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Started by bella! [Ignore] 02,Apr,13 18:51  other posts
I encourage and welcome you to say what you want to say about whatever you want to, right here. Anything/Everything goed, say something.......

WARNING: You, your views and/or opinions may be attacked.

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By bella! [Ignore] 11,Jan,14 15:11 other posts 
Hey bigg, you're not the only member that has a funny story. Here's my contribution.

An 85 year old widow goes on a blind date with a 90 year old widower. When she returns to her daughter's home later that night, she seemed upset.

"What happened, Mother?" the daughter asked.
"I had to slap his face 3 times!" replied the mother.
"You mean he got fresh?" asked the daughter.
"NO!" said the mother "I thought he was dead!"
By #396572 13,Jan,14 14:19
90 year old couple go to the doctor for pills to continue their love life. Doctor prescribes pills and tells her to take 2 only at 6 o`clock.
At 6 o`clock she takes two.
At 7 o`clock she takes two more. But nothing seems to happen
At 8 o`clock she scoffs two more, and he grabs a big handful and swallows them down with a slug of beer.
At 9 o`clock she starts to get all sweaty and hot and says, Dear, I suddenly need a huge cock pounding inside me NOW
And he says (looking all sweaty and hot) Yeah,I suddenly need a huge cock pounding inside me NOW as well!
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Jan,14 17:09 other posts 
Sorry bigg, I think my "story" was funnier!

By bella! [Ignore] 10,Jan,14 07:01 other posts 
Only two types of people wear sunglasses inside/indoors; blind folks and a-holes.

By routemaster [Ignore] 10,Jan,14 02:16 other posts 
I LOATHE politicians, EVERY single damn one of them, especially the morons masquerading as a "government" - huh! - in the UK at the present time. Robin Hood in reverse, robbing the poor to give to the rich, they're DESPICABLE. Still its not ALL bad news, at least Thatcher's dead - homophobic old cow she was - and I can at least console myself that I have never voted for the VILE Tories - and never will if I live to be 25

By bella! [Ignore] 07,Jan,14 04:59 other posts 
It's fricken -11 degrees Fahrenheit now in Michigan and our high temperature today is supposed to reach 1 degree. Thank you CANADA!
By #387077 07,Jan,14 07:53
Don't Blame Canada. God knows they suffer enough - what with talking funny and all. It's actually our fault here in Oz - been pretty hot for a couple of weeks here, we've been sucking in all the warm... It was 102 here a few days ago, - though it's cold this evening (well, actually it's nearly midnight and 68 Fahrenheit, but it feels cold...) I guess that would be rip yr clothes off and frolic naked sort of temp for you guys and girls, he says, wistfully
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Jan,14 08:39 other posts 
Well, thank you OZ! If you think 68 degrees Fahrenheit is cold.......
By #196416 07,Jan,14 09:44
Bella I don't understand what you are complaining about my Temperature here without the wind chill is -41.8F or -41C so if you are only at -11 all I have to say is "Suck it up" oh and quit blaming the Canadians for all your problems. Enjoy your day.
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Jan,14 10:06 other posts 
Who's complaining? I said, thank you, CANADA! Did you want me to say thank you, daffu?
By #196416 07,Jan,14 14:48
Sorry bella, but I thought I might have detected just a slight bit of sarcasm in your Thank you.
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Jan,14 15:31 other posts 
Well, there might have been a wee bit of sarcasm.......

Hey, do you live close to Churchill?
By #316255 07,Jan,14 11:31
I much prefer the cold. It's easier to warm up than to cool off. It's generally prettier too.
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Jan,14 12:05 other posts 
Snow is pretty to look at. And so much fun when you're younger, too. Snowball forts and "fights", sledding, tobogganing and ice skating. As you get a little older, there's the Ski-Doo, snowboarding, cross-country skiing but I never wanted to learn how to snow ski.
By #23212 09,Jan,14 01:34

YES, agreed, it is WAY easier to warm up than to cool off!
By JeffinKS [Ignore] 07,Jan,14 10:13 other posts 
I am with Bella... it's to damn cold! minus 15 this morning.....

I will take the heat over the cold any day of the week....
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Jan,14 10:32 other posts 
Heat over cold? It really depends on the humidity, don't you think? For the most part, it's easier to put things on to make yourself warm versus taking things off to comfortably cool down. The snow has been plowed but the roads are pure ice. I find it easier to drive ( stop and go ) on the snow as opposed to the icy conditions we're experiencing.
By #443794 07,Jan,14 17:09
Blame Daff
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Jan,14 18:02 other posts 
Well, the Polar Vortex did not originate in Wisconsin!
By #167701 07,Jan,14 17:36
It's down to 44 here so certainly can't use the pool.
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Jan,14 18:00 other posts 
Oh suck it up, Jumper!

By bella! [Ignore] 31,Dec,69 19:11 other posts 
Hey! The dates are populating to 31,Dec,69! WTF!!!!!
By MoeJoe [Ignore] 08,Jan,14 19:24 other posts 
Y2K revisited !

By bella! [Ignore] 08,Jan,14 07:47 other posts 
HELL did freeze! Yes, that's right, Hell froze over........Hell, Michigan!
By #396572 08,Jan,14 13:09
Yaaay, iŽll rush out and buy a lottery ticket! Always thought hell would freeze over before i win! And now it has
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Jan,14 17:21 other posts 
There really is a city by the name of Hell in Michigan.
By #396572 08,Jan,14 18:52
Yep, seen it in the news. Hooray! I'm RICH! Going to win the lottery !
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Jan,14 19:13 other posts 
Seriously? Hell, Michigan was reported in the German news? C'mon, don't tease me!
By #364980 08,Jan,14 15:30
Sunny and 67 degrees in Arizona today.
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Jan,14 17:25 other posts 
back atcha! Don't worry, Michigan will have 67 degree weather, we're just going to have to wait 4 more months! Did you notice newbi5 was disappointed that Oz's nights dipped down to the chilly temp of 68 degrees? newbi5, get out the woolly pajamas or call a cuddle buddy.......
By #354861 08,Jan,14 16:49
Your neighboring state to the south is frozen as well, and buried in 17 inches of snow which seems like hell at times.
By Ray10754 [Ignore] 08,Jan,14 16:54 other posts 
Sunny Windy 25 to 35 mph wind gusts and 13 below we are in a heat wave last week we had ice, wind 18 inches of snow and higest temp for a three day period was- 30
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Jan,14 17:19 other posts 
Ray, I trust you are wearing clothes.
By Ray10754 [Ignore] 08,Jan,14 19:21 other posts 
Only when I have to go outside and go to work! Nice and warm in here 70 deg as a matter of fact, Full tank of K1,and 2 100 gal tanks of propane as back up.

By #421761 08,Jan,14 10:32
I invite you to come to my country to enjoy the temperature 81F and beaches.

By #400852 08,Jan,14 05:39
it's so cold my pecker looks like a button on a radio,all turtled up

By #396572 07,Jan,14 14:23
Not sure if this works around the world, but here goes anyway

A new rooster on the farm wants to show who`s boss and challenges the biggest animal around (Fred the bull) to a race at dawn.

Sun's up, off they go! The farmer happens to be looking out the window and sees, turns to his wife and says: My Dear, IŽve just seen the new rooster having a race with Fred.

She answers: That is a Cock and Bull story.....
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Jan,14 05:30 other posts 
That is a cock and bull story!

By bella! [Ignore] 07,Jan,14 04:51 other posts 
YES, continue to acknowledge the departure of fake members in the MEMBERS Y0U MISS thread. It's the bootleg thread opened by the king where he swapped the letter O for a zero 0...........

By bella! [Ignore] 06,Jan,14 13:56 other posts 
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow........

Screw that! Where is my snow removal service?
By sherryann [Ignore] 06,Jan,14 16:20 other posts 
Ha! hell yes bella! I loathe all this snow as well as the bitter cold! On another note, funny about the blacklist thing. I banned the ones that blacklisted me , now to figure out how to blacklist them. Lmao
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Jan,14 17:05 other posts 
Hi Sherryann! My city only received 11" of snow but where my s!ster lives, she received 13.5"........

Regarding ban and blacklist, they are one and the same. The 11 members that blacklisted me only means that I cannot send them private messages, comment on their pictures or blogs, etc. It's really no loss for me because I really don't know them or do I care to know them!
By sherryann [Ignore] 06,Jan,14 17:15 other posts 
Ha ha ha hi there bellabeauty. It is hilarious to me as I don't know them either, and they sure as hell will never know me. Thanks for telling me about this as I never really used it. I just had one more blacklist me. I banned him in return. Too funny! As far as the weather, it is bitter cold here, and we got close to 20 inches! I loathe snow! Thanks for the quick answer my friend.

By bella! [Ignore] 05,Jan,14 13:50 other posts 
Hey, this appears to be a new feature; WHO HAS BLACKLISTED YOU. Strange, I have only interacted with 5 of the 11 members that blacklisted me. Perhaps the others are fakes or shape shifters or mindless minions......

By #167701 05,Jan,14 13:52
I think you're right. Did you see the comment that I just posted in topic? /forum/thread.php?id=22115
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Jan,14 14:37 other posts 
No, I'm sorry, I did not see your post. This makes me laugh; one guy I gave 150 points to because he had one or none and evidently, because the points were coming from a woman and he thinks women are yucky, that offended him, one member banned me because I didn't respond to his PM's, one member banned me because she posted a picture of mine and I asked her to remove it, another banned me because I called him out about being rude ( you know how members want to know who commented on their picture and when they visit your profile and see that you're not a tight 28 year old they leave without saying anything ) and finally, there is the manipulative, simple minded asshat who can dish it out and can't take it.
By #167701 05,Jan,14 14:42
Very odd, but maybe that's it. These other five people, who I have no idea who they are, are older themselves and not that much to look at. to them...whatever. Why would ban someone that never had any interaction with you to begin with?
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Jan,14 14:54 other posts 
Yeah, being banned by people that you never interacted with is very odd but look at the reasons that I was banned by the 5 that did! Such weak assed pussies!

Now that is some RANDOM BULLSHIT!
By #316057 05,Jan,14 20:47
No I have not

By bella! [Ignore] 04,Jan,14 21:28 other posts 
I "realy" wanted to respond to the burger king regarding his comment made on Valbert's post but I have been blacklisted.........

Don't try to over think anything king, you might hurt yourself!
By #23212 05,Jan,14 01:21
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Jan,14 12:49 other posts 
Do you mean ??? about being banned? I won't lose any SL33P over it, the burger king is rather transparent and one dimensional.

The crazy thing is, the post made by Valbert was valid and directed at the shape shifters, cowards and spineless weasels that creep amongst us. It would appear that the burger king objected to the post, whined to admin and POOF!!!! the post was deleted along with Valbert.

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