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Started by kebmo [Ignore] 19,Jul,18 05:03  other posts
I'm sure a lot of people here don't want to talk about the US President. I am also sure that there are a lot of people that do want to so let's do it here so they won't have to "listen" to us if they choose not to.
I watch a LOT of news, Canadian and American. I don't get Foxx News but I do get CNN and MSNBC which are very left leaning. The two Canadian news networks, CBC News and CTV News are more middle of the road. I watch the late shows too and I especially like Seth Myers' "A Closer Look".

Let's talk Trump!

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By #601496 22,Oct,19 08:16
Looks like Mr Trudeau won another term in office. Congratulations to Canadians for a very civilized election.
By kebmo [Ignore] 22,Oct,19 13:44 other posts 
In the Canadian Parliament there are 388 seats. If one party took 170 or more, which Trudeau and the Liberals did in 2015, they have a majority government and can pass bills without opposition. This time the Liberals took 157 seats giving them a minority government, that is two of the other parties can vote together in parliament to override a Liberal bill.

The Liberal Party did not however win more votes than the second place Conservative Party, the popular vote, 5.9M to 6.1M. The seats that the Conservatives won were won with a great majority of voters voting for them, especially in Alberta and Saskatchewan where they took every seat except one.
This last happened in 1979 and is legal and uncontested

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By #601496 22,Oct,19 13:47
Will this cause a problem or a call for early elections?
By kebmo [Ignore] 22,Oct,19 14:18 other posts 
TWM, it can. In 1979, Joe Clark was only Prime Minister for 9 months before the opposition got together and toppled his government. It can also work with two parties getting together and forming a majority and passing bills that they have drafted together and agree upon.
In essence, we're giving Trudeau a second chance...with conditions.
By #601496 22,Oct,19 17:14
I like him. Like everyone, he has some lapses of better judgement. I wish him good.

By phart [Ignore] 21,Oct,19 14:22 other posts 
Kembo,do you see any real chance that Trump could use the resources of the US or other countries for that matter to make a real difference in the middle east? By military or by sending over experts to rebuild their infastructure,or diplomets to find peace?

I don't see any real chance myself.Those people have been at war for generations and know nothing else.
By kebmo [Ignore] 21,Oct,19 15:07 other posts 
I seriously doubt that peace will ever reign in the Middle East. In a word: Religion.
Why should any foreign entity spend their resources to rebuild something that is destined for destruction... again?
Peacekeeping has a valid purpose but the UN is best qualified to handle that with the help of the US of course. Canadian forces have spent a lot of time peacekeeping with the UN. One group, one uniform, one purpose. Peace, not war.
By #601496 21,Oct,19 18:48
Over 5000 yrs of conflict. Not a chance. At best a reduced area of combat.

By #599073 18,Oct,19 16:38
I don't think that Trump makes America great. It's only politics for the rich whereas normal people barely can afford daily life. He doesn't fix America's real problems. And it was a big mistake to retreat from the INF treaty. For me Barack Obama was a president who made America great again.
By #601496 18,Oct,19 16:50
I like the way you think. I'm satisfied with the first sentence.
By #551147 20,Oct,19 03:42
You're partially right! The people of America are what make America great. He's just aiding in guiding us in the right direction by implementing better policies and putting HIS country and it's citizens first! Perhaps you believe that things were better under Obummer, because SO many were allowed to ride the welfare system for many years. I'm an not "rich" by any standard, but me and mine are far better off than we were 8 years ago, and that's what matters and will keep him in office.

I gotta ask... According to you, penis-misterluke3 just what are America's "real problems"? 🤔 I honestly can't wait to hear this...
By phart [Ignore] 20,Oct,19 08:21 other posts 
1 man can only influence,he can not change the world.
I think he has a couple flaws,like put down the Twitter box why don't ye,and not getting our troops out of Afganistand and Iraq. Either bomb the shit out of them and put our flags up or get the hell out.The fighting will continue as long as we are there "medeling" in their country.And it will continue after we are gone,but our soilders will be home safe with their familys instead of getting their legs and arms blown off for a bunch of unapprecitive people that don't use toilet paper.
By #551147 20,Oct,19 08:31
I agree with MOST of what you're saying except the Twitter part. I'm ONLY dissenting on that because of the media bias. If he were more fairly covered, I would agree with you on that point too.
By phart [Ignore] 20,Oct,19 08:46 other posts 
Well yea,it is sadly the only way we get the truth about him but it seems the media grabs every little word and makes mountains out of mole hills.
By #601496 20,Oct,19 14:23
I know, I know!!!!!! Americans like you Scorps
By #551147 20,Oct,19 16:07
Nope! Even ungrateful ones like you and the bunch that live with you. All of whom have NO understanding of what America CLEARLY wants. When the majority speaks out, you're unable to process and accept the fact that your team LOST! Pure and Simple! Get over it and ride the train. We endured Obummer, now it's time for payback. Not so fuckin funny when the shoe is on the other foot, huh? Only exception I make to my statement is this one is actually doing something not strutting out every day merely pointing his finger and grinning, "Look at me I'm SO cool"!
By #601496 20,Oct,19 16:22
But, if the Obammer era is over, why do you Trumpians always refering to him and Hilary? And let me remind you of 2 things. Hilary won the popular vote by 2 mil. The other is that his popularity numbers are the lowest of any president in the general population.

By #601496 19,Oct,19 08:34
Hilary is blameless

The state department has completed its years-long internal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of private email and found “no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information”.
By phart [Ignore] 19,Oct,19 09:19 other posts 
so they say,but in order to follow the example of the democrats we must continue to persue it just as the Muller report is still being persued.NEVER let it end! Isn't that the example we are to follow from the democrats?
By #601496 19,Oct,19 12:56
Muller was not the end. He said so. He advices Congress to continue the investigation. Everyone assumes it was over when he presented his findings.
However, Hilary C is not in government any more. While Trump is still president. Do you see the difference?
By phart [Ignore] 19,Oct,19 22:48 other posts 
I mostly see the double standard.

By #601496 15,Oct,19 18:11
October 7, 2016 – In the 2005 Access Hollywood tape, Donald Trump bragged to Billy Bush about grabbing women by their genitals without consent. In the video published by the Washington Post, Trump said, “I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it, you can do anything… grab them by the pussy.” Trump said his statements were “locker room banter” and apologized “if anyone was offended.” He later issued a further response to the tape’s release, saying, “I’ve never said I’m a perfect person.”
By phart [Ignore] 15,Oct,19 19:51 other posts 
He is a male with plenty of power and money,and the women he groped,probably got all wet and horny thinking a Billionaire might come back for some more.All along they were hoping to get their turn on the casting couch. That couch that seems to be forgotten lately that helped so many women become rich and famous that could not have done it any other way.

Also,since grabbing a woman is wrong for us to be doing in all honesty,would it have made any difference had he done this to young males? I bet he would not have made it to the presidency because the conservatives would not have liked that.
By dgraff [Ignore] 15,Oct,19 20:02 other posts 
Hey look at Monica lewinsky she now is rich and owns her own pussy flavored cigar factory and I hear there hand dipped
By phart [Ignore] 15,Oct,19 20:20 other posts 
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WOW! DIDN"T KNOW about this
By dgraff [Ignore] 15,Oct,19 20:44 other posts 
Hahaha you thought I was kidding I was at a biker rally and they were selling her cigars
By #551147 15,Oct,19 23:45
By dgraff [Ignore] 16,Oct,19 05:18 other posts 
Just think she would never be were she is today if she didn’t suck bill Clinton off in the Oval Office
By #551147 16,Oct,19 05:28
EWE! 😖 Better her than me. Would you have blown Bill? 🤔
By #601496 16,Oct,19 08:07
Phart, What women want is not the point. What if, in the supermarket, a Stanger comes up to you and sticks his hand down your pants without asking? You may like it or wanted, but, wouldn't you want to be asked?
And, since when has the casting couch been right? Are you saying that putting out for a lecherous producer to get a part is the way to go?
By phart [Ignore] 16,Oct,19 10:13 other posts 
Half of the female "singers" past and present can't carry a tune in a bucket,but they got famous anyhow.How? probably the couch.
By #601496 16,Oct,19 10:34
First, singers start in small bars and work their way up. Second, you may not like their singing but someone must. Your opinion is not valid.
By phart [Ignore] 16,Oct,19 11:08 other posts 
and yours is?
By #601496 16,Oct,19 12:26
By phart [Ignore] 16,Oct,19 14:51 other posts 
By who or whats standards or rules?
By #601496 16,Oct,19 15:09
Don't ask dumb questions. By the same standards as you. You think I get up in the morning and say to myself, go after Phart?
It's my personal standard. I do get to make judgement calls on what's presented to me. Don't take it personal but I'm sick of you guys having your head buried in the ground. You don't believe anyone or anything. You see conspiracy everywhere and believe off brand rag organizations for your news. Well, fuck it. You won't change anything.
By phart [Ignore] 16,Oct,19 20:43 other posts 
UNtil you learn to see both sides of a arguement and study BOTH sides of a story,you will not change anything either.
EVERY issue,every story ,every event,has 2 sides,just like a sheet of paper.
By #601496 18,Oct,19 09:52
Yes, every story and event has two sides. Sometimes, the sides agree in the results but differ on how it was achieved. Sometimes, it predicts opposing results from the actions of the players. It would be hard to argue against a point of view unless one has the facts to back it up. In politics, many actions can be interpreted differently. The key is that once a fact is proven to be true, then acceptance of that fact should be universal. I notice that Trump makes mistakes that his base is willing to ignore. They want to keep him in the presidency at all costs. The Republican base would not have allowed that to be under other presidents, so, how does someone like me able to express my frustration with this president without getting personally attacked?
By #602443 17,Oct,19 07:09
The exzact quote was " when your famous they will let you grab them by the pussy"
Let you does constitute consent.
By phart [Ignore] 19,Oct,19 09:24 other posts 
Don't confuse them with the facts and quotes.It upsets the apple cart.

By #601496 18,Oct,19 16:53
February 27, 2017 – In his first budget proposal, Donald Trump boosted defense and security spending by $54 billion. He proposed slashing the budget for non-defense spending in areas like education, science, poverty programs, and environmental protection by almost the same amount.

Well, we know he's not into education or science.
By kebmo [Ignore] 19,Oct,19 01:05 other posts 
Education is important but defense is importanter.
By #601496 19,Oct,19 07:08
By phart [Ignore] 19,Oct,19 09:22 other posts 
Silly way of putting it BUT,what is the use of being a "smart" slave to some foreign government?
OR dead because you wanted to study basket weaving and the sex habits of the South American swamp rat while leaving ourselves vulnerable to the Nigerian Air force dropping bombs on us?
Protect yourself first,a dead person needs no education.

By kebmo [Ignore] 19,Oct,19 04:15 other posts 
“It’s hard to hate people when you actually know them.”

-Susan Rice

By #601496 15,Oct,19 18:07
February 10, 2011 – In 2011, Donald Trump stoked false claims that Barack Obama had lied about his education. During a speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference, Trump said, “Our current president came out of nowhere. Came out of nowhere. In fact, I’ll go a step further: The people that went to school with him, they never saw him, they don’t know who he is. It’s crazy.” This is false. Numerous accounts from Obama’s college classmates refute Trump’s claim, including Obama’s Columbia roommate, Phil Doerner.
By phart [Ignore] 15,Oct,19 19:49 other posts 
Numerous accounts from Obama’s college classmates refute Trump’s claim, including Obama’s Columbia roommate, Phil Doerner. "

All bought and paid for by George Soros maby? Strange it took them awhile to come out of the closet about him. Although it would be hard to prove and could be a unlikely event,that is something he would fund just to help his "cause" along.
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"his political spending - a fraction of the money he gives away every year - has made him one of the Democratic Party's most reliable and generous donors."
By #551147 15,Oct,19 23:53

She heard it on CNN or MSNBC it HAS to be true! Afterall... They ARE the standard for unbiased, hard core truth in reporting. How dare you question her knowledge of such a thing as Obama's college buddies. GEEZE! 🙄
By #601496 16,Oct,19 08:04
And you heard yours from good old Rush Limbaught and it has to be true
By phart [Ignore] 16,Oct,19 10:14 other posts 
check out the link I posted last night.The producer for CNN ADMITS the Trump thing is mostly bullshit!
Here it is again so you don't have to hunt for it.
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By #601496 16,Oct,19 10:45
Phart, James O'Keef.
His latest attempt -- a nearly nine-minute video called “American Pravda: CNN Producer Says Russia Narrative 'bullsh*t'" -- is yet another sign that O’Keefe has no actual interest in reporting the truth, but instead produces video art projects for the sole purpose of getting attention from one of his biggest fans, President Donald Trump.

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And you believe this?
By phart [Ignore] 16,Oct,19 11:07 other posts 
no less of a joke than what cnn and others push over on us.
By #601496 18,Oct,19 09:55
Phart, that was not a joke. That's what makes it really bad and dangerous. PLEASE, the talking heads want to be successful, but, even if they overwork it, they talk truth.

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