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Discussion Forum on Show It Off

Started by #252915 [Ignore] 12,Aug,12 20:28
How old were you the first time you touched/someone touched your dick/pussy/boobs?

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By #652988 19,Dec,21 10:37
The only time I have a man's dick to touched is when we dp a woman and I like his dick rubbing on mine
By lovetolickyou [Ignore] 04,Feb,25 03:33 other posts 
I love that feeling too

By nekekal [Ignore] 01,Feb,25 15:28 other posts 
I don't really know. I discovered my penis very early in my life and discovered how good it felt to be rubbed, stretched pulled on and generally played with. I must have been 7 or 8 I think. I shared a bedroom with my older brother. Bunk beds. It is not possible to hide the fact that you are playing with yourself in bunk beds. He had the top. So I knew that he was doing the same.

It was only a matter of time until he offered to help. He was 3 years older and a big kid. I was a small kid, but my penis was much, much bigger than his. He really enjoyed being able to handle mine and My smaller hands worked well on his penis. We enjoyed ourselves almost every night. I love someone handling my cock. When my brother was 10 or so, someone showed him how to jack a cock off to cum. He showed me and then I really could not leave my cock alone.

By Newforeskin [Ignore] 30,Jan,25 10:39 other posts 
I had a neighbor girl that liked to play with my balls. I was probably 11! No hair on my balls, she said she liked the smooth skin! I have no idea how she found out about the smooth skin. Unless she had played with the other boys in the neighborhood! Probably did!

By lovetolickyou [Ignore] 26,Jan,25 03:59 other posts 
I think I was seven or eight. I didn't even know why yet, but I knew I liked to touch myself. One night when my parents were going out, they had a young neighbor who was probably twelve or thirteen come and babysit us. After they left and my sister had her bath, I went in for mine. The babysitter, Lynn, came in to check on me just before I was done in the tub. I'm pretty sure she saw me fondling my weiner which was sticking up, and I felt ashamed. I went to bed when I got out of the bathroom. My bedroom didn't have a door so she was able to come to the doorway and look in at me. I was enjoying playing with my weiner and I think she could tell what I was doing under the covers. A bit later, she tiptoed in and gently laid beside me. She put her arm around my shoulders and cuddled me up against her. I still remember the soft bulky green sweater she was wearing, and how I could feel her breasts against my face. Nothing was said, but i could feel her other hand sliding under the covers. My pajamas had an opening for me to pee through and I'd been fondling my weiner that was hard and sticking through the opening. I felt her push my hand away. It felt wonderful - It was the first time anyone except my mom had touched me there. She kept doing it for a long time, and I realized the next day that I'd fallen asleep. I thought about it every time I touched myself and couldn't wait till she babysat again. I wanted her to do that more and feel my face rubbing her breasts through that sweater.
By tb1 [Ignore] 26,Jan,25 06:41 other posts 
Luvly ❤️
By CreativeOne [Ignore] 29,Jan,25 17:52 other posts 
Love to hear the final part of the story...

By Puma76 [Ignore] 24,Jan,25 09:34 other posts 
10/11 ... my friend Peter who was 12 on at sleepover at his house after everyone was asleep 😴

By biguyfunn [Ignore] 23,Jan,25 14:59 other posts 
13-14 and curious so were many others

By Cummingforyou [Ignore] 23,Jan,25 13:27 other posts 
Was 15 and a late starter when got talking to a complete stranger. Long story short we were in a park when he took out his penis and rubbed it . After a minute he asked me to touch it so I did , he knew I was not experienced as I was doing wrong when took over and shot his white cum over my penis which got hard , had no idea what it was . He then grabbed me her which was so pleasant rubbing my foreskin back and forth when after a few minutes , I got this urge to pee . Let him know but he just went faster when I got this incredible pleasure sensation and shot rope after rope of sperm .

By #664918 02,Apr,22 00:10
I was about 7 or 8 when my cousin and I started sucking each other's dicks and licking each other's assholes

By #662360 24,Mar,22 19:10
See my blog “Schooldays: My first hand job.” Age about 14.

By thicknsmooth [Ignore] 16,Mar,22 21:16 other posts 
I was only 8 years old when I was out in the woods with another boy the same age and we sucked each other’s dicks and I fell in love with with sucking dick ever since I don’t think there is anything in the world quite like it

By #631189 03,Aug,21 12:38
About 9-10 with a foster sister who was older than me.

By Sissyfagsub [Ignore] 02,Aug,21 12:15 other posts 
I was about 7or8 when my cousin tied me up and said today got bf here an you going suck his cock an he going measure his cock erection size to your cock an smallest going get to suck Ricky tiny cock bf going fucking me while I slapping your small cock an after we done then we get dress not sissy fag cause got Becky classmate come an see your small cock an boy get cock suck by you and girl going play with your cock an then couple boys pick you up carry you to bathtub in bathroom fill with cold water an we wanted seeing your small cock get to smallest size an showing us then seeing beth wash you an then boys pick you up girls 5eachside of you grab you an boys untied you an girl's carry you outside to garage an taking photo video sissy fag got his cock on cock boys cock got sucking by sissy fag an girl's suck play with fag cock yes cousin was 12,14 an after that day my cousin nephew,sis,bro,uncle and aunt mom had sissy fag sucking cock an cock playing an.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 03,Aug,21 11:55 other posts 
Jeez, that was a mouthful. I understood nothing.

By #536019 20,Jul,20 09:43
I was a bed-wetter until I was 12. Sometimes my father would get me up late at night to walk me, mostly asleep, to the bathroom to pee. Sometimes I would wake up enough to find him holding my penis while I stood in front of the toilet.

By wycowboy [Ignore] 20,Jul,20 08:53 other posts 
About 12. A neighbor girl and I were curious and disrobed. I touched her pussy and she rubbed my cock. I enjoyed the couple minutes it lasted.

By galaxy123 [Ignore] 20,Jul,20 08:48 other posts 
I remember my mother touching my dick to show me how to wash under the foreskin and keep it clean. I must have been about 8 i guess.

By #618071 20,Jul,20 06:30
i guess it was 12 years old, about a year before I knew what cumming was. a girl put my dick in her mouth for a couple seconds and I just remember it feeling warm and kinda tickly.

By #621517 17,Jul,20 14:35
About age 13 or 14 just after I’d started masturbating. Boys at school. We felt each other’s dicks through trousers first. Then as we got bolder we got our dicks out to feel each other and hand job each other.

By #621421 10,Jul,20 12:50
First time I touched my friends dick and he touched mine was around 14.

By #516354 10,May,20 04:24
I was 14 and used to do a paper round.One day my next door neighbour asked if she could come with me(she was also 14).On the round there was a playground with a big play house,she asked if I fancied a cigarette so we went into the play house and started smoking.As we sat there and smoked I kept glancing over at her and could see her panties, which were on view, and started to get a hard on.I had had them before but did not know what to do.She noticed my hard on and asked if she could see 'it' so embarrassingly I stood up an pulled my jeans and pants down.She took hold of cock and started to rub it up and down,she did this for a few minuets and it felt really good.Then told me to do it myself and as I was masturbating she lifted up her skirt and took off panties and started to play with herself.I soon had my first orgasm, shooting my cum all over the floor and stood there red faced and embarrassed not understanding what had happened.She giggled and said it was ok and that she had spied on her older stepbrother a few times and was supposed to happen.We repeated this on several occasions and after a few months we even both got naked and she let me touch her small breasts and her pussy whilst masturbating.

By spermkiss [Ignore] 12,Aug,12 20:58 other posts 
Too young to remember. I was playing with other boy's cocks and they were playing with mine pretty much as soon as I was aware I had a cock. Don't all boys do this? Isn't it part of growing up? Began sucking and getting sucked at less than eight.
By tb1 [Ignore] 09,May,20 14:40 other posts 
As usual, you’re exceptional my friend 👍👍👍
By #616943 09,May,20 20:55
I think a lot of us do.

By #616943 09,May,20 14:01
Pussy and dick at 6.

By #220845 13,Aug,12 12:43
Single digits

By #64328 13,Aug,12 05:08
I was 8 when a friend was teaching me about jacking off. Everytime I started get close to orgasm I kept stopping.So he just grabbed it and took me past the point of no return and I was hooked.

By #291694 12,Aug,12 21:11
I was 15 the first time I got rubbed on the outside of my pants. The sad part is that went on for a few months before I got the courage to let him touch my vagina.
By slipper [Ignore] 12,Aug,12 22:58 other posts 
I'd be MORE than happy to help make up for your delay NOW!!!

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