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Black lives matter or do All lives matter...༼☯﹏☯༽

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Started by tecsan [Ignore] 09,Oct,20 04:17  other posts
Just looking for opinions...Please no fights...༼☯﹏☯༽

New Comment       Rating: -9  

By tecsan [Ignore] 11,Jun,24 04:11 other posts 
Look at the protests from the left then look at the right (apples and oranges).
--------------------------------------- added after 22 hours

Destroying historical statues is despicable and against the law.

By phart [Ignore] 30,May,24 06:22 other posts 
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Take a bath before a flight?is it to much to ask?

Having worked with black people, there have been times the smell was intolerable.

By tecsan [Ignore] 21,May,24 03:14 other posts 
Now the fuckers want to praise hamas and palestinians as they spout off anti-Semitism remarks. I know you love it Ananas2xLekker because they also chant death to America as they SQUAT on University property in tents and desacrate they trash the ground. I know you love it and bet you wish you could be one of the freaks to join them.

You and Soros would probably fall in love with each other if you ever met each other.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 21,May,24 03:47 other posts 
You hate Soros, because he's a Jew, remember? That's anti-Semitism.
Whenever your side gets excited, you chant: "The Jews will not replace us!"

Sometimes, intrusive protests are necessary to fight injustice,
like in the case of a country committing a genocide.

Why do you even care about students blocking their University?
If it was up to you, there wouldn't be any. You hate knowledge.
By phart [Ignore] 21,May,24 09:01 other posts 
I hate soros because he supports anarchy and division among the people. I don't give a damn about his religion. Frankly, I would say he is a disgrace to the jewish people if anything.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 21,May,24 11:58 other posts 
Anarchy? Please explain. Do you even know what the guy does?

"Open Society Foundations (OSF), formerly the Open Society Institute, is a US-based grantmaking network founded by business magnate George Soros. Open Society Foundations financially supports civil society groups around the world, with the stated aim of advancing justice, education, public health and independent media."
That's the exact opposite of anarchy.

If you'd care about division, you would hate Donald Trump.

Weak arguments! If he wasn't a Jew, right-wingers wouldn't care about him.
Your whole replacement theory is based on a Jew conspiracy.
You're side are the anti-semites. Trump is an anti-semite.
You just hate Muslims even worse, so you endorse their genocide.
By phart [Ignore] 21,May,24 14:28 other posts 
his money is helping pay for professional protesters at our colleges and universitas.
The folks that went to college for the right reasons couldn't even graduate in peace because of his money
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 22,May,24 05:51 other posts 
That's just a stupid lie. The people who protest at universities, against Israel committing a genocide, are not doing it for money. There are however probably
a lot of paid chaos actors amongst them. And those are not paid by George Soros,
unless he supports Israel in their genocide. Also, there is clear evidence now that
most of the violence is coming from the counter-protesters.

Understand that every little bit of damage or violence being associated with anti-genocide protesting only hurts the cause. My Socialist Party very much supports anti-genocide protesting, but because of damage to our universities, we have not joined them. We are however in discussion with one of the most law-abiding, peaceful groups and might join them in their next protest. Worth to mention is that they have actually achieved some of their goals and that university is actually considering cutting ties with some Israeli universities.

I do need to note that cutting ties with all Israeli universities is not necessarily
a good thing. It depends on how much they support their government in committing
a genocide. The strongest protests within Israel itself is actually coming from the highly educated community, associated with some universities. The last thing my side should do is alienate them. They deserve all the support we can give them, because the extremist Netanyahu government is already cracking down on them.
Right-wingers always hate free speech, everywhere in the world.

The goal of going to university is not to graduate, but to LEARN. If graduating
is more important to them, than international law and preventing a genocide,
then they don't deserve to 'graduate in peace'.
By boc [Ignore] 21,May,24 12:03 other posts 
Where do you get this information on Soros. I only hear things about him from the Maga crowd. Is there any way to verify such claims?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 21,May,24 12:04 other posts 
He is a big funder of the Democrats. And he is a rich Jew.
Normally those people fund Republicans. Just not Soros.
They just need to demonize him, for that reason.
By boc [Ignore] 21,May,24 12:13 other posts 
This is what is said about him. I want to find reliable sources on Soros, not just some random know-nothing from the internet. Do you know where I can find information on Soros?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 21,May,24 12:38 other posts 
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Or google "opensecrets george soros".

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You could Google translate this Dutch article to English:
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I do not care much about George Soros specifically. The people who do care so much should ask themselves why rich people are allowed to have so much influence in your politics at all. They can vote, just like you, that should be enough.
By phart [Ignore] 21,May,24 14:36 other posts 
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" Cities under the influence of Soros-backed prosecutors are less safe than a decade ago. The promise of increased safety was an illusion."
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 22,May,24 06:48 other posts 
"Two of the organizers supporting the protests at Columbia University and on other campuses are Jewish Voice for Peace and IfNotNow. Both are supported by the Tides Foundation, which is seeded by Democratic megadonor George Soros and was previously supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. It in turn supports numerous small nonprofits that work for social change."

Organizing is not paying protesters to protest.
And you are associating that with violent protesters? Bullshit!

If Soros is funding Jewish Voice for Peace, then I am pleasantly surprised.

I'm a member of Environmental Defense. They helped organize protests against big polluters, the sad state of our climate policies and TTIP. They are also funding lawsuits against big polluters and our government not acting to protect its people.
Do you think that is supporting 'anarchy and division'? If so, you're a dumb-ass!
We are protesting the destruction of nature and humanity. If that causes people some mild inconvenience, they might think of the inconvenience that the dying of nature and humanity will cause them.

Was the German anti-Hitler resistance causing 'anarchy and division' too?
By boc [Ignore] 21,May,24 12:16 other posts 
Wealthy folks and companies that fund political parties fund both sides. They hedge their bets so no matter who is in office they can have their concerns addressed.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 21,May,24 12:23 other posts 
Exactly! And I don't like that and call it out on both sides.
Trumpists only care about the other side getting bribes from the wealthy,
while their party only exists to do the bidding of the wealthy.

By tecsan [Ignore] 13,Oct,23 05:18 other posts 
BLM now are defending Hamas and admit anti-semitism.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 13,Oct,23 08:50 other posts 
Do we just need to take your word for that?
By tecsan [Ignore] 16,Oct,23 04:37 other posts 
Think you are intelligent enough to research it.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 16,Oct,23 07:35 other posts 
I just found this: "The group, which has more than 60,000 followers, posted an image of a person paragliding with a Palestinian flag attached to its parachute and “I stand with Palestine” written beneath, leading to outrage."

Is that it? Or is there more?

Because I agree that is pretty bad. Supporting Palestinians is the opposite of supporting the terrorists, who not only killed and kidnapped many innocent people,
but now obviously also assured the impending murder of many Palestinians by Israel.

Meanwhile, you are saying that the whole Gaza strip should be taken in by Israel.
That is a horrific statement that you should be ashamed for.
By tecsan [Ignore] 01,Nov,23 03:02 other posts 
Look closely at the paraglider and tell me what he has draped across his shoulder.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 01,Nov,23 07:19 other posts 
NO! You can just TELL ME.

But save yourself the trouble, because it doesn't matter.
A terrorist has no level of depth, they don't want to descend to.
That's why no one cares when Israel kills those terrorists.
But there are standards that nation states have to uphold.
That's why they shouldn't lower themselves to the level of terrorists.
Do you understand that? It very much appears like you don't.

I am not going to 'research' all the incredibly incremental and anecdotal shit,
that you want me to look at, because you are not taking your responsibility
to do general research into world problems that really matter.
By tecsan [Ignore] 02,Nov,23 00:40 other posts 
Neither are you. Socialists never want to put forth any effort except for disrupting other's events. But that paraglider sure did descend and kill innocent people. Thanks for acknowledging that you approve of it with the bs you typed above.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 02,Nov,23 05:32 other posts 
"But that paraglider sure did descend and kill innocent people."
Are you telling something new, that I didn't 'research'?

For everything that happens in the world, you just listen to propaganda.
I do the hard thing; researching the causes and solutions.
You don't add anything significant to that discussion.

Israel descents bombs that kill innocent people. At least 8,000 now.
More than 40% of the Palestinians killed in Gaza are children,
the child death toll has reached 3,457 yesterday.

I asked you a question:
Should nation states lower themselves to the level of terrorists?
By tecsan [Ignore] 03,Nov,23 01:34 other posts 
Sure I do. My solution is kill fucking hamas and all of their supporters. Remember Israel did not start shit, the fucking paragliding terrorist that killed innocent people did. Why can you not get that through your head?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 03,Nov,23 04:24 other posts 
How do you tell the Hamas supporters from the 'innocent' civilians?
By tecsan [Ignore] 03,Nov,23 22:28 other posts 
Hmm, how did your friends hamas tell the difference from innocent people (the hamas savages did not care). Got you again. They are brutal savage terrorists (hamas). Love how you try to defend terrorists, does that make you better or the same?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 07,Nov,23 03:23 other posts 
The answer is that you do not make any separation between Hamas, its supporters and innocent civilians, so you are supporting genocide; the murder or deportation of all Palestinians.

I do not support the killing of civilians, even if they agree with terrorist acts,
and of course I do not support killing children, not by intent and not 'by accident'.

I do not support Hamas; I am fine with Israel killing every single one of them, without a trial. It's not what a civilized country should do, but clearly you are OK with a country just executing people they call terrorists. I agree it would be to much to ask to arrest and judge all Hamas terrorists, therefore just hunting them down and shooting them is fine by me. However, I draw the line at bombing whole apartment buildings for a claim that there are Hamas terrorist hiding there. That is causing too much collateral damage.

Now, if that is too much to ask, from a country which calls themselves a democracy, then it is lowering itself to the level of terrorists. I do not support terrorist act, not from Hamas and not from Israel. That makes me better than YOU. Even while I don't believe in a soul or karma, supporting terrorist acts is something my conscience does not allow. I don't know if you expect to be judged by a god after you die, but if you do, ask yourself if that god would be OK with you supporting what Israel is doing. Maybe the god from the old testament would allow it, but I thought Christians supported Jesus. And that Jewish socialist hippie would not like you, for many reasons, but also for this.
By tecsan [Ignore] 08,Nov,23 01:43 other posts 
Believe me, I have already heard that I support genocide. Is funny that some of your libtard friends here support hamas. CENSURE a congress person, WOW. Now TWO libtards have made that list. Remember the chant and please keep it up 'genocide joe has to go'. The one time I am on joey's side.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 23,Nov,23 05:31 other posts 
You support Israel in killing all Palestinians or at least deporting them all from Gaza and turn Gaza into Israel. That's genocide. I have heard no 'libtard' say they support Hamas's killing of civilians. Some might say that Israel caused that hate and extremism itself, but that's not supporting it.
I don't want Israel to be genocidal maniacs, because that WILL cause more hate and extremism. That's the opposite of supporting terrorists.

I want less terrorists, not more. When will you understand that your way of 'fighting terrorism' only creates MORE OF IT? You really didn't learn anything from Iraq and Afghanistan.

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein

Why should I care about censure of congress persons?
Those are just political games. That's not what censure is intended for.
By tecsan [Ignore] 24,Nov,23 01:59 other posts 
There you went again with a lie, I never said I support killing all palestinians, just the ones that have joined with hamas. Please keep your facts straight. I have a friend that supports your comment and maybe you got confused.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 24,Nov,23 09:09 other posts 
I asked you: "What do you consider winning? Killing/deporting all Palestinians and then take all the land that they had remaining?"
You answered (Nov 11, 00:46): "Hell fucking yes,..."

I asked you: "Is there a level of brutality that you would criticize Netanyahu for, or does he have carte blanche?"
You answered (Oct 31, 04:41): "He has carte blanche, gold and platinum until all of them uncivilized savage SOB are dead and yes palestinians that support hamas as well."

On Oct 31, 23:50 you added: "That's what YOU ARE SAYING, by saying Netanyahu "has carte blanche, gold and platinum until all of them uncivilized savage SOB are dead and yes palestinians that support hamas as well." DAMN FUCKING STRAIGHT."

I said: "Stop bombing hospitals, schools and apartment buildings. Stop cutting off people from water, food and power. Stop doing genocide."
You answered (Nov 1, 23:39): "Like I stated to you, hard to do when the cowards use hospital and civilians for cover."

On Nov 1, 23:52 you said: "Yes it is end of time for some and it is the end of civilation for those left standing."

When you implied that Israel is trying to minimize collateral damage, I said "No they are not, that will not result in 8000 deaths, with more than 40% children."
You answered (Nov 3, 01:46): "Actually it does not matter how many deaths it takes if palestinian hamas is fucking annihilated. That will guarantee that they will not do anymore terrorist acts. They are fucking savages and deserve to die. Coward bastards hide behind innocent civilians, no how the fuck do you suppose we kill the fuckers without collaterl damage and ensure in the process they will do no harm to more innocents."

That's you clearly not caring about innocent Palestinians dying and supporting Netanyahu even if he kills ALL OF THEM. That's genocide. YOU ARE THE ONE WHO'S LYING!
By tecsan [Ignore] 25,Nov,23 01:16 other posts 
I know your game now, posting pm's in public discussion forums. Hell, I could do that but I will not. I may paraphrase a few things. But, honestly I do not care. Hamas attacked and provoked. Egypt refused entry of palestenians because they did not know if they were terrorists. What a fucking novel idea closing a border down. Something you only believe in when it comes to your property that you brought with money made through capitalism.

Feel free to keep that crap up. I will not though. Again I do not mind if you feel it necessary. PM, 'p' means private.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 28,Nov,23 03:26 other posts 
You started that at one time, before me. And you copied a bigger part of my PM's than I did. However, I don't care. If you want to, you can repost any PM to everyone. I do not say anything differently in private, other than in public. I also see no differences between what you say in PM's vs in the forums. If you would have ever said something in confidence, that I would never repeat to anyone.

If you don't want your PM's copy-pasted here, don't lie that I'm lying.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Nov,23 07:54 other posts 
I would rather israel didn't have to lower themselves to act in a similar fashion to the hamas.But they are left with no choice. You know hamas and the citizens can't be decided between,they look the same, not only that but the hamas hides behind kids, and the sick. Just look where they keep their gas and their main hide out,under a hospital. So if your house is infested with termites, what do YOU do?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 07,Nov,23 03:37 other posts 
So, if there is a hostage situation, and a hostage taker is holding a gun to a kid's head, you are OK, with the cops just riddling both of them with bullets?
By phart [Ignore] 07,Nov,23 06:25 other posts 
the cop is supposed to be trained to hit a target, so the child should not be in danger unless the cop is not qualified to use the gun as he should be
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 09,Nov,23 17:30 other posts 
Exactly! Meanwhile, Israel is killing the hostage taker and the 100
women and children around them.
It's like if a cop shoots an RPG into a crowd, to kill a murderer.
By tecsan [Ignore] 24,Nov,23 02:02 other posts 
Please stop trying to defend terrorists. They are COWARDS and should be killed, bottom line.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 24,Nov,23 10:02 other posts 
I'm not defending the terrorists, I'm defending civilians.
They can kill the terrorists, but not the civilians, period.
But Netanyahu wants to kill civilians, because he's an evil bastard.
Netanyahu even supported Hamas, so he would be allowed to kill civilians.
So if you want to kill Hamas supporters, start with Netanyahu.
By #610414 13,Oct,23 12:18
I'm sad to say this but it looks like you are right. Several chapters did comment favorably about Hamas. Not good.
By tecsan [Ignore] 14,Oct,23 00:38 other posts 
Glad you conceded some, Ananas2xLekker never, he is always right about everything. Can you not look up one damn thing that does not suit your agenda Ananas2xLekker???
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 07,Nov,23 03:43 other posts 
I don't have an agenda, I have principles.

But it's applicable that we have this discussion in this forum.
Your own question is: "do All lives matter...". Your answer is definitely: 'NO!'.
By phart [Ignore] 14,Oct,23 07:55 other posts 
I had no idea so many people supported terrorist in this country but since the brutal killings and r@pes of babies have started up again, so many people are actually HAPPY about it. the only good thing about it, we know the truth about some people we otherwise would have not known.
I must admit, this is a strange but good thing,
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So I guess i will go by there and eat a little more often.
If BLM says anything good about Hamas, they are STUPID.
Just because Israel does fucked-up shit, doesn't make Hamas good.
Israel is stealing land, because of their horrible religious beliefs.
Hamas just gave them the justification to steal more land and kill more Palestinians
and Israel is taking that justification. I would be surprised if they don't steal the North
of the Gaza strip now.

Hamas is just a horrible Islamic extremist organization, who is using the suffering
of the Palestinians to spread their horrible ideology.
There is no good side here, only evil sides.
By tecsan [Ignore] 16,Oct,23 04:36 other posts 
Did you really just say this crap? The whole strip should be taken in by Israel.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 16,Oct,23 06:56 other posts 
And just mass-murder the 2 million people living there?

Well, that would make them worse than Hamas, or don't you think so?
By phart [Ignore] 16,Oct,23 10:41 other posts 
If a peice of shit terrorist was hiding in your house, would you just smile as the military came up and shot you and him or would you point out the bastard and maybe save yourself?
And what is keeping hamas from leaving with the palestinians just to come back when the shit settles down?
this is a terrible situation, but hamas had no business attacking for no reason ,that is why it is terrorism and a swift, brutal response is in order to deter further attacks

Israel has been in the cross hairs for so long,It is easy for me to understand why and how they came to this point of "fuck it, kill em all". Enough is enough. Israel was given the Jews in 1945 to try to give them a new start in the land holy to them,
hamas and iran are right in the same boat with hitler regarding the jews.it was fine to go after hitler but suddenly the jews are just supposed to sit back and take it?? Naw, let them defend themselves.They have been persecuted enough.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 16,Oct,23 11:21 other posts 
"a swift, brutal response" killing 2 million people and be done with it?

"Israel was given the Jews in 1945" People were already living there!
Only people who own something have the right to give that something away.
How would you like it, if we give your state to the Palestinians?

"Israel has been in the cross hairs for so long"
As they should be, for stealing people's houses and land.

I don't give a fuck if the land is holy to them. They don't have any more right to it than the people who lived there and also claim their land is holy to them.

Israelis and Palestinians are genetically indistinguishable from each other.
The only thing that divides them is those fucking religions.
Man, do I wish that people can finally get past that bullshit.
By phart [Ignore] 16,Oct,23 14:06 other posts 
It was not stolen, it was given to them. The people living there today ,most were born there ,so they are citizens and have a right to be just as any Palestinian has.
How would you like to be in a prison,watch your family be taken to a oven and burned, and be rescued, and given a home, only to grow up and have to fight just to be left alone?
All that has to happen is the hamas group be eliminated.
And hasbroloa or how ever you spell it. BUT the Palestinians aid and abet hamas, so are they innocent?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 16,Oct,23 14:53 other posts 
No, it wasn't given to them, there was a WAR over that piece of land.
Don't you know any history? Then there was a new region that didn't exist before, stolen from Palestine and it was called Israel. Then from then forth, Israelis kept stealing houses and land and slowly or not so slowly enlarged Israel and reduced what was left of Palestine. They kept building houses for Israelis in occupied territory, breaking every treaty that was ever made and breaking international law.
Israel has been a horrible apartheid regime for decades.
They have never accepted the sovereignty of Palestine, they have never been serious about peace and they have only ever aspired to the destruction of Palestine.

"they are citizens and have a right to be just as any Palestinian has."
Then why are you allowing them to take it from the Palestinians?

No, the Palestinians are not innocent. As I told you before, there is no good vs evil here. There is just a people with longer rights to the land, which are the Palestinians, and there are conquerors, who are the Israelis.
Palestinians are stupid to look to horrible Islamic extremists for their protection, because horrible Islamic extremists don't care about people. They only care about spreading their ideology and they would sacrifice anyone for that goal.
By boc [Ignore] 21,May,24 14:48 other posts 
Jews lived in Palestine prior to 1948:

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"Early in the second century A.D., the Emperor Hadrian prohibited the Jews from entering Jerusalem. From that period dates the dispersion of Jews throughout the world. Since then, until the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, no Jewish Government has existed in Palestine. Although some Jews have always lived in Palestine, their numbers have fluctuated depending on the tolerance of the successive rulers."
By #610414 22,Oct,23 11:30
Well, if we are going to go there, Ananas, then we have to say that land belongs to the Turks. It was theirs under the Ottoman Empire.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 25,Oct,23 04:47 other posts 
By that logic, almost every square kilometer in Europe belongs to several different peoples, from the Africans that moved there, to the Achaeans, the Etruscans, the Batavians, the Romans, the Persians, the Ottomans, the Celts, the Vikings, the Gauls, the Germanic, the Greek, the Franks, the Spanish, the Germans, the French, the English and just concerning Belgium; the Dutch.
It used to be acceptable to just create a big militia, enter an area that doesn't belong to you, kill and subjugate all the inhabitants and place your flag on it.
At some point, civilization decided that this is no longer acceptable. In the 18th century, the 'Right of Conquest' is a right of ownership to land after immediate possession via force of arms. It was recognized as a principle of international law. Then after the Second World War, the 'Right of Conquest' was outlawed as a crime against peace, introduced in the Nuremberg Principles, in 1945.

There is an argument for claiming that Palestine had been legitimately conquered by the British empire and the land of Israel was legitimately 'gifted' to the Jews, calling it Israel. However, international law has encouraged many conquering nations, who owned land they conquered before 1945, to give back that land to its original occupants. Still, I would personally recognize the original borders of Israel, but I consider it a crime against the freedom of religion, which was at that time laid down in every constitution, to define Israel in its declaration of independence as a "Jewish state". I also consider it a crime against international law, every time Israel expanded its borders at the detriment of the Palestinian state. According to international law, the colonies in occupied Palestine are illegal.
By #610414 25,Oct,23 09:41
My point is that, while I didn’t approve of the new settlements on the Gaza Strip, I’m also a realist. They exists. They will be there for as long as Israel can hold them.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 26,Oct,23 05:01 other posts 
Nice that you didn't approve of Israel's crimes.
I'm sure you don't like how children are getting bombed to death either.
But you are still supporting Israel to keep doing that.

Nearly 5,100 Palestinians have been killed in the Gaza Strip,
nearly half of them are children. That's terrorism TOO!!!
How about being a 'realist' on that?
By #610414 26,Oct,23 08:46
I am. If I support Israel, and I do, then I can feel bad for ALL CHILDREN and still think the current path of the Israelís is the best option to eradicate Hamas. I know it sounds very close to genocide, but, there it is.
The truth, in my mind, is that all war is an act of terrorism, just in a bigger scale. We tend to separe killings by the number of people killed in each occasion. One person killing another is an act of terrorism. One nation killing five million +/- people is terrorism. Shooting innocent civilians from a hang glider is that too. Some people say that war is Hell. It’s a gentrified way of saying that in war, killing it expected without any concern for whom gets in the way.
As I’ve said before in different words, I’m mortified about the suffering of ALL CHILDREN, but not so much for the people that started this, directly or indirectly.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 26,Oct,23 13:38 other posts 
The people that started this are terrorists. Israel blowing them up or killing them however possible would be well deserved.
But I don't think you can say they 'started this'. This conflict has been going on for decades and the atrocities performed by Israel, during most of that time are just as horrible.

Before this terrorist act, Israel has been killing many Palestinian children too. They have snipers killing children from the guard towers. How is that different from Hamas' terrorist attack?
By #610414 26,Oct,23 13:48
THIS TIME. The past is past. And, I don’t believe the last sentence.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 27,Oct,23 09:29 other posts 
Just google 'killed by Israeli sniper' and see a variety of news outlets
report on many cold-blooded murders.

If there is a justification for Israel to do horrible things, than your one-sided 'the past is the past' is not fair.

Your government has outlawed the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement, which non-violent international diplomacy support for the right of Palestinians to exist, so you cut of their methods for non-violent protesting. And when they do violent protests it is a justification to mass-murder them.
So what you're saying is that Palestinians should just shut-up and take whatever Israel does to them. What is left for them? Just wait until Israel or the rest of the world decides that they have a right to live somewhere too?
By #610414 27,Oct,23 09:58
As of 2021, 35 states have passed bills and executive orders designed to discourage boycotts of Israel.[4] Many of them have been passed with broad bipartisan support.[5] Most anti-BDS laws have taken one of two forms: contract-focused laws requiring government contractors to promise that they are not boycotting Israel; and investment-focused laws, mandating public investment funds to avoid entities boycotting Israel.[6] There has been debate over whether the laws violate the right to free speech and organizations such as the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the Council on American–Islamic Relations (CAIR) have challenged many of them in court cases.[7]

Public opinions on the BDS movement and anti-BDS laws
According to University of Maryland's Critical Issues Poll from October 2019, a majority of Americans oppose anti-BDS laws; 72% opposed laws penalizing people who boycott Israel and 22% supported such laws. The poll also found a strong partisan divide on BDS; among those who had heard of BDS, 76% of Republicans opposed the movement, compared to 52% of Democrats.[8] In a 2019 poll from Data for Progress 35% to 27% opposed anti-BDS laws. Split by party affiliation, 48% of Democrats opposed anti-BDS laws and 15% supported them; 27% of Republicans opposed anti-BDS laws and 44% supported them. 70%-80% believed boycotts were a legitimate protest tactic.[9] According to a 2022 survey by the Pew Research Center, 5% of Americans support BDS and 84% do not know much about it. 17% of Republicans have some familiarity with BDS compared to 15% of Democrats, while 7% of the latter and 2% of Republicans support the movement.[10]
Ananas, the laws you are talking about affect government contracts and entities, but, the public has access to the BDS and their political views. Bottom line? Israel and Palestine are now, and have been, in a state of war.
I know you have a narrow view of the freedoms we enjoy in this country, especially as to what’s available to us in the news. I believe you are confusing what the great unwashed of this country consider worthy of them to find out about with what is really available. That’s two different things.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 07,Nov,23 03:51 other posts 
So 35 states have passed anti-BDS laws, while the majority of Americans do not support them. What does that tell you about your democracy?
Even if most people supported anti-BDS laws, it would still not be OK to pass them, because BDS is free speech, which is protected by your Constitution. Is it OK to pass laws that are in conflict with the Constitution?

It that 'a narrow view of the freedoms you enjoy in your country'?

When politicians in my country try to pass laws that are in conflict with our Constitution, they are immediately pushed back by either the House of Representatives or the Senate or not immediately but later some judge.
We don't even need a Supreme Court to get that right.

You do have a Supreme Court, who's only job is testing laws against the Constitution. How can your country fuck up that responsibility so much?
By #610414 07,Nov,23 11:49
What does a majority have to do with how a legislative body votes? The majority of the people support abortion yet our super conservative Supreme Court reversed itself after half a century. We are a working democracy and that means that we have some guidelines to keep us on the road and the rest is a catch-as-catch-can free for all. What we want and what we get depends on whom we elect and that's something that sometimes leads us to use Depends underwear. In other words. We are similar to many other countries.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 09,Nov,23 15:36 other posts 
In a democracy, the majority decides how a legislative body votes.
The people you elect are not doing what you want, but what their donors want.

Republicans made it even easier for themselves; they made their voters think they want what their donors want and they made them think what they get is what they want.
In short, the donors decide what you get. That's not democracy.

True, there are many other countries like that, but that doesn't make
it good. America once provided the best example for democracy.
You could do that again, but you got to have better standards for politicians. They should serve you and not just themselves.
By #610414 09,Nov,23 17:25
In a democracy the voters vote for the person's THEY THINK will vote for what they want. That is not the same as how a legislative body votes and the voters can complain and threaten not to reelect. That's it. Why would my country operate any different than another country? People are the same everywhere.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 09,Nov,23 17:39 other posts 
Democracy relies on more than just being allowed to vote.
It also relies on having choices for who to vote for
and accurate, objective information about those choices.

In a winner takes all system, like the US, the people are forced to vote for either one of the two corrupt parties, or their vote is meaningless. Since all your media is owned by big corporations who use it as their personal propaganda outlet, you are only getting told the truth, if they want you to know the truth and then they still always put their own spin on it.

That's why the US is ranked 36th by Quality of Democracy.
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You're followed by Cape Verde, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago.
By tecsan [Ignore] 10,Nov,23 01:19 other posts 
Confusing as hell. Anyone else confused with this BS?

Restoring democracy will happen when all the libs are ousted. You know that Ananas2xLekker.

BTW who the fuck cares what others think of us, we know you hate America as many other turds hate America.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 10,Nov,23 06:24 other posts 
Then your only choice is which idiot Republican destroys the country.
How do you define democracy exactly? Sort of like Putin does?
By tecsan [Ignore] 11,Nov,23 00:35 other posts 
Damn sure not like you or biden.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 16,Nov,23 05:03 other posts 
Which is; that the people elect their representatives, to act out
their principles on how the country needs to be organized?
By tecsan [Ignore] 16,Nov,23 22:56 other posts 
Yes if fucking libtards do not interfere. Think that says it all.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 23,Nov,23 05:44 other posts 
You really don't understand democracy. Or you just hate it.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Nov,23 08:05 other posts 
reddit seems to be the only source of over 18 videos that may show the burned babies and such but since I am not a reddit member it keeps blurring things out after about a minute
you are a much more civilized person to talk with even when in total disagreement than Leo. But I will say the same thing I said to him. along with the criticism, share some solutions. Jerusalem is where Jesus was born, that land is holy to the jewish people. millions were slaughtered by hitler, a group of civilized countrys, made it so their holy land would legally be their home. IF you watch the videos I posted on another thread for leo, Truman explains the people that left the land, were COMPENSATED for it, it was NOT stolen.
The only thing holy to a muslim is having your blood all over themselves while laughing and chasing a goat for pleasure.
By tecsan [Ignore] 19,Oct,23 01:39 other posts 
Hamas has no justification and they know it and many Palestians know it also. Why are you defending terrorists Ananas2xLekker?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 19,Oct,23 04:33 other posts 
Hamas definitely has no justification to commit terrorism, that for sure.
Likewise, does Israel have no justification to commit terrorism.

The definition of terrorism is: the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

Many acts of Israel are terrorism, by definition.
Still, Israel has the right to defend itself.
Israel is allowed to attack Hamas terrorists.
But their level of 'collateral damage' is unacceptable.
It's you, who is defending terrorism, not me.

Also Palestine has the right to defend itself.
If they attack an Israeli military target, that's not terrorism.
Just as it wouldn't be terrorism if Israel targets JUST Hamas.
It's the percentage of innocent civilians getting killed, that makes it terrorism.
It's the methods and the results that define terrorism, not which side commits it.
By phart [Ignore] 19,Oct,23 11:09 other posts 
The people allow Hamas to rule over them,so they are essentially Hamas.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 19,Oct,23 12:50 other posts 
It's clear now why your side would throw away democracy so easily;
you have no idea how good you have it. They don't have a choice.
Throwing away freedom is easy, getting it (back) is almost impossible.

Even Netanyahu supported Hamas, because Hamas assures him no peace.
Whenever Hamas kills his people, he is justified to keep stealing more land.
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By phart [Ignore] 19,Oct,23 17:40 other posts 
I think it was Cat that said to me when we were discussing the yankee's and how they treated the Southern citizens after the war was ended, to the victor go the spoils. If israel is willing to combat the threat,they deserve any damn thing they can get and keep.
I would rather no innocent people were hurt or killed,I would rather hamas had never attacked those folks at that shin dig and killed them.BUT hamas did and now they are reaping the harvest from the seeds of hate and violence they sown, They hopefully will get a bountiful crop, looks like about half the place is flat already.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 20,Oct,23 03:56 other posts 
Since you lot are talking about it 150 years later, you don't agree
with your own concept of 'to the victor go the spoils'.
Just because that's often how war goes, doesn't mean it should be.
The traitors of your civil war were legitimately dealt with.
The south should have been under better control to not let racism brew,
but the citizens should have been protected and treated well.

There is however no parallel with the Israeli Palestine conflict, other than
who kills too many citizens as collateral damage is a war criminal.

"looks like about half the place is flat already."
Most likely! And then what? When the north of Gaza is flattened, push back all the Palestinians from the south back to the north and than flatten the south? Then all the Palestinians live among the rubble, even more dependent on Hamas to feed them and put a roof over their heads again. That wall is still there, Egypt and Libanon still don't allow them to leave.
It's either die, or support Hamas. With many of their children, spouses, family and friends having been killed by Israel, that sure is a hard choice, right?
I'm asking you; is that the intention?
By phart [Ignore] 21,Oct,23 19:17 other posts 
The palestinians can learn to live in peace among the israelies or they can get on a boat and go elsewhere.All the killing needs to stop and it started recently by hamas, their governing body, so it's their fault this mess started..
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 09,Nov,23 15:53 other posts 
Complete ignorance of reality. You cannot live in peace with people who don't accept your existence. Israel was founded as a Jewish state, they didn't intend to keep any Palestinians around. The only place for Palestinians was indeed to "get on a boat and go elsewhere". That's an injustice that should have been corrected by the rest of the world. But, mostly the US allowed Israel to be an apartheid regime. It's your fault this mess started.
By phart [Ignore] 09,Nov,23 16:02 other posts 
Let Ben explain it, he explains there are alot of muslims living in israel, so the idea they are not welcome is wrong.
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 09,Nov,23 17:45 other posts 
I know, but as second class citizens, like black people in the US,
before Jim Crow.

Ben is already biassed on subjects that he doesn't care about.
How objective am I supposed to think he is on Israel, being Jewish?
He doesn't even consider the AIPAC to be the 'The Israel Lobby'.
The Daily Wire rakes in millions of dollars per large donor.
I have no idea what he really believes, because he gets paid
to believe whatever his donors want him to believe. He's a fraud!
By #610414 22,Oct,23 11:38
Ananas, two days after Israel was granted nation status, it was attacked by Arab countries. Since then they have under constant threat of war from all the countries around it. They had to fight several wars. I don’t blame them when they try to establish buffer zones. What I don’t comprehend, abhorrent as it is, is why they haven’t conquered the whole Middle East. I’m sure the USA and the UK would support them up to and including boots-on-ground.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 24,Oct,23 11:02 other posts 
Sure, they are not living among people who like them.
But that's the consequence of stealing that land for themselves.
The Jews lived there for about 3000 years, but they lived together
with many other peoples and religions. People get upset,
if you kick them from their land and put your own flag on their land.
Is that so difficult to understand?

It's easier to kill all the natives when you conquer land, because then
they cannot bother you anymore. It's what your American ancestors did.
That's pretty bad though. Wouldn't it be a bit hypocritical, if the whole world
first united against Hitler, for exterminating 6 million Jews and then help those Jews to exterminate tens or hundreds of millions of Muslims, to clear out the whole Middle East, for themselves?

Besides, after WWII, there were about 3.8 million Jews left in the world.
That's not enough people to populate and protect the whole Middle East.
Israel was big enough for that population. It's just getting a bit small, now there are about 10 million of them. That's why they are stealing more land.
By #610414 24,Oct,23 11:19
Palestine was a melting pot of religions and ethnic people. You said it best, "The Jews lived there for about 3000 yrs. This is what happened in the last century.
"Arab fears that Jews were attempting to seize control of Jerusalem's Wailing Wall in August 1929 caused a series of riots which left 133 Jews and 116 Arabs dead."
This was one more tic on the side of nationalization. The clincher was the 5,000,000+ Jews kIlled by the Nazis while other countries looked away.
They where willing to co-exist with other Arab people. Heck, in the nationalization Arabs were included.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 24,Oct,23 11:23 other posts 
They were not willing to co-exist with other Arab people.
Israel was clearly intended to be a Jewish nation state, and it turned
into an apartheid regime against Palestinians very quickly.
Don't take my word for it, read what Amnesty International writes about it.
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"Arab fears that Jews..." They feared correctly.
By #610414 24,Oct,23 11:27
But, do you blame them? After all the times from the inception of the state of Israel, they've been under attack.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 24,Oct,23 11:34 other posts 
Yes, I blame them. They have never worked towards a two state solution.
They have been under attack, because they have never stopped attacking.

It's like if you cut the tires of your neighbors car every night
and then go crying if he kicks your ass one day, when he caught you.
And then you kill him, his family, his friends and all his colleagues.
By #610414 24,Oct,23 11:36
Really, Ananas? Come on.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 24,Oct,23 11:37 other posts 
If that is your answer, you know you have no arguments.

Another example then. I'm sure you heard of the IRA in Ireland?
They did some horrible terrorist attacks and killed children too.
So was it OK if Ireland then bombed the whole of Belfast to rubble?

Or how about if some gangsters from the Bronx kill the owner, his wife and the stock clerk of a 7/11. Is it now OK, to bomb the whole 'hood'?
By #610414 24,Oct,23 11:44
I've never cut my neighbor's tires, but, if you mean the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, then, There's no more to say.

Oct 11 (Reuters) - The fighting between Israel and Hamas, which launched a surprise attack on Saturday, is the latest in seven decades of war and conflict between Israelis and Palestinians that has drawn in outside powers and destabilized the wider Middle East.

you are not going to pull a "Trump" fake news, now, are you?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 24,Oct,23 11:51 other posts 
"but, if you mean the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, then,"
Of course, it's an analogy. Just like the other two examples.

Do you think it's not a fair analogy? If not, why not?
Have you seen what happens in Gaza now?
Do they show you or is it censored in the US?
By #610414 24,Oct,23 11:56
It's on every news and talk show every day. If you mean the utter devastation caused by the continual Israeli bombing, showing the dead and maimed Palestinians, yes. It's not censored but not explicit. We don't need to see human insides on the pavement. Look, I understand what you are trying to say, but, in this case, I stand with Israel.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 24,Oct,23 13:45 other posts 
Israel is allowed to defend itself, but not like this.
I do not pick sides, when both sides are doing evil.
I just want the killing and suffering to end.

What do you see as the outcome of this? Does this solve anything?
Is this allowing Israel to administer revenge, until they feel satisfied?
Is leveling Gaza going to prevent future attacks? For how long?
Don't you think Hamas will be back with a vengeance in a few years?
And then what, do it all over again?
By #610414 24,Oct,23 14:30
No, it won't solve anything. These people have been at each other's throats for too long. Only Israel can say when they will stop. The pain and suffering of the innocents is heartbreaking......on both sides.
Yes, Hamas will return or some like group. Sometimes, people look at the near future only. In this case, I believe Israel reached a point where it wants some tranquility. You have to admit that it doesn't matter who threw the first punch long ago. The problem is with the present.
History does tend to repeat itself.
By phart [Ignore] 24,Oct,23 19:40 other posts 
Israel has not conquered the middle east because every damn time they get hit with terrorist attacks the rest of the world keeps holding them back, telling thm to act rationally;proportianionly, as in tit for tat,
It is past time to let Israel do what needs to be done to END the violence. If the muslims aint got no more sense than to side with hamas or hazbrola or some other nit shit terrorist group, then blow them to hell.
By #610414 24,Oct,23 20:51
With reasonable care
By phart [Ignore] 25,Oct,23 09:34 other posts 
Flying in on hang gliders with machine guns on the 7th to a party wasn't with reasonable care was it?
there are times that call for dealing with a problem once and for all, and this is 1 of them. Problems with israel have been going on for decades,time to end it so the world can get on with fixing other problems.
the aid being sent there could be going elsewhere to folks who need it that didn't kill their way into the situation they are in.
By #610414 25,Oct,23 09:50
I do understand what you are saying, but, someone has to be the better man.
--------------------------------------- added after 27 seconds

Hamas is a horrible organization. Israel is not.
"time to end it"
Which means bombing or starving 2 million people to death?
I would like this to end too, but not in a Holocaust.

The realistic solution would be to force Egypt to take in ALL Palestinians as refugees and then let Israel take the whole Gaza strip. That would be less of a crime against humanity than flattening Gaza and then keep te surviving population starving among the rubble. You are literally asking Israel to starve every last person in Gaza. That would make them worse than anything any terrorist has ever done. It's even worse than Hitler's gas chambers. Do you really want the US to be complicit in that?

However, I don't think Netanyahu will end Gaza or Hamas.
He needs both Gaza and especially Hamas, to justify his killing and stealing the rest of the West bank.
Just like he propped up Hamas before, he will do it again, so Hamas can start bombing Israeli's again ASAP, and then Netanyahu can rinse and repeat this over and over and over, while stealing the rest of the West bank.

You are being horrible to support genocide.
And you are a dumb-ass to think Israel wants to solve anything.
By #610414 26,Oct,23 13:07
You are blaming us for the actions of the Egyptians. We would help with
The cost and logistics.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 27,Oct,23 09:55 other posts 
I'm blaming the US first, because the US funds and arms Israel and Israel made a deal with Egypt to not accept Palestinians. Egypt doesn't want to either, because no one wants to accept Palestinians. Still, the US could force all parties involved to fully evacuate the Gaza strip. Let all those oil states take care of those Palestinians. They keep sending Hamas weapons and the US keeps selling them weapons. How about you ask them something back for your 'friendship'?

The US funds and arms Egypt too. Don't you find it incredibly strange how much your presidents cuck themselves to Israel? YOU PAY THEM and arm them and they get cocky with you.

You know why both Trump and Biden suck up to Netanyahu? Because there are lots of Pro-Israel Super-PACs giving contributions to the candidates of both parties. A lot of them aren't even Jews or Israelis, they are Christian conservative fundamentalists, who see Israel as important to their religion.

Those Christian fundamentalists are the same people who fill your politics and your airwaves with pro-Israel propaganda.
I'm not affected by that propaganda, because our politics isn't as muddled by campaign contributions and because we don't have that many Christian fundamentalists muddling in our politics and our media. Neither Israel nor Palestine mean anything to me. They are just two cultures fighting to live on the same plot of dust and rocks. I see one culture being sneaky bastards and constantly being dicks tot the other culture and I see the other culture lashing out in horrible hatred and violence, which is then answered with faux indignation and 10 times the violence.
There is no good vs bad, it's only and all fucking evil shit.

And what I find mostly ridiculous, is how people can think that there is an all-powerful, omniscient, and all-benevolent god in control of this all. There are three major religions involved and I see nothing but evil, petty, human stupidity at work.
By #610414 27,Oct,23 10:24
Baby, that’s the MONEY that talks….and maybe, the religious nuts
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 27,Oct,23 10:28 other posts 
Honey, we really agree on that.
Israel hasn't conquered the Middle East, because 10 million people cannot win in a war against 400 million people.
That's like my country trying to conquer all the rest of Europe.

Israel has a pretty strong defense force, but Pakistan, Turkey, Egypt and Iran are stronger.
By phart [Ignore] 25,Oct,23 09:35 other posts 
it's not the numbers, if your theory was true,ukraine would be under russian rule already.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 25,Oct,23 10:20 other posts 
If Ukraine didn't get massive military aid, they would be.
The attacking force always requires more soldiers and more weapons to make a dent against the defending force.
OK, Ukraine is still standing, but what chance do you think Ukraine would have had, when they had attacked Russia?
By #610414 25,Oct,23 09:59
The traffic cop (the US) wouldn’t allow it, but, let me remind you that Nazi Germany had about 80 million when they conquered Europe and other areas. Israel has the advantage of a very strong military and weapons of mass destruction.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 25,Oct,23 10:48 other posts 
Pakistan has nuclear weapons too. More than Israel.
They could protect an Islamic ally.

Which countries could Israel conquer or be allowed to conquer realistically? Maybe Lebanon and Syria, because those countries are not really friends of the West. The West would not allow Israel to attack Jordan and Egypt. The other Muslim countries are behind those other countries. If Israel would want to attack Iraq or Iran, they would be at war with all the other Muslim countries too. Israel is very small. Sure, they have a strong military, but the combined force of the other Middle Eastern countries can wipe them off the map in no time. Those nukes are useless. If they use them, they start a nuclear war and get obliterated instantly. It only takes a few nukes to end Israel, but it takes many to end all those Middle Eastern countries. The US is not going to back them up. That's not being a traffic cop, that's protecting your own oil interests.
By #610414 25,Oct,23 11:17
What’s in it for me?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 25,Oct,23 12:03 other posts 
Maybe it doesn't always feel like it to you, but you got
very cheap fuel prices. I still pay $7.77/gallon for Euro95,
and that's at the cheapest gas station in the area.
Don't you pay less than half that?
By phart [Ignore] 25,Oct,23 12:36 other posts 
That high cost is in part because the suppliers know you are at their mercy.We have our own as a country if they charge us to much.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 26,Oct,23 05:36 other posts 
True, lucky you. But your oil comes at a high price too.
What is left can only be extracted by fracking.
This is destroying your dwindling water sources.
You're sacrificing your agriculture and health, for oil.

That's why alternative energy isn't just the smart thing
to do to reduce climate change. It also reduces pollution.
And it reduces our dependency on horrible tyrannical regimes, like Saudi Arabia and Russia.
By #610414 25,Oct,23 15:52
Right now I pay $3.02 US/gallon at a BJ'S wholesale club store.
By #681164 04,Nov,23 12:32
It’s now $2.92/gal at BJ’s
By tecsan [Ignore] 05,Nov,23 01:52 other posts 
You both have it better than me biden gasoline is 2.69 at my nearest place to purchase it.
By #610414 05,Nov,23 10:26
For those prices, I have to go at least 25-30 years back in time.

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