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Discussion Forum on Show It Off   [Drama Queens Fighting section]

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Started by bella! [Ignore] 02,Apr,13 18:51  other posts
I encourage and welcome you to say what you want to say about whatever you want to, right here. Anything/Everything goed, say something.......

WARNING: You, your views and/or opinions may be attacked.

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By #451552 17,Mar,14 15:11
Remind me not to eat lunch when i'm logging on to the main page. Some of the pictures have been over the top lately.
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Mar,14 17:39 other posts 
Over the top? Hmmmm........ we'll just leave at that!

By bella! [Ignore] 17,Mar,14 14:45 other posts 
Show me your SHILLELAGH!

By Sickboy [Ignore] 13,Mar,14 18:57 other posts 
this Shit will never end, people need to realise that this stuff really happens, not just to people who we don't know but to people who are close to us. We all must look out for the people we love and know. It is a different world we live in now, or just more out there than before, I don't know?...but look at theEnglish news about whats going on in what they call the jimmy savile (not sure I'd correct spelling of surname?) of my all time favorite people on tele when growing up (Rolf Harris) has been in court for c-hild abuse and pics on computer. This is someone I idolized when growing up, I suppose what I'm trying to say could be anyone, so please keep an eye on the people you love. I'm still have my fingers crossed that Rolf will be found not guilty
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this was ment to be a reply to Deviants post....sorry seemed to have accidentally pressed new comment!

By #132188 13,Mar,14 08:45
Daniel Morcombe's killer Brett Peter Cowan was finally found guilty when the longest-running police investigation in Queensland's history came to a dramatic end on Thursday. Fuck P EDOS's and the turmoil casused for Daniels parents... 6 years later it's over RIP little fella justice WILL be served now ... justice will be served .. May that cunt rot in purgatory
By #68656 13,Mar,14 08:54
Dear Mr. Deviant.
I feel sure that Mr.Cowan`s fellow inmates will teach him the error of his ways.
Also I heard the interview with Daniel`s father, his restraint and professional attitude deserves the greatest praise and compliments as do the investigating officers.
Adelaidean greetings.
By #132188 13,Mar,14 09:25
John you are so true my friend and being a parent of 4 I would hope that he will meet justice in there ... But so as Anita cobys 's and Janine baldings killers, I think he Will be protected. Such an unjustice . A close friend of mine works at a correctional facility and he hates his job ... Protecting vile heneous people like this. Well not enough for the grief he has caused( on many occasions). I prey for the family and hope the judicial system changes here very soon . And yes John as a parent I could or would not have that restraint. Very remarkable people and our hearts go out that they can close this horrible chapter of their lives. RESPECT
By bella! [Ignore] 13,Mar,14 13:16 other posts 
I Google'd the story as I was not familiar with it. Very sad, very sad indeed. It is your post like this and your thread about tolerance that proves you're just a good guy with a big heart.

By #23212 12,Mar,14 03:10
For the last year or more, the lids of most jars of jam/preserves/marmalade I've purchased have printed on them, 'Shake Well'. żDuh?
By routemaster [Ignore] 12,Mar,14 03:13 other posts 
I bought a packet of frozen peas recently and it had "instructions" on the packet, viz: "keep frozen until use."

I'm SO pleased whoever it is distributed the peas told me that, I would never have thought of doing so, not in a million years
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My m u m thinks I'm stupid too. When my lovely b r o t h e r was still alive, he was going to meet me at the station in his car. When I phoned m u m to say I was on my way, she gave me a really good piece of wisdom: "if he's not there, wait for him." And there was me thinking of going for a walk in the forest.
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My m u m recently asked me to put one of the wheelie bins out for her. "Its the one with the green lid," m u m said, "behind the black one so you'll have to move the black one first to get the green one out."
Good job m u m told me that, I was just about to sling the green one over my shoulder

* * * *
By #23212 12,Mar,14 03:19
OK, but 'Keep frozen ...' still makes sense, even if needless. One can NOT 'shake' jam/marmalade, given that they are virtually solid.
By routemaster [Ignore] 12,Mar,14 03:24 other posts 
I do a mean Carmen Miranda impression so next time I have a jamjar in both hands, I'll shake them about as I go into a chorus of: "I I I I I I like you VERY much." (Must have forgotten to take my pills this morning.)
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Anyone seen that film "The Gang's All Here" (1943) where Carmen and the chorus girls wave giant bananas through their legs like enormous dicks? Hilarious! Were audiences THAT innocent 71 years ago? Probably explains why I LOVE bananas so much!!!
By #132188 12,Mar,14 08:00
sad but true
By #23212 13,Mar,14 01:02
I'm not sure what's "sad" about seeing 'Shake Well' on the lids of 'unshakable' jams?

By bella! [Ignore] 11,Mar,14 20:07 other posts 
Seriously, what does a Scotsman wear under his kilt?
By #444014 11,Mar,14 20:33
Traditionally ,that would be nothing.
But a lot of guys that wear them as wedding attire or fashion, will wear some sort of support for the dangly bits,just to avoid embarrassing incidents.
By bella! [Ignore] 12,Mar,14 19:46 other posts 
REALLY? Nothing? I'm quite surprised that tradition is free ballin'! Anybody want to show me their bagpipe?
By #396572 12,Mar,14 17:31
if it`s a quarter-pounder then he`s a McDonald
By bella! [Ignore] 12,Mar,14 18:01 other posts 
Oh bigg, YOU are so silly ( but that's why I like you so much )!

By routemaster [Ignore] 12,Mar,14 03:26 other posts 
When I was in Paris a few years ago, my ex boyfriend and I went for a midnight cruise on the river Seine and we overheard a hetero couple speaking. The woman said: "Paris is the most romantic city in the world."
And there was me thinking it was Huddersfield.

By #423718 11,Mar,14 06:52
On your own members page you may have noticed the "Search Members" facility, a handy function that enables you to search for members by username, sex or country. However I have just noticed today that in the list of countries that you are able to search by, there is the strange inclusion of that well known horny country "Vatican City". Is someone having a laugh, very strange indeed, yet also I can't stop chuckling, it's fucking hilarious
By bella! [Ignore] 11,Mar,14 19:55 other posts 
I wonder if some Cardinals and Archbishops pitched a bitch at admin?
By routemaster [Ignore] 12,Mar,14 03:20 other posts 
They're probably on here showing their dicks too

By bella! [Ignore] 11,Mar,14 20:01 other posts 
This winter has been something else! We're only 8 days away from Spring, the temperature reached a beautiful 52 degrees today BUT tonight, the weatherman has projected 4" - 7" of snow! Say it isn't so!

By bella! [Ignore] 10,Mar,14 17:24 other posts 
MetalHead was a member for more than 2 continuous years and he had been a member prior to that. I cannot remember exactly what his username was, it was something like JD(something, something ). There was no mention of MetalHead in the other thread, MEMBERS Y0U MISS.....
By #358797 11,Mar,14 00:51
I made sure to track down your thread when I noticed he'd left us.
By bella! [Ignore] 11,Mar,14 07:02 other posts 
Thanks, arexa52!
By #358797 11,Mar,14 08:54
No thanks needed.

By #423718 10,Mar,14 07:42
Today Britain won it's first ever Winter Paralympic gold medal in the Women's Super-G downhill skiing for the visually impaired. A fine achievement for a country with not much snow and not much of a history of skiing. We also won bronze in the same event.
Actually there were only six competitors and two of them fell down but, anyone who has only 10% vision and is willing to fly down a mountain at 70mph deserves a medal in my book.
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Mar,14 10:17 other posts 
Hell yeah! I don't have any physical limitations other than being scared crapless! I've water skied however that's totally different!

So you don't get much snow in the UK? Well lah-dee-dah!
By #444014 10,Mar,14 10:21
Excuse me .....

No snow Miss bella!....plenty of rain over the last few months and dark cloudy skies.
I saw a big bright thing in the sky today.I had to be reminded what it was
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Mar,14 12:04 other posts 
I'm not sure if I would prefer one element over the other; snow, rain, rain, snow. I just recognize that when it snows, it adds more travel time to my already long commute to work. From a photography perspective, you can get some amazing outdoor winter pics with snow and ice. Question; does Santa wear a yellow raincoat when he makes his Christmas rounds in the UK?
By #423718 10,Mar,14 12:43
Sadly Santa never made it through the floods
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Mar,14 13:00 other posts 
Sadly?????? Why sadly? Were you naughty, did you receive a lump of coal?
By #423718 10,Mar,14 13:04
I can't help being naughty, it's just the way I am, but it's no reason for Santa not to come to my house. Coal? I didn't even get coal
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Mar,14 18:04 other posts 
Good news is, you have 9+ months to get your act together before his next scheduled visit!

By bella! [Ignore] 10,Mar,14 02:02 other posts 
Why can't you use the word b e a s t in a post but it can be part of your username?
By routemaster [Ignore] 10,Mar,14 02:23 other posts 
Its all part of the daft "political correctness" of these mad times we live in. As well as being watched everywhere we go, sooner or later (probably sooner) we'll be legally fitted with monitors so that we're not only snooped on but can be heard as well and we're only a step away now from having cctv in our own homes. That may sound fantastic but so did George Orwell's 1984 which he wrote in 1948 and nobody reckoned it would come true but it did. BIG **** is everywhere nowadays, I'm afraid, and liable to get worse with politicians (huh!) now wanting to snoop on our emails and phone calls too. I'm quite glad I'll probably be dead in 20 years' time as I can't bear to think what the world will be like then, if I was a young hetero I would seriously think more than twice about bringing **** into the world who will have to live their adult lives in times that will be worse than now. Having said all that, I still live life my way - ooh! I feel a song coming on - and if the politicians and religious leaders don't like it, they can all go and take a long run on a short pier. Knickers to the lot of them, the times may be ridiculous now but don't let the bastards grind you down
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* * * * B R O T H E R - see what I mean????????
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* * * * C H I L D R E N

By bella! [Ignore] 09,Mar,14 14:16 other posts 
Some people just don't know how to play fair, that's sad.......
By #196416 09,Mar,14 14:22
It's just not fair!
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Mar,14 15:42 other posts 
Yup! Not fair and I'm do not want to be associated with it!
By #423718 09,Mar,14 15:41
If you've got the sheet music I will play it on guitar for you Bella!
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Mar,14 15:42 other posts 

By #451552 09,Mar,14 06:40
Worst night ever. My sluty friend stranded me for some shrimpy little dude with a black eye. Im wearing the worlds shortest dress. No jacket waiting for a cab for last 2 hours and my new shoes are covered in bar from my friend throwing up and my purse along with my money and catds are in my friends car oh yeah and cells about to die. FML
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Oh yeah its snowing to.
By #358797 09,Mar,14 07:04
That's fucking horrible.

By bella! [Ignore] 04,Mar,14 06:39 other posts 
Mardi Gras is over, today is "Fat Tuesday", a day to indulge. Do any cities, states or countries celebrate the paczki like the metro Detroit community does?
By bigguy [Ignore] 05,Mar,14 06:33 other posts 
Miss Bella excuse me but Mardi Gras is "Fat Tuesday" and not over till midnight then it's Ash Wednesday that is when lent starts and the party ends. Sorry I did not do this to correct you only to set the record straight so no one gets confused.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Mar,14 07:20 other posts 
It's all good, bigguy but what do you think about paczki?

By #451552 03,Mar,14 21:14
Since when did Facebook become a dating site? I'm so tired of idiots trying to hit on me there. I dont even have my profile public.
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Mar,14 21:22 other posts 
Aww......... You're such a sexy guy, don't play so hard to get!
By #451552 03,Mar,14 22:24
By bella! [Ignore] 04,Mar,14 12:01 other posts 
WOW! Did I mess up on this response. I thought I recognized the avatar and the response was directed towards a SYD member, not you. Please accept my sincere apology.
By #428387 04,Mar,14 12:58
Sheesh you two have sure been getting your guy's N' gals mixed up of late you must be in love (Erm not necessary with each other) Get outta here Pooldoy behave yourself
By bella! [Ignore] 04,Mar,14 13:25 other posts 
I admittedly made a mistake and apologized. I'm not sure where the "you two have sure been getting your guys n gals mixed up of late" is coming from. Is it possible you're the one who's mixed up?
By #428387 04,Mar,14 15:55
Bella may I refer you to 3Libras error here on Dafuq.
By 3Libras at 04,Mar,14 09:26 other posts

Sorry I honestly thought it was a man.
By bella! [Ignore] 04,Mar,14 17:36 other posts 
Thanks, poolboy.
By #451552 04,Mar,14 15:14
Thank you for the apology. I had referred to a female in a silly picture as a he. I had seen similar pictures in the same topic of a male in a department store, so I thought it was him again. It wasn't until I actually looked I saw it was a lady and no a fella.
By #23212 05,Mar,14 03:49
So now you won't have that vacuum cleaner to push around?

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