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MN or Chauvin...

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Started by tecsan [Ignore] 30,Mar,21 00:11  other posts
Who do you feel was wrong or right...How will the jury decide...Like to be a fly on the wall during deliberation...

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By tecsan [Ignore] 18,Jun,21 02:16 other posts 
Dead topic...MN railroaded Chauvin and all know it...

By tecsan [Ignore] 05,Jun,21 02:21 other posts 
Why did the defense never bring up the fact that 'Floyd's' drug levels would be lower hours after...Everyone in the world knows he was on drugs...Look at the video in the store...What normal person acts like that...

By phart [Ignore] 03,Jun,21 14:38 other posts 
clean up and move on.!
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By tecsan [Ignore] 22,May,21 00:28 other posts 
Bet the media plays out on this BS...Probably most will not report the mistrial...All the mainstream care about was 3 guilty verdicts...All came in their pants with that decision...Stupid and fucked up...GUILTY on all charges, that was a freddy mickey mouse court and judge...
By leopoldij [Ignore] 22,May,21 16:45 other posts 
Is freddy still a supreme judge? Has he found all the rats he's looking for?
By tecsan [Ignore] 22,May,21 21:15 other posts 
Freddy is an idiot and a want to be...He has no idea of the law...
By leopoldij [Ignore] 22,May,21 23:51 other posts 
No kidding! I thought he had a p.h.d. in law.
By tecsan [Ignore] 03,Jun,21 00:08 other posts 
He/she wishes...Just a moron here...

By tecsan [Ignore] 02,Jun,21 03:46 other posts 
Guess most of the country went with MN...Biased jury from hell...Defense was an idiot...

By tecsan [Ignore] 16,May,21 00:08 other posts 
This trial was just an abhorrent attempt for political gain...Sad to say...

By phart [Ignore] 13,May,21 21:19 other posts 
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So perhaps they don't know who the jurors are yet but gee,let's try to intimidate the witness's.

By phart [Ignore] 04,May,21 17:58 other posts 
AND NOW LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,the truth starts to leak out around the seems of this bloated septic tank.
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Juror LIED about protesting Floyds death.
LIED! Can you say, MISSTRIAL?
By sherryann [Ignore] 04,May,21 19:52 other posts 
By phart [Ignore] 04,May,21 21:12 other posts 
TADA! Here ye go liberals, here is what happens when you try to shit the system. You wanted the cop convicted of more than what he was guilty of,so it happened because of a scared jury.

Now the real problem is, when the miss trial is declared, the libtards won't accept the fact that also a juror lied, and ruined it, they will just be pissed off the cop got another trial and will be burning and looting again in the streets.
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now your little house of cards is about to blow over.
By #632705 04,May,21 21:33
I want him to be let out then a black lives matter person will take him out the right way with a bullet right between the eyes.
By phart [Ignore] 04,May,21 21:40 other posts 
Um, so you want yet another person to be on trial for murder? Another BLACK MAN in jail? 1 of The very things blm'rs are complaining about?
By #632705 04,May,21 22:23
Okay maybe not shot. Let’s go this way instead! The passage in Leviticus states, "And a man who injures his countryman – as he has done, so it shall be done to him [namely,] fracture under/for fracture, eye under/for eye, tooth under/for tooth. Just as another person has received injury from him, so it will be given to him." (Lev. 24:19–21).
By tecsan [Ignore] 06,May,21 00:04 other posts 
This sounds ridiculous...How can a human being even want that to happen to another...Are you really serious with that comment dabber...
By #632705 06,May,21 02:29
It did not treat George Floyd as a human so it deserves the same fate!

Leviticus 24:19-21 NLT
“Anyone who injures another person must be dealt with according to the injury inflicted—a fracture for a fracture, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Whatever anyone does to injure another person must be paid back in kind. “Whoever kills an animal must pay for it in full, but whoever kills another person must be put to death.
By tecsan [Ignore] 06,May,21 03:03 other posts 
That was ludicrous...No normal person believes that crap...Stop with the biblical crap...༼☯﹏☯༽
By #632705 06,May,21 06:47
The jury found it guilty of being a redneck
Whitebread, chicken shit motherfucker! That is good enough for me to see it swinging from the end of a rope. Police are just a bunch of punk motherfuckers with badges, guns, and free reign to do their will. Time to take this country back from the Gestapo.
By tecsan [Ignore] 08,May,21 02:56 other posts 
I do hope like hell that you get your way in your dream city with no police...Hell, let us see how that works out...༼☯﹏☯༽
By tecsan [Ignore] 08,May,21 02:54 other posts 
So you condone in murder...How ignorant dabber...
By tecsan [Ignore] 05,May,21 01:26 other posts 
I have said mis-trial since the reading of the verdicts...You are so right with Chauvin not having a fair trial...The judge should be on trial for misconduct also...༼☯﹏☯༽
By #610414 06,May,21 06:53
You guys are all full of crap
By phart [Ignore] 06,May,21 09:07 other posts 
And you are typing that as if you are a quart low?
By #610414 06,May,21 16:05
just an opinion, baby. Don't have a hissy-fit
By #632705 06,May,21 18:18
I’ll fully admit I’m crazier than a pet coon!
By #610414 07,May,21 07:46
In that case don’t go near highways.
By #610414 07,May,21 08:07
I am so tired to hear the new ways people want a replay.
We lost the election? Throw it out. Let’s run a new election.
We don’t like a verdict? Let’s throw it out and do a new trial.
We lost the game? Let’s replay the game.
We don’t like our lives? Let’s put down those people that are different.

GO AHEAD. ASSURE ME THIS IS THE AMERICAN WAY. In all my adult years I’ve never had a bigger need to throw up in disgust. In another thread a friend suggested this country is on a downward slope. Initially I disagreed. Now, reading the posts here and extrapolating it to the national views....................I have to agree. Pardon me, I have to throw up.
By phart [Ignore] 07,May,21 09:34 other posts 
This is fast becomeing a visable case of tainted jury Which with all the publicity this case had before trial,and the millions paid in damages before hand, it was easy to understand the pressure the jury was under.Now with clear and undeniable evidence that at least 1 juror lied,,it is even worse.
IF nothing is being hidden,and everything is being done above board ,the opposing side should welcome a chance to vindicate themselves .
By #610414 07,May,21 16:26
Even if the jurors had a gun to their head, and they did not, they reached a verdict. If it doesn’t suit you or anyone else, than try to get an appeal going in a lawful way. Not as a bunch of gossip. And in anyway, the verdict stands.
By tecsan [Ignore] 08,May,21 02:50 other posts 
If someone had a gun to a kids head...Then what...Was about the same crap...
By #610414 08,May,21 08:14
What if a meteor was on its way to hit earth? Deal with reality. The reality is the verdict was guilty. People these days think that if they don’t like results they should be able to redo it. Elections, trials, games. Trump should have been found guilty in his impeachment trial. The Republicans in the Senate shot that down. Reality. Trump lost the election. Reality. The cop found guilty. Reality.

By tecsan [Ignore] 02,May,21 03:36 other posts 
Chauvin found guilty on three charges, yes...By a pressured jury, I think...Tell me not one of the 12 found an inkling of a doubt...The ones that think he is guilty could have found some doubt...Coerced jury...

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 19,Apr,21 19:10 other posts 
Libtard and known scummy cunt Mad Maxine Waters just sank this trial with her call for confrontation and violence. The judge lit her old ass up... and on appeal, Chauvin walks. This bitch is also one of the most corrupt members of congress...


Another unhinged lefty that needs clearly needs a lobotomy.
By phart [Ignore] 19,Apr,21 22:03 other posts 
Oops,I didn't know you had mentioned this,I stuck a news link to another post.--------------------------------------- added after 85 secondsLobotomys leave people in a bad state,perhaps unrepairable.Nothing I would wish on anyone,even those I can't stand.
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You were wrong again, Chauvin was found guilty on all charges.

I know you already had your lobotomy, but I'm not getting one so I can agree with your stupid ideas.
By phart [Ignore] 23,Apr,21 14:50 other posts 
You were born with issues,no intervention nessasary!,It's ok, I won't laugh or make fun of you,I will just ask that you Read the post I put in Bellas thread about liberal whites, I might try to locate it and repost it for you.
Chauvin was found guilty by a frightened and nervous jury that did what they could to save themselves and their familys and their city.
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By tecsan [Ignore] 23,Apr,21 23:58 other posts 
Chauvin was found guilty of all charges by a scared jury that not one of them would vote the other way...Commonsense can tell us all that...༼☯﹏☯༽
By tecsan [Ignore] 24,Apr,21 01:48 other posts 
Agree again...The last line needs some cleaning though...༼☯﹏☯༽
By tecsan [Ignore] 01,May,21 01:13 other posts 
I agree with every word you called the bitch Maxine...Yes he has an automatic appeal...Cahill fucked up by not sequestering the jury from the start...

By tecsan [Ignore] 29,Apr,21 04:37 other posts 
Chauvin gets a new trial, hopefully out of the eyes of libturds...Do not get me wrong, I think he is guilty of manslaughter, but not murder...

By tecsan [Ignore] 26,Apr,21 02:30 other posts 
Changed my mind about being a fly on the wall...That deliberation was as mickey mouse as freddy's court crap...

By tecsan [Ignore] 26,Apr,21 02:23 other posts 
When the libs want to start spouting off...Why can they not also include the whites, spanish etc in their argument...You know when many blacks were killed by police, let us include all that were killed by police...Oh now we go back to, well I do not need to say it...It does does not fit their political agenda...Floyd was wrong and so was Chauvin...

By tecsan [Ignore] 22,Apr,21 03:04 other posts 
Appeal...Relevant yes or no???

By tecsan [Ignore] 22,Apr,21 02:07 other posts 
The jury felt threatened no doubt...cahill should have recognized it...Chauvin was rail roaded...cahill and jury scared of the consequences of a non guilty verdict...

By tecsan [Ignore] 21,Apr,21 02:11 other posts 
Did Chauvin have the kind of money the state did to hire several attorneys and several expert witnesses???Think, if you lived in the city there, would you want it to be known that you were the one juror hold out for 'Not Guilty'...You're house would be burned as well as family members put in danger...Fair trial, I think not...
By phart [Ignore] 21,Apr,21 14:29 other posts 
fair trail, HA! on on tv's Matlock maby. Fair trial with democrats in charge is a pipe dream.

By tecsan [Ignore] 21,Apr,21 02:06 other posts 
Disappointment...Less than a day to convict, what a railroad job by the prosecution...

By #636792 20,Apr,21 11:47
Maxine waters fucked the whole thing up. As did the mayor of Minneapolis. They need to go the fuck away. Let this be the end of their political careers.
By tecsan [Ignore] 21,Apr,21 00:15 other posts 
I agree...Be an excellent reason for an appeal...

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