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Kneeling before the American Flag during the National Anthem...

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Started by tecsan [Ignore] 14,Sep,20 02:27  other posts
Protests (peaceful that is) are ok, but kneeling before the American Flag???That is a disgrace and dishonor...Why do many want to dishonor our American Vets...Yes, I admit this is a free Country, so feel free overpaid athletes to disrespect it if that is how you feel...There are other ways to protest is all that I am trying to get across...Saddens me to see people kneeling before the Nations Flag while the National Anthem is playing...Actually, tearful... ༼☯﹏☯༽

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By #610414 29,Sep,20 10:10
Bella! only registered users can see external links

I'm leaving. My work is done 3

By tecsan [Ignore] 25,Sep,20 22:33 other posts 
Disrespect for the flag or our Country is not a protest...Call it what it looks like...༼☯﹏☯༽
By phart [Ignore] 26,Sep,20 10:06 other posts 
Instead of taking a knee,just burn the pay check

By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Sep,20 04:30 other posts 
It could be worse I’ve seen the Iraq’s burn our flags
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Now that is an outrage
By #610414 14,Sep,20 10:04
To you, maybe, but to Iraqis it's the flag of an occupying foreign country. You would burn the Iraqi flag on a heart beat if you could.
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Sep,20 11:01 other posts 
I might piss on an Iraqi flag but I don’t believe in burning flags or books it’s against my religious belief
By #610414 14,Sep,20 13:12
Even during the Vietnam Nam war?
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Sep,20 14:37 other posts 
Hunny I was born in 1962 i only remember the tail end of that war
By #610414 14,Sep,20 15:14
By phart [Ignore] 14,Sep,20 17:38 other posts 
I was born in 67,but really didn't get to know my uncle for a long time after he got back from Nam in late 69 I think.
He couldn't sleep for the night mares and would wake up screaming,shaking,took him several years to put on some weight. having to watch his comrades shoot children with bombs tied to them to save him and others took it's toll.
By tecsan [Ignore] 21,Sep,20 05:01 other posts 
Kind of like I have said, if you were not there, then you have no right to judge those that were there...༼☯﹏☯༽
By tecsan [Ignore] 21,Sep,20 04:59 other posts 
Love that...Agree with you... ༼☯﹏☯༽
By #551147 14,Sep,20 14:01
Oh DGraff,

It's surely an "outrage" if some foreigners choose to degrade, disrespect the symbol of our nation. At this point though, not much of a surprise anymore.

It's a completely different story and far more contentious coming from a fellow citizen. It's the internal haters of our country that will destroy us faster than any sand dune navigator.

BEWARE of the America hating lowlifes within, they are far worse and multiplying.

It reminds me of that old adage about "biting the hand that feeds you". Unno, the unthankful, ungrateful, unappreciative kind?

Here's a sample of some foreigners who love our Country...
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Only flag visible in the crowd, is ours!

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By tecsan [Ignore] 21,Sep,20 02:37 other posts 
Well said, especially the last line...༼☯﹏☯༽
By #551147 21,Sep,20 04:00
With the current and abrupt condition of our country, it reminds me of a few quotes from the past. The very past the nutjobs want to erase.

“A house divided against itself cannot stand.”

"United we stand, divided we fall"

"Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant to step the ocean and crush us at a blow? Never! All the armies of Europe, Asia, and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest, with a Bonaparte for a commander, could not by force take a drink from the Ohio river or make a track on the Blue Ridge mountains in a trial of a thousand years. At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer. If it ever reach us it must spring up amongst us; it cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen we must live through all time or die by suicide."

Has that time come upon us?

🇺🇲 TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸
By tecsan [Ignore] 21,Sep,20 04:51 other posts 
I could understand in Iran, but Iraq???༼☯﹏☯༽

By tecsan [Ignore] 21,Sep,20 04:57 other posts 
According to the libs here...It is ok if the end justifies the means...So screw the tears if they do not belong to them...And forget the past, wow they do not want anyone to remember the civil war and the partisan sides there...༼☯﹏☯༽

By tecsan [Ignore] 21,Sep,20 02:50 other posts 
When I buy a ticket to a game, I expect to have a good time and not have to watch a damn bunch of protesters...You want to protest then sell tickets to it...Bet that will not generate much profit...༼☯﹏☯༽

By phart [Ignore] 14,Sep,20 17:00 other posts 
Kneeling for the flag to me means alot of things.Most of it is total disrespect for the country and everyone that has ever fought for it and perhaps even died for it.
1 thing it has done successfully.It has been yet another divideing tool of the left that is working quite well.
And division of any group means easier to conquer.
By tecsan [Ignore] 21,Sep,20 02:34 other posts 

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 14,Sep,20 12:50 other posts 
Honoring the flag or the national anthem is not part of our upbringing or education. There's not a lot of Dutch people who care if you burn it, piss on it or take a shit on it.
In school we learn tolerance is the most important virtue of Dutch people. It is not necessarily true, but that is what most Dutch people are proud off.

Late in the previous millennium, there was a craze of skinheads with bomber-jacks wearing the Dutch flag. They were wearing it as a sign they hated all immigrants. They said they didn't wear it out of racism, but for nationalist pride. Still, they were not shy about their racism either. So, if all the racist fucks are wearing the Dutch flag on a bomber-jack and you do it too, it might just be a symbol for your fucking racism.

Since then, the Dutch flag has had a bad association with me. A few years ago, our government decided they wanted a Dutch flag in the plenary hall of the House of Representatives. I had mixed feelings about that. In 2018 they exchanged it for an even bigger one. I don't like it. I prefer being proud about my country, without any symbolism to show it.
By tecsan [Ignore] 21,Sep,20 02:33 other posts 
Well if that is the kind of country you want to believe in and live in then so be it...Symbolism is history, like it or not...But I do not think any country's flag should be disrespected...Just my opinion...༼☯﹏☯༽

By #574505 19,Sep,20 20:45
What if you have bad back and knees what to do?
By phart [Ignore] 19,Sep,20 20:59 other posts 
Put your hand over your heart and stand still for a minute or 2 until the pledge and anthem are as I do,as i have those issues and others that you speak of,lean your self against something.No one will notice or if they do,they will notice you doing the best you can.
By #574505 19,Sep,20 21:25

By #623135 19,Sep,20 12:31

By #592419 18,Sep,20 19:28
[deleted image]
By tecsan [Ignore] 18,Sep,20 20:55 other posts 
This is probably the best I have seen all year...༼☯﹏☯༽
By phart [Ignore] 19,Sep,20 09:05 other posts 
Um I like Gummy Bears,cause I aint got no teef.! Said the 88 year old Obama
By #592419 19,Sep,20 11:58

By phart [Ignore] 17,Sep,20 11:58 other posts 
1 thing is proven by this thread.No one's mind is going to be changed on this issue.
A person's life expericances shape who they are.And on something this deep in the core of a person,it would take more than mere words to change it.
By #610414 18,Sep,20 17:48
[deleted image]
By phart [Ignore] 19,Sep,20 09:04 other posts 
And this has to do with what?
By #610414 19,Sep,20 09:57
It has to do with my dislike of Bella!

By #607259 18,Sep,20 18:10
Actually we need to force people stand for it! Punishable by death if you don’t stand for it. Also change it to the Sieg Heil salute and recite "Heil, mein Führer!" “Heil, trump!”
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 18,Sep,20 18:56 other posts 
Flags are so 2016. I have a better idea:
They need to get 10.000 people standing in a square of 100 by 100 people, each holding part of a picture of their dear leader, Donald J. Trump.

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 18,Sep,20 16:29 other posts 
Tecsan, you are a latte liberal at best. This is what your BLM pals do...

By phart [Ignore] 15,Sep,20 11:47 other posts 
with all the bullshit going on in the world I just spoke with the neighbor and he showed me a video of his 3 year old grand daughter. In DAYCARE she was taught the Pledge to the flag and she said it word for word at 3 years old!. From what I understand that day care is private owned and has been getting alot of donations because of the good they are doing for the kids. The kids go to kindegarten already counting and so forth as well.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 15,Sep,20 12:03 other posts 
Sure, you need to start indoctrination as young as possible.
By phart [Ignore] 15,Sep,20 14:40 other posts 
Just as liberals would apparently with their kids to make sure they kept the idea of Whirled Peas in the air.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 16,Sep,20 11:34 other posts 
No kids in The Netherlands do ever need to pledge or stand up or show respect to, every morning or ever at all, to anything, not even to world peace.
There are no flags in the classroom. Maybe outside of some schools there might be a Dutch flag and some teacher would have the task to raise and lower it. No one is asked to show respect to that either.
That might result in less people ready to sacrifice themselves in war.
And yes, I'm absolutely sure that helps world peace.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 15,Sep,20 16:41 other posts 
Kids shouldn't be indoctrinated in religious matters like this.
By phart [Ignore] 15,Sep,20 18:07 other posts 
Nor with BLM type matter either.
By #188992 15,Sep,20 18:10
phart Did you hear the recent bit of news about the kindergarten in California (for 2 to 4 year olds) that has "gender neutral" toilets?

You couldn't make this stuff up, the world's gone mad.
By phart [Ignore] 15,Sep,20 21:10 other posts 
Coming from the state of California,nothing surprises me.All we can do in the rest of the country is hope the shit don't get caught in the jet stream and spread.Stupidity is the REAL virus threat,and it spreads thru the air.
And don't tell me shit don't get all the way over here riding the jet stream,Mount Saint Helens smoke got this far to the east coast.
By #188992 16,Sep,20 15:56
Sorry dude. You know when I said "you couldn't make this stuff up", that's exactly what I did.

Just my sense of mischief, and to see what happens when you simply lie. As far as I know, not a single Californian kindergarten has done that.

If you get a chance watch "The Social Dilemma". I recently watched it on Netflix. Seriously making me think about ditching all my online presences (including this one).
By phart [Ignore] 16,Sep,20 17:17 other posts 
I didn't bother confirming it or whatever,As I said,nothing surprises me from there.
After reading this.
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I didn't make that up.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 16,Sep,20 17:39 other posts 
* * * * = p e d o
I totally agree with you on this. I don't understand it exactly, but it sounds fucked up.
Also they somehow think vaginal sex with a minor is somehow less bad than oral or anal. Does it also matter if who does what to whom? I don't think fucking a little girl is somehow better than sucking off a little boy. Does that have something to do with religion that vaginal sex is somehow better than oral or anal? It's both horrible, but it would involve more pain for the girl. Off-course fucking a boy is worst.

In any case, why be so specific about offenses like this. Comparing criminality for each specific case is a job for the judiciary.
By #610414 16,Sep,20 20:22
Phart, that is what PreK is suppossed to do

By #621142 14,Sep,20 10:11
Fuck off. That's not what it's about and you fucking know it. I'm sick of the fucking BLATANT fucking lies like this bullshit.
By #551147 14,Sep,20 13:08
You're right 4SkinShowoff,

It is "fucking BLATANT fucking lies" that Black people are being hunted for sport by whitey and or more specifically white cops. Or how about that "systemic racism", "fucking BLATANT fucking lie". There's a doozie!

You'd think if they wanted to use their prominence and platform for good (athletes). They'd encourage education, how to be a law abiding citizen, stay off drugs, OR if you simply MUST break the law and get caught, to simply COMPLY! Seems pretty fucking easy to me.

I won't even mention the biggest "fucking BLATANT fucking lie" know as B.L.M.

Once again, you are SO right, it's ALL "bullshit" and them athletes should "fuck off" for sure!
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 14,Sep,20 13:16 other posts 
Tim Black on systemic racism:
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By #551147 14,Sep,20 14:42

Who the hell is that guy!

How about Larry Elders take:
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Dr.Thomas Sowell's take:
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--------------------------------------- added after 21 minutes

How about a FANTASTIC interview of Professor Carol Swain:
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 15,Sep,20 04:31 other posts 
Just a video I saw about the subject.

Here is a video that explains systemic racism, so a five your old can understand it:
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I will watch your video's. Maybe I will comment one their arguments or maybe I will just discredit them by their identity, like you just did.
By #551147 15,Sep,20 05:11
Excuse you!

I didn't discredit anyone! I watched the whole video cause you apparently wanted someone to see it. I noticed no one else commented. I always have an open mind for change, I'm still unswayed. I merely asked who he was.

You can watch or not watch the gotdamned videos, that's your freedom. If you want to continue living in ignorant bliss, that's YOUR choice.

As far as your backhanded insult about a 5 year old being able to "understand it". Huxley999 presented that VERY same video, as "proof" of the continued existence of "systemic racism", a long time ago in Bella!'s Stuff. To which I posted a counter video
➡️ only registered users can see external links. He got busy with real life and NEVER got back to me. Nevertheless, my counter video can be understood by a 5 year old also, and even narrated by a white person like yours is.

🇺🇲 M.A.G.A 2020 🇺🇸
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 16,Sep,20 11:57 other posts 
OK, it was a childish video.

Off-course, Ben Shapiro. He really does a good impersonation of an intelligent person. Sadly he's not.

That's me just discrediting him.

I was in for 30 seconds of his arguments and I've already found one of his usual sophism's. It was the Democrats who made the law that children can only go to schools in their own district. How is that disproving the argument of systemic racism? Democrats are at fault too, so it doesn't exist?

Sorry, no more time now. I hope to continue soon. Sometimes Ben has good arguments too, by accident and sheer volume. Not so far, however.
By #621142 16,Sep,20 06:06
You mean the fucking lie that they're kneeling to disrespect vettans and the flag when everyone fucking knwos that's a fucking lie?
Huge fucking lie and no one is fucking buying it.

The guy is trying to call attention to something important to him in a non violent and COMPLETELY RESPECTFUL way and y'all bitch about it like fucking melting fucking snowflakes. And then you wonder why they get louder and form groups like BLM.

The dude felt strongly enough about it that he put his job on the line and gave up his high paying job just like you fucking wanted and you still try to make it out like he's doing it to shit on our troops or some BULLSHIT like that.

Fuck off.
By phart [Ignore] 14,Sep,20 14:26 other posts 
Not trying to be a ass here but could you give me a trust worthy source of information to verify that the kneeling is actually for something besides disrespect? Not a website to 1 or 2 sports figures but perhaps the website of the founder of this bowel movement.

As for lies,the kneeler supporters lie thru their teeth as well.
By #610414 14,Sep,20 15:24
Phart, this is an article in The Sun. It’s English
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It tells how the original player tried not to be offensive. Remember that he lost over three years of his career.
By phart [Ignore] 14,Sep,20 16:49 other posts 
didn't take but a few words of that for me to understand enough.Apparently he didn't know
Amendment 14
Amendment 15
has covered alot of the ground needed for his quest,long before he was born.
By #610414 14,Sep,20 19:21
Read those amendments again and this time use some heart
By phart [Ignore] 14,Sep,20 20:22 other posts 
no heart needed,but I guess it would be nice.
The plan was laid out.the resources laid they were used or not used is the result we see now.
By #188992 14,Sep,20 17:01
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Lazy git! lol

Link has links to other links. Read the lot - treat yourself, you may even end the day better-educated than you started it!
By phart [Ignore] 14,Sep,20 17:25 other posts 
I know when I went to school we were taught things that are no longer taught.1 thing was to stand up for the flag during the Pledge and during the time the National Anthem was played.The fact these younger folks were not taught this,or were busy smoking in the bathroom is just a sign of a lousy education system and lack of parenting.
They need school,but better school.
And where is that picture that I think Scorps posted of Kapernickle as a cheerleader?
Off course their is some disrespect to it. But it is the least disrespectful pose you can make, if you want to show that sometimes the US doesn't deserve complete admiration and respect, during the national anthem.
They didn't turn their back to it, pulled their pants down, just left during it, shouted "Black lives matter!" or hold up banners. They deliberately choose something with patriotic history.

You are fucking mad about the least offensive protest they could make.

You only care about freedom of speech, when it concerns your speech.
By phart [Ignore] 15,Sep,20 11:45 other posts 
That is not freedom of speach.They are not saying anything. Speach is spoken word.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 15,Sep,20 12:25 other posts 
That's considered "symbolic speech" and is also protected by the First Amendment.
Even burning the flag is protected under the First Amendment. This was decided by the Supreme Court:
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It is spelled 'speech' and not 'speach'.
By phart [Ignore] 15,Sep,20 21:13 other posts 
"You are fucking mad about the least offensive protest they could make. "

No no,that is not the least offensive protest they can make.They can give up their "jobs" and go home and not entertain the sheep that buy the tickets to the "game". That would be the least offensive protest they could make to me.Forfeit the high paying job,go live on the street or under a bridge.That would make a statement.That would be saying "we are with you all the way,Here we are with you now,let's rise up together and make better lives for ourselves"
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 16,Sep,20 07:35 other posts 
Oh sure, that would help.
A protest should be something that people talk about. They certainly achieved that result.

A poll found that 52 percent of Americans answered yes to the question, “Is it OK for NFL players to kneel during the national anthem to protest police killings of African Americans?” The poll found 36 percent of Americans answered no and the rest were not sure.

Seeing your proposal, they will never get any respect from you or the other 36%. This has been a successful protest, because it is not meant for you.

And they sure as hell have risen up together, to fight for a better life.
By #621142 16,Sep,20 06:08
Can you show me a trustworthy source of information to verify that kneeling has ever been anything but respect for the last thousand years. (Knights kneeling, subjects before the crown, kneeling to pray, kneeling to show respect)

Kneeling isn't fucking disrespectful and fuking everyone knows it.
By #188992 16,Sep,20 15:49
This might help:

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