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Do you feel that a teenage mind is developed enough to make sound and critical decisions?
They lack experience, not their fault, just not enough sunsets.
In other words, not enough mistakes to learn from, not enough success's to build on yet.
That to me is why they need to be gently guided away from their iphones and video games and lured outdoors to learn or volunteer somewhere to learn, gain experience.
sitting idle in a room looking a 4 inch screen is not healthy, and does not prepare you for the critical decisions.
It might actually lead you to make some dumb 1's.
Biden, yes, Old Joe, I believe that the mind does not stop being in top form at the same age in all individuals. A 90 yr old person can show tremendous mental agility while a 60 yr old person could be starting his senility. Mr Biden does not show any bit of senility. He confronts problems head-on and with certain social grace. I believe you, Phart, and you, Dgraff, don’t like what he brings to the table. This makes him unlikeable in your eyes, but he’s not senile
The key with Biden or anyone else is to trust what you can see but be aware it may be just coloring. I’m going to see how it goes.
This is the very reason that Capital punishment seldom applies to anyone under 18 and sometimes 21.
I find it rather sad that members cannot seem to have meaningful and possibly spirited conversations without the personal attacks as well as the unnecessary "suck my dick" and similar comments.
"This pic is no longer available" images on the SYC Popular page. Was someone deleted OR did someone delete their profile and all their pics went POOF!?
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When you show the world you can't drive your car sober, you loose your privilege's of operating it.
When you show the world you can't pay your house payment, you are put out on the street by foreclosure.
When you show the world you don't respect life and you kill someone with a ball bat, you loose your freedom and sit in prison.
But when you show the world you can't act responsible with your body parts, and you continue to create babies and kill them without remorse ,you expect everyone to sit back and cheer you on. BULLSHIT. Killing that unborn is equal to killing it 2 minutes or 20 years after it leaves the womb.
But when you show the world you can't act responsible with your body parts, and you continue to create babies and kill them without remorse ,you expect everyone to sit back and cheer you on. BULLSHIT. Killing that unborn is equal to killing it 2 minutes or 20 years after it leaves the womb.
You said it, “My vagina”. Weather I do it once or several times, it’s my vagina and my choice. Don’t bring your mores or religion to my vagina. I don’t care if a heart is beating or it’s singing opera. My body, my unborn, my choice. So please, go stand on a corner with a placard quoting your right wing favorite book, the Bible. BUT STAY OUT OF MY VAGINA.
I used Your as in reference to your "our" vagina.
The fact you don't care goes far enough to show the kind of person you really are.
Elderly persons Plug pulling, baby killer
Griselda Blanco considering that thugs and criminals are now more heroic than people that actually DID SOMETHING to contribute to society.
EDIT,sorry she is white,
I guess Frank Lucas would do.
I wonder if he was black or white considering he had a spear?
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THE GOVERNOR of California can pass a law to require Covid vaccinations to protect other children. I think it’s just another law and a good one at that.
2 warm,the vaccines currently required have been fully approved and have had years or decades for improvement and so forth. The wuhan "vaccine" is still in emergency use status. NOT fully approved.
And there is NO legit excuse in 2021 for a 16 year old to be able to drop out of school.
--------------------------------------- added after 16 minutes
The polio vaccines (there’s more than one) took several years to be fully approved but it was administered to kids even if they had no final approval. In 1955 polio was an epidemic. Parents would take any risk to prevent a hideous decease from harming their children. Today, parents have politics in their minds. The possible contagion of their kids by Covid is not as important as being good conservative Trump Republicans. If the California governor had been a Republican Trump supporter and Trump had said it was good to use the vaccines, no one would have objected.
--------------------------------------- added after 19 minutes
Having a legit excuse or not to quit high school is not the issue. Until 16, even with parental approval, students must attend school until 16.
--------------------------------------- added after 25 minutes
Since parents don’t seem capable of making their kids safe from Covid, then the powers that be have my full approval to make it mandatory. This is not a new option. Hospitals have been going to court to be able to give a minor treatment even though the parents object, for ever.
So if being republican is the problem ,uh, please explain how?
In the UK we had a 15 year old health girl who was tested positive for Covid on Saturday and died on the following Tuesday. She had no underlying health issues. That is a very worrying fact.
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I was just talking to some folks this morning and their preacher at a local church, took the vaccine 3 months ago, has been in the hospital since ,paralyzed. No none health issues before the jab, hours after ,not able to walk.
I obviously don't know about the incident you mention but so much of this anti vaccine rhetoric is based on just what you have repeated a second hand account of something that is alleged to have happened. It is not your preacher, you don't know him. How do you know the facts?
The WHO, the FDA and our own equivalent organisation all repeat time and again that the vaccine is safe.
If you buy any over the counter medication or pick up a prescription you will always find a leaflet listing a horrendous set of possible side effects if you use the medication. yet we all continue to use these medications as the risk is small. Yes there must be people who suffer from them but so very, very few. So we accept the risk.
For some reason what we accept for everyday medications and other vaccinations and inoculations has been portrayed as somehow an evil conspiracy with regards to the Covid Vaccine.
It seems to me these people have some sort of political agenda, but I could be wrong.
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For anyone who suffers a reaction that is awful but given the many millions of vaccines administered in the US, and around the world the incidence of proven reactions is minuscule and the risk of non vaccination, especially for at risk groups, is far higher.
I do accept that everyone has a right to decide not to have the vaccine but should consider very carefully making that choice for for their child,
Damn,I have known the man and his wife for over 30 fucking years that shared the situation with me ,they attend the church. Why suddenly would he lie about something of that sort? UH?
Edit.I called a friend and got the name and it Turns out I have helped mow the grass at the church for the contractor when his machine breaks. I actually have mowed around the parsonage ,cemetery and the rest of the 5 acres. I just didn't put the name and the church and the location all together in my mind as all the yards I have mowed over the years kinda run together. the truck pulls into a place I would unload the machine and go to work.
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Whupy is it that other than second hand anecdotes the anti vac people never, ever have any hard evidence to support their claims,
This is similar to the old chestnut ‘prove that you are not abusing your wife’. With evidence proving abusecis possible. However, it is impossible to prove that you never abuse your wife,
I have seen many interviews with ordinary anti vax folk who state quite clearly that NOTHING will change their minds, every piece of evidence offered is decried as misinformation and part of some conspiracy.
I think that perhaps you are of that mindset.
When asked what information they would require to change their view they have no answer.
Companys wanting to charge more for insurance is another issue.
The shot is NOT fully approved. I wonder how the insurance companys will react when in a few years the side effects of the vaccine are showing up and costing them millions of dollars? Essentially, they could be opening themselves up for a lawsuit by intimidating people into getting the shot.
I just checked and it seems that the Pfizer vaccine got FULL FDA approval in August.
Thank you for this message. That says so much.
By tecsan just recently
Really...This shows your ignorance More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...ore shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...ore shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...ore shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...////
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes
Andthisisme is a good guy and there is no reason to be cussing at him
Open a beer or pour yourself a glass of your favorite poison. Trying to get some sense into this crowd I harder than winning Power Ball. Enjoy 😊 your whatever.
With over a 99% survival rate, the virus is but 1 of 100's of things we need to be concerned with.
People seem to forget life is a big chance. You could die falling down the stairs or from a snake bite or a gun shot.
Do we shut down the country for that? Do we get snake bite vaccines? do we wear bullet proof vest? It time to live,and quit worrying about simple things like a virus.IF we are going to worry,worry about something serious,like extremist terrorisst roaming our streets brought in from overseas,let's worry about a little short fat guy with a bomb.
OR let's get on with life.
That is 70 million people. That is more than all the snake bites, terrorist acts, and foreigner who like to kill Americans together. You can add traffic deaths, banana peels, and strange objects falling from planes. No one can force you to take the shots, not the Feds, not your doctors, and certainly not me. In my area, doctors are refusing to let unvaccinated patients visit their practices. The only thing I will say is that if you die of Covid, and I find out, I will post it here with the caption, “Phart who did not believe in the Covid vaccine, has died of Covid. RIP.”
--------------------------------------- added after 113 minutes
One more thing. Suppose you are right. Suppose only half of the reported cases are because of Covid. That’s 350,000 people that died of it. You can’t ignore that. Just half is HUGE
Why just list someone as croaking of sepsis and only get what the insurance, medicare will pay when they can get government money on top of it!??
There was a video on Rumble of a government official, a lady ,that was explaining that the death count was set up to count it as a covid death even if there was other conditions.
WHy they would openly admit it I don't know. Looks like it would be stabbing themselves in the foot.BUT with democrats that don't give a shit about accountability are involved, who are they afraid of? No one.
Also,I noticed 2 warm has not acknowledged my post in regards to how to lie with stats.
here is a repost of the link
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And from what I have been reading, you are swallowing and putting a lot of things into your body lately..
--------------------------------------- added after 52 seconds
He’s like a Dyson
It’s called the skin flute
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