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Started by PITBULL [Ignore] 28,Nov,22 10:08  other posts
Here are will give you the latest news from contests, blogs, and more. All in once place

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By PITBULL [Ignore] 17,Apr,24 08:32 other posts 
hey bella! fat pig stop eating at McDonalds.

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 13,Apr,24 09:39 other posts 

vote Saggy Granny!
By PITBULL [Ignore] 13,Apr,24 10:28 other posts 
Good! I hope she wins
--------------------------------------- added after 81 hours

She did!

By PITBULL [Ignore] 13,Apr,24 07:52 other posts 
hey dog face bella! I read every blog on this site including yours

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 08,Apr,24 18:05 other posts 

Disgusting pig cunt!


By PITBULL [Ignore] 07,Apr,24 14:40 other posts 
The racist fat pig @CAT@ and her 2 new fake profiles;

By PITBULL [Ignore] 07,Apr,24 10:53 other posts 
The racist fat pig of this site CAT the saggy granny blacklisted me.

By #610414 04,Apr,24 18:28
Only friends of the court can defend themselves. Hey, raghead, what are you afraid off?

By PITBULL [Ignore] 04,Apr,24 23:29 other posts 
go file an answer to the Court
By #610414 05,Apr,24 00:14
You are a dumbass, aren't you?
By PITBULL [Ignore] 05,Apr,24 08:46 other posts 
you are suffering from psychotic episodes.
By #610414 05,Apr,24 09:10
You don’t suffer episodes. You ARE psychotic.
By PITBULL [Ignore] 05,Apr,24 09:16 other posts 
you the psychotic because you keep posting on my forum like the sociopath .
By #610414 05,Apr,24 09:56
You don’t like that? I don’t like how you highlight my nic to bring attention to your trash. Here’s an idea, coward, why don’t you ban me? 🤣🤣🤣
By PITBULL [Ignore] 05,Apr,24 10:04 other posts 
banning is for cowards like you and your friend bella!. The 2 oldest cunts of this site.
By #610414 05,Apr,24 10:26
Well, then don’t complain
By PITBULL [Ignore] 05,Apr,24 10:55 other posts 
you are the one who complains here. You have filed about 10 complaints so far this year. You WEAK CUNT.
By #610414 05,Apr,24 11:40
Me? Show me.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 05,Apr,24 12:22 other posts 
cat You have CRIED and whined to Admin dozens of times!

Weak cunt!

And full of racism- Rag head is TWO fucking words you ingorant cunt!
By #610414 05,Apr,24 12:42
It is not. Google raghead and see. Yes, you can split it into two words and it means the same but my way is also a usable form, dumbass.
By PITBULL [Ignore] 05,Apr,24 19:09 other posts 
go back to school you illiterate old bitch
By #610414 05,Apr,24 20:20
HAHAHA. The second grade dropout knows how to spell school. Wow
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 06,Apr,24 08:07 other posts 
Good on you! What other racist words can you spell cunt?

By PITBULL [Ignore] 06,Apr,24 08:28 other posts 
CAT you are a racist...just say it bitch
By #610414 06,Apr,24 09:30
When it comes to you, Sir-Skitless, I have a whole litany of racist words.
By PITBULL [Ignore] 06,Apr,24 09:56 other posts 
You are on borrow time on this forum, you nasty old saggy granny
By #610414 06,Apr,24 10:17
Ohhh, I’m so scared…pleather thir, I am only a leetle girl.
By PITBULL [Ignore] 06,Apr,24 10:27 other posts 
you are the biggest troll on this site;
By #610414 06,Apr,24 10:31
🤣🤣🤣 a 2020 blog?
By PITBULL [Ignore] 06,Apr,24 10:33 other posts 
2020 troll back then and now
By #610414 06,Apr,24 10:39
You don’t know what “troll” means either. 🤣🤣
By PITBULL [Ignore] 06,Apr,24 10:43 other posts 
too bad you are a racist troll
By #610414 06,Apr,24 11:08
This from someone that posted “I am not racist but why are black people still using masks?”
By PITBULL [Ignore] 06,Apr,24 17:52 other posts 
you posted that you stupid
By #610414 06,Apr,24 18:02
No baby, you posted that. It's in the dumpster.
By PITBULL [Ignore] 07,Apr,24 06:29 other posts 
You did. As always you lied.

By PITBULL [Ignore] 06,Apr,24 10:37 other posts 
What is the saggy granny's favorite slur?
vote now; /polls/4814.html

By PITBULL [Ignore] 06,Apr,24 09:59 other posts 

take your words to another forum
By #610414 06,Apr,24 10:14
As long as you denigrate me here then I’ll be here to do the same to you. You know the alternative……..and so will the rest of the site.

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 06,Apr,24 09:28 other posts 
Vote here:


By PITBULL [Ignore] 04,Apr,24 07:24 other posts 
Hey, you old fat pig CAT unbanned me, you coward. What are you afraid of it?
By #704634 04,Apr,24 07:28
She is a miserable old cunt, that fucking thing CAT to the secret society we need to make a plan
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 04,Apr,24 07:33 other posts 
The old coot banned you again?
By PITBULL [Ignore] 04,Apr,24 17:19 other posts 
yes she did and now she made him to deleted his account from the site
By #610414 04,Apr,24 18:18
Ok, Pitbull, I unbanned you. You have 48 hrs to prove to me I did the right thing. You get the same chance as I gave Sir-Skittles. I don’t care what you think of me or how many blogs, polls, or posts you make about me in the forum threads, but, I warn you stay out of my page. DO NOT send me any improper gifts. Also, if I make any derogatory blogs about you, I’m fair game, but, stay out of my other blogs. They don’t concern you.
I reserve the right, just like you have, to delete anything I don’t like. Go for it.
By PITBULL [Ignore] 04,Apr,24 23:21 other posts 
What do you think you are?, you piece of shit old woman. You come to my forum to insult me and write demands.

By #610414 05,Apr,24 00:18
Not what, dummy, who. They teach you that in second grade. And may I remind you that you asked for me?
By PITBULL [Ignore] 05,Apr,24 08:48 other posts 
you should stay on your forum and don't come here to look like the stupid old cunt you are.
By #610414 05,Apr,24 09:09
Is that what you want? I can do that but, then, you stay out of my threads, both present and PAST.
YOU are a chickenshit aren’t you? Afraid of little old me? The Saggy Granny?
By PITBULL [Ignore] 05,Apr,24 09:51 other posts 
I am afraid of your rotten vagina showing in all your pics. I can see all the pestilence on your nasty pussy and body.
By #610414 05,Apr,24 09:54
You wouldn’t recognize a vagina if it bit you in the ass. No woman would let you go that far, raghead. You are just a frustrated voyeur licking computer screens.
By PITBULL [Ignore] 05,Apr,24 10:00 other posts 
that pussy of yours is not getting anything these days. You too old and a fat pig
By #610414 05,Apr,24 12:45
I better tell that to my pussy because it sure don't feel that way every time I have a cock up it and, baby, I've had some good ones too
By PITBULL [Ignore] 05,Apr,24 19:11 other posts 
good what? pube hair
By #610414 06,Apr,24 07:32
You are thick aren't you?
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 06,Apr,24 08:06 other posts 
Prison cock is what you have had!

And the last time that old snatch had hair on it Bill Clinton was still president! First term!

Stick to your rat merkins you old rat!

By #610414 06,Apr,24 08:33
You mean we have something in common? Who was your Daddy in prison?

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