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Started by phart [Ignore] 19,May,22 18:33  other posts
Hello World.
HERE will be the NEW HOME of all the strange and odd things I have feelings about. You could consider this, Phart's Brain Farts regarding world or local news.
There will be freedom of speech here.Just don't violate someone elses.

For starters,
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Really now? Well what is really despicable is the mess at the border with folks coming in willy nilly bringing their dope and their virus's and diseases we have eradicated decades ago. Instead of putting all your air into denying it, PROVE THE THEORY WRONG.
There is overwhelming evidence of a problem brewing,and unless democrats can gain from it,they would be otherwise trying to stop it.

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By phart [Ignore] 18,Mar,23 18:14 other posts 
Here, for all the intellects on here,
Here is someone that might be able to keep up with you!
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By phart [Ignore] 18,Mar,23 14:59 other posts 
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 18,Mar,23 10:17 other posts 
This video was entertaining for me and might be recognizable for you.

"Why are the Dutch so direct?"
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Funny, who he picked as a symbol of Dutch honesty, 20 seconds in.

By #677384 13,Mar,23 20:03
On the contrary...I don't blame them for seeking a better life. However, they are encouraged to just walk in and completely by-pass the lawful and tedious process of becoming naturalized legally. After the free lodging, free cash cards and free cell phones run out (and it will), they are going to be sorely disappointed and angry without the free ride, health care, education, yadda yadda. I grew up in a town that is mostly latino, but their families all came here legally or were born here. I share their culture...food, music etc. They are ALL good hard working people and tend to be very festive hehe. Most of the people coming here illegally now are from over 80 different countries. I strongly believe that now (according to my intel) the majority are single males and are being recruited because they are fighting age and have no love or respect for human life at all.FUKKKKK!
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 18,Mar,23 06:19 other posts 
"After the free lodging, free cash cards and free cell phones run out,..."
Not so free, from day one. Children who come to your country for a better life are working in slaughterhouses, in the night shifts and work as roofers and are dying like flies.
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Yeah, I see how they are going to be sorely disappointed.
But, I'm sure some of them survive to be 'good hard working people'.
Maybe some of them can eventually afford the $500,000 to send their kid
through med school and they become a doctor. That's the American dream, right?

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 15,Mar,23 10:21 other posts 
Here's an interesting graph on a relationship between the countries' GDP/capita and their reported religiosity, showing that economic advancement leads to countries becoming less religious. Why would the US be such an outlier?

By phart [Ignore] 27,Feb,23 16:13 other posts 
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people are using the buzz word Woke for alot of things nowadays. BUT this page explains in detail what the issue is with whatever you want to call this new thought process.
This line says alot.
"I asked the acting associate administrator for aviation safety about why the agency spent staff time and taxpayer money on a 176-page rule to change the name of the NOTAM system from "Notice to Airmen" to "Notice to Air Missions."

176 pages of bullshit to take the word MEN out of a title of a agency. How did that help anything and why are so few people asking why aren't REAL problems being fixed instead with all that effort?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 27,Feb,23 16:47 other posts 
Fun article: "Buttigieg found time to say one of the most overtly racist things a government official has said in recent memory; he insinuated that there are too many Americans of European descent – White people – in the construction industry." Apparently it's only racist when you say something about white people. What a stunning level of hypocrisy.
By phart [Ignore] 27,Feb,23 20:28 other posts 
Strange,I read that but didn't mention it as it was not really the focus of the point I was trying to get across.
But to me, the best thing he could have done, was just not say anything about the race of people doing work period.
It is not the white peoples fault they are the majority.
It is also not their fault they are the 1's doing the work. If there are not enough blacks working jobs, perhaps bootleg needs to ask blacks why? Instead of making it out to be the whites fault because they are actually working.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 28,Feb,23 13:58 other posts 
As I have not found him saying anything like it, just a claim from Fox'News',
I have no reason to believe that what he said was actually intended in the way you think it was intended.

But I agree that there is no reason to have a higher percentage of whatever minority group in whatever industry, than the percentage they have in society. Why would you think Buttigieg thinks they should?
And if he did, would that be racist against white people or black people?
The construction industry is heavy and dangerous work. Why would anyone have a reason to want a specific race over-represented in the construction industry? Is that race somehow more suited for the job or is that race expendable? It's a very strange topic to call someone racist over against white people. It's really grasping at straws.

Maybe you read over it, because you are used to such baseless claims being made in the right-wing media. They just throw it out there and hopes it sticks. Never do they really support their claims with some deeper thoughts.

If a media outlet only talks about things being woke or racist, when the actual topic
is about the cause of an accident, causing pollution and people being poisoned,
than they are distracting you. Who are they protecting?
By tecsan [Ignore] 28,Feb,23 03:50 other posts 
Ananas2xlekker you are getting closer, go ahead and throw bootygig under the bus.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 28,Feb,23 13:42 other posts 
There are people who can think differently than 'my side good, other side bad'.
Buttigieg did not cause that train derailment. That's caused by companies that don't like investing in safety, because it cuts into their profits and therefore they bribe the politicians to 'cut regulations'. Then accidents happen and the average Joe gets poisoned.

I also don't stand for that bullshit about the whites being discriminated.
You don't like to be called racists, for saying outright racist things, so your side grasps at straws to point at the other side being racist. Only your own side falls for it, so don't bother.

And even though I think Pete Buttigieg is very good at crushing the stupid arguments of the right-wing media, I have not much love for him. He's still a corporate democrat and not a progressive.
By tecsan [Ignore] 28,Feb,23 22:19 other posts 
Keep showing your true colors.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 01,Mar,23 06:07 other posts 
My true colors are PROGRESSIVE. And I'm a member of the Dutch Socialist Party.
I don't just defend the Democratic party, just for them being less right-wing than the Republican party. On average the Democratic party is neo-liberal. Republicans are economically speaking also neo-liberals. It means just handing over the economy to the wealthy elites. That's not a democratic system, that's an oligarchy. Progressives want to democratize the economy. Socialists only see that as the first step and want to change capitalism all together, to a system of people ownership. The idea is that capital would not be in the hands of a few wealthy people, but publicly owned and democratically controlled. For me that's not the goal, it's just one of the solutions.
We are far removed from that becoming reality, but when those wealthy people keep destroying the world's ability to sustain life, I hope people wise up and take power out of the hands of the wealthy elites, before it's too late. (If it's not too late already)

They are dumping trains filled with poison on you. Is that enough already?
Or are you still blaming the Democrats and not the wealthy elites who benefited
from even more profits, instead of paying for brakes and adequate rail tracks.

There are some progressives in the Democratic party, but they are constantly being screwed by the corporate Democrats and the corporate media.
They are an opponent of the global progressive movement and therefore me,
almost as much as Republicans. They are only a little bit better than Republicans.

If you have still not learned that I'm, not a partisan, like you lot,
than how can I show my 'true colors' to you?

Here is Buttigieg explaining what to do better to prevent more derailments.
It's not me endorsing Buttigieg, it's me endorsing his proposals.
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By phart [Ignore] 28,Feb,23 23:25 other posts 
It is not impossible to discriminate against whites, you shouldn't make like it is. If 1 race should not be discriminated against ,none should .And bootleg's comment is just as racist as someone reminding us there are more blacks in jail than whites.
Regulations and profits. Both can't be in the same sentence without 1 or the other being lost.
A careful and sensible balance has to be found.
the fact is the rail road company's have way to much clout, even their own police.
Should have never gotten to the point they were not treated the same as any other industry.
There are tracks local to me that the speed limit is 10 mph.
Yep,10 mph for a train.
Reason, the tracks are in terrible condition ,and the company is to small and does not have the funds to fix it.
1 day about 20 years ago I was coming up to a crossing on this railroad and the engineer actually stopped the engine for ME to cross over the track with my work truck.
The mess in Ohio should have never happened, and it should have been handled differently. Now there will be millions spent to cover up facts and shut people up.Just like they handled wuhan.
By tecsan [Ignore] 01,Mar,23 02:10 other posts 
You pretty much nailed it there phart .
Of course it is possible to discriminate against whites, but racists comments are the least of the problem. Wealthy elites, which are by a great majority WHITE people are in control of your corrupt capitalist system. They discriminate against everyone else. They only use stupid arguments, like discrimination against white people, to distract you from the real problem, where YOU are discriminated against, only a little bit less than minorities, by the wealthy elites, who are poisoning all of you, black or white.

"A careful and sensible balance has to be found."
ARE THEY DOING THAT? What sensible balance do you have, when trains full of poison derail near people's home, just because the rail company could save a buck on brakes and because they bribed the government to be allowed to move all that poison like that?

Who gutted the EPA, that has the responsibility to control rail road companies,
to not take risks with trains filled with poison, to prevent accidents like that?

"...it should have been handled differently" HOW!!!????!!!
Do you think asking companies nicely to not poison you, will help?

Who voted against infrastructure for e.g. rail tracks?
Who tried it's hardest to get money for your crumbling infrastructure?
How short is your memory about us discussing this before?

How do you prevent the next train full of poison derailing and poisoning people?

"the speed limit is 10 mph."... ISN'T THAT A REGULATION????
But, if trains had proper brakes, and tracks wouldn't be in terrible condition,
there wouldn't be a need for a speed limit of 10 mph.

What ever is improved, the railroad companies will lobby and bribe against it.
And you will allow the Republicans to cut those regulations again.
And the next train derails with worse poison or the next company just dumps it
in the river. Because that's the 'careful and sensible balance of regulations'
that you have supported with your vote the last decades. NOT!!!
And now the chickens are coming home to roost.

Damn, you're so close to understand it, but your brain cannot connect the dots.
By phart [Ignore] 01,Mar,23 09:10 other posts 
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I guess this is Trumps fault to?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 01,Mar,23 12:40 other posts 
No, of course not. Accidents still happen.
It could however be caused by Greece skimping on safety, just like you.
They were forced to cut spending on a lot of things by the European union,
because all other countries had to pay for their debt problems.
Greece had problems with their debt and deficit, like the US, because they didn't force the wealthy to pay taxes either. Then the government goes into debt, then they cut spending on things that matter to the common Greek people and then it ends up hurting those common Greek people.

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If it makes you happy, it's not just Trump's fault, Obama relaxed regulations too. The point was that regulations are necessary and ever single politician who is talking about deregulation, does so, because they take money from corporations,
to do so. Those corporations can then save money by skimping on your safety.

When have you heard any of your media propose actual solutions?
They don't, they just use it for a cheap political point.
They only care about protecting their side. And you still do too.
What would Republicans ever do to reduce this problem?
By phart [Ignore] 02,Mar,23 10:37 other posts 
I couldn't find this at first,and put it on my thread.but here it is in case you missed it

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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 05,Mar,23 15:38 other posts 
Is this in any way related to the subject?

By the way, my last comment was before I heard anything about the cause of the Greek train accident. Since then, it became clear that the Greeks have an antiquated rail system, that is vulnerable to human error causing accidents like this. The Greeks were forced to cut their investments into public utilities like rail systems, by the European union. Things like this are predictable. Whenever they try to reduce the debt and deficit with neo-liberal policies, it just reduces the economy, making the debt percentage of GDP worse. Every time the government does something like 'the new deal', the economy is stimulated and recovers and even though some extra debt is created, the debt percentage of GDP goes down. That's the way to recover from debt the fastest and it doesn't cause misery and death, like neo-liberal policies.
Maybe ask your billionaires to invest in American railroads?
Or does this show that our 'socialist' system is superior?

Seeing the US rail system is like finding a map from 1910.
By phart [Ignore] 06,Mar,23 10:47 other posts 
There are more railroads than those shown on your map.BUT they are not good for anything other than moving goods in this country at best.
And trucks do it better.less material handling.
folks in europe are to poor to own cars and depend on trains to get around.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 06,Mar,23 16:55 other posts 
True, those are only passenger railroads. It would be more in Europe too, if freight trains were shown. Your lack of railroads is a sign of underdevelopment. Whenever we see American infrastructure, it looks like third world level to us.

You're ill-informed again. "It's Official: Western Europeans Have More Cars Per Person Than Americans"
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That was already in 2012. Since then, the middle class Americans have been loosing money, while middle class Europeans have been doing better.

You think Americans are richer than Europeans, but you're not. You just have a few of the wealthiest people, but more than half of Americans are doing very poorly. "The majority (57%) of U.S. adults are currently unable to afford a $1,000 emergency expense." How can you afford to have a car, if you cannot even pay for one big service, with new tires and some repairs?

By phart [Ignore] 04,Mar,23 18:40 other posts 
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When crime is allowed to run rampant, this type thing happens.
Companys like Walmart are not in your town to be robbed and loose 1000's of dollars, they are there to provide a service and make a PROFIT. No sin in that at all. The sins are the stealing and allowing the thieves to get away with it all.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 05,Mar,23 15:53 other posts 
It's a sign of last stage capitalism; the crash that ends all crashes.
It's just waiting for complete chaos. Looting is just a part of it.
People are not going to just sit down and starve to death.
I hope something good will rise from the ashes.
It's a very slim hope though, seeing that only few Americans understand the cause.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Mar,23 17:49 other posts 
Uh, the cause of crime is people that won't work and would rather steal.
And if you don't work and you are able bodied, starvation is the primary motivation to go to work!

By tecsan [Ignore] 02,Mar,23 00:01 other posts 
My two cents, who is joyful that the bitch lightfoot lost? She can take all her lies and shove them... well, you can use your own words at the end.
By phart [Ignore] 02,Mar,23 10:36 other posts 
It shows me there is a dim glimmer of hope for the people of that city.
the state on the other hand, is in peril with the new lack of laws that went into effect recently

By phart [Ignore] 24,Feb,23 10:17 other posts 
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Yankee tax! Maby this will help deter some of those democrats coming in and taking over.

By phart [Ignore] 20,Feb,23 16:55 other posts 
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When liberalism hurts the pocket book, they start rethinking!

By phart [Ignore] 20,Feb,23 13:05 other posts 
Yet another case of private property disrespect.
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Why is it ok to do things like this? Would a liberal or a democrat please explain the squatter mindset to me or the mindset of teens like this that think this i ok to do??

By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Feb,23 06:21 other posts 
John fetterman left his office yesterday feeling lite headed his staff took him to the hospital why in the fuck do you democrats keep electing weak people
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Just in they think he has a tumor caused by woken democrats disease 🦠 it puts pressure on the frontal lobe and causes strokes Joe Biden has the same disease 🦠
By #681164 09,Feb,23 08:54
Ask your neighbor. Isn't he one of you?
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Feb,23 09:06 other posts 
No I’m surrounded by Democrats unfortunately for them they all keep having car problems but I diagnose it pretty quick and fix it for them the one had a running problem like the catalytic converter was clogged turned out to be a potato 🥔 jammed in the tail pipe the other neighbor keeps having cable TV issues luckily I use to be the fleet mechanic for a cable company when will you lefties learn
By #681164 09,Feb,23 09:42
I learned quite young not to stuff potatoes in the tailpipe. Putting fish inside my neighbor's hubcaps, now, that was fun.
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Feb,23 10:32 other posts 
By phart [Ignore] 09,Feb,23 11:24 other posts 
that's down right MEAN! BUT good info to know! If you can find a car with a hubcap nowadays besides in my yard!
By #610414 09,Feb,23 11:27
Don't listen to Woody. He's a troublemaker. 😡
By phart [Ignore] 09,Feb,23 11:27 other posts 
Well, I am not trying to be a asshole but the man was not in health for a job like he took. Part of becoming disabled by stroke, accident or whatever, is understanding your limits, pushing them is fine, as long as there is no chance of causing others harm or problems.
I will give credit where it is due. At least the man wants to do for his community. But the role he took may be more than he is able to handle in his condition. Perhaps he should have worked for a volunteer group or something and worked his way up..
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 20,Feb,23 03:45 other posts 
Even someone who is truly disabled, but motivated to do a good job for the people, is preferable over anyone in perfect health, who's only plan is to screw people even more.
By phart [Ignore] 20,Feb,23 10:56 other posts 
well,now fetterman is under doctors care at the hospital for weeks.On our dime. I think that may be why he continued to run for office so he could get free health care.
In the mean time, Regardless of his politics ,the people that voted for him are not getting the representation they should be.He is not in his office.
By dgraff [Ignore] 20,Feb,23 11:25 other posts 
Now I heard he checked himself in to a mental hospital for depression
That’s just great
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 20,Feb,23 11:26 other posts 
He probably found out what the senate is all about.
"the people that voted for him are not getting the representation they should be."
That's true, but the other guy wouldn't represent them at all.
He would just have represented himself and his corporate donors.
When Fetterman is doing better, he can continue working for his voters.

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 20,Feb,23 11:19 other posts 
The Rise and Fall of Science in The Middle East
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Neil deGrasse Tyson explains how Baghdad used to be the most flourishing place
for scientific discovery - but it collapsed under the curtains of religious dogmatism.
Will the same thing happen in the United States?

By phart [Ignore] 20,Feb,23 10:55 other posts 
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How you feel if this was your home and property and couldn't get rid of the squatters?
I would set fire to it and go to jail for arson before i continued to deal with the experiance.

By phart [Ignore] 14,Feb,23 13:33 other posts 
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What is the real goal? Increase crime and chaos?
By sherryann [Ignore] 14,Feb,23 19:18 other posts 
after reading the title I knew what the rest would say without wasting my time continuing.
By phart [Ignore] 14,Feb,23 21:05 other posts 
And people are STILL Blind to the facts aren't they?
By #610414 15,Feb,23 10:35
Obviously. Case in point, you.
By phart [Ignore] 15,Feb,23 12:25 other posts 
Obviously, YOU are blind to the facts, if criminals are NOT KEPT IN JAIL, they are FREE to commit MORE crimes, while still waiting to be tried for the 1's they have already committed.
By #610414 15,Feb,23 19:04
And you just read the main line and ignored the rest of the article. A little knowledge is dangerous. This was the second paragraph in the article.

"Philadelphia received nearly $1 million in funding this month from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, according to a press release from the city. Among other things, Philadelphia plans to use money from the grant to analyze current data, hire pretrial advocates, provide training to current or new employees and hire police co-responders when an individual is having a mental breakdown." This foundation gives grants in over 50 countries in the world and more than one city in the US.

I just don’t see what is wrong with this. First, it’s a grant from a private entity. This means it doesn’t come out of the city’s budget. Second, it doesn’t go directly to provide bail for any person charged with a crime. Third, this is what the 8th amendment to the Constitution says, “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.” This means that bail is legal and the judge in the case levies how much or, refuse to grant it. This is and has been from day one. What do you suggest?
Fourth, I do have open eyes, and, unlike you, Phart, or Sherryann, I use them to GET THE FACTS before posting. 👿👿
By sherryann [Ignore] 15,Feb,23 20:26 other posts 
I agree with phart about criminals getting out after they commit crimes, especially murder! An eye for an eye as the old saying goes. I'm fed up with murderers, like the recent one in California who murdered an emergency room doctor by running him over with his car then getting out of his car and stabbing him to death as he uttered "white privilege "! Whoever is not fed up, disgusted and outraged by this is not human.
By #610414 15,Feb,23 21:00
Please understand, I don't condone letting someone that murders free. What I'm saying and our justice system is saying is that a person has to be convicted before he is guilty. Unless the murder is witnessed, a suspect is NOT A MURDERER. Most judges would deny bond or set it so high it could not be met. But, let me ask you what you would want. Suppose you get stopped by the cops for jaywalking and the crooked cop does a search and "finds a nickel bag" on you that he planted on you. He arrests you and your case would be held in four months. Would you want bail or would you like free room and board with plenty of company?
You tell me and the rest of the site members what you would like.
By sherryann [Ignore] 16,Feb,23 19:40 other posts 
No one cares, online or in real life. Regardless of race, more people will probably get arrested after cops "find a nickle bag"while violent crime offenders will keep getting released.
By #610414 16,Feb,23 21:49
Is that before or after they are prosecuted?
By sherryann [Ignore] 16,Feb,23 23:04 other posts 
Some are never prosecuted. Some juries find killers not guilty. Lenient sentences are the norm. In area I'm in anyway.
By #610414 17,Feb,23 11:53
Why do you think that is Sherryann? Why do you think those "some" were never prosecuted? Why do you think juries find "killers" not guilty? Aren't juries made up of people LIKE YOU AND ME? As far as judges giving out linient centenses, I agree with you. I believe too many deals are being made and/or judges are not as good as they should be. I don't believe in judges being INITIALLY APPOINTED or veted by Congress. The caliber of these jurists leave a lot to be desired.
By dgraff [Ignore] 17,Feb,23 10:13 other posts 
I could have saved that organization the million dollars it’s a shit hole of a city I would burn 🔥 it to the ground and start over maybe they can get it right the second time around
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The city of brotherly love my ass more like the city of drugs shootings and mugging
By #610414 17,Feb,23 11:58
This is hilarious. One ultra right Nazi complains about an organization dumping money on a city and, on the same thread, another ultra right Nazi defends that organization's good intentions. 🤣🤣🤣😈
By dgraff [Ignore] 17,Feb,23 13:01 other posts 
I can just see the blacks and Puerto Rican’s scurrying around the city like cockroaches trying to get out
By #610414 17,Feb,23 13:10
And both groups as American as you............... well.............. maybe more than you.
By phart [Ignore] 17,Feb,23 18:48 other posts 
If they don't have social security numbers and legal id, they are NOT American as we are,
By #610414 17,Feb,23 19:24
But they do have Social Security cards and legal ID's. They are American by birth.
By dgraff [Ignore] 18,Feb,23 06:28 other posts 
Yeah maybe so but they chose to live in a shit hole city that should be burned to the ground
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Hell the mayor years ago i think his name was Marion Barry was a crack head himself now how can you run a city when you’re always chasing that first hit
By #610414 18,Feb,23 08:19
I don't know. It's your shithole city. Fix it. Oh, BTW, Marion Barry was major of Washington DC
By dgraff [Ignore] 18,Feb,23 09:08 other posts 
Another shit hole city with a white section that’s even worse called the White House
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Burn it to the ground

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