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Started by kebmo [Ignore] 19,Jul,18 05:03  other posts
I'm sure a lot of people here don't want to talk about the US President. I am also sure that there are a lot of people that do want to so let's do it here so they won't have to "listen" to us if they choose not to.
I watch a LOT of news, Canadian and American. I don't get Foxx News but I do get CNN and MSNBC which are very left leaning. The two Canadian news networks, CBC News and CTV News are more middle of the road. I watch the late shows too and I especially like Seth Myers' "A Closer Look".

Let's talk Trump!

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By leopoldij [Ignore] 28,Jun,20 14:04 other posts 
Donald president Trump retweeted a video showing one of his supporters loudly shouting "white power". But his spokesperson said that the presidente did not hear the "white power". And he deleted the video. So no harm done, stop arguing about it. It's all nice and cool.

By #491031 27,Jun,20 12:57
This just in:
Racism in America is Barack Obama's fault.
That's what they are going with.
By kebmo [Ignore] 27,Jun,20 15:17 other posts 
Will have you been watching Fox "news" again?
By #491031 27,Jun,20 16:01
It's like visiting an alternate reality; a place where the sky is pink, birds fly backwards and sandwiches grow on trees next to a butterscotch river!

Now, the deal is that Trump's "wall" stopped the virus from getting to Arizona!

It's like ALICE IN WONDERLAND as written by a drooling idiot...
By kebmo [Ignore] 27,Jun,20 16:21 other posts 
You had me at the sandwich tree.
By phart [Ignore] 27,Jun,20 22:29 other posts 
Is that tree anywhere near the money tree that helps to cover cost of obama care? just had to ask.
Racism has been around MUCH longer than Obama.Although I would really like to blame everything on him from the higher cost,and less coverage of my medical insurance to the cost of bacon in the grocery store,Not all things are obamas fault.
By kebmo [Ignore] 27,Jun,20 23:50 other posts 
I cut my finger at work today. I think I'll send him a strongly worded letter.

By #608173 26,Jun,20 14:13
How about a new mantra for the USA . Instead of BLACK LIVES MATTER . WHITE LIVES MATTER . ALL LIVES MATTER . You all adopt the slogan ." ALL LIVES DON'T MATTER " . As it appeaser The only thing that really matters is making America great again . Forget about the rest . Lets put the Corona virus deaths down to collateral damage . A sort of blue on blue . As you would term it in any other battle against an enemy . As your government think its a more important battle to get the country back on its feet again . This could turn out to be a popular chant at Donald duck Trump's Rallies . Of course you could use the same slogan in the UK . As in our country we seem to be run on the same lines .

By #610414 22,Jun,20 18:34
Less than 7000 attended Tulsa's Trump rally. Is this the biggining of the end?
By kebmo [Ignore] 22,Jun,20 20:09 other posts 
I thought that it was the biggest rally in HISTORY.
By #551147 23,Jun,20 06:03
Laugh this off...


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I even used one of you alls shitty sources, you should be happy about that. Oh! Make sure to pay SPECIAL attention to the part that's the writer's opinion. They just absolutely cannot stick to reporting the facts. THAT! Is just one very tiny example of why they are called "fake news". Nobody should/give a fuck about your opinions (news reporters or the writers) just tell the fucking truth and keep your biased opinions to your gotdamned self. So, here is a article with a truth, a half truth, and a fucking out right lie. Enjoy and continue to believe their bullshit.
By #610414 23,Jun,20 11:14
Things must be getting desperate in the Scorps household and in the White House. Everything is a lie, drink the bleach, opinions not welcomed. MAGA-----MAKE THE ASSHOLE GO AWAY.
Four months and a few days. Can't wait
By #188992 23,Jun,20 14:00
I really struggle to grasp your point and, believe it or not, I really want to!

Are you really saying that all media sources should "stick to reporting the facts" and offer no opinions whatsoever?

I'm with you, at least partially, insofar as I believe that the media should only present as fact stuff that is factual and verifiable. If a source said the venue was full that would be reprehensible, as much as if a source said nobody turned up.

If, as a consumer of media, you aren't able to see that describing the turnout as "disappointing" is totally subjective you're probably too stupid to be allowed to leave the house without your carer.

I hope I'm wrong, but I fear you may be saying that any "news" that includes an opinion is "fake news". Frankly, that's ridiculous.

By all means keep your critical faculties sharp. Do your own research - who owns the newspaper or TV channel? Have they been in trouble with the legal system for stuff they have published/said in the past? Do they have a "mission statement", or similar, that sets out what they hope to promote. Try using a fact-checking site. Get your news from more than one source, including (if you really want to seek "truth") a source that you are inclined to normally disagree with.

Sadly, we can't all rely on seeing/hearing stuff with our own eyes and ears. Consequently, we have to rely on third parties reporting stuff. The kernel of the matter is to try to find sources that you feel, at least with some degree of confidence, aren't feeding you a pack of lies.

I'll read, watch and listen to a variety of media sources bearing all that in mind. I'll then form my very own opinions, but not make my judgements so concrete that I won't feel able to change my mind if new evidence is brought to my attention.

I fear that many of Trump's supporters don't use the same modus operandi. They see the source and (surprise, surprise) the next 2 words out of their spittle-flecked mouths is "fake news".

Personally, I find that immensely frustrating. How about you?
By #551147 24,Jun,20 07:03
No, not ALL media sources. But, if you designate yourself as a "news reporter" then report the factual news, period! If you wanna be a commentator, then gotdamnit label yourself as such OR your articles as an "opinion piece". i.e. I wanna know that a second plane has hit the tower, I don't wanna her your belief that it's the Presidents fault. That's when I turn them off!

The connotation is a tad annoying and maybe over used, but, it's equally as annoying that there is truth to it.

A recent example... This last shooting, Rayshard Brooks, as if the complete situation wasn't bad enough, they start reporting that he (the officer) kicked him (the suspect) after he had fallen to the ground AFTER being shot. That was a complete LIE! They used a still frame shot just to further inflame the situation. That's the kinda bullshit I'm talking about, So, what should we call it, since you don't care for "fake news". That is not a lone incident, it's widespread and in that case very very incendiary and doesn't help ANYONE. Since it can easily be proved time after time that the bulk of media and news sources are completely full of shit and biased, I don't know what you people that don't care for the term want to be said.
By #188992 24,Jun,20 07:59
I return to my point that if you can't tell the difference between reporting a fact and an opinion piece, you're a stupid shit.

Your first example is an interesting one. If you're referring to 9/11 I think it's perfectly valid to tell the public what Bush did at Brooker Elementary School when he first heard of the attack. It's also valid to ask the question: which Saudi Nationals were allowed to fly out of the US when national airspace was reopened on the morning of the 13th September? I may be putting words in your mouth but it seems to me like you're suggesting that you should just report the bare facts, and not take the trouble to look at decision-making behind the scenes to see if lessons can be learned. I hope I'm wrong, because I believe you're smart enough to know that an analysis of WHY something happened is equally as important as what happened.

"they start reporting". Interesting choice of words - who's this ubiquitous "they"? Presumably, as you have been able to find the truth there were other media sources that reported the Rayshard Brooks in a different way?

It would be incredibly naive of me (and you) to state that all reporting is even-handed and factually correct. My problem is twofold:

Firstly, that now seems to have led to the default position of Trump supporters where their first reaction is "fake news" SOLELY based on the source.

Secondly, it also appears to be a totally partisan position. If I was to agree with you that Rayshard Brooks was falsely reported upon would you be prepared to accept that some of the right-wing reporting of events has been equally false? YOU might, because you're a reasonable guy but I fear that most Trump supporters are staggeringly myopic.

He didn't have the largest turnout ever for his inauguration, did he?

In 1982, despite what he told Forbe's, Trump wasn't worth anywhere near the $900 million he claimed was he?

Trump has smeared Joe Scarborough, hasn't he?

He wasn't being sarcastic, or laying a trap for journalists, when he suggested ingesting bleach was he?

The list, as you must surely acknowledge, goes on and on.

If, as you assert, "the bulk of media and news sources are completely full of shit and biased" democracy has a big problem. I'm not sure, however, that I agree with your assertion. "The bulk"? Really?

If you're right (and it applies equally to the left/liberal media and the right) what do you propose? Believe nothing? Only trust your own eyes and ears? My previous post sets out MY position. I'm still unsure what you feel - I fear that, because of your political views, you dismiss anything you don't like to hear and lap up what reinforces your world view - regardless of how risible that might be.

What I want to be said is "Having weighed the available evidence, and checked additional sources, I believe that the report in The Shitkicker Times is incorrect because ......"

What I don't want is "Oh, it's by The Shitkicker Times. They're fake news". End of story.

I think you can see the difference.
By #610414 26,Jun,20 12:13
Scorps, I was re-reading your post. I started thinking about this:
A recent example... This last shooting, Rayshard Brooks, as if the complete situation wasn't bad enough, they start reporting that he (the officer) kicked him (the suspect) after he had fallen to the ground AFTER being shot. That was a complete LIE! They used a still frame shot just to further inflame the situation.

Perhaps I look at TV news differently, but that "still frame shot" was visible in the report. This is when I based an opinion. From the position of the officers leg and other indicators, the cop did kick Mr Brooks. You call it bullshit. I call it things that happened after the main facts. Mr Brooks was shot in the back by a cop. The "bullshit" is that people get more upset about a still shot than by the fact a life was taken when it could have been prevented. And the following is YOUR OPINION. It's not the media's opinion, nor the fact-checkers. So, prove it.

Since it can easily be proved time after time that the bulk of media and news sources are completely full of shit and biased, I don't know what you people that don't care for the term want to be said.
I will give you biased with lots of reservations. The shit we hear from the right wing commentators and Fox News proves your point.
By #610414 23,Jun,20 11:23
HAHAHA.It was the biggest rally anyone ever saw!!
By #551147 22,Jun,20 22:01
Not sure where you got your information, as usual, but I'm pretty sure the secret service number of over 12,000 in attendance was probably more accurate than the diarrhea your spewing. Must be some bullshit ass number you got from one of your incredibly reliable sources, right!?

That being said, what's your point?

Let's see, there was talk of possible counter protesters and violence (in which case I would have probably kept my ass home too), there was a concerted effort of bogus requests made to attend the rally and then, not show up in an effort to embarrass the event. It was Father's day weekend, AND lastly we are still dealing with some fears and or concerns stemming from the "pandemic". You want to blast people that participate in such gatherings but fail to mention the fact that attendance MAY have been down due to the Chinese virus concerns and that a portion of the would be attendees were actually staying home in an effort to appease flakes like yourself.

While either of you are attempting to mock the event, don't forget to mention the fact the Joe Biden held an event ALSO, inviting a WHOLE 20 people, and guess what... All 20 didn't even show up. Now, I personally think that's far funnier and embarrassing. But you can rest assured, that won't/wasn't reported by the slanted mainstream media. So, well just pretend that I didn't mention it, ok!?
By #610414 23,Jun,20 11:01
A Trump campaign official told The Hill that 12,000 people went through metal detectors at the rally.
The city of Tulsa said about 6200.
Either one is far less than the 19000 the venue could hold, and much less than Trumpo's claim millions would attend and have to be outside (there was a total of "0"). The reasons don't matter. It's funny how in one breath you condemn mask wearing because the pandemic is man made and use it as an excuse for poor attendance.
--------------------------------------- added after 7 minutes

As an aside, why bring Biden into it? But, here
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The Hill is a very well respected neutral publication. Reporting facts is not mocking. IT"S THE TRUTH

By #592419 26,Jun,20 11:54
Get your free Donald Trump hair piece and bib for puppy today!

[deleted image]

By #592419 25,Jun,20 12:39
Donald J. Trump
3n1g tSponmoiSrusnouSresed ·
The number of ChinaVirus cases goes up, because of GREAT TESTING, while the number of deaths (mortality rate), goes way down. The Fake News doesn’t like telling you that!
By #188992 25,Jun,20 12:52
By #592419 25,Jun,20 13:22
By #551147 26,Jun,20 00:01
Well, according to Joe Biden, TODAY, "we have over 120 million dead from covid". In which case, Sir, you ARE correct! Simply put, untrue!

--------------------------------------- added after 8 minutes

Combine this with his statement from February, that, "150 million people have been killed since 2007 when Bernie Sanders voted to exempt the gun manufacturers from liability," and yes, we are in deep shit in the United States.

That being said, maybe we should just open the borders, let EVERYONE in, cause we must have some serious population issues.
By #188992 26,Jun,20 07:44
If you accept that the Presidential election is, pretty much, a binary choice I would agree that you're in deep shit.

A choice between 2 septuagenarians, who have trouble getting a coherent sentence out, is not much of a choice.

Why you bring in opening the borders is anybody's guess. Does your Socratic daemon approve of you bringing in spurious stuff?

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By kebmo [Ignore] 25,Jun,20 17:10 other posts 
So SrCums did you just say that the number of deaths is going way down? Are people coming back to life? I didn't see that on any Canadian news, perhaps it was on Fox News. That's really amazing. I suppose Donald Trump himself is brining people back to life. Perhaps it's a new medication that he's flogging now that actually brings dead people back to life because that's the ONLY way that the "number of deaths" could be going down isn't it?
That's great news!!
By #592419 25,Jun,20 21:15
Read the message slower... I know its too many words for you... But concentrate..

By #592419 25,Jun,20 13:24
Let's all cry you a river after 2020..

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By #592419 25,Jun,20 12:17
2020 when Trump wins AGAIN... I will have to learn to sing CRY ME A RIVER
[deleted image]

By #592419 25,Jun,20 12:14
Trump's message to liberals after he wins in 2020

[deleted image]

By #592419 25,Jun,20 12:11
Trump's message to Kebmo and all hotpussy fakes on here in this forum after he wins the 2020 election.. Salute that fucking flag..

By kebmo [Ignore] 21,Jun,20 01:12 other posts 
In Tulsa tonight Trump's rally looked like it had a shitload of empty seats. They had the National guard, local law enforcement and some armed citizens to ensure that all that who wanted in got in.
I wonder if his base is distancing themselves from Covid or from Trump...

Lots and lots of empty seats. Maybe, just maybe some people were thinking that it might not be safe to be in an arena full of yelling, cheering people not wearing masks. Imagine that!
By #188992 21,Jun,20 08:22
I've also read that those "damned kids" (couldn't resist the Scooby Doo reference!) might have played a part in the low turnout:

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By kebmo [Ignore] 21,Jun,20 11:18 other posts 
I saw that on the REAL CANADIAN NEWS last night. The brilliant Donald Trump taken on by a bunch of kids. I actually laughed out loud!
Someone’s head is going to roll for that one!
SrCums did you laugh at that too?
By #188992 21,Jun,20 12:05
OR .. there could be another reason for poor turnout:

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What a family!!
By #592419 21,Jun,20 12:51
No,,, the truth is,,, in fact.. you don't follow AOC,, she and the democrats registered for 1000s of fake seats during the rally then didn't show up.. Nice try... She even bragged about it..
By #592419 21,Jun,20 12:52
Who,,, what? So what? what's your point and conclusion.. Stop wasting drive space..
By #188992 21,Jun,20 14:20
My point is that Donald Trump, and his family, are (in no particular order): liars, racists, preternaturally sensitive to any criticism, inept, and preside over a nepotistic kleptocracy.

I didn't realise there was a shortage of drive space. Feel free to fuck off and stop your inane utterings.

Fake seats? What the fuck are they, weirdo?

Your inability to string together a coherent, correctly punctuated, sentence says a myriad of things about you.
By kebmo [Ignore] 21,Jun,20 22:29 other posts 
I have no point and no conclusion. I'm going to bed.
By #606653 22,Jun,20 13:11
I normally don't speak in here but this will be an exception. There's a pretty harsh statement you said on our president and his family. I'm still waiting to hear what he said that is a lie what his family said that's a lie. What did they do that's racist? What day did that is inept? You got a really big mouth when it comes to talking shit that comes out of your mouth. I'm still waiting to see all these racial and ethnic infractions you've mentioned if smearing shit going to come out of your mouth at least clean with toilet paper with some sound evidence to prove your allegations otherwise you should ship shut the fuk up
By #188992 22,Jun,20 13:40
If you haven't seen any evidence to back up what I've said I can only surmise that you've been living under a rock for the last few years.

Biggest inauguration crowd ever - a lie.
Kung Flu - racist.
Chinese virus - racist.
Birther claims - racist.
Every advisor he appoints is brilliant, but when they're sacked they're terrible - one must be a lie.
Mexicans are rapists - racist and a lie.
Highest death toll from Covid - inept.
Refuses to wear a mask when that's official advice - inept.
Suggests disinfectant in your body is a great idea - inept.
Claims less testing would mean less Covid cases - inept (and bonkers).
I could go on, and/or provide links to back it up but - fuck you. Remember the 1st amendment?

Harsh, but (sorry) accurate - at least in my opinion, having weighed the EVIDENCE.
By #606653 22,Jun,20 14:51
Kungfu was it invented in China or Japan? Are you for China or against china? China started this by blaming United States soldiers but they're not racist right? This was not a statement to put down Asians or orientals but the fact that you don't know how to read or understand English properly is not my concerns. I've also read you say he's a racist before even this situation it has nothing to do with racism but this is far above your capability to understand reading comprehension. The only person that's racist is you. The only person that is biased and unfair is you who is the United States enemy? The answer is you people like you question 1 if you live in the United States and you hate our president so much then get the fuck out we don't want you here you are a disease to our country as well as the rest of the democratic party that's incorporating antifa terrorist groups to destroy our cities and it has nothing to do with blacks or whites or anything of that matter it has to do with power and socialism. You want to live in socialist regime move to Venezuela otherwise shut your fucking mouth... as far as the addressing the inept concept which you don't understand reading comprehension. Donald Trump has done more for blacks in for years then Barack Obama did in eight if you add the Clinton bush Reagan and Carter presidencies he's done more for them than the rest of them combined on unemployment and health combined.
By #188992 22,Jun,20 15:04
Blah blah blah. I'm going to watch Man City v Burnley. Loving all your predictable tropes. How many fucking times will anyone even mildly critical of Trump be told to go and live in Venezuela? It's predictable, and lame as fuck.

PS. your claims about his achievements are baseless.
By #606653 22,Jun,20 16:24
Why do you see it that way? Because you're stupid that's why
By #188992 22,Jun,20 16:29
Well, that's told me! Such fierce debating skills have me completely floored.

PS. fuck right off.
By #188992 22,Jun,20 16:19
OK, it's half time and City are 3-0 up so it's probably all over. Let's have some fun (at your expense Love2show2):

I didn't claim a country of origin for Kung Fu - I said "Kung Flu" was an example of his racism.

"Are you for China or against china?" - what does that have to do with anything? Additionally, it's possible to think all those things about Trump and be pro (or anti) China. Myself, I feel it's a question with nuance. I do, however, appreciate that your ilk like a binary choice - it's simpler and doesn't necessitate you exercise your brain cells. The material gains that Chinese folk have seen over the last 20 years are remarkable, but they are still a despotic state with little personal freedom. So your childlike question is stupid.

I called Trump (and family) racist. Whether or not China is racist for blaming US soldiers is totally irrelevant. Where's your source, by the way, for that assertion (that China blamed GIs)?

Your next few sentences, ironically as they question my comprehension skills, are so poorly written I'm genuinely not sure what you're driving at.

I don't live in the US (which would have taken you seconds to find out for yourself) and neither have I stated I want to live in a socialist regime. You're just throwing out the same old tripe that most Trump supporters, in my experience, resort to.

If you're so confident that Trump has done more for blacks than all those presidents combined (your words, fuckface) let's see 3 sources that confirm that.

If you want a bit of further source material to back up my claims, try these for starters:

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I could happily provide you with a further 20 links to reinforce my points. My bet is that your only, meaningful retort will be (surprise, surprise): "fake news"!

Go fuck yourself.
By #606653 22,Jun,20 21:40
Fake news is broadcasting to deliver a message of propaganda to support a political agenda. That's why they do that. All these links you're giving me there is no claim to substantiate their charges. Racism is a judge on somebody's character based on their race. Just because there's a disagreement the left blames racism no matter what it is. So far up to this point the only thing I've seen from you is your resentment towards a man that you've taken personally just like every other liberal. My interests are for our best interest for what's good for our country and our constitution. I don't care if Trump doesn't like orientals I don't care if Trump doesn't like Jews I don't care if Trump doesn't like blacks says things about them the point that I'm trying to make he said heupports our constitution to create azone for Americans to live in equality.. what is fair for everyone .enCanada was ripping off the United States he changed the rules by him wanting tariffs so that the playing field was even same thing happened with China China was stealing almost a trillion dollars a year from our gross national product. With that Democrats collect from K to play just like sleepy Joe who doesn't have a chance on winning the presidency he's not going to win because he has too much trash in his previous years and his current events. It's not the Liberals that vote for him it's not the conservative set wrote vote for Donald Trump it's the swing voters that of the ones that determine the next president. Donald Trump is not done one thing wrong against our constitution he wants to keep all rights for freedom of speech and the right to bear arms. He is the best friends of the African American not Democrats. He's the best friends for the Jews in this country he is the best friend for the Asians in this country he is the best friend 4 minorities including Muslims Hispanic and other race you look at him differently I don't see it that way I see him to be a president of this United States and all I see from the hatred of him is to left political Wing agenda trying to regain their power for what they lost in 2016 and that is all
By kebmo [Ignore] 22,Jun,20 23:27 other posts 
If it’s pro Democrat it’s fake news. No discussion, no exceptions. Right Love2show2?
--------------------------------------- added after 34 minutes

"Donald Trump is not done one thing wrong against our constitution he wants to keep all rights for freedom of
speech …"

Unless you're "Fake news" aka CNN, NYT, CNBC, WSJ or anyone else that disagrees with his (and of course your) point of view. He encourages his followers to disrespect the free press.

If he (and you and SrCums) don't have a reasonable retort to a point your first comment is "Fake News". The next time you think that "Fake News" is a reasonable retort, try to think of something intelligent to say instead. I really, really dislike that weak response.
By #551147 23,Jun,20 00:50
@ Love2Show2,

you are arguing with two non-citizens of the United States, foreigners, outsiders. Who really gives a fuck what their opinion is of OUR President. I certainly don't, anymore! Which is why I've made the decision to let their hatred of the man roll off, like water to a duck. I suspect both are completely envious of America, for the mostpart, and are highly dissatisfied with their own nations. Now, they may outwardly scoff at that remark and may even deny it, whatever! One thing is for sure, despite some of the issues we have in America, it's STILL! The GREATEST nation on Earth. If it wasn't, there would be a mass exodus to either of their nations, the U.K. or Canada. But instead, many many people are still fighting and trying to come to this country. If it's such a racist shithole, with unchecked police brutality, as some would have you believe. Why, oh why, are SO many trying to STILL come in?! When's the last time you heard someone say they want to move to the utopian society's of the United Kindom or Canada? Could it be when Cher or Madonna spoke out?
--------------------------------------- added after 24 minutes

One other thing to take into consideration...

Both live in society's that basically only allow and have liberal trash media sources. You can EASILY tell by the links in which they so often provide. So to expect anything other than liberal trashy ideas or hatred for our current President from either of them or many other foreigners like them, that have slanted views of America and many Americans, is just a waste of time. Their countries do NOT have the freedom of speech or guarantees of such as the United States does. Therefore, they rarely if ever, get the opportunities to see the opposing views. Censorship is one of the biggest tools in the libs arsenal. Do not fool yourself into believing for one moment that they EVER see any positive news about Donald J. Trump, it wouldn't fit their respective countries leaders narratives. Note how they are trying to stifle freedom of speech here, now! Adding bullshit false disclaimers to some of the President's tweets, forcing two (that I know of) conservative web sites to shut down, and censoring many other conservative voices. Dissention or differing views MUST NOT BE TOLERATED, period!
By kebmo [Ignore] 23,Jun,20 02:10 other posts 
Yes Scorps, you're absolutely right. Everything you said is true. I'm sorry. For someone who doesn't care what I say, that's quite a loooooooooooooooong reply.
By #606653 23,Jun,20 12:09
Just so weird because all of them act like zombies Force as if they're programmed by a central Computer. The only thing I've ever read about these two individuals is not their critical reasoning the only thing I see here is there hate
By #188992 23,Jun,20 12:29
Fuckwittery: what have you read ABOUT me?

Read that first sentence back to yourself ... does it make sense to you?

"Just so weird because all of them act like zombies Force as if they're programmed by a central Computer." It's gobbledygook. What ARE you trying to convey?
By #188992 23,Jun,20 12:26
Ha fucking ha.

"Who really gives a fuck what their opinion is of OUR President. " - it would be more convincing that you didn't give a fuck if you didn't then witter on for a further few hundred words.

The UK is in shit order. I have no love for our current ruling class. If you think that prevents me from commenting on the clown in The White House you can fuck right off. The US is a global superpower and who is the POTUS affects the whole world.

"Both live in society's that basically only allow and have liberal trash media sources." Untrue and just another iteration of "it's fake news". PS. it's societies (plural, not possession).

I'll give you ONE plus point: reading your posts doesn't make my eyes bleed. You can, at least, string together a coherent (but false) argument and have a grasp of punctuation. I feel like I need my own personal Rosetta stone when I read stuff from Love2show2 and that other tower of intellect: phart.
By #551147 23,Jun,20 12:43
LMAO 😄😆🤣😂 You're a funny fucker if nothing else.
By #188992 23,Jun,20 12:17
"All these links you're giving me there is no claim to substantiate their charges."

Ah, there's the rub. I could provide you with a mountain of evidence and you would disregard it. You're clearly a fuckwit.

"Racism is a judge on somebody's character based on their race." That's one small example of racism. The fact that you don't even fully understand what racism is makes it tricky to convince you that POTUS is a racist. I'm not here to fix stupidity.

I don't have an ounce of "resentment" for Trump. I think he's a terrible person (and President) but I don't resent him. Perhaps you should invest in a dictionary.

China was stealing your GNP? Fuck me - read an Economics primer. That level of ignorance is beyond ridicule.

I'll also take this opportunity to try again. Give me SOME evidence to back up your claim that Trump has done more for blacks than all those other Presidents you name checked.

Or, wallow in your ignorance. I'm aware that I am unlikely to change your mind. It's your Country. Vote for whoever you like. Having said that, I'll still call him a racist, inept, mendacious and anything else that takes my fancy whenever I fucking like. The USA is a great country, but if you are naive enough to think that everything in your Nation is perfect I pity you.

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