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Kneeling before the American Flag during the National Anthem...

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Started by tecsan [Ignore] 14,Sep,20 02:27  other posts
Protests (peaceful that is) are ok, but kneeling before the American Flag???That is a disgrace and dishonor...Why do many want to dishonor our American Vets...Yes, I admit this is a free Country, so feel free overpaid athletes to disrespect it if that is how you feel...There are other ways to protest is all that I am trying to get across...Saddens me to see people kneeling before the Nations Flag while the National Anthem is playing...Actually, tearful... ༼☯﹏☯༽

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By #632705 02,Aug,21 09:53
Maybe you can get it added to the Constitution that all capable people must stand for the national anthem. But no more hand over the heart. Change it to the Sieg Heil salute! If they don’t stand and do the Sieg Heil salute. they will receive the death penalty. So get your klan together and get the laws changed!

By #623135 16,Jul,21 17:06
"Without Black players, there would be no National Football League and the protests around the country are emblematic of the centuries of silence, inequality and oppression of Black players, coaches, fans and staff. We are listening, I am listening, and I will be reaching out to players who have raised their voices and others on how we can improve and go forward for a better and more united NFL family."
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

The NFL will play the Black national anthem before all games during the 2021 season, including the Sept. 9 kickoff game and the playoffs. as part of a 10-year, $250 million commitment to fighting racism in America, reports say.
By phart [Ignore] 16,Jul,21 19:49 other posts 
I hope they can make it on black fans spending as they have already lost alot of fans.
Same with nascar.
By #623135 16,Jul,21 20:01
I don’t see many empty NFL games
By phart [Ignore] 16,Jul,21 20:09 other posts 
I don't see any thankfully unless they flash over the tv screen when I am trying to find the weather or news.
By #623135 17,Jul,21 07:35
To each their own
By #275407 17,Jul,21 20:46
There's alway white women's football league
By phart [Ignore] 17,Jul,21 20:55 other posts 
Well,they could put a camera on the cheerleaders,to hell with the fat guys chasing a ball.
By #623135 17,Jul,21 22:47

By Gntlmn [Ignore] 11,Jul,21 22:00 other posts 
Aw, swallow some fresh trump diarrhea...then kiss your cousin with the delta variant in your spittle.
By tecsan [Ignore] 15,Jul,21 00:07 other posts 
Kind of ignorant and a funny comment at the same time...
By Gntlmn [Ignore] 17,Jul,21 14:42 other posts 
Go suck more shit, little garden variety fecal spore

By #592419 17,Jul,21 14:21
This is still the best country in the world. Those of you that hate our country then get out !!

This country is so that every man woman and child share the same ideas of freedom. Yet there are ones that are in favor of persecution, marxism, socialism, racism, despair, hatred, suffering and stealing from everyone. You think you are our siblings but you are not..

To Americans the love our flag and human value you are nothing but the filthy stench of microbs of some filthy disease that infest not only in this country but the rest of the world.To destroy love and unity. No, you are not our brothers.

[deleted image]

By #613564 10,Jul,21 05:01
what kind of message about respect, are we sending when SHITHEADS, like Kappernick get fired for kneeling, and then do multi-million advertising campaigns, sponsored by Nike, using child labor in the far east!
Unethical companies, playing on news sound-bites to make BILLIONS, on the backs of kids, in sweat shops, offshore, so labor laws don't apply!
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 10,Jul,21 06:37 other posts 
You're right.
They should 'put their money where there mouth is'. The question is whether they truly have principles or they just want to appear as being principled. Maybe they just calculated that people would forgive their exploitation of poor people, when they appeared to have a conscience. I'm sure they researched their target audience, identified them to be mostly young and liberal and designed their advertising campaigns with the purpose of gaining more customers than they would loose.

Real principles cost money and effort.

Sometimes their messaging might be even more devious. If they don't actually agree, they would support symbolism that provokes the most hostility from the opponents,
the people who actually agree with them. Then they use the backlash as plausible deniability, for not actually acting on their 'principles'.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Jul,21 08:58 other posts 
Well the simple thing to do as citizens that do not agree with nike's methods is to not buy their product.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 10,Jul,21 11:02 other posts 
That is your right. It's actually a principle of capitalism; informed consumers buying
the products they like from the manufacturers they like (and not if they don't).

Didn't the republicans in congress in 2018 try to make it a Federal Crime
to participate in boycott of Israel?
They tried to take away a right, which is one of the most sacred principles of capitalism.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Jul,21 12:59 other posts 
Haven't heard anything about that.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 15,Jul,21 17:18 other posts 

Here is how it's spinned by Marco Rubio:
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Boycott, divestment, and sanctions is exactly what you want to do with Nike,
Coca Cola and other woke companies. That's your right as a consumer or investor.
But they say it is antisemitic when people boycott Israeli products that are made in illegal settlements on Palestinian land. They want to make that choice a crime.

You might like that now, but you know those laws could also be used against you.
By phart [Ignore] 15,Jul,21 19:28 other posts 
You are the only 1 I have heard say anything about Israel made products.I will take a minute to read about by google and see what is going on .
Israel is on land given to the jews in 1945 after a terrible war and loss of 1000's of their people. why that is so hard to understand is beyond me .Palestine should know by now where their border is and stay on that side to stop the fighting.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 17,Jul,21 14:13 other posts 
"Israel is on land given to the Jews in 1945"? WTF!!??

There was a country there called Palestine. There also lived 32% Jews there,
but no one gave that land to the Jews. The British occupied Palestine and helped the Jews take the land for themselves, in a war from 1947 till 1949.
Now the Jews have taken almost all of that land for themselves and imprisoned
all the Palestinians in a tiny patch of land.

How would you like it if we gave your state to the Palestinians?

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By tecsan [Ignore] 11,Jul,21 05:58 other posts 
You just said everything I have been trying to say...Nike sucks hands down...
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 15,Jul,21 17:23 other posts 
Off course, who are making their sneakers? Tiny brown hands.
By phart [Ignore] 15,Jul,21 19:30 other posts 
Sad thing is,they are not even good quality shoes! I was given a pair not long after I got out of high school, they didn't last 3 months until they came apart. and they are made so weird looking, nothing I want to be seen wearing...

By #623135 17,Jul,21 09:36
I'd rather see a knee action than this turd

[deleted image]

By #275407 17,Jul,21 02:57
I kneel before God in church, does that mean I hate the church and God.
By #623135 17,Jul,21 07:37
Only if your family priest stands before you with his cock showing under his cassock

By #614425 16,Jul,21 21:29
if you can not repect our flag, maybe you need to move to another country. I would help buy you ticket

By tecsan [Ignore] 09,Jul,21 01:29 other posts 
Why not let someone in that loves this country, rather than a drop out that kneels before the flag that freed his sorry ass...
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 10,Jul,21 06:12 other posts 
The flag didn't free anyone, it's just a symbol of your country.
Your country didn't free anyone either, it's just a piece of land, legally identified as a distinct entity in political geography.
You owe your freedom to a few wise men who decided that the people had the right to choose representation and then afterwards all representatives who honored that system. That freedom can be taken away if you allow your elected representatives to infringe on that system. The flag will not stop that.
Flags wave in the wind just as proudly above North Korea.

Unconditional love often turns into an abusive relationship.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Jul,21 13:01 other posts 
How do you show support or pride in whatever it is that you might? Be it your country,your family ,your car,your ?whatever? Jump up and down in a skimy thong shouting " DUH"! or driving around in circles or breathing funny? Just how do you show pride in anything?
A flag is a representation of our country,just a emoji here on the forum represents our thoughts.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 12,Jul,21 07:37 other posts 
The flag is a symbol of your country and your citizens are taught to revere that flag, from early childhood. So are the people of North Korea, China and Russia. The fact that you respect the flag says nothing about the ideals behind it.

Actually the ideals behind the flag are aligned with the ideals of those few wise men. However, if the Pledge of Allegiance is a statement of what the flag stands for, there are two problems with it.

'I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all'.
1) Under the 2nd amendment the people have the right of well regulated militia, in order to overthrow your government if it starts infringing on the principles of 'liberty and justice for all'. So why should you pledge 'allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands'? It's your responsibility to not blindly follow your leaders, but watch over them on the principles of 'liberty and justice for all'.
2) The United States was designed to be a secular nation, so 'one Nation under God' should not be in there. Atheists should not be required to recite this version of the pledge. If I lived in your country, I would definitely refuse to participate in the pledge, because it disrespects atheists.

As far is I can find, there is nothing in either the constitution or the amendments requiring allegiance from it's citizens to the Flag or the United States of America
or to the Republic for which it stands.

Your rights of freedom of speech and protest are in your first amendment.
It looks like those few wise men thought those rights were the most important rights.

So if those few wise men wanted the people to watch over your country on the principles of 'liberty and justice for all', protesting the flag to show your country is not following its principles of 'liberty and justice for all' is actually consistent with the principles of those few wise men.

By #592419 10,Jul,21 06:22
[deleted image]
By phart [Ignore] 10,Jul,21 08:57 other posts 

By phart [Ignore] 27,Jun,21 18:42 other posts 
DO we really want someone with this attitude representing us in the olympics?
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If she doesn't have to do anything in sports, but speak for her community she could find a less embarrassing way to the American people to do it instead of this.

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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 28,Jun,21 07:34 other posts 
So what would you consider an acceptable way of clearly visible protest?
If kneeling during the national anthem is already out of the question...

The Scottish turn around and raise their kilts.
I think you Americans are a little bit sensitive about protests.

No one so far has covered your flag in shit
and no one so far has ignored the national anthem
by closing their eyes, putting their fingers in their ears
By phart [Ignore] 28,Jun,21 12:32 other posts 
Well the international olympic rules don't allow what she did so if she does make it to the international event,she better not do no stupid shit or she might loose her metals.

If you want to protest,do it on your time,on your dime.Run naked in the street,do whatever. Just Not at a event representing your country.We are supposed to be sending our best to these events, not our shit stirrers.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 28,Jun,21 15:37 other posts 
Because she's an Olympic athlete, I agree with you for the most part. Athletes who are training for the Olympics are funded by the country. So if she's not willing to represent her country, she should take no funding and go to the Olympics as an independent. Now, this wasn't the Olympics itself, but the trials. The Olympic team should have a talk with her. If she plans to do this during the Olympics, she would go too far and she shouldn't represent your country. I think she should be allowed to wear a banner,
but at least stand there when the national anthem is played. I don't think saluting
is mandatory. They are not soldiers and other countries don't do that either.

I only agree with you for Olympians and other athletes representing their country.
If athletes are representing just a team, that's just big business. That's between them and management. There are limits, but during working time people should have some freedom of expression. That's because the company does have some freedom of expression too and employees should not be expected to completely conform to that. Or do you think employees should work under a complete dictatorship?

How would you feel if you worked for Coca Cola or Nike and you were expected to express all their woke virtue signaling?
By phart [Ignore] 28,Jun,21 16:16 other posts 
If I were working for coke or nike,I would quit my job and seek a job elsewhere. I boycott their products as well. Just as I did at a local wendys yesterday,they ask about drink,I said,you carry coke products so I will pass,give me a large water please.

Employers paying someone to do a job, digging a ditch or kicking a football ,should have a defined dress code that tells a person in general the appearance the company wants to convey. Now coke or nike, they probably don't give a shit if the employees walked around naked with my whiteness is a sin written on their chest.

I know we were not allowed to wear political party related stuff and had to wear full length pants and steel toed shoes.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 28,Jun,21 17:53 other posts 
So, you are OK with employers dictating everything. No freedom during working hours. Well at least it's straightforward. No conflict between employer and employee, because the employer is always right.

I don't agree, but at least you are consistent.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Jul,21 17:42 other posts 
While on the clock,you work for THEM.You are being paid to perform a job,sell a product,etc.NOT express yourSELF.
Self employed people can do as they please.
And they can go broke or make it to the top.
Depends on the image they project.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 06,Jul,21 08:32 other posts 
I've just seen someone explain the terms 'the right' and 'the left' as:

'the right': promoting or preserving hierarchy
'the left': pushing for egalitarianism

Our disagreement seems to confirm that. Do you agree?
It's true that the Olympic rules don't allow protest on the podium, but they have relaxed rules on protest before and after competing.
"It means athletes will now be allowed to take the knee before play begins to highlight racial injustice, speak to the media and post online about their views, or wear clothing with a protest slogan at a press conference."

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By phart [Ignore] 28,Jun,21 17:53 other posts 
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The letter from the US official's regarding this sort of thing mentions respectfully in describing a protest. Turning your back to your nations flag,is not respectable.At least not to sane people.
A little google.
" with deference and respect.
"the butler bowed respectfully to them both"
used to express politeness to mitigate the effect of a refusal or disagreement.
"I must respectfully disagree with your claim"

With this in mind,I think she should be reprimanded or removed from the team.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 30,Jun,21 10:58 other posts 
When you let all the athletes express themselves at the Olympics, you show that
the USA has freedom of expression!

I'm sure the Russian athletes are not allowed to express themselves against Putin,
by showing their support for Alexei Navalny.
Do you want to be like Russia?
By tecsan [Ignore] 05,Jul,21 00:31 other posts 
Really, that is your answer???You have to be proud of your Country to know what I mean...Evidently you hate your country by some of the comments you have made...
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 05,Jul,21 13:58 other posts 
My country is objectively one of the best countries to live in. I don't like the current government, because they've screwed over many of my fellow citizens.
However, that's not a symptomatic problem of my country.

When citizens feel systematically screwed by both parties, because corruption of their representatives makes the problems unsolvable, than eventually people will start blaming the country itself. Why do you think so many people don't vote anymore?
It's their freedom to feel about their country how ever they do. If they hate your country, it's because it didn't threat them right. Maybe they would leave, if they had anywhere else to go.

I am mostly happy to live in my country, but I'm not proud of my country.
I wouldn't even want to be proud of my country, because that will be misused.

Maybe you could ask yourself how good your country has been to you and if it deserves your pride. Aren't you a advocating for people being absolutely independent of their country. Why would you even be thankful of your country, if your country was no help at all, for even being alive? Be proud of yourself and don't fall for propaganda that demands pride of your country.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Jul,21 17:46 other posts 
My country has a military who's member's have given their service and lives to protect it and ME and the rights our constitution provides.Why would I NOT have pride in my country? IF any thing,the way things have went in the past couple years I SHOULD BE loosing my pride.But over the weekend I met so many young people,all telling me they loved my hat,Trump hat, and we all can still have pride in our country because there is still HOPE for a better future as long as the young people can see what is going on and do what is right.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 06,Jul,21 04:30 other posts 
Being proud of the troops is part of your indoctrination. It takes pride to make kids stupid enough to sacrifice themselves for the oil business and lies about weapons
of mass destruction.

I agree with the slogan "Making America Great Again". Trump is great at messaging.
So he's acknowledging America was great in the past and is not anymore.
You also say you HOPE for a better future.

It looks like you see the same problems that I do (mostly) and you even wanted Trump to do something about it. There's one problem; young people CAN see
what is going on and WANT to do what is right, but YOU CAN'T.
Trump fixed nothing. He only made things worse. Maybe Biden will fix little things.
Young people wanted Bernie. He would have fixed a lot.
If the next administration is Republican again, they will fuck you up permanently.

Americans were doing pretty well in the sixties and seventies. With just the father providing for his family, people had prosperity. Why? Because of regulations and taxes on big companies and the rich; the wealth was being shared fairly.
Reagan changed that. He deregulated and cut taxes for big companies and the rich. Then the middle class started getting less prosperous and the rich got richer.
Every administration after Reagan made things worse for normal people.
Now you hardly have a middle class anymore and mostly fucking poor people.
How many fathers can still provide for their family?

So if cutting taxes and deregulation is good for people, why are they in such misery? Americans are the hardest working people in the world. I am doing pretty well, in my relatively socialist country, but I am not working that hard. The Finns and the Danes are doing even better. They don't have to work 40 hours a week, like me.
Finland and Denmark are more socialist than The Netherlands.
(the correct terminology is actually Social democracy)

Socialism is getting very popular in your country. That's because YOU always say healthcare for everyone, taxing the rich, free education and all those other very POPULAR POLICIES ARE SOCIALIST.
Young people hear that and want that. It's great advertisement, for a better future.

So if I'm proud of something, It's Social Democracy, the only system that actually helps people making the best of their life.

By tecsan [Ignore] 06,Jul,21 00:09 other posts 
I have to keep coming back to Kaepernick...He was an idiot and he is a disgrace to the Country...So is n..e...

By tecsan [Ignore] 04,Jul,21 01:11 other posts 
Disgrace how n--e shit on this country...

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