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HERE is a real problem Americans are facing.I know there are some "dinobabies" on here as IBM staff called folks over 40.
Well if you are planning on dying before 40 then it is no real problem.
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When I started college,IBM was not able to hire enough employees fast enough. 3 years later to the DAY when i got finished with my degree, they laid off 3000 employees just from the local branch. If I had still been working and not laid off,I would be 1 of those dinobabies.
Does anyone really believe ex-President Trump is not guilty of some wrongdoing? Criminal even?
I Google'd this because I wanted to be certain that I was accurate; "Any former living US President is still called President, President Carter, President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama, President Trump when they are referred to in general. Every former President continues to be referred to by the title of “President.” This has always been true."
The reference to President Trump being "former President Trump" 👍 Referring to him as ex President sounds disrespectful. Just my opinion.
I will say this, “ I was leery of posting this in your thread. I should have posted it in my thread. You have editing rights in your thread. I won’t be upset if you delete post. I’ll repost in mine.”
Say what you will but his son is not on crack ,and he didn't hand out kits to help other peoples children to stay hooked on it did he?
I could go on but you hate the man so much simply because he tried fix the wrongs that were ruining this country.
Look what has happened in the year since we lost him as President to a suspicious election that the Durham report has just CONFIRMED Hillary was spying on.
We are in the worst state of inflation in over 40 years. We are supplying weapons to a Russian country of intrest,thus making ourselves their enemy. Great,so now the cold war has restarted.
Gas prices thru the roof,but oh biden doesn't send out those MEAN tweets.
Way to go demo'crats.
Tell me, what does a drug addicted son have to do with Biden’s administration? Should he have had him shot like the North Korean butcher does? Maybe have him locked up in a psychiatric hospital? Let me remind you that the Clown’s kids exploit kids in their factories and are being investigated for wrongdoing too. This almost-war was started by Putin. If Biden had let it slide, you right wingers would had been all over him for being chicken. Inflation is a concern and I agree this is a problem he will have to fix. Trump tried to fix the problems that only the fringe groups were complaining. Most of us where very happy with the state of the nation and did not think MAGA was anything more than a catchy slogan aimed at the shit-kickers from the Bible Belt.
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biden has been invited to visit the Ukraine to deescalate the dire situation.
Don't you know Putin is going to just start shaking and shiting himself with fear of biden?
Which is really rather sad and also very concerning for Democracy.
In this country we vote for more than one person to represent us. We vote for 2 Senators, and one representative. We also vote on the president. In England you have the House of Lords. They have automatic positions. You have one member of the House of Commons and a PM. So, again, why do you think this exercise in democracy is dead?
Also, Russia hoax looking to finally blow back on Dems this week.
I am sorry but I feel like if Trump was still in office right now, Ukraine would not have 130,000 troops and tanks and missles on 3 sides of it's self.
They stand the same chance as the folks did at the Alamo. They will put up a fight,and die. and loose everything if the war happens.
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The only bug I have is that it is built on a sedan frame work and can tow up to 6000 pounds. For a unibody vehicle, that seems to be pushing the envelope.
300 or 375 hp so it should move along pretty good.
These 2 copy paste from google references what I mentioned.
If you don't tow more than a jet ski or something,shouldn't be a issue.
Built on the same unibody platform as the G80 sedan, the GV80 drives as stately as it looks
GV80 possesses the power to turn heads and can also tow up to 6,000 pounds when properly equipped.
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I'm going to watch it later!
Definition of snowflake
1 : a flake or crystal of snow.
2.Urban Dictionary
a snowflake is: “A very sensitive person"
Pain is something i live with everyday. On that scale the doctor points at with the smiley and the frowny and ask which number, I am usually a 6 on a good day.
When my accident recovery began I was in extreme pain I was not used to. I was given oxy and then fentanyl to help ease the pain. I could not withstand the side effects as I was also trying to recover from a brain injury and the side effects were making my brain issues WORSE as in bad mood swings and unable to function at basic levels. So I wound up over time becoming tolerant of the pain and could use 3 to 5 BC powders a day to take the edge off of the pain and function. I am now down to 4 Tylenols on a bad day. That is not saying I don't hurt,I just cope.
But I just don't see where there is a middle ground on pain treatment and I don't see why the CDC thinks it is ok to allow suffering for weeks or months as a doctor plays wack a mole with different potions and pills when he should be able to give a person what they need to deal with the pain long or short term.
Since I have a conservative view of everything, what is your view on pain treatment?
It sucks that you need it.
I will say if I was terminal with something, and was non functional ,as in could no longer drive or endanger anyone but myself , I might would try it but I am scared to death of it. I watched it ruin 2 good peoples lives in the past and addiction runs in my family , alcohol so that might mean addiction is in my genes. If others can use it in the safety and privacy of their home and not endanger anyone else, then so be it. once they leave their doorstep and endanger others, my support dwindles fast.
There is CbD or something like that,oil drops or something,I actually know a fellow that has legal fields of pot and makes it. and is trying to get permits to make the alcohol to use to in the process of making the cbd as a cost savings measure. He seems to get along fine using it.
Weather has warmed up and I was able to do somethings around the shop and I decided to move a 70 pound battery. bad mistake. It is hard to know what actions will cause the pain to worsen or not affect it.
After that GOD AWFUL chemical stress test the next morning I was told I had a irregular heart beat and gas.
The morning is the time slated for adult open swim as the center is used after 11 am for school purposes. The pool has the buoyant lane dividers so swimmers stay in their lane and depending on how many adults are interested, there are often 2 and 3 swimmers per lane.
In walks this middle-aged, tattooed, overweight white man with his chubby 12-ish year old son. This entitled so-and-so waddles down to the farthest point in the pool and wants the white female swimmer to surrender the lane to him so he and his son can use it. She's not going to move. Shortly after, another white woman who occupied the third swim lane hears the commotion and gets out to offer this demanding white guy her lane. The dad is not going to have it, he wants what he wants because the lane he wants only has swimmers on one side AND that lane has access to the only ladder at that end. The tension is rising but finally the lady in the desirable first finishes and thd father and son have the lane desired. The dad jumps in and wants his chubby son to follow but the boy is not having any part of it so he stands on the side of the pool. The boy finally sits down and dangles his feet in the water the father extends his hand and arm and reassures his son he's there for him. After much encouragement, the boy slips into the water and father and son clumsily paddle to the center of the pool. The boy freaks out, starts to panic because he's not close to the wall, he can't touch bottom, you get the idea.... The lifeguard jumps in and pulls the boy to safety.
True story.
Although this happened this morning, the "detailed" post was really directed at phart because of his recent post. The fact that I described the father as being a middle-aged, tattooed, overweight white man who waddled and who seemed to have a sense of entitlement was just details that didn't make the story any more impact full.
This was merely a father who was trying to teach his young son how to swim and not to be fearful of water. And for the record, I hold no contempt toward anyone being middle-aged, tattooed, overweight and white.
Probably wanted that lane for the wall maby?
The dad says he is there for him and then the life guard has to go get him out? Sheesh,that poor kid will have trust issues the rest of his life at that rate.
And thank you Bella for your full details on this story it allowed me to see what you saw
Regarding water, my sister and I had swim lessons when we were really young and I have a healthy respect for water. Although I have the St. Clair River only steps away from my front door, I have NEVER swam in front of my home. WHY? I
can't see the bottom so I don't know if I can touch the bottom. PLUS, I can't tell what's swimming around below. Heck, I don't want the fish trying to eat me alive or what if there is an octopus or shark? Last but not least, there's one hella current going on.
I think it was John Hagee that says " in the theator of my mind" or something along that line .That saying stuck in my head when I heard it and it makes sense.If something is told in enough detail, imagine reading a book, you can start to see the story play out.
I live in St. Clair County approximately right where the thumb knuckle is located and the river is just steps away from my front door. Yes, there's a good deal of water stuff going on here always, ie fishing, boating, snowmobiling, ice fishing, etc. Our biggest influx of people happens during our summer months and there's always something happening!
The heart shaped lake is Lake St. Clair. It is not a "Great Lake" but it is big. I Google'd this info, it measures 275,200 acres. That means nothing to me however these measurements do. Lake St. Clair is 26 miles (42 km) long (north to south), and 24 miles (39 km) wide (east to west).
we considered going across the border to canada but we didn't have a clue what all was needed for credentials as none of us had ever been over a national border.
Just poor judgment on the father's part.
It's similar behavior to the beer-bellied, sunburned, German tourist, digging holes in the beach and stamping in the sand, to chase away the rival males.
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Note there is a comparison between assume and interpret.
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