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Started by #502711 [Ignore] 16,Jun,18 21:29
It's about stuff...

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By leopoldij [Ignore] 11,Dec,18 08:04 other posts 
My reward for doing this [deleted image] is this [deleted image]
By dgraff [Ignore] 11,Dec,18 20:53 other posts 
Even linking other people's pictures can get you in a bunch of shit just ask real tits lover you could even piss off the only two friends you have lix and Aussie man

By #562152 10,Dec,18 09:49
The reason St Nick is so jolly is that he knows where all the naughty girls live,,,
By #502711 11,Dec,18 02:31
Santa wants you to handcuff yourself to the bed on Christmas eve, so he can have his own Chrissy present. He'll come down your chimney naked
By leopoldij [Ignore] 11,Dec,18 07:58 other posts 
Knowing where all the naughty girls live is not the same as fucking them. I'd like to know both where they live and also know who of them wanted a good fuck and I'd have many sleepless nights making them orgasm many times.

By #565792 10,Dec,18 04:50
[deleted image]

Roger died at the age of 12
By #502711 11,Dec,18 02:29
He scavenged heaps of tubs of protein powder from a crashed truck, that's how he got so buff

By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Dec,18 22:19 other posts 
All I see on this topic is a bunch of pussy except for kebmo
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I'm back fuckers a
By #502711 08,Dec,18 01:08
All I see right here is an old arse dick head with erectile dysfunction.
By dgraff [Ignore] 08,Dec,18 06:04 other posts 
And all I see is a disrespectful young punk that couldn't even afford his own membership
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A back woods buffoon living in a dust bowl
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Hey punk you still screwing that pig that used to run around on this site
By #502711 08,Dec,18 16:44
I'm getting more action then you, old fart. Go & drink some metamucil you redneck
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Dec,18 06:44 other posts 
Be careful with the age jokes your mommy lix and I are close to the same age she will get mad and cut the apron strings your swinging from and send you on a walk about then you will be back to screwing kangaroos like you did when you were younger
By #502711 10,Dec,18 02:51
You're a dickhead mate. Go & play with your self arse wipe
By dgraff [Ignore] 10,Dec,18 05:43 other posts 
Hahaha is that all you got punk what's wrong the pussy got your tongue
By #502711 11,Dec,18 02:08
You're a fuckwit dgraff, you talk too much shit. Why don't you write something constructive instead of antagonizing everyone ya shriveled old fart?

By #573272 09,Dec,18 11:01
In 1897, when the Republic of the United Countries became the United States, the Republican party was known as the Wigs. They made a mess of the country including Roe vs Wade in the High Court (later changed to the Supreme Court). In Roe vs Wade they made it so you have to have a permit to own a gun. When the Irish invaded the United States in the late 1920s, everyone started to drink liquor and they had to amend the Constitution to stop liquor.
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In 1930s, the English deported all the Jehova's Witnesses to the US. They believed that a man was entitled to have more than one wife. They said it was democratic, and that's how the Democrats was formed.
By #551147 09,Dec,18 11:23

⚠️Sincere question alert!!⚠️ What in the fuck! Have you been drinking AND OR smoking?

First... The United States was established in 1776 when we declared our independence from Great Britain.

Second... Roe vs Wade happened in 1972 and didnt have a gotdamned thing to do with guns.

Third... Prohibition had NOTHING to do with the Irish.

Fourth... Jehovah's Witnesses have NEVER espoused to more than 1 wife.

By #573272 09,Dec,18 11:37
The United Countries where colonies established by the Germans. The New World did not excist in 1776
By #562152 09,Dec,18 13:27
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Dec,18 15:41 other posts 
Hahaha omg I'm in tears laughing some one please hide the crack pipe from Mandy she's had quite enough any more and she will start speaking gibberish like Bob Marley
By leopoldij [Ignore] 10,Dec,18 20:45 other posts 
There are two women on your page. Which of the two is you?
[deleted image]
[deleted image]
By #460385 10,Dec,18 21:19
OMFG. This chick is on bath salts or Flaca. Holy shit that is funniest shit I've ever heard. God I hope it's a prank.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 10,Dec,18 21:12 other posts 
The best Christmas gift ever!

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Warning: not monitored be site police.

By #485312 08,Dec,18 15:31
getting out of jail must be a great feeling, no more sucking dicks all day and taking it up the arse like a good girl should.. *Lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 08,Dec,18 22:16 other posts 
Do you know someone who got out of jail recently? They say that men become total sissies in jail and that the transformation is for life.
By #562152 09,Dec,18 07:42
It is a well known secret fact that if you get 20 yrs or more, a man's balls disappear and don't come back. In the United States they try to hide the fact because our Constitution forbids cruel or unusual punishment. There's a study that shows wives of such men divorce them in the first 3 months of freedom
By leopoldij [Ignore] 09,Dec,18 09:10 other posts 
Your reply is full of interesting information that raises further questions that I'd like to ask.

"It is a well known secret fact that if you get 20 yrs or more, a man's balls disappear and don't come back."

I guess this is supposed to be a joke, right?

"In the United States they try to hide the fact because our Constitution forbids cruel or unusual punishment."

1. Really? Does it prohibit cruel or unusual punishment?
2. Who is `they'?
3. Are you trying to say that, despite the fact that the constitution prohibits cruel or unusual punishment it nevertheless occurs in US prisons?

"There's a study that shows wives of such men divorce them in the first 3 months of freedom."

Is that so? But why do they divorce them? Is that because they lose interest in women? Or what else?
By #562152 09,Dec,18 09:53

Well known secret fact?

Cruel and unusual allowed?

Husbands with no balls?


By leopoldij [Ignore] 09,Dec,18 09:39 other posts 
When you visit Pompeii you can see how people used to write their sex desires on the walls. A few examples:

Dionysios qua hora volt licet chalare.
‘Dionysios is allowed to fuck whenever he wants.’

Hic ego puellas multas futui.
‘Here I have fucked many girls.’

C Valerius Venustus miles cohortis I praetoriae centuria Rufi fututulor maximum.
‘Gaius Valerius Venustus, soldier of the first praetorian cohort in Rufus’ century, the greatest of all fuckers.’

Restitutus multas decepitsepe puellas.
‘Restitutus has often seduced many girls.’

Hic ego bis futui.
‘I have fucked here twice.’

Murtis bene felas.
‘Myrtis, you suck well.’

Rufa ita vale quare bene felas.‘
Rufa, may life be as good as your sucking.’

Nothing has changed. That was, as you understand, the Internet of those days (2000 years ago). And I'm sure there was a Site Police back then as well who tried to keep those who liked pussy a lot in order.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 09,Dec,18 09:14 other posts 
Ancient pussy art, even older than the one I posted before.
This one is really thousands of years old.

[deleted image]
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People liked pussy from time immemorial.
It's only during so-called Victorian times (1800's) that the term "pornography" was invented.

The Puritanical Victorian times attitudes still exist and haunt us, even on sex sites like this one.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 07,Dec,18 04:33 other posts 
There were times when fucking as normal as it should be.

[deleted image]
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Long long ago, men were free to approach a woman, and vice versa, and ask her if she wanted to fuck.
If yes, then they fucked, of no, they'd just go to the next person.
Sex was part of normal life.
But then there were the dark ages of 3 thousand years ago.
And we ended up with the more modern "classical" civilizations of Babylonia, Assyria, Egypt, Greece, Rome, etc.
These people invented religion.
And this religion imposed rather more restrictive rules.
And then religion became stricter and stricter and stricter.

And, 1500 years ago, there emerged even darker ages in western europe, religious states in eastern europe (and who knows what in those parts of the world that had not yet been "discovered").
Slowly, we emerged from the darkest of the dark ages but we kept religion.

And here we are, nowadays, were, luckily, we're coming out of the torture imposed by dark ages and religions, but, still, we're far far far from being free.

At least 80% of Americans are religious; of which, 40% are religious fundamentalist just as 99% of Saudis are. And the situation is not perfect in other countries other. The number of catholics is staggering. We're not free. All kinds of moral inhibitions about sex have been imposed upon us by religious shit and laws and behaviors that arose in connection with them, so much so that it is impossible, even for a non-religious person, to decide whether their conservative behavior is due to the religion, to the laws, to the society, to their environment, or all of them.

And so we've ended up not being free.

We are, really, so very primitive.
And instead of fixing up things that are fixable by a collective attempt to change our behavior, we keep ignoring it and keep looking at, for instance, technology as the only solution to our problems.

Technology is fine, but why don't we fix our shit first? We've gone through at least 2 dark ages (3000 years ago and 1500 years ago), we could be heading towards new ones.
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And yes, not getting laid enough leads to problems. Probably many problems arise from the lack of sex. Look at Bella, for instance. She does not like sex or has decided not to like it, and see how she wants to control this site and, probably, the whole Internet? That's what lack of sex does to you. It makes you angry and makes you want to impose your ethical beliefs to everyone.
By #565792 07,Dec,18 10:22
Wise words!
Religion should be stamped out rigorously all over the world.

For a closer look at sex in our natural state read: "Sex before Dawn" by Christopher Ryan.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 07,Dec,18 10:27 other posts 
Thank you, I'll look for it.

But it's not just religion. The situation is much much more complex than that. Even if, by magic, we eliminated all religion tomorrow we'd still have the problems. Because there are lots of other things that have been influenced by religion and those things have influenced others and so on. We need a start over, all from the beginning.

But NOBODY thinks about these things.

We only think about "progress". But "progress" without fixing problems leads to collapse of civilizations. And, since, now, we're very close at having a global world, we'll collapse as a human species.

And if we could only understand that changing ourselves was the solution....

We should look at the past and the present, not just the future.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 07,Dec,18 10:29 other posts 
I found a book titled
(and not "Sex before Dawn") by Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jetha:

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Is THIS the book you're talking about?

Thanks again.
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Great book.
By #565792 07,Dec,18 13:01
It is; wrote the title from memory without checking; there is a website as well.

Damage by religion can indeed not be undone at one stroke. But it would be progress if religion were to fade out. I'm with Richard Dawkins (Foundation for Reason & Science)
By leopoldij [Ignore] 07,Dec,18 17:12 other posts 
Oh yes, I agree with all that. I'm. Just saying that it's much harder than we think.
By #485312 07,Dec,18 19:53
yeah l think we've been full circle a few times with sex and socially acceptable practices, so many differing beliefs about sex and what relationships should be, throw in that everyone has their own sexual agenda and yeah religions and rulers, can only hold a piece of the populous, and as seen with churches, they were doing their own 'sexual experiments' with boys and children lm sure we don't know the half of it what went on. Sex can be so different for so many, when you see people marrying inanimate objects, to sheiks with harems full of many women, society should realise we cant put everyone in the one box, with one set of rules and expect everyone to be happy about it..
and as for the totally sexless people here, well they invented the World Wide Web for them to moan about others having lots of sex, and the only way they can get attention is to be the running side show entertainment on a sex site, and being the reason why many women leave this site, well ld rather hang out with a site full of gay men and women, than sexless cunts with moral complexes .. ld rather hang out with deviants than purists with dusty cunts and cobwebs for brains, its that way of thinking that has repressed many civilisations. Luckily for us here, people like that are contained within a small area, being mostly in one shitty little thread amongst a vast number of threads, we need to keep that dirty dingy bridge for it to live under happily groaning to the few that visit its sewerage system *lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 09,Dec,18 09:14 other posts 
"ld rather hang out with a site full of gay men and women, than sexless cunts with moral complexes"

True. It is ridiculous, utterly stupid, when one is trying to force their "morality" to others.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 04,Dec,18 14:57 other posts 

In the US, masturbation was a diagnosable psychological condition until 1968. It was considered a mental disorder.  

The American Medical Association declared masturbation as normal by consensus in 1972.
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Similarly, in almost all countries of the world.

We are, really, very primitive.
By #485312 05,Dec,18 15:11
l thought that doctors in the US and l guess all around the world, used to administer female masturbation or stimulation to cure 'hysteria' ?? men went to brothels, women went to the doc, they both got rid of their sexual tensions, one did it and got STDS, and maybe the docs gave the women STDs too from sharing the vibrators later? sex has always been taboo but we all still do it .. cant shake that primitive urge out of us *lix*
By #562152 05,Dec,18 15:20
Sex is the first sin, what, with the whole apple thing and God wanting us to begat and all. And, boy, do we begat day and night. Most, if not all taboos of modern man is due to frustrated busybodies that can't stand for normal people to enjoy life and God's gifts to humanity. I won't even touch on religious entities with small cocks and a perspiring forehead
By #502711 06,Dec,18 00:58
Touching yourself makes Jesus cry.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 06,Dec,18 02:25 other posts 
You're a religious freak! I knew it!!!
By #502711 06,Dec,18 03:55
We'll burn you for your heresy, unbeliever!
By leopoldij [Ignore] 06,Dec,18 07:06 other posts 
I recognise only one religious authority here. His name is Bella. He's burnt me because I posed questions he couldn't answer and revealed his stupidity. Nevertheless, I recognise his superiority and pray every day to him.
By #502711 07,Dec,18 04:05
You pray to a false god, unbeliever! Thou hast succumbed to the deceptions of the snake!
By #562152 06,Dec,18 08:16
YummyMan--That implies he likes to watch,,
By #502711 07,Dec,18 04:03
So do all of them fruity Catholic priests that touch boys
By leopoldij [Ignore] 07,Dec,18 04:30 other posts 
You mean they fuck boys, not just touch them. They've been doing so under the knowledge and protection of their bishops and popes. Still, the "religion" is strong with billions of followers. Mystery of mysteries!!!
By #502711 07,Dec,18 19:48
Yeah well what can you do? Some people just don't want to think for themselves, that's the reality of our species. I remember the Pope answering a question about what would he do if aliens visited Earth? He said "I'd teach them about Jesus & convert them to Christianity". Now any species that has the ability to travel to other planets or even star systems, you would think would be spiritually superior to us, as well as technologically.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 07,Dec,18 20:11 other posts 
Narrow minded priests....
By #485312 07,Dec,18 22:11
take us to your imaginary leaders??? where is this place you call 'hell'?? why cant you visit your leader till youre dead?? who wrote those books of nonsense and fiction?? lm sure they'd have a few questions to ask, and then when the Mormons had finished giving them the 'news' lm sure they just nuke us to save us from ourselves, hopefully they'd leave us non believers in peace and welcome us to their universe. or maybe theyre waiting for us to grow the fuck up and wake up to ourselves before showing themselves while these spiritualistic nuts still roam the earth *lix*

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