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New Comment Rating: -9 Similar topics: 1.Does it actually matter? 2.SYD is a great place 3.Trump/Pence or Biden/Harris...Which do you feel will prevail??? 4.Kneeling before the American Flag during the National Anthem... 5.༼☯﹏☯༽ Comments: |
Well my government has been fucking me hard for the last 4 years and I never got pregnant
Me me me it’s always about them
Committing a massive amount of crime in relationship to their small population base.
No, not the massive fraud and scams that evaporates granny's pension.
That's mostly WHITE MEN and goes unpunished most of the time.
The criminals who do the most damage, are white guys in expensive suits.
(Read it in the way I meant it; not 'all white guys in expensive suits are criminals', but ...)
Look up some polls about how people feel about Luigi Mangione
and the CEO Brian Thompson, who he killed. Yes, Mangione is a killer,
but most people say the same about Thompson. Why would they think so?
Why did the family not help Jordan Neely when he really needed help instead of waiting to capitalize?
Forty felony arrests...give me a damn break.
So, he's gonna have to live with the pure contempt of the fascists.
Of course not for him, but for YOU and everyone else who voted for Trump,
because they had trouble affording groceries.
I saw older guys, who were living on social security, disability or unemployment benefits saying they voted for Trump, hoping he would make it easier for them to afford groceries. Understand that their INCOME and all other costs of living are more of a factor in their ability to afford groceries. Let's have the discussion in 4 years,
if those people, living on social security, disability or unemployment benefits, will be more able to afford groceries then. You know my prediction. What do you predict?
The price of a product is determined by the manufacturer. Ask them.
I can answer too. There wasn't 291% inflation or a 291% increase in costs
for the manufacturer, they just decided that their product would still sell
well enough at 99 cents and then they would make more profit.
A simple supply and demand consideration, which is made easy when customers don't blame them management for the decision to fuck over their customers,
but who are stupid enough to blame Democrats for that obvious price gauging.
It would be very easy for me to steal your stuff, if I'm sure you are going to blame your black neighbor. That's what your food manufacturers and supermarket executives are doing.
The company needs a certain % of profit over expenses. Or it is a waste of time to run a company at all.
If the cost of materials,labor and so forth go up , the price has to go up to cover the cost and maintain a profit margin. I don't know what is so hard to understand about that.
If cost of fuel goes up 14%, steel goes up 30%, paint goes up 30%,for a product, just those 3 items increase cuts away profit big time. of course i know you don't want people to profit from taking risk and investing and working hard. sorry, i forgot.
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"All Urban Central is your news source for todays pop culture and urban entertainment. Stay Updated with the latest Hip Hop / Rap Music Videos releases, interviews, lives, red carpets, and social media updates from the world of entertainment and urban pop culture."
No, I'm not interested in todays pop culture and urban entertainment.
Hip Hop and Rap Music is also not my thing. I'm more of a (hard) rocker.
News about celebrities and the entertainment industry is not news to me.
News is supposed to inform you about things happening in the world, that have
an impact on your life, liberty and future. It should hold powerful people to account,
who are messing with your life, liberty and future. It should be objective, profound
and transparent. If it isn't, it's a waste of time.
I'm not opposed to wasting my time, I'm just not interested in this waste of time.
"In retrospect, I wish I’d posed a variation of the old election-year question. I’d have asked if their lives are better after the last 40 years, not just four. Then again, they may have given me the same answer I heard over and over: It’s so messed up."
There is absolutely no depth of thinking there. No principles, no analytical capability,
just simplistic gut feelings and thinking anecdotes are representative of the world.
They probably flip from party to party, every time asking themselves: "Did my life become better under this president?". Yes? I'll vote for the same party. No? I'll vote for the other party. If this is how far your understanding of the world goes, stop voting, because you're not able to make a justified decision.
I even have more respect for a principled right-wing conservative, than someone who votes for Democrats over gut feelings. Being wrong is better than not thinking at all.
However, as obvious from this story, Fox 'News' supports those stupid gut feelings.
just simplistic gut feelings...
Your ideas are just limited to "socialism bad!". You're a primitive numbskull.
You know NOTHING! You picked up some talking points on social media and your propaganda outlets and that's it. Try to actually learn some things about capitalism, communism, socialism, etc., before you think you know better than me.
Socialism is an economy and government structure, with the purpose of providing
all people with the most equality in power. Woke is an ideology of equality as a person, instead of grouped into a race or sex and of personal freedom.
These principles are at best compatible. You don't even know what these terms mean, but you have heard it's bad and that's all you know.
How is it "common sense" to give away power over your life to some wealthy assholes or religion, which is based on what ignorant, iron age people wrote in some book.
And I think it’s funny
I just love watching you liberals squirm
DEI is not the same as woke.
DEI is just a management strategy to get the best out of people.
but he is also ignorant as fuck about a lot of things.
Just hearing him talk, makes clear that there is something wrong with his brain. He either has Asperger's or autism.
Second, it's just a completely vapid thing to say.
"Go WOKE and go BROKE"? Why? There are very rich woke people.
There are even people making money off woke.
Woke is a strategy in advertising, if the product is intended for that market.
It's just an example of Elon Musk saying something stupid, to please stupid people.
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Shame on you for discriminating against the disabled.
I am willing to bet good money if you had a diagnosis like that you would be sitting at home drawing a disability check instead of revolutionizing the Transporation industry and making leaps and bonds in space tech.
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