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New Comment Rating: 1 Similar topics: 1.does anyone remember lep54? Monted's bottom 2.Gang of Cunts- the 1 percenters 3.Freddy.. This is a threat. 4.PA-FREDDY EXPOSED 5.Cut and Paste- The Saggy Granny and her Limp Knob Edition! Comments: |
Twenty days earlier:
Back at the trailer Charles aka Diabeto, aka Woody58 had woken up after being tossed in the corner like the bag of garbage he was. Chained up and given a bowl of water a dog had a better life. The toss must have triggered his sphincter and he had once again shit himself. Back in prison he had earned the nickname Squirt, but unlike the drink nothing about his fluid was citrus flavored or refreshing. He was still in a foul mood, and he was going to let the shit for brains blonde Candy, aka CAT, aka member #578610 have it good this time. He figured a few blows to her head with the old frying pan would knock some sense into her. He figured wrong, Candy or the Saggy Granny would be lucky to be placed in the same intellectual category as a sea cucumber or bag of shaved cunt hairs. Hell, she even resembled one most days with her deformed squishy body. From her flabby gelatinous body with her palsy ridden appendages hanging uselessly at her sides, her squishy pug like down syndrome face, and tits that sagged past her belly. Back in prison his homies Leroy and Elray would have given her the name Bootydo, because her stomach sticks out more than her booty do. A true site lump and convicted sex crimes enabler.
Old Chuckles bellowed out for old lady Woodward to come clean him up and to feed him, but silence greeted him. He waited for a few minutes and then started to use his natural retard strength and started to grab anything in arms distance and had a conniption fit. He screamed profanities at the top of his lungs, and cursed the day he met her back at the day camp for retards when she was only 16. Although he no longer found women, or men over the age of 12 attractive and hadn’t been able to get an erection without the thought of being violently ass fucked by black men with huge penises, thinking about how he had groomed the bitch at an early age got him going. Well to his knowledge anyway, his daddy and her uncle had popped that cherry way before he ever could. He recalled Saggy telling him all about it and what she said after it happened: Get off me uncle, you are crushing my cigarettes! It was a strange feeling to have a boner again, and Woody58 decided to use his alone time to pleasure himself. So, he used his arms to drag his chicken nugget like body to the family photo album and decided to fap off to a pic of his palsy ridden granddaughter. This may be shocking or disgusting to anyone reading this, but this is the reality of a convicted sex offender. Someone should have hanged the cunt by his tiny balls years ago. Neighbors would later report the sounds coming from the tin can with a roof, as being akin to a baby seal getting clubbed. They hadn’t heard noises like that since Mongo had lived outside chained to the doghouse. A known scummy family!
Back at Mongos place, 20 days earlier.
Mongo was outraged that Mama Saggy Tits had been booted off her beloved site. She had tweaked what really happened, making him believe her site trolls were responsible. It was because she was willingly married to convicted child molester and gave too many details about her pathetic life. Instead, she ran like a weak pathetic coward, just like her Daddy Ted. She would soon regret ever coming to this the site. It would be a day she would never forget! And the best part she did this to herself thinking should could operate with impunity here. What would her scummy cruise director job think of her pictures and posts? And her nefarious dark past?
Mongo grew up not knowing what Diabeto being a ped0phile meant. He was still relatively young when Chuckles was released from prison. He just knew Mama Saggy had a harder time earning any money for washing winkies in her kitchen sinky at the truck stop. Mongo had a limited intellect but knew he had to stay away from Diabeto, not only because he was mean and hit Mongo, or called him bad names, but because Diabeto liked to touch Mongos goo-goo. Mongo learned to just stay outside like a dog. Mongo wanted to help Mama Sags out, but even will his damaged brain, he knew better than to just hand over his phone and keys. The first step was to get the Sags-itatrius a better phone. Possibly a Trac-Phone so he could call his battered mammy. Or better yet, so she could call 911 on scummy Charlie! Then again, she had never done this before. She would rather take a savage beating and have all kinds of kitchen gadgets shoved up her rat cunt than see Charlie back in jail. At his advanced age, he would either be killed in the yard or would just die of old age behind bars. Because of their low social and economic station, they had no money for a proper funeral. That meant the county would be responsible for the burial, which mean Charlie would be cremated and then once a month, a boat would go off shore and dump the remains at sea. Why waste the diesel on a boat trip when the cunt could just be flushed down the shit stained toilet!
Mongo, Rhanda-Lynn, and the old bag of sag, got in his truck and decided to head over to Dollar General for a new Trac Fone! Saggy was upset she wouldn’t be getting a new iPhone, or a Samsung Galaxy, and pouted, making her squishy downs face look like she was having a stroke. Mongo hated it when Mama made that face. Even he didn’t look that retarded. Having a fit, she knocked over the display case, and demanded she at least get a Motorola plopping onto the floor like a little kid. Horrified as people stared at the fat old hag on the floor throwing a tantrum like a petulant toddler and laughing, Mongo was embarrassed and grabbed a cheap model Samsung. Feeling appeased, Saggy demanded to be pulled up. This was no easy feat for Rhanda-Lynn and Mongo as Saggy was something of a Spartan. Not because she was athletic or a warrior, but because she took all 300 hundred pounds with her everywhere she went. Once Saggy was back up she huffed and grabbed a few bottles of Mountain Dew, and some other snacks to hold over appetite as they headed to the register.
Back in the truck Rhanda-Lynn had to help open the phone package for Saggy as she couldn’t figure out how to open the carboard box. A genius the shit for brains was not. Saggy was lucky if she could solve the crossword puzzles on the children’s place mats at Denny’s. Rhanda-Lynn wasn’t that much better. Mongo growing frustrated grabbed the box and chewed it open like a rat with rabbies. Saggy started slapping her old lady flippers together like a seal and barking in joy. She finally had a new phone! Better yet, one that she could use to access the cock site whenever she pleased. We shall see how long she can afford the monthly bill! It takes big money to load a pre-paid phone every month!
The first thing Saggy did was open the browser and made an account on site using the new Gmail account she got with her new phone. She decided to be sneaky and used the handle of Big Eddie. She wanted to head over to forum and post about her beloved Biden but knew she would have to lay low for a few days. It would give her time to steal someone’s DL to get around the pic verification, and so she could snap some pics of Chuckles dead flaccid penis to use on site. As much as she wanted to post 40-year-old pics of her two-death warmed over titties, she knew it would cause everyone to gag and she would be recognized instantly. Very few women on site had such revolting old lady tits that sagged so badly as Saggy Granny. And her rat cunt did not look any better. More like an Arby’s sandwich that took a direct hit from a grenade! Her tits looked like a pair of socks someone had filled with partially sand and tied around her belly button. So instead, she once again left her CAT turds on Pharts page. What did Phart do to deserve this punishment!?
Next Rhanda-Lynn took over and downloaded the Uber Eats driver app. Now, this would be the tricky part. Since she wouldn’t pass a background check (especially being married to a convicted sex offender), Mongo had to clip on her ponytail and put on some red lipstick all over his chin and teeth and scrunch up his face to look like Mama. Poor mongo looked worse than a rented donkey in Honduras! They were hoping he could pass himself off as being trans. He was already retarded looking so this was easy enough to make it seem like he was Saggy’s twin. His name was pretty gender neutral, and they figured the people doing the verifications would just assume he was named after the fruit. Now she needed a car and was hoping to use Mongo’s truck. Rhanda-Lynn’s piece of shit would never pass inspection by the Uber Eats team! Mongo had a better plan!
Mongo had some money stashed that he had saved and so he drove over to a car lot to get her a used car. Saggy became pissed. She wanted to drive his truck! Mongo told her he needed it for work, it was one of the first of many lies he would tell his Mama. Saggy sulked.
They settled on a used Nissan Rouge that had extremely heavy hail damage on the bumper, and faded paint. Rhanda-Lynn laughed and said that the bumper matched up with Saggys body, and it was a perfect fit. Saggy flew into a rage and started cussing her out calling her a homo and wetback. Knowing the old bag wouldn’t stop, Rhanda-Lynn reached into her purse and pulled out an Arby’s Beef and Chedder. The Saggy titted septuagenarian couldn’t resist and started to stalk her friend around the parking lot like a lion that hadn’t eaten in ten years. Rhanda-Lynn made soothing noises to calm that fat bitch down while she practically gnawed her hand off getting to the sandwich as Mongo tried his best to work out a deal. It was not a fair fight. The car salesman made the deal so bad that even a retard would not sign it! But it was the only way to get them approved with their low credit score.
With his limited intellect Mongo got a terrible deal, but the dealership agreed to toss in a cage on wheels that attached to the back of the rouge for no charge. Although he wanted nothing to do with anything that would help Diabeto out, this would be perfect for his harness when he was riding with Mama. Better yet Saggy could also use it to tow her granddaughter’s wheelchair. Even better than that was a bumper sticker that said Ridin’ for Biden 2020. The Biden campaign is still selling the same bumper sticker… in 2024! The old cunt does not even know what year it is.
Saggy happily peeled it off the backer and proudly placed it on the cage. Mongo finished the transaction, and handed over the insurance card, and paperwork to Mama. Saggy and Rhanda-Lynn got into her new-used rogue and quickly logged in and got the insurance requirements met, and soon the idiots were off to make their first delivery. The notification came in for a delivery offering $2.99 USD, and an added tip of $5.00 if she got it there warm. Saggy quickly accepted, and she was directed to Arby’s… The cunt will definitely stick her fat fingers into the bag for a taste!
Stayed tuned for part three.
--------------------------------------- added after 68 minutes
Uncle Sir-Skittles do you think you could help me to re-connect with my Mommy
Please forgive me for what I said or did. I'm sorry. Please remove me from your blacklist
--------------------------------------- added after 85 seconds
Do you think that might work uncle PITBULL I hope so, I miss Mommy
Where my Mommy gone, I love you Mommy 🥹
👉 /blogs/57994.html 👈
Your notes on #578610
to your profile to your friends list to your black list ALL your notes
These are your personal notes on this member. Other members will not be able to see them. It's just for you to remember what good or bad impressions and experiences you had about this member.
Be warned that somewhere in future we may allow paid members to see the notes left on them without disclosing the authors, only texts. So, if you want to write something nasty - you may wish to do not write anything that may lead the member back to you.
A dirty old cunt! Overweight, fat, and a site lump. A total piece of rotten cunt.
She is married to a scummy convicted felon and sex offender. A known scummy bastard who should be ashamed at what he did. Lives in a single story dumpster and goes to visit her dead daddy's grave only once a year. She will find something she will never forget on that grave soon!
Reason: Old hag that likes knowing her hubby molested and raped an **** kid. Probably likes dressing up in diapers and wishing he did it to her. Also lets her hubby fuck her retarded grandkid.
Your black list
#578610 /CAT a/k/a saggy granny Expose
The saggy granny is back this time with this profile number;#578610 . This is the same pathetic bitch with so many profiles here and posting pictures of more than 20 years old.
She now has 4 pictures on her profile. The first picture on her page is a picture from 1991.
befriended by 4 members
she blacklisted 2; me and Sir-Skittles
she was blacklisted by 5 members now.
Her husband was charged in 1991 by Florida as a sexual predator while they were married. This tells you CAT is not giving her nasty husband Woody58 any sex. Some of my sources here have told me CAT does not give Woody any oral sex at all. The worst part is that a desperate gay guy gave Woody58 oral sex at a mall in Miami 1 year ago.
Get ready for attacks Saggy Granny
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes
She is a filthy disgusting pig & need to be elimated from the site
Fuck you and your scummy ex con husband, Cat!
If I were you... I would be mindful of any law enforcement vehicles in your area!
But prison is no fairy tail.
Whether you can lose your pension for gross misconduct depends on the type of pension you have and state laws:
Public pensions
30 states have laws that allow for the forfeiture or garnishment of public pensions. Of those, 15 states will revoke or garnish an employee's pension if they are convicted of a felony related to their job misconduct. For example, in Delaware, a surviving beneficiary who murders a member of a public retirement system forfeits their right to a survivor benefit.
Federal pensions
Federal employees are generally entitled to their vested retirement benefits, even if they are fired for cause, poor performance, or other reasons. However, there are some limited exceptions to this rule.
Defined benefit pensions
These pensions are guaranteed as long as certain situations don't arise. For example, if you are fired from your job, your pension contributions will stop, but your pension will remain. This is called an "old pension" and it's dormant, meaning it won't receive any more contributions. However, the value of your pension benefits could decrease.
Cat is back! Prepare to be destroyed Saggy Tchir!
SECTION 501 SITE 261- go visit yer dead daddy!
--------------------------------------- added after 46 minutes
Sorry I haven’t responded in four days, I was out of town.
Vote in the abuse panel to delete this cunt
30,Jun,24 07:44 Sir-Skittles: No a lump
30,Jun,24 06:44 Freddie7: See you like my photo?
tecsan's new bird banned me... A weak lump
Members that are to remain in good standing, shall keep their pages free and clear of negative gifts, irrespective of value.
Clean your page cunt, zainn122
I am starting a new campaign, this stinky Paki needs to go Zainn122, he offends my friends & myself, with not washing & his blown out ass hole pics & images of his dehydrated ugly penis 👿
--------------------------------------- added after 95 minutes
🚨Close your eyes everyone🚨
Once you see this imagine, it cannot be unseen 🙈
Delete now, if you think the Freddy vs Freddy war was something, it was just practice round to hunt filth like you, leave _AxCx_ alone, she is my closet mate here & I will protect her with all my power & expense.
I have 5 sleeper account loaded up with over 5000 points each, your finished, delete NOW you cheap ass FREE account no one cares 👿
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