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Started by bella! [Ignore] 02,Apr,13 18:51  other posts
I encourage and welcome you to say what you want to say about whatever you want to, right here. Anything/Everything goed, say something.......

WARNING: You, your views and/or opinions may be attacked.

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By #422863 14,Dec,13 20:09
Ive lurked this site for a few months or so now, and ive seen that folks round here aren't all that friendly with those they call friends. I find it sad that any one would jump down anothers throat just because they said something that wasn't meant to be insulting, maybe they were ignorant that other may find it offensive. Makes me glad ive been content to lurk for the most part. Ive I had friends like that, I woulnt need enemies.
--------------------------------------- added after 105 seconds

Meant to post this under bellas target blurb. I'm working class myself, but I didnt find what she said to be an insult.
By #164428 14,Dec,13 21:28
If you ask just about anyone on this site, I am as friendly as they come. I've been voted most friendly, and I am consistently Top Ten of most friended members. I am generally a sweet person with a big heart. But someone assumed a rude person was working class, and that's where I had the problem. It could have been a rich person for all anyone knew. Some well-to-do folk do shop at Target, as well as Wal-Mart. I don't care for anyone assuming someone's this way or that just because of their class, race, sexual orientation, etc. And what I said was quite respectful when I asked about the comment. I put it somewhat comically, even. I was met with some ire. I don't need to be YELLED AT in caps. But that's bygones. So take a survey. Ask what others think of Steffi. You'll learn about who's really friendly here. Let others fight their own battles. If I'm attacked, I will speak up. "With friends like that, I wouldn't need enemies." So you didn't find it offensive. I did. You don't speak for all here.

--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

By #422863 14,Dec,13 22:30
You know Steffi my post wasnt even aimed at you, but like always you make it about you. Sorry if that comes off as blunt, but i've never been known to beat around the bush. Since my departure for "abuse" ive been observing this site, and it really sickens me how you all have been to each other lately. Bella isnt perfect, no one is, she made a simple error in her choice to describe a person, and you all lynched her like shes the anti-Christ. I saw my fave person be nasty to her,calling her princess Bella and her royal highnessbevause she vented over a parking space. My gawd, that was shity. I'm no Saint, but people expect that from me. Excuse me if i'm sick of seeing people at each other s throats.
Btw , I didnt yell at , when I yell at you you'll damn well know.
Ive always liked you, but that most friended crap is old. I was on it too, but I didn't go around bragging about it. Being nice had nothing to do wIth it, cause face it. I wasn't booted for being a bitch for nothing. I mean you no disrespect but , fuck thats annoying. Any time someone disagrees with you or doesnt find you attractive, you have them attacked by others until they get driven offsite. I've talked to a few people that have had this happen to. I admit I did it to, cause I thought they were being assholes to you, but one of them actually was a pretty cool guy. Look maybe my opionion isnt the only one that matters, but neither is yours. Im not perfect, i've been an ass here, but fuck you dragged that shit on and on. Its one thing to disagree, but fuck enough is enough.

Anyway im sorry i' under false pretenses, im missed alot of you and the forums, and don't know how to say hello to the friends I had with out getting booted. Saying that, i'm sorry I came back. Im.really disgusted with some of the behaviour I've seen. any who I apologize tho those who found me rude and offensive before, my personality isn't for every one. I will say a lot of my attitude came from self defense. I was attacked constantly, every thing from my nationality to my gender. Kinda makes one hostile after a while.

Sorry for the rant, I wish you all well. If anyone cares to say hello, im at lpsg as evilangel69. Good bye, evil-fairy aka fairydust.
By #164428 14,Dec,13 22:47
I find it hard to believe you are really Fairy, but whatever.

I don't "always make it about" me, thank you. You spoke of the person who took offense, and since I was the first to say something, it stood to reason that it was about me. And I responded directly to her post. I didn't mount any personal attack; I only attacked the position. And I came back, further down, saying that we can all agree that rude people in parking lots, etc., suck. I wanted it to die. I can't control for what others say in the interim.

No, you didn't yell at me. I was referring to Bella and the caps.

I don't "brag" about it. But when LL in all his incarnations accuses me of various things, it has figured in. Oh, and I have not had anyone driven off the site for disagreeing or considering me unattractive. If, however, they are persistently abusive, I will report it to Admin, and he can do what he sees fit. I do not have the power to ban. People have come to my aid and have created posts about me from their own free will. I'm kind of busy trying to save my life; I'm not even here that much anymore!
--------------------------------------- added after 19 minutes

People assume I'm admin. I do not control people here, or have the power to have them banned.
By Ray10754 [Ignore] 15,Dec,13 00:15 other posts 
Some how I seem to think that post was from some one claiming to be Fairy, The content and the structure of the post just isnt how Fairy would have said it or worded it.
Just my opinion!
By bella! [Ignore] 15,Dec,13 01:05 other posts 
Although the pudding_eating_cowboy never revealed their identity to me, a recent reference made to a tic tac ( ) had me convinced that pudding_eating_cowboy was our fairy.
By #23212 15,Dec,13 01:58
A woman of e-f's "nationality", and living in the USA, does not spell 'behaviour' that way.
By bella! [Ignore] 15,Dec,13 02:49 other posts 
Don't be fooled by the spelling or the fact the username chosen was cowboy, the post was made by fairy. A beauty and a chameleon........
By #446652 05,Jan,14 01:32
sum peeple kant spel anywho.
By #23212 05,Jan,14 02:18
Eye halve a spelling chequer.
By #299993 17,Dec,13 12:38
I have to admit some odd folks shop at Walmart, but then some odd folks shop everywhere. Blanket generalizations like that are a sign of ignorance in my opinion, and that's coming from the man named Oddduck.

By #358797 01,Jan,14 03:27
If my neighbor doesn't quit playing the Nyan Cat song within the next two minutes I'm gonna bash my face off the wall and pop their breakers. God, that shit is annoying.
By #415959 03,Jan,14 17:39
I am very thankful I have not yet heard that song...
By #358797 03,Jan,14 18:53
Be very glad. It played corner over 4 hours over there. I slept in the living room so I didn't have to hear it.

By bella! [Ignore] 03,Jan,14 17:28 other posts 
Okay, so some members are permitted to upload and display "borrowed" pictures of random people taken from the internet HOWEVER why, oh why do "you" folks comment and vote the pictures onto the Popular page? Maybe admin should create a new category for the web derived pictures of protected members!

By #446231 31,Dec,13 15:53
y.y-yeah... dodododo ha ha happy New YeaR! dodododod! oh ah
By bella! [Ignore] 31,Dec,13 16:57 other posts 
Thank you so much! Happy New Year to you, too! That's quite a stutter you have or have you been drinking? Hmmm........?

By bella! [Ignore] 31,Dec,13 06:13 other posts 
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! Cheers to 2014!
By *kmadeau* [Ignore] 31,Dec,13 15:57 other posts 
H N Y 2 Y too Bellissima!

By #437064 28,Dec,13 03:50
Haven't had sex in over 3 weeks.... But...

I'm driving 2000km home after Xmas tomorrow (1200 miles) and I decided to try and line up some plays on the way (never tried to line up roadtrip plays before). Over the net obviously.

Anyway I have 2 and both seem really solid. First girl is only 200km into the trip but she looks really hot and we plan to go to the nude beach. Pretty much guaranteed sex.

Second girl is another 1000km down the road and offered me a place to stay, and we been back and forthing lots of sex talk for a week. She's not as good looking as the first girl but she's fuckable.

And tonight have a local girl who seems keen for a fuck too.

If all goes well 3 girls in 3 days. Really looking forward to nude beach girl.
--------------------------------------- added after 5 hours

Sweeeeeeet 3 week wait over nice little bonk with a local blonde tonight.
By #23212 28,Dec,13 04:12
And who takes you across the water to "Australia's scrotum"?
By #68656 28,Dec,13 04:17
Dear Mr. sinaff.
There are several localities here in Oz that could be described as that.
By #23212 28,Dec,13 22:07
See post, c.21 Oct. from our 'Stuttgart Garage' friend here, in the post, "WHERE DO WE ALL LIVE. LET'S MEET", where HE calls Tasmania by that name; not mine.
By #437064 28,Dec,13 04:37
Not in scrotumville anymore back on mainland, that boat is a pain the scrotum.
By #23212 28,Dec,13 22:15
Oh, you don't like Ferry rides?
By *kmadeau* [Ignore] 28,Dec,13 10:48 other posts 
Haven't had sex in over 3 weeks?... really it seems that it's not so easy to date girls/guys in charming Aussie too... just see what you have said in your topic here: /forum/thread.php?id=21889

By bella! [Ignore] 26,Dec,13 05:41 other posts 
Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go...........
By #23212 28,Dec,13 02:05
Did you look out at all those empty office buildings across the river, and feel bad that you were working on Boxing Day?
By bella! [Ignore] 28,Dec,13 10:52 other posts 
sinanff747, at work, the Detroit River separates Michigan from Canada. I'm lucky enough to have my cube against the window and it is overlooking the Detroit side which provides great views of Comerica Park, Ford Field and if I look to my right, beautiful Belle Isle. At home, it is the St. Clair River that separates Michigan from Canada. I take comfort in the fact that I leave for work in the dark and return in the dark, what I don't know doesn't bother me.

You are a wealth of knowledge, what is the significance of Boxing Day? Is Canada the only country that observes Boxing Day?
By #23212 28,Dec,13 22:14
While it sounds like you have some nice views from where you work, too bad you can't 'stare longingly' at Canada, from there.

I believe that the USA is the ONLY English speaking country that does NOT celebrate 'Boxing Day'. Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc. ALL celebrate this day after Christmas holiday. [Other Europeans do also--Le Lendemain de Noel, Zweiter Weinachtstag, etc.] Possibly comes from British taking 'boxes' to the poor after Christmas--check out Wiki.
--------------------------------------- added after 4 hours

And perhaps you can 'take a little comfort' also, (and help others with some geography knowledge), to know that the views on the other side of where you work are of Windsor, Ontario, Canada, which is close to the same latitude as the California/Oregon, USA border.

By bella! [Ignore] 28,Dec,13 10:32 other posts 
Hours ago, cat425 authored a forum topic entitled "jail sex" and is no longer here. Is it possible that they did the crime and now must pay the time? I look forward to their parole.
By #443794 28,Dec,13 15:28

By bella! [Ignore] 26,Dec,13 19:50 other posts 
How many bananas, apples, oranges, lemons, limes or pineapples can you shove up your dill hole?
By #201583 27,Dec,13 08:05
Come, Mister tally man, tally me banana
By #396572 27,Dec,13 16:39
Perhaps a diversion, but there we are.. Three shipwrecked sailors are washed up on the shore of a cannibal island and promptly captured. The cannibal chief explains the rules: you no laugh otherwise dead. You go into jungle and get piece of fruit otherwise dead.
The first sailor comes back with an apple. Chief tells him, now you stick it up your ass. Man says" ugh no", finds himself instantly up with St Peter by the pearly gates in Heaven. St Peter says, "hmm, yes been watching that dreadful business, oh well". Suddenly BOOM, the second sailor is there with a grape in his hand. Both say," hmm a grape, what`s the problem?". He answers,"well everything was going fine until I saw the third guy coming out of the jungle with a huge coconut"
By bella! [Ignore] 27,Dec,13 20:00 other posts 
That's what I like about you bigg, you are a funny guy!

By #396572 24,Dec,13 16:38
You have to take the bull by the horns, as the farmer said to the cow
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Dec,13 10:02 other posts 
Hmmmm...... Do you have any sayings with reference to reindeer? After all, 'tis the season!
By #396572 25,Dec,13 18:55
Erm, how about..I think it`s going to rain, dear said Rudolf to the elf...
By bella! [Ignore] 26,Dec,13 05:43 other posts 
Yes, that works! Thank you, bigg!

By bella! [Ignore] 25,Dec,13 10:05 other posts 
Merry Christmas to all, and that ain't no bull!

By bella! [Ignore] 23,Dec,13 13:01 other posts 
Contrary to what anyone may choose to embellish upon, I have no fakes, just one profile.
By *kmadeau* [Ignore] 23,Dec,13 13:03 other posts 
sure! Merry Christmas to you Bellissima!

By bella! [Ignore] 23,Dec,13 12:25 other posts 
Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la..........
By #201583 23,Dec,13 12:41
Don we now our gay apparel,
fa la la, la la la, la la la.

By #354961 22,Dec,13 12:08
Boys and girls ... stop.
Just stop to do that fuzzy dirty laundry here and lets make that side nice again!
On one site united!
By *kmadeau* [Ignore] 22,Dec,13 13:03 other posts 

By bella! [Ignore] 22,Dec,13 12:40 other posts 
On the internet looking for something and I ran across a blurb about TLC developing a program about a man with a 132 pound scrotum. They posted clothed pictures of the guy......YIKES!!!!!

By #358797 19,Dec,13 22:17
Sheesh people, swear I should change my name to Dick cause it always in someones mouth.

I asked Arexa to pass this along on my behalf, because frankly i'm sick and tired of people throwing me under the bus and trying to make me the Patsy on some hella retarded cock site drama. Fucking for real its life a damn soap opera. Anyway, i'm seriously trying to stay away believe it or not. However, I keep getting texts or emails, and messages on another site from people I know or are cool with here telling me about all the crap here, and how im being made fun of or thrashed, and being accused of stupid crap.
So I want to address a few things...

First of all to Steffi, in my post to you I said it bugged me that you made my response about you, and brought up the most friended thing. My opinion was that it was annoying, and that was that. I.didnt call you names, mock your health, or the way you look. I said I liked you, and stood up for you at times. There's proof of this through different forums if one wants proof. I did say that I feel at times you have people driven off site if they don't agree with you or your looks. I said I wasn't trying to hurt you, I didnt agree with how people ganged up Bella, including my best friend and the Person who means the damn world to me ripped her one for her poor word choice. Maybe you all don't care for her, but shes good people, and I felt that maybe no one would have taken offense if it hadn't been you that brought it up. Seriously, if it was posted by the smelly watch dude, or the one who who borked his wife and her family, that anyone would give a flying fladoodle?

As for my accounts, yeah I had a few but ive always maintained they were me. I had my reasons for them. I got banned from chat and forums for dumb chat fights , but so did Monted and others. Evil fairy I made when I deleted fairy dust , and I told you all about Cowboy, even outed myself, risked banishment, and gave my reasons.

So now im getting to the point of this message, I have no idea who dafuq skin flute is. I've had some dumb names before, but id never pick one that makes me seem like some hard up reject from a nine hundred number. As for the lyme and Bonner one, thats fucked for any of you to even fucking assume it was me. Come on now, I may be mean to the fucktards that deserve it but im not some malicious ass twisted fuck hole.

Ugh, that pisses me off like fuck. Its probally some fucking dill hole that didn't like me using that crap to make me look bad.

The thing that bothers me is that Steffi went and called me some hella fucked up stuff. Called me abusive, crazy , a bitch, fuck face, a lezzy, and diseased. That last is jacked, coming from a ill person. I shared once I had non hodgkins with her. I kept my misery to myself for the most part, but I wouldn't wish that crap on my worst enemy. Having dealt with chemo twice, and the after math, well it hurt some one that knows how horrid it is would say that.
anyway just wanted to clear some stuff up. mock me and belittle me all you want. Im gone from this place. Don't bother me with this crap anymore, and monted can eat shit, clotpole don't know shit about what I do.
By #164428 19,Dec,13 22:40
First, thank you, BELLA, for twisting my words and reporting them to Fairy. I didn't know what to believe after that Cowboy post, and, yes, I did assume it was you (Fairy) because with all the shape shifting here, I didn't know what to believe. 2nice has been very kind and understanding about it. Here is the truth: I never said you were diseased. I said, thinking it you and being very angry, that your WAND is diseased. In other words, being hurtful. And the lezzie thing: Bella thinks you walk on water, so I spoke of her ass kissing, and I said it's AS IF you two are lesbian lovers (the way she goes on). That is a far cry from saying you're a lezzie and diseased. Those abusive profiles were horrible, and I didn't know what to believe anymore. Yes, I was angry. And I didn't think you would pretend to be anyone else, but then along came a pudding eating cowboy. If you had issues with me, why didn't you speak to me directly of them? Why did you feel the need to assume a fake identity, and, when you attacked me through it (the post is still there for confirmation), and I responded, not knowing it was you (as my friend, I would have responded differently, asked for clarification, whatever), and those other profiles came up right after, well you do the math. I'm human. When I cut, I bleed. Those may not have been you, but I'm not all seeing and all knowing.

For the millionth time, it seems, these past few days: the friended crap had to do with LLCOOLT and all his incarnations. Bella knew well about him. He was the first one to ever attack me viciously for no reason. I said that no one would believe him; they'd believe me. I told him I have a lot of friends here, and I did attach that stupid list for proof. I was trying to get him to stop. And then another numb nuts started saying I control people, I'm admin, I just want attention. If you don't know me by now, you'll never ever know me.

And fuck you, Bella, and the judgmental horse you rode in on.

I'll be leaving Saturday. I don't need this shit.
--------------------------------------- added after 58 minutes

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By bella! [Ignore] 22,Dec,13 09:49 other posts 
Steffi, Steffi, Steffi......... I wasn't an ass kisser when I defended you at the time LLCOOLT made you his target. However when I defend fairy from your accusations, I am? WOW! You are a master at twisting circumstances AND words. Brava!

BTW, I didn't have to twist your words, her other friends allegedly sent her emails with transcripts of your posts.
By #415959 22,Dec,13 12:26
Nobody cares, dramatard.
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Dec,13 12:37 other posts 
Really? The message posted by arexa on behalf of fairy seems to say otherwise.

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