing that.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 22,Apr,21 08:52 other posts 
I know what you mean.

By wycowboy [Ignore] 20,Apr,21 19:17 other posts 

fur babies
By leopoldij [Ignore] 20,Apr,21 19:29 other posts 

By Chauncey_Street [Ignore] 20,Apr,21 07:21 other posts 
More than one word but I h.a.t.e it when somebody says something rather insulting to somebody else and then he or she says, "No offence." Am I the only one who gets bugged by that?

I know somebody who didn't like the word, "basically" or the modern-day usage of that word.

It's annoying for some when people say, "veggies" instead of "vegetables".

Annoying as hell when somebody calls milk "moo juice".

H.a.t.e. it when people say, "I eat healthy." instead of, "I eat healthily."

Annoying when people say, "Let's eat Chinese tonight!" instead of saying, "Let's eat Chinese food tonight!".
By leopoldij [Ignore] 20,Apr,21 13:04 other posts 
Very will said! I agree with all of the above.

By #636792 20,Apr,21 11:43

By knewbi [Ignore] 19,Apr,21 18:08 other posts 
NO!! I hate being told no!!!
By leopoldij [Ignore] 19,Apr,21 22:48 other posts 
That's a conditional hate. You hate hearing no. Do you also hate saying it? Do you also hate reading it? Do you hate hearing other people saying no to others?

If not, then you don't hate the word but a particular usage of it.
By knewbi [Ignore] 20,Apr,21 10:48 other posts 
Geez!! Don't over think it...

By chris51 [Ignore] 04,Sep,18 19:02 other posts 
"Sorry" especially when it's combined with "not now"
By leopoldij [Ignore] 04,Sep,18 19:16 other posts 
Sorry, this was not a good choice. Not now.
By #485312 07,Jan,19 15:36
l hate the word 'sorry' too, and l hate how its used as a get out of jail free card. *Lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 07,Jan,19 16:05 other posts 
Mind you, if the site police ever said sorry for having the audacity to exercise control on a few native people we would accept it.
By #485312 10,Apr,21 16:58
No, I wouldn't accept it, saying sorry just means, 'I meant what I said, but you want to feel better, so I'll say this word in a somewhat sincere way and all is forgiven', well NO, SORRY doesn't cut it in my world, I don't like any kinds of apologies, I feel you should say what you mean, and if others don't like it, its not about making false apologies to make others feel like you care, its about letting them know you don't say shit in the first place. Ive always found people who are always apologising a lot are usually trouble makers or shit stirrers, they have very little substance as a person and will flip flop on what ever they say, so you cant trust them. if you don't know shit, than don't say it, and always stand behind what you say 100% or don't say it.. the only time sorry is needed is if you do something accidentally, like stepping back and bumping someone.. that's what it was meant for...not deliberate lying *lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 10,Apr,21 21:56 other posts 
You got a point. Some people say sorry and continue doing what they were doing.

By WHATSUPDOC [Ignore] 10,Apr,21 17:09 other posts 
It is not so much the word but the intent to hurt, to hate, to fear.

By #614425 10,Apr,21 12:32

By phart [Ignore] 10,Apr,21 09:06 other posts 
all words that people always seem to use in the wrong way.

Self-Righteous,I guess that is 2 words but I think it describes arm chair hubris folks that think they know it all above others that live on traditions over the years

By Chauncey_Street [Ignore] 10,Apr,21 07:38 other posts 

By #275407 08,Jan,19 03:14
I hate the word cunt, so when I get cut off the road by a girl when I'm driving, I don't speed up and cut them off, I catch up to them and yell out the window and say, " you fuckin cunt " it gives me so much satisfaction.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 08,Jan,19 03:18 other posts 
What do you do when you get cut off by a man?
By #275407 08,Jan,19 03:18
I speed up and cut him off, then slam on my brakes /s0kbcgmpltwppic.html
By leopoldij [Ignore] 08,Jan,19 03:22 other posts 
Be careful... he might have a gun. I'm not joking.
By #275407 08,Jan,19 03:23
So do I, I have many of them
By Dev01 [Ignore] 08,Jan,19 05:08 other posts 
I think you have been trumped leo
By #275407 08,Jan,19 20:38

By WHATSUPDOC [Ignore] 06,Sep,18 16:29 other posts 
Best word of all time COCK.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 06,Sep,18 18:17 other posts 
So you dislike the word cock?
By WHATSUPDOC [Ignore] 07,Sep,18 23:56 other posts 
No, I was saying that I love the word COCK. It is just a really cool sounding word. And it is just the beginning of the experience.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 08,Sep,18 07:47 other posts 
But this is a thread about words you dislike. Can you think of some?
By 2nice [Ignore] 07,Jan,19 16:55 other posts 
It always amazes me that people around here cannot seem to follow the most simple directions.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 07,Jan,19 17:02 other posts 
Don't be amazed. This is a sex site with members from all sorts of groups, from rich to poor, from smart to stupid, from Americans to Chinese, from liberal thinkers to conservative deadwood.... It's a cross section of society consisting of people who have one thing in common: sex (and even this is debatable). What is amazing is that there are people whose brain is smaller than a frog's. Humans are so varied...

By #463848 07,Jan,19 09:07

By #559941 05,Sep,18 15:58
Religious can be political as compared to spiritual.
Racism is used politically.
Righteousness means you are a true and just person.. So what's the beef?.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 05,Sep,18 19:01 other posts 
You were not asked to criticize my choices.
You were asked to contribute.
But you can't.
You're just full of venom.
Just like all religious bigots.
By #559941 05,Sep,18 20:32
Or you are just plain retarded.. I did not attack you nor do I have any venom.. Just like the liberal you are.. You know you have these traits but try to use the character card to try and convince stupid people your unbalanced ideologies..
By leopoldij [Ignore] 06,Sep,18 04:25 other posts 
I'm not trying to convince anyone about anything. I'm just observing the existence of a medieval society (religion plus guns) within a technologically advanced society. It's an extremely interesting phenomenon!
By #559941 06,Sep,18 07:43
I understand that but to call me names and attack is not only low class but since we are in a public forum like this it shows to the rest of the world how you use this stage to demean people..
By leopoldij [Ignore] 06,Sep,18 08:35 other posts 
"Or you are just plain retarded"
"your unbalanced ideologies"

I think you are confusing me with you.
You said the above, not me, buddy.
By #559941 06,Sep,18 20:43
No, you are just too stupid to understand any ideology other than "DUH" ... anything reasonable or what is just to you is a language way too far for you to understand.. My intelligence is fine,,, Your stupidity isn't..

By leopoldij [Ignore] 06,Sep,18 08:43 other posts 
Let me summarize the words that people dislike, so far:

leopoldij: Religious, Racism, Righteousness
Godzillas: Religious, Racism, Righteousness
routemaster: Super, politicians, religion, ass
AussieMan187: fabulous
TWOWARMTTS2: Spic, wop, n---er, faggot
sinanff47: politically correct
chris51: sorry, sorry not now
kebmo: unprecedented
2nice: behoove
licksipsuckit: Cinnamon, multiculturalism, assimilation
BirdDog: clogged

Keep going!

By routemaster [Ignore] 06,Sep,18 04:08 other posts 
Super, politicians, religion, ass (prefer arse or bum) and people who say "I would of done that" instead of "I would HAVE done that."
By leopoldij [Ignore] 06,Sep,18 04:20 other posts 
I see you're point. I couldn't of said it better myself. Your wise. You're choice of words doesn't counterdict mine.

N.B. I'm using words, including the last verb, I learned on this forum.

By #502711 04,Sep,18 20:56
I ha.te the word fabulous. Don't know why, I just do
By leopoldij [Ignore] 04,Sep,18 21:00 other posts 
I guess that's not proper name, is it?
By #502711 04,Sep,18 21:09
Depends. It's the 21st century now, people have all kinds of stupid names these days
By leopoldij [Ignore] 04,Sep,18 21:36 other posts 
Maybe It's the name of a man. In the age of political correctness, anything is possible.
By #502711 04,Sep,18 21:48
I've heard of a guy named Sexy Vegan
By leopoldij [Ignore] 04,Sep,18 21:49 other posts 
There's No such thing.
By #502711 04,Sep,18 22:17
By leopoldij [Ignore] 05,Sep,18 19:02 other posts 
I guess you edited this post....
By #502711 06,Sep,18 02:44
Well yah. Not allowed to type the word ****
By leopoldij [Ignore] 06,Sep,18 04:16 other posts 
It's sad to feel policed.

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