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cut vs. uncut ..What are you,, and what do you like?

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Started by #14563 [Ignore] 20,Jun,09 06:38
I'm cut but would rather be uncut. Love the look of uncut. Especially when the hood can cover an erect cock. You guys are lucky!! Wish I still had my manhood!!

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By #711401 21,Apr,24 10:21
I'm intact, but I'll suck any prick that's offered.

By BirdDog [Ignore] 30,Oct,23 23:34 other posts 
I am cut...

By #703641 29,Oct,23 22:51
i'm cut and i love cut!

no offense but i do get turned off by uncut, it was never my thing

By dragonsegg [Ignore] 27,Oct,23 06:29 other posts 
Uncut all the way for me, I'm uncut and love playing with my foreskin
By german_guy [Ignore] 27,Oct,23 17:08 other posts 
same here

By hair_today [Ignore] 27,Oct,23 07:26 other posts 
I'm cut but would much rather have my missing piece.

By SluttySarah069 [Ignore] 27,Oct,23 05:28 other posts 
I love cut dicks with anice glans to suck

By Soerencut [Ignore] 27,Oct,23 02:50 other posts 

By #611665 24,Feb,23 02:31
Here’s my uncut, what do you think?

By yeehawboyy [Ignore] 16,Oct,22 11:24 other posts 
I'm Unuct and tbh I prefer uncut even though i'd never say no to a dick regardless XD

By #680786 09,Oct,22 21:13
Definitely Cut for me and yes im cut as Well!

By aormus [Ignore] 09,Oct,22 21:00 other posts 
I'm cut.

By #667453 15,May,22 06:59
I'm uncut and I prefer uncut.

By #662360 13,May,22 02:58
[deleted image] I am cut and I prefer it that way. I think it looks neater.
By #64328 13,May,22 14:23
Same here

By steve8211 [Ignore] 28,Jul,21 08:07 other posts 
I am cut and wish I was uncut. I think it looks so much better with the head covered. You uncut guys are lucky
By #631189 28,Jul,21 13:01
You’ve got a lovely looking cock man!
By #574505 28,Jul,21 13:51
I agree with whitebrief
By #202392 28,Mar,22 21:53
Same here. Love foreskins hate that mine was cut. I'm restoring mine though
By #671055 13,May,22 01:05
Why? I have been cut since I knew, and think uncut ones are kind of 'gross'. No offense, just my experience, and every girlfriend I have been with.
What do you think would be so different, being uncut, if you could?

By yellowman [Ignore] 30,Apr,22 05:33 other posts 
I'm in my natural state and prefer other penises in their natural state.

By Luke98 [Ignore] 21,Apr,22 10:39 other posts 
I'm uncut, but would love a cut dick, it seems so much better

skype live:marco.leonardiofc

By #665772 10,Apr,22 22:25
I'm uncut, but looks cut when fully erect, my personal preference is a cut cock, love how it looks!
[deleted image]

By #666949 10,Apr,22 16:52
I am cut. It’s so much nicer on the eye and i can relate!

By APBay [Ignore] 23,Mar,22 15:40 other posts 
I am uncut! I prefer uncut

By Jimjim [Ignore] 13,Mar,22 18:14 other posts 
I love uncut!

By yeehawboyy [Ignore] 13,Mar,22 16:19 other posts 
i prefer uncut for sexual and ethical reasons

By #645739 13,Mar,22 15:07
like uncut like to suck his cum out

By #664988 13,Mar,22 09:52
37 and uncut, I like uncut.
By german_guy [Ignore] 13,Mar,22 14:02 other posts 
me too

By Homer33 [Ignore] 10,Nov,21 17:54 other posts 
60 Years uncut and recently im Cut

By #652988 08,Nov,21 06:17
I'm cut and like it

By #463848 03,Nov,21 08:34
I am uncut but with a short foreskin. I like to pull it back and rub just my glans with lube. If I start from soft, I can sometimes get my glans stiff before the shaft and cum in that state. The feeling is really good.

By Robino [Ignore] 02,Aug,21 17:53 other posts 

I was circumcised recently and I'm still not really used to it to be honest.
By #631189 03,Aug,21 12:46
I assume it takes some getting used to. Was it medical or just preference? I was advised to stretch my foreskin when I a teenager and it was tight, took a lot of effort but it paid off in the end!
By Robino [Ignore] 03,Aug,21 13:07 other posts 
yes it takes a while I agree. it was mostly medical, the foreskin was not retractable. sounds like it took much effort to get it stretched.
By #631189 03,Aug,21 17:28
It did take lots of time and effort, I could have gone the route you took but decided to try the less painful way… I hate hospitals!
By Robino [Ignore] 03,Aug,21 17:31 other posts 
I guess no one really likes hospitals at all

By #647975 02,Aug,21 19:39
[deleted image]

I am uncut, my penis head come out when I was 10 yrd.

By #647735 01,Aug,21 04:38
I’m cut and prefer cut (even though there are many hot uncut dicks around too). A girl once told me, that she’s got the impression that Cut dicks seem to be harder - well, I like to believe this ...

By #646176 19,Jul,21 01:13
I'm cut. Whoever did the procedure on me left me some length of foreskin:
[deleted image]

However, I have no frenulum:
[deleted image]

I wish I still had everything.
By new2day [Ignore] 28,Jul,21 08:11 other posts 
You have a loose circumcision with some skin to cover the glans. I'm cut more tightly, not much free movement.

By #636273 26,Jul,21 02:54
I'm cut and much prefer cut. I love that nice mushroom dickhead. I don't think I would enjoy a cock with a lot of foreskin.

By Ablaze [Ignore] 11,Jul,21 06:50 other posts 
I'm uncut and I like both.

By #644585 09,Jul,21 16:45
i'm uncut, but i don't have any preferations towards cut or uncut.
By #631189 09,Jul,21 17:15
Same here, though I much prefer having a foreskin myself. Keeps the glans nice and healthy, and all those nice nerve endings under the skin too

By #608810 21,Sep,20 12:13
Cut cocks are much better looking
By #518391 10,Oct,20 10:22
By newwt10 [Ignore] 14,Oct,20 22:50 other posts 
Yes I do think so as well
By #644585 09,Jul,21 16:46
By #613564 08,Jul,21 01:18
Yours is PERFECT!! What about the boys that love you, though? Cut, or uncut? Like seeing the tips going in!

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