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Coronovirus fake reports against Trump admin.

Discussion Forum on Show It Off

Started by #591921 [Ignore] 02,Mar,20 12:37
The coronovirus yes is working its way into the United States however the press is putting a magnification on this like its a target on Trump. However do you realize Trump declared an emergency on this virus back in January. Yes nearly 2 months ago. He also sent a request for 2.5 billion dollars in funding to the house for approval back January 12 however the house of representatives were to busy trying to impeach Trump they just said it was a distraction he was trying to redirect the publics attention away from his impeachment. Not only that the media reported that his restrictions on travel to and from China in January was just him being racist and pissed off about his tariff policy. Now 12 Americans have died from this virus in the US. However back when the H1N1 virus hit the US it killed over 1000 Americans before Obama thought it was important enough to declare it an emergency. And his funding was approved in days under a Republican controlled house. So even though they didn't like Obama they did what was best for America and approved the funding needed for fighting the virus. With a Democrat house they held this request for funding for over 45 days before they voted to approve funding for the CDC and other organizations to get to work on it. Now just judge for yourself who does it look like is more interested in the good of Americans here and who does it look like is trying to actually fight this deadly virus. The administration that declared it an emergency over 45 days ago while he was being impeached or the house democrats who waited a month after they failed to get him out of office and they called his request for funding a silly stupid distraction and racist so they refused to even at it until last week after Trump reminded them he had declared it an emergency 45 days ago and had a request in for funding that they hadn't even voted on yet.

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Similar topics: 1.Abuse reports   2.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME   3.Denver democrat council woman post on government site all democrats infected with coronovirus should attend every MAGA event   4.Messages from Donald J. Trump..3   5.Fake News is at it AGAIN  

By #612966 24,Mar,20 10:37
Finally the popcorn is useful for something.
By #485312 25,Mar,20 00:33
yeah l like a bowl of fresh popped corn with salt and butter. *lix*

By thebeewolf [Ignore] 22,Mar,20 20:24 other posts 
Does it worry you at all that pretty much everything you're saying is complete fiction? The president declared a national emergency just nine days ago on March 13th. Whoever is telling you something different is lying to you. Don't be just another conspiracy theory dummy. Wake up.
By #591921 22,Mar,20 22:28
I'm not the one who is asleep I bet your a CNN fan aren't you. Trump called for travel to be cut off from China way back in January and declared that an emergency situation. Now the democrats didn't think this was important at all and said he was doing it only because he was racist and thought it would help with the trade deal with China. I saw that reported on ABC and CBS back in January. Then he sent a request for $2.5 billion dollars to both the house and senate simultaneously back in JANUARY. The senate approved his request. However the house were to busy trying to impeach Trump and that was a lot more important that any stupid request for money for his racist tricks to Quote Nancy. Then even once the virus was in the US she still held it off the floor from a vote until after super Tuesday passed so democrats could use it as a campaign tool then that Thursday she said oh ill bring it to the floor next week because I'm going home for the weekend to California. Then once she knew the virus was taking over there she came back to Washington and tried to say oh Trump should have done something about this virus it getting bad
then she opened it to the floor and she added in to the proposal that all medical elective surgery except for abortion should be delayed. That caused a few days argument in the house but then they finally passed it. So I'm full awake buddy maybe you should follow some real news for a change that isn't controlled by George Soros. Try looking at fox news sometime or BBC just something that isn't controlled by the associated press.
By dgraff [Ignore] 22,Mar,20 22:35 other posts 
Bla bal bla yet another democrat comes out of the wood work to twist the truth around go pedal your sad story to the media or some one who gives a fuck if you stinking Democrats would have listen way back in January this super virus wouldn’t even be in the United States 🇺🇸
By phart [Ignore] 23,Mar,20 13:24 other posts 
Stinking democrats are holding up the stimulas bill to.
Not that I am fond of the idea as it opens the door to socialism.BUT if the government is going to order a shut down,they should have to cough up a means to keep the people from starving.
The dems are upset because of the stimulas may help the airlines and other big employers. Appaently the democrats think they are fully automated and don't employ humans. Without major employers, the gov would have to feed everybody.
By #591921 24,Mar,20 14:46
The reason they are not wanting to approve the bill for funding is because the democrats are demanding that the stimulus gives $35 million to the Kennedy center for the arts that donates money to democrats campaigns. In other words they want to demand taxpayers give money to their reelection to get money. They also want abortion clinics to be allowed to operate during the crisis. Thats why they wont sign the stimulus
By 15x55 [Ignore] 24,Mar,20 09:11 other posts 
By #591921 22,Mar,20 23:02
Speaking of sleeping this post has been up for 20 days now so what are you just now making a response to it. Check the date its Mar.2

By DeepThroatThis [Ignore] 15,Mar,20 11:40 other posts 
If you watch CNN right now the world is coming to an end. I like to think the glass is half full, the news on the other stations isn't much better but at least you get less fear mungering.
By #591921 22,Mar,20 19:52
Its Democrat controlled filled by Trump hating George Soros. If you dont know who that is he gave Hillary and the DNC $81 million dollars from his Office in Russia after he made $1.5 billion in the markets there. Then when they came for their taxes on his earnings he told them he paid them and gave them the addy they went to. Then the democrats claimed that Russia hacked their campaigns to start the Mueller investigation. Just something to think about. If the FBI had a top secret operation to raid Trumps buddy the outspoken whole Roger Stone just exactly how did CNN find out about it and have the fore knowledge to send a camera crew along on the FBI top secret raid?

By phart [Ignore] 02,Mar,20 17:29 other posts 
Careful spreading facts! You know the down turn in the stock market is Trumps fault, the virus is Trumps fault because he happens to be President. The sky is falling and it is TRUMPS FAULT.

IF it is anybodys fault it is the Chinese people that were working with a Harvard professor and then he came home and suddenly the virus got to be known after he and 2 others got arrested.
Oh sure,the Chinese are posturing like they are trying to do something.But they can't inforce their quarntines because so many of their police and military are sick from the virus.
North Korea,oh,no one gives a shit about them,but they have little to NO resources to deal with it and those folks are dropping like flys and being burned to kill the virus.
Trump even offered help to Iran for the virus. Rather they accept,who knows.
By #591921 02,Mar,20 17:52
Well Trump declared it an emergency January 12th. And he sent request back then for 2.5 billion in funding for it back then but the house was to busy with impeachment to at his stupid distractions and his racist travel restrictions. They finally got around to voting to approve his request that he sent during the impeachment last week. After Trump had a press conference and told the public they have had the request for 45 days already.
By #610414 03,Mar,20 12:37
All lies and/or wrong facts.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Mar,20 14:10 other posts 
Evidence? If you remember they were to busy to impeach to let anyone hear anything else in the news.
By #591921 03,Mar,20 14:49
Yeah they wont admit that the news was to busy with covering impeachment to report that a medical emergency was declared back in January. They are still claiming he hasn't declared one. Hell they are even trying to report that he called the whole coronovirus a hoax but he didn't. I saw that press conference what he did was claimed the democrats story about the virus is a hoax. That I saw him report in a press conference himself out of his mouth on CBS. However I'm sure the liberal press is going to claim that its a fake doctored video put out by his admin or his supporters or something and that will be another scandal or reason to investigate him or impeach him again.
By #610414 03,Mar,20 15:53
January 16 – February 5, 2020 (2 weeks and 6 days)
That's how long his trial lasted. Some news preemption.

On Jan. 7, 2020, Chinese health authorities announced that they had isolated the virus spreading in Wuhan. This novel coronavirus was named 2019-nCoV, and was also called Wuhan coronavirus because the first infected people came from Wuhan City

So, how did the trial interfere with the FAKE NEWS organizations from reporting on it. You know witch news organizations I'm referring to, right? Those same ones that Trumpo was complaining were fanning the flames of panic?
Again, what Obama did or didn't do has nothing to do with this joke of a president. Obama could have had the whole Supreme Court taken out and it would not make a difference. Same with Hilary, Capt Kangaroo, the Pope, or my late Uncle Charlie.
He's the president now and has been for the last 3 yrs. Go ahead, make excuses for him if it makes you feel good. However, saying first that the FAKE NEWS organizations were scaring the public and then saying he was dealing with this national emergency does not fly. Only a retard tries to argue both sides at the same time.

So, I guess that for the foreseeable future his three weeks impeachment trial will be his excuse for his fubars.
By phart [Ignore] 08,Mar,20 18:41 other posts 
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A link to a related artical that mentions the january declartion. A little detective work I guess would find more evidence.
By #610414 10,Mar,20 19:34
Like I’ve said. If it makes you feel good, go right ahead
By phart [Ignore] 10,Mar,20 20:58 other posts 
It would make me feel better if this crisis were over and we could talk about something else
By #610414 11,Mar,20 13:02
Baby, even the Disney channel costs money.
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Mar,20 20:50 other posts 
The important thing to remember is the virus is loose and running rampant through the United States and it’s killing people in there 70s 80s and 90s I personally advise people to avoid contact with other people stay in side and cancel all doctor and hospital appointments for god sakes there’s nothing but sick people there at least till this thing blows over
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

Now of course if I was president I would all ready have bombers on the way to China to redeem the United States against there fuck up
By phart [Ignore] 15,Mar,20 08:50 other posts 
I didn't read the page but there was something online last night that the Chinese are accuseing the US of sending the virus over there!
I keep reading it is natural,not man made and this and that.But if people over there didn't eat snakes and peppers,kittens and cabbage and dog shit pudding for dessert,this would not have been so easy to catch and pass along.
You would think with the new found wealth in China making stuff and sending it around the world,that the people would upgrade their diets and lifestyles a bit.
By dgraff [Ignore] 15,Mar,20 09:50 other posts 
Yeah you would think 🤔 I’ve tried eating rattle snake but it was fresh not laying around on a table rotting in the sun
By #188992 15,Mar,20 12:26
I've bitten my tongue for long enough - you're a racist fuckwit.

"Dog shit pudding". You're beneath contempt, phart.
By phart [Ignore] 15,Mar,20 14:01 other posts 
Well,perhaps in your eyes sir.
It takes a racist to notice 1.
Race is only a issue with other racist.
If race was not a issue,no one would pay it any attention now would they.
Perhaps that was over the top ,dogshit pudding,but damn,they eat terriable nasty stuff when it should no longer be nessasary to do so to survive.
By #188992 15,Mar,20 14:15
"It takes a racist to notice 1(sic)" - No, it fucking doesn't you little smear of excrement. Typical of you to assert something with NO evidence. Saying something doesn't make it true, fuckwit.

Perhaps? PERHAPS?? It wasn't "over the top" - it was flat-out racist.

As for Indians bathing in shit, what the fuck has that got to do with you insulting the dietary habits of China?

You really are as thick as shit. What people eat normally has long-standing, cultural reasons. The Western habit of consuming dairy products is considered weird by many people. How about hog's pudding, prairie oysters, sweetbreads? One man's yuck is another's yum.
By phart [Ignore] 15,Mar,20 14:18 other posts 
For us as humans to be thought of as equals, race should be ignored entirely. Issues with people should be taken care of,as the second link I posted says. Things have been fixed by the chinese government to help curb these type things in the future.Good on them for doing the right thing that common sense did not seem to fix.
I don't recall our drinking milk as Americans having caused virus's in other counntrys?
By phart [Ignore] 15,Mar,20 14:07 other posts 
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reality, call it what you wish sir.I call it sad and preventable.

By #592419 15,Mar,20 10:48
Let me put it this way.. If this disease was this catastrophic it would be classified,, The bullshit that the bullshit media is ONLY to support its political agenda and policies..

By #574505 14,Mar,20 21:00
I didn't know Angel1227 was still alive though she was 6 feet under..
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 14,Mar,20 23:08 other posts 

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 11,Mar,20 13:58 other posts 

Crickets from libtards like Talk5s
By phart [Ignore] 11,Mar,20 17:07 other posts 
It is a real situation that talk and argueing over can't fix. There is no real solution.Get sick enough get put in a hospital so they can "treat" the symptoms.
There is not much of a way of blameing Trump for the virus since it started in China instead of the US.
But they will work despretly to find fault somehow in how he deals with it. The libs are loving the stock market going down,they think that is the greatest thing since sliced bread.Trump and the rest of the working Americans with investments were doing well before the virus. But you wait and see,they will find a way to blame Trump for everything they can.
By #591921 14,Mar,20 14:59
You should check out the post I made about Florida former Gubernatorial candidate who got caught naked with a group of men and a gay erotic masseuse specialist who overdosed of meth in his hotel room in Miami.

By phart [Ignore] 08,Mar,20 21:15 other posts 
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By #610414 03,Mar,20 12:35
Trump asked for $2.5 billion on Feb 24. As of yesterday 3/3, he has not declared a national emergency stating “We’ll see. We can always do that. It’s all under control “
By #591921 03,Mar,20 14:42
Believe CNN all you want to because I remember ABC reporting that Trump placed a racist restrictive travel to China back in January. I also remember them reporting that him sending request for funding for the CDC as a distraction from impeachment. Call it lies all you want to but those people who pay attention catch stuff like that. Its ok we already know just how biased you are,so much so that you simply call facts nothing but lies. Well guess what four media outlets major ones are facing multiple lawsuits by multiple people for the lies they have reported. ABC,NBC,New York Times and Washington post all face major lawsuits right now by eight different people for reporting false reports about them. Carter Page is suing all of them for reporting he was convicted and in prison when he wasn't even charged with anything,just questioned. The kid who was just on a class trip who all four reported that he was preventing a native American from going up the steps in Washington. He already won his $278 million lawsuit against CNN now he is going after the others for their lies. Then there are others suing one or two for lies they have prints and reports on. Its funny all you liberals are claiming how conservative news is all lies,not one word is the truth but they win all their lawsuits with proof,but liberal news lose all their lawsuits because they keep getting proved they lie. Hmmm but you still claim they are the only ones telling the truth. And you also forgot to argue that Obama waited until 1000 people died from the H1N1 before he declared an emergency so I guess you know thats the completely truth since you only cherry picked your argument there.
By #610414 03,Mar,20 15:51
January 16 – February 5, 2020 (2 weeks and 6 days)
That's how long his trial lasted. Some news preemption.

On Jan. 7, 2020, Chinese health authorities announced that they had isolated the virus spreading in Wuhan. This novel coronavirus was named 2019-nCoV, and was also called Wuhan coronavirus because the first infected people came from Wuhan City

So, how did the trial interfere with the FAKE NEWS organizations from reporting on it. You know witch news organizations I'm referring to, right? Those same ones that Trumpo was complaining were fanning the flames of panic?
Again, what Obama did or didn't do has nothing to do with this joke of a president. Obama could have had the whole Supreme Court taken out and it would not make a difference. Same with Hilary, Capt Kangaroo, the Pope, or my late Uncle Charlie.
He's the president now and has been for the last 3 yrs. Go ahead, make excuses for him if it makes you feel good. However, saying first that the FAKE NEWS organizations were scaring the public and then saying he was dealing with this national emergency does not fly. Only a retard tries to argue both sides at the same time.

So, I guess that for the foreseeable future his three weeks impeachment trial will be his excuse for his fubars.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Mar,20 19:54 other posts 
I have notice alot of info is GONE from the web that was just there the other day.Websites with virus numebers, info on what was done early on here in the US. There is a cover up for sure.May not all be against Trump but just a plain ol fraud to keep us "cool Calm and easy to control".
By phart [Ignore] 07,Mar,20 16:30 other posts 
I remember very well the news blurb about Trump approving some funding but try finding any evidence of it now on the web. Forget it.The media has buried it.White house records need to be brought out using the Freedom Of Information act to verifiy what was said and done when.

By phart [Ignore] 03,Mar,20 19:55 other posts 
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This woman ought to be sent off to Wuhan CHINA and dropped out of the plane with a cheap parachute.
By #610414 03,Mar,20 21:14
By #188992 07,Mar,20 14:57
Are you being sarcastic, phart?

Or would you really advocate that she plummet to her death? Failing that she gets exposed to a potentially fatal virus.

PS. the link you've provided has some pretty vile comments within it. Seems to me that, on that evidence, the US is a pretty troubled country if you can't engage in debate with your opponents without such vitriol.
By phart [Ignore] 07,Mar,20 16:25 other posts 
Sadly that vileness,if that is a word, is getting more common here in the US because of people like her.Had she been worthy of a position of power of any kind,her reply would have been to discourage such thoughts and encourage tolerance and peace. But no, She AGREED and later learned, that regardless of what was in her mind or heart, her typed words send the WRONG message.
And I do not particularly want her to plumment to her death.Had that been my wish I would have just shoved her from the plane,the cheap parachute is meant to give her that feeling of "OH SHIT I AM FIXEN TO DIE" when the first cord fails and later the second cord works and she lands with her pants full of shit.
Fear can be a good teacher without killing or injurying.

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