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Started by kebmo [Ignore] 19,Jul,18 05:03  other posts
I'm sure a lot of people here don't want to talk about the US President. I am also sure that there are a lot of people that do want to so let's do it here so they won't have to "listen" to us if they choose not to.
I watch a LOT of news, Canadian and American. I don't get Foxx News but I do get CNN and MSNBC which are very left leaning. The two Canadian news networks, CBC News and CTV News are more middle of the road. I watch the late shows too and I especially like Seth Myers' "A Closer Look".

Let's talk Trump!

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By phart [Ignore] 02,Oct,20 21:47 other posts 
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By phart [Ignore] 29,Sep,20 20:31 other posts 
Ok, so the dems do so much better on the economy.
Lets see.a few minutes on google for stock market and a check on oil price .net for some info.

Stock market closed today

gas 1.20 a gallon

stock market

3.29 wholesale.

yea boy,gas is a 1.86 at the pump near home today,and gas was 4.10 a gallon i think back in 2012.
Obama,a democrat,sure was doing a great job on the economy at the same time in his term as Trump.Yea right.
if that is true,may I sell you some beach front property in North Dakota?
By #610414 30,Sep,20 11:34
2012 was still the worst recesión ever
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

And what does the stock market to do with most Americans? Were is the work. We’re is the money for the average worker?
By #188992 30,Sep,20 11:48
How much effect do you think the POTUS actually has on the economy, phart?

Do you think what Congress and the Senate do has an effect too?

Do you think how quickly China's economy is growing has an effect?

Have you read anything academic relating to Economics?

Given all those caveats, read this:

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Not terrible, but far from the best either. What else have you got?
By #592419 01,Oct,20 13:18
phart Don't even bother trying to rationalize with liberals but in particular these fake names such as huxley999 who has simply taken very high leaps in an extremely low dry well head first one too many times..
Liberals in General use racist diversions to avoid transparency.. lolThe only thing liberals do is taking a shit on the floor then fingerpaint..
By #188992 01,Oct,20 16:55
You're always good for a laugh SrCums! Quote me ONE case where I have used a "racist diversion"? Such laughable shite is priceless!!

PS. read your "shrine": you owe me a public apology, you weirdo!
Sure, after trillions of stimulus money, stocks are doing fine.
How are the people doing?
By phart [Ignore] 30,Sep,20 16:59 other posts 
Who are the people going to work for?
The people normally go to work for large companys that have investers in the form of stock holders.
Without investers,there are no large employers.
401 k? Where do you think the money you put into it goes? There are folks that manage that money and some of it goes into THE STOCK MARKET! DUH.
Your retirement, where is the money taken from your paycheck that is normally matched by the employer kept until you retire? Normally in a fund that is managed and INVESTED in the STOCK MARKET! DUH people.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 01,Oct,20 12:51 other posts 
Pure trickle down theory.
I'm not against stimulus money, I'm just saying the stocks are almost back to normal, but millions and millions of people are still in deep shit. Those people lost their jobs, their healthcare and are bound to loose their homes, as soon as temporary limits on evictions run out. I would agree with you when those people would be doing just as dandy as the stock prices.

You put up Stock prices to show the economy is doing great under Trump. That is a fallacy, because they are artificially inflated and therefore no indicator for the actual state of the economy.
It would be like saying people have so much more spare time now, Trump is doing such a good job of fighting stress. No, they're all unemployed and about to be homeless.
By #592419 01,Oct,20 13:20
Liberals in General use racist diversions to avoid transparency.. The only thing liberals do is taking a shit on the floor then fingerpaint
By phart [Ignore] 01,Oct,20 13:36 other posts 
Well,if the airlines go thru with their layoffs,and Disney and others,the stock market isn't going to help those people at all for sure.I will agree to that.I just read the other day on a msn linked page about cruise lines scrapping ships that had alot of service left in them because the companys don't see a recovery in their industry for a very long time and the cost of keeping the ships up to standard was to great not being able to offset it by actually using them.
Of course Hux doesn't think anyone needs to cruise. Bullshit jobs. I don't think people need to either but long as they don't expect me to pay for it,and they work for the priviledge then so be it.
What makes you think the prices are artificially inflated?
By #188992 01,Oct,20 12:54
Feel free to ignore ALL of my fucking questions!
By phart [Ignore] 01,Oct,20 13:42 other posts 
When congress,government in general,puts more regulations on industry,industry looks for a alternative to having to meet those standards,usually by sending the equipment and jobs overseas.That affects the amount of money the middle class people are able to invest in the markets.So it is lower.
Economics,you mean that home economics course I took in highschool that taught us how to live on a budget,how to invest,how to cook clean and take care of your home and affairs? Yes,I took it,and made a good grade.Also took typeing and passed,but mostly was there to enjoy a certain gals legs when she wore her cheerleading uniform .

As for the Presidents role in the econonmy.MY GOD man,are you that blind?
If the country has strong leadership,and he gets up in front of the people and lets them know they are safe from foriegn threats,and he directs his party to do things like remove job killing regulations it helps the economy because people feel safe investing.
By #188992 01,Oct,20 16:42
No, I don't mean Home Economics or typeing (sic). Your ignorance of even basic Economics doesn't stop you having an opinion. It's just that your opinion doesn't take account of even basic Economic FACTS.

Yes, "enthusiasm" might help the Economy a tiny bit. Cutting regulations is a more contentious variable.

I would still contend that, even without Covid, Trump's record has been less than outstanding. He takes credit when things boom, and finds excuses when things tank (as do all politicians). His actions are also rather peripheral to The Economic/Business Cycle, which happens whoever is in power:

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PS. thanks for answering SOME of my questions!!

By phart [Ignore] 02,Oct,20 21:35 other posts 
Dow didn't loose alot today.
27,682.81 −134.09 (0.48%)
Oil is down to 37.05 and wholesale gas is 1.12 a gallon.
Trumps health make a bump in the market but if it goes down hill, so will the markets.And the Peelowcee crowd,Pelosi for you Hux, left without a releif deal again.They should be working that out,they were only about a half a billion off from what the prez wanted.

By dgraff [Ignore] 30,Sep,20 21:53 other posts 
He’s a 78 year old snake oil salesmen and has been for the last 47 years or have we all forgot
By #551147 01,Oct,20 02:43
Oh he's selling them something alright.

The road to broken dreams...

🇺🇲 Keep AMERICA Great - TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸
By #592419 01,Oct,20 13:35
A message for liberals..
[deleted image]
By #188992 01,Oct,20 16:32
There we are: 3 Trump supporters. A fruitcake, a straight-shooter/borderline racist through ignorance, and someone who ought to know better than to support a vile demagogue. Feel free to decide for yourselves which one you are!
By phart [Ignore] 01,Oct,20 21:24 other posts 
And here we have a old chap laid back in his reading chair sipping his evening black tea attempting to impress us with his fancy words.
While I am sitting here eating some Spam and extra sharp chedder cheese and a cayenne pepper trying to figure out what difference it makes to citizens of the UK who is running the US.I know folks have tried to explain it to me but most of it escapes me and I can't remember.
By #188992 02,Oct,20 06:20
"I know folks have tried to explain it to me but most of it escapes me and I can't remember."

You've made my comments about you being a dumbass somewhat redundant with that scathing self-appraisal, phart!

PS. it's Cheddar, not chedder. Ironic that Cheddar is a place in the UK huh?
By phart [Ignore] 02,Oct,20 21:32 other posts 
gee a E instead of a A,but apparently you were able to determine what I was eating.

By phart [Ignore] 02,Oct,20 21:22 other posts 
"You can't test yourself out of self quarantine," Gandhi said, adding that Biden "shouldn't be campaigning."

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So what happens IF BOTH get sick and pass away? Biden is in a old age high risk group just as trump.

By #592419 01,Oct,20 13:37
[deleted image]

Get the Obamacare Dental Plan today.. Our message and promise--you get to keep your teeth--PERIOD!
By phart [Ignore] 01,Oct,20 13:43 other posts 
In a quart Dukes mayonaise jar by the bed.
By #188992 01,Oct,20 16:44
phart and SrCums - dumb and dumber?
By phart [Ignore] 01,Oct,20 20:59 other posts 
Well just what do you keep your teeth in Smarty?
Mine are still in my head for now.
Have a few cavitys but at nearly 54 years old I aint going in debt over some teeth when I can get false 1's made.
Also,since you placed my name first in your little "joke" are you implying I am smarter than Srcums? I don't claim to be smarter although we both have not taken a IQ test together, but I don't want SrCums to get the impression that I am claiming to be smarter.Don't need any hard feelings with members!
By #188992 02,Oct,20 06:25
Here we are again: dumbass "bragging" that he'll get dentures rather than have proper dental treatment and get into debt.

My teeth are still in my head and our NHS makes sure that dental treatment is affordable for everyone. Another score for "The Land of the Free" (where nothing is free, and poor people suffer)?

You're both stupid, so pick your own order. To your credit you're not a complete fucking fruitcake - which I can't say for your fellow traveler in this puerile attempt at humour.
By phart [Ignore] 02,Oct,20 18:42 other posts 
I am not suffering. I have a couple cavitys.I drink alot of Mountain Dew.A sugery soft drink in case they don't have that over there in the land of tea.The cavitys are my fault.No one elses.
The last time I went to the dentist,i had not been before that for at least 15 years getting a patch put on my front tooth, I had to get a wisdom tooth pulled.Maby that is where my smarts went who knows. Anyhow,while there I ask about the "cleaning" that is normaly done every 6 months for people that worship their teeth while carrying around a size 54 ass. 2000 dollars to clean my teeth. And they offered to do it in quarters,at 500 a section of teeth!
2 grand,just to scrap and scratch my my age,no,waste of money.

By #188992 02,Oct,20 17:26
Looks like things may be fast-moving on the Trump news front!

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By phart [Ignore] 02,Oct,20 18:38 other posts 
Yes,that is fast,some cases hit hard and fast.
Time will tell.
I read something there,Biden's group has taken down negitive ads. Giving credit where due,that is Very respectful,

By kebmo [Ignore] 02,Oct,20 00:28 other posts 
Would you like some extra scummy with your news? Here you go.
These two guys were charged with robocalling (mostly) black voters in the 313 area code in Detroit and telling them that if they vote by mail their personal info would be given to police, credit card companies (for possible old debts) and they would be on a list for mandatory vaccines. It also happened to other predominantly black areas in the US including Chicago and it's estimated that 85,000 people received these calls. This is, of course, yet another pathetic attempt at voter suppression.

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Oops, that's FAKE NEWS CNN. Oh look, Fox News has the story too.

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By phart [Ignore] 29,Sep,20 22:50 other posts 
Sheesh,just watched the "debacle" er uh Debate,I wanted to swat both of them with a ruler!
Just hesh for 2 minutes!
Poor ol Joe,rattled off 80% of the Green new deal and then said he didn't support it!!!
Niether handled themselves very well.Trump interupted,Joe wandered off mid sentance.
Good thing we all already know who we are voting for and were not depending on tonight to decide for us.
By dgraff [Ignore] 29,Sep,20 22:59 other posts 
Hahaha yeah very unprofessional on both parts Biden referring to Trump as a clown Trump interrupted everyone they might have well of been in a octagon ring no holds bared no disqualification
By phart [Ignore] 29,Sep,20 23:09 other posts 
I hope the handlers for both of them drill into their heads for the next debate to behave and be polite enough not to interupt each other.
By kebmo [Ignore] 30,Sep,20 19:36 other posts 
It went exactly the way I thought it would.

By kebmo [Ignore] 29,Sep,20 03:05 other posts 
So Trump paid $130,000 to fuck Stormy Daniels and $750 to fuck America?
By #551147 29,Sep,20 03:47
Oh Kebmo,

That's SO clever!

Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Donald Trump did NOT write the tax laws. He ONLY follows them. If that's all he ended up owing, then so what! He suffered HUGE losses from running for President. Under the law, that Barack Obama passed, allowing for businesses to write losses off for 4 years as opposed to 2. Those losses offset any amounts due, if it was $750 well that's what it is. So, who cares!

Was he supposed to just send in a check for $20,000,750.00 just because you and some other's say he should?

If so, name ONE person that strokes off checks to the IRS just because they are too rich. Just one, go ahead...

🇺🇲 Protect The 2nd Amendment - TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸
By kebmo [Ignore] 29,Sep,20 13:28 other posts 
Scorps, Trump said it was all fake news, not tax laws.
By dgraff [Ignore] 29,Sep,20 06:31 other posts 
I heard Biden is accused of murder and ****???
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He’s wanted for killing time and fucking the country
By #610414 29,Sep,20 07:37
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 29,Sep,20 09:11 other posts 
So you don't mind him paying only €750 in taxes over the last 18 years?
It just means that YOU PAY MORE TAXES!
It's so weird how much you love him. He's living in a golden penthouse, but you're still OK paying HIS taxes.

Your second imprinted reaction is; blame Obama!
18 years ago Obama hadn't been president. How do you explain that he didn't pay taxes before Obama?
Are you angry that Obama didn't fix the issue that rich guys are not paying taxes?
I'm sure you think Trump will fix it, right?

If he actually followed the rules, that means he was just living of his daddies money and of his reality show and he could deduct all the losses of his businesses.
He blew through all that money with his failing businesses and got bankrupted six times. So he was basically failing at everything, but marketing his own name.
Just playing a successful businessman, while sucking at it.
He is just a con man!
By #623135 29,Sep,20 09:26
Ananas2xLekker whom are you talking to? I'm a long time democrat, love Obama, And hate Trumpo.
By #610414 29,Sep,20 09:48
By phart [Ignore] 29,Sep,20 12:02 other posts 
So if you owned a bussiness,you would not use any of the tax right offs or advantages offered by the tax laws? You would just pay the most you could?
People don't start and run a bussiness to make a better government,they do it to make themselves and others around them better off.
If Trumps accountants,found ways to save him money,they earned their salary.
Trump does not do his own taxes,few Americans do because of the potential of audits and liabiltys that come along with doing it wrong.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 29,Sep,20 12:41 other posts 
No, I would pay exactly the minimum I could, legally and ethically. He used fraud, that has been clear for the last ten years. The laws say he doesn't have to pay taxes, BECAUSE HIS BUSINESSES ARE FAILING!
Still, those laws only exist for people like Trump. If your small business fails, they just take everything you have and you would still be paying more taxes than Trump.
I'm not saying rich people need to pay more than the law demands, I'm saying you are a fool for voting for the party that allowed the rich people to pay so little and the normal people to pay so much more.

Trump Holds $421 Million in debt and could owe the IRS $100 Million in penalties.
He finally screwed up too much. As soon as he isn't president anymore, the IRS and the banks will be fighting over anything he has left. That is why he is desperate to stay in power and he will lie and cheat to get it, like he has always done.
And you will be the suckers to vote in that failing con man again.
By #610414 29,Sep,20 15:43
Ananas. I couldn't have said it better
By kebmo [Ignore] 29,Sep,20 16:02 other posts 
phart Trump said that the NYT story was just fake news and today his son Eric is demanding an investigation into a leak at the IRS. If it was fake news why would Eric demand an investigation into the IRS?
By phart [Ignore] 29,Sep,20 20:03 other posts 
Why is anyone's tax returns avaliable for public veiwing anyway has been my question all along.
His name,his history ,have been all over the tv and media for decades.Are some people so damn dumb and deaf they just now learned some of his companys filed for bankruptcy?.That is what you do when the light cuts off at the end of the tunnel.
As for a leak at the IRS, how else would his info get out? They are the keepers of that info.

By phart [Ignore] 17,Sep,20 14:33 other posts 
I do agree comparing the lockdowns to slavery is a bit of a over reach.BUT I also agree 100% they were a violation of our civil rights. And I do feel like those responisable for putting millions of innocent people on for all practical purposes,"House arrest" should be held accountable.
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By #188992 17,Sep,20 16:57
Pretty sure of 2 things here, dude. You're wrong and nobody cares much what you feel.
By phart [Ignore] 17,Sep,20 21:31 other posts 
I am not wrong by a long shot.Only to the liberals.
By #188992 18,Sep,20 06:32
Go on then, I'll play:

In what way do you think public health measures are a violation of your civil rights? Do you feel the same way about speed limits when you're driving? Do you feel the same about laws restricting what drugs you can purchase/consume? Does a grown-up, civil society have an obligation to protect it's citizens from harm?

Who do you think is responisable (sic)?

In what way would you hold them accountable?
By #623135 18,Sep,20 09:19
How did they violate your civil rights? Is it worse than being run in for being drunk in public? Did they tell you can't go down a one way street against the traffic? Perhaps they told you that clothing is required to walk the sidewalk? Why are you fighting something meant to protect you and the public? Why don't you volunteer at a hospital helping pandemic patients. With your attitude you would not need masks or approns.
By phart [Ignore] 18,Sep,20 09:40 other posts 
I aint a lawyer,If you folks can't understand being told here in the US that you can't go where you want to go when you want to go is a violation of your rights,there is nothing anyone can say to help you understand.This is not Russia or other communist country YET.
By #623135 18,Sep,20 09:56
Phart, have you heard of Matial Law?
By #610414 19,Sep,20 08:09
By #188992 18,Sep,20 10:47
Fucking hell, dude, keep up. Russia isn't Communist. All rights are predicated upon the principle that exercising your rights does not fuck up other peoples' rights. Like the right NOT to catch Covid19 and fucking die!

"In Russia, efforts to build communism began after Tsar Nicholas II lost his power during the February Revolution, and ended with the dissolution of the USSR in 1991."(Wikipedia). Only 29 years ago, so I guess you may have missed it?
By #623135 18,Sep,20 11:03
It starte six years after the overthrow of the Czars.
--------------------------------------- added after 55 seconds

But, honestly? I've no idea what you are trying to say
By #188992 18,Sep,20 15:31
I couldn't give the tiniest of fucks if you get what I'm trying to say. In case you hadn't noticed: I was talking to phart.

Did you see me bleat when you typed "Matial Law"? I thought it was something I had not heard of, but it's another typo/spelling mistake isn't it Ange... , oops "Woody"?
By #623135 18,Sep,20 16:46
You put your dirty nose in other members posts. I reserve the rite to do the same

[deleted image]
By #592419 18,Sep,20 19:30
[deleted image]
By phart [Ignore] 19,Sep,20 09:14 other posts 
By #188992 19,Sep,20 05:51
I'm guessing that living together for so long means you make similar spelling mistakes? The "rite"? Ha fucking ha.
By #623135 19,Sep,20 08:01
Yes. It's called using the same laptop with the same key problems and using same spell check.
It's a right thing. I replaced the keyboard twice. Still have keys that will work sometimes or not.
Anyway, hope it doesn't give you a hear attack. What with all the typo policing you forgt the suhject
By #592419 19,Sep,20 10:25
What the fuck happened to your page.. Clean up that fucking page and try to even look presentable..
By #623135 19,Sep,20 12:17
SrCums...This from a dirty little Jew? Hell, you had to borrow some foreskin to get circumcised. Go play marvels with your friend, Freddy and Sir Huxley999.
By #592419 19,Sep,20 12:18
clean that fucking page you fucking pile of garbage..
By #592419 19,Sep,20 12:55
stay in canada..
By #188992 19,Sep,20 15:49
You're accusing ME of wandering off-topic? Fucking priceless!

Don't be a silly cun

Perhaps my keyboard has the same problem?

PS. dodgy keyboard makes you spell "right" as "rite"? Yeah, write(sic)!
By #623135 19,Sep,20 18:56
Cun? Not familiar with that. Dodgy keyboard? Did I say that.
By #188992 20,Sep,20 06:31
"I replaced the keyboard twice. Still have keys that will work sometimes or not." Is keeping up with your own bullshit tricky for you?
By #623135 20,Sep,20 10:32
Yes, yes it is. Wait till you are 71 and try to remember what you've had for breakfast, let alone what you posted on Huxley of the Littleballs. Hell, I don't remember what I Christened you with.
By phart [Ignore] 21,Sep,20 10:58 other posts 
If you check our constitution,we have the rights to life,liberty,and the persuit of happiness.
Kinda hard to persue happiness couped up in the house aint it?


the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views.

happiness the state of being happy

Now,when people take to the streets to burn,loot,riot,protest and such,you would consider that exceriseing their civil rights.To stop them is worthy of lawsuits and law changes and just chaos.
BUT if those same people want to go to a concert and they are told,"NO,STAY AT HOME because of the virus" you think that is all A OK. IT is is a double standard.
By #188992 21,Sep,20 11:12
Bollocks, bollocks of the highest order.

Find me ONE post where I have stated that burning, looting and rioting are OK because they are exercising their civil rights?

Stay at home is good advice, in certain circumstances, to avoid spreading the virus and causing more deaths. I guess it boils down to what you consider "oppressive" restrictions.

You still haven't answered a previous post asking whether you feel speed restrictions and restrictions on what drugs you can buy/consume are equally oppressive?

It's difficult to be "free" or to "persue"(sic) happiness if you're fucking dead. If you accept TEMPORARY restrictions on your liberty, you may well find yourself in a BETTER position to be free and pursue happiness.

You've constructed a double standard where one didn't exist. If the medical advice is to stay home - STAY HOME. Don't riot, don't loot, AND don't go to a concert. Oh, and stop talking bollocks too.
By phart [Ignore] 21,Sep,20 14:34 other posts 
Once given up,be it freedom or whatever,it is hard if not impossiable to ever get back.Wait and see. A couple years from now there will still be restrictions,blamed on the virus.And the virus will be passed and a memory.

Speed limits,Um,On a straight stretch of road around here,it is 55 unless on the interstate,then it is up to 70 mph. Curves,a offical trained in the use of a ball bank indicator,takes the curve at various speeds in a average vehical and determines what is safe for the average car to take the curve. Speed to a degree is regulated by design of the vehical and laws of gravity and inertia.

Drugs,the 1 damn thing that regulations COULD be effective on,does not work well at all..That fact proves to me the others are difficult to make work if not impossiable.
By #188992 21,Sep,20 16:08
Wait and see - what you've said will NOT come to pass!

Brilliant example with the speed limits: regulated "by design of the vehical(sic) and laws of gravity and inertia". In other words: sensible speed limits are determined by SCIENCE.

So if Science advises that staying home, wearing masks, and washing your hands regularly will help cut deaths .... WHAT IS YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM! Pardon the caps lock - you are starting to drive me potty with your weird (un)logic!!

I notice, by the way, that you've dropped any inference that I approve of rioting but disapprove of going to concerts!!
By phart [Ignore] 21,Sep,20 21:20 other posts 
Uh,check the CDC website and the news coverage. Science can't even decide what is right and wrong right now.
By #188992 22,Sep,20 16:46
"Science can't even decide what is right and wrong right now."

For that to go without comment for as long as it has is remarkable proof that the world has gone crazy.

YES IT CAN, and when it can't it says so. Scientific claims are peer-reviewed, published in journals that are read by (sceptical) experts in that field, repeatedly tested with experimental data and rubbished if they are found wanting. What the fuck made you type something so patently untrue?
By #610414 21,Sep,20 16:42
Rioting is not acceptable. But, if you feel being told to stay indors is against your liberty, why don't you volunteer in a covid ER?
The chances are good you might survive either way. Fools complain when smarter people try to protect them. Until it's too late. Well, Phart, I'm not sure wether to wish you luck in your life or a happy funeral.
Convincing people it's dangerous to go out is not the same as posting a guard at their door. I, personally, preffer the Cuba of the 1960' If we find you ouside without permit papers we put you against the nearest wall and execute you. Now, that is not having liberties
By #623135 28,Sep,20 13:30
phart It does not say happiness. It says THE PERSUIT of happiness. In other words, you have to search for it. It's not warrantied.
By phart [Ignore] 28,Sep,20 13:44 other posts 
True,BUT how can you persue it locked down at home??? To persue something means it and you are not in the same place and are moving.
By #623135 28,Sep,20 13:53
Only a shallow person can not find happiness when alone
By #188992 28,Sep,20 13:58
Fucking hell, you pair:

It's "pursue" and "pursuit".

If you fuckers had written the Constitution you'd have the right to bare arks.

I'll leave you alone with your redefinition of the verb "persue", but that's bollocks too.
By #623135 29,Sep,20 09:23
Sir HuxleyOfTheLittleBalls is rite. ets note peruse. ets purse.
By #188992 29,Sep,20 16:02
OK, make a joke about your own illiteracy. Very droll and a classic example of deflection. Free tip: try varying your defensiveness with a few of these thrown in -

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By #623135 29,Sep,20 17:18
I don take instractions from little ballsies.
By bella! [Ignore] 29,Sep,20 09:41 other posts 
Ummm, you responded to phart, not the wack job. ANGEL aka WOODY.
By #610414 29,Sep,20 09:44
Nor Skittles AKA bella!
--------------------------------------- added after 90 seconds

o chit. we us are in kebmos patched, Charlie, We ees in truoble
By #610414 29,Sep,20 09:46
Bella! only registered users can see external links

I'm leaving. My work is done 1
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