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Started by kebmo [Ignore] 19,Jul,18 05:03  other posts
I'm sure a lot of people here don't want to talk about the US President. I am also sure that there are a lot of people that do want to so let's do it here so they won't have to "listen" to us if they choose not to.
I watch a LOT of news, Canadian and American. I don't get Foxx News but I do get CNN and MSNBC which are very left leaning. The two Canadian news networks, CBC News and CTV News are more middle of the road. I watch the late shows too and I especially like Seth Myers' "A Closer Look".

Let's talk Trump!

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By #592419 05,Apr,20 13:51
Donald J. Trump
22 hrs ·
To all of our youth who are missing the start of their Little League seasons, hang in there! We will get you back out on the fields, and know that you will be playing baseball soon. We will get through this together, and bats will be swinging before you know it. In the meantime, take care of mom and dad, and know that this will not be forever!

By kebmo [Ignore] 03,Apr,20 03:22 other posts 
Can Donald Trump cancel the election if the US is in a national emergency? According to CNN and Fox News, he can't.

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By phart [Ignore] 03,Apr,20 09:34 other posts 
Regardless of a persons politics I can't see how this election can be considered "fair" for lack of a better word because the undecided people have not had a chance to see and hear their choices points of view as in other elections in the past. I obviously will be voting for Trump because i can not agree with the other side.And since this virus thing came along, I see it being more of a problem than asset to do a change in leadership in the middle of a crisis.
By kebmo [Ignore] 03,Apr,20 14:03 other posts 
Phart, I think that it would be considered fair because it's a level playing field. If anything, Trump has an advantage because he's at the podium every day talking about COVID-19 whereas Biden and Sanders have to find alternative outlets to get their messages out. I think that this race will be based on Trump's handling of this nightmare.
Personally, I don't know why Sanders doesn't step out of the Democratic leadership race. He's not going to win and this is no time to split hairs when he and Biden have essentially the same goal and vision.
This election certainly will be different but nothing in this administration has ever been "normal". Will it be fair? I think so.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Apr,20 15:15 other posts 
frankly I think if Biden were to somehow win,he should give Sanders a ambassodor job to say Cuba or Russia.Not saying that to be a smart ass, but,He understands and approves of alot of their practices and might actually be useful in maintianing relations with those countrys. I sure don't want him running the show that is for sure.
By kebmo [Ignore] 03,Apr,20 15:35 other posts 
I think Biden would give Sanders a big job in the US not a "revenge job". He's not petty like that. Sanders could refuse any job offered.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Apr,20 19:54 other posts 
I don't think being a ambassodor to russia or cuba would be a revenge job. It would be a postion he could fill well, he understands their mindsets.
Biden and sanders having to scrounge for ways to be public,while Trump is wide open, does not sound fair to me.Sounds like room for another impeachment trial for Trump if he wins next election.They could say he should have done this or that but didn't and alowed the unfair election to take place. Not saying the charges would make sense or be really legit,just saying,there is room for trouble.
By kebmo [Ignore] 05,Apr,20 00:48 other posts 
Ambassador to Canada is the best ambassadorship because it's close to home and Ottawa is a really nice city. With the relativity pleasant relationship between Canada and the US it's also pretty low pressure.
Secretary of Health and Human Services or Housing and Urban Development would be the perfect job for Sanders.
By #610414 03,Apr,20 11:23
He does not. Congress might be able to, but the election is in the Constitution. We had an election during the Spanish flu, during WWII, other wars. We never canceled or postpone.

By kebmo [Ignore] 03,Apr,20 19:00 other posts 
I'm sure all American voters will remember these months in November when they vote.

By #599073 30,Nov,19 13:06
hello friends,
don't forget that Mr. Trump has made bad experiences with birds as you could see when he was attacked by a life eagle. So I think it's the best way for him to flee the United States on Thanksgiving and keep the distance to any birds like eagles, turkeys, chicks, and so on
By #601496 04,Dec,19 09:18

By kebmo [Ignore] 04,Dec,19 04:21 other posts 
Hunter pleads guilty for misusing campaign funds.

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By phart [Ignore] 29,Nov,19 18:06 other posts 
Instead of spending the day at home here in the US,Trump went to Afganistan and spent time with the troops.

I also could not help but giggle when I watched the full video of Trump Pardoning the turkeys. He said they were raised to be albe to cope with stress and that Schiff had them set for thursday in his basement to testify!

By kebmo [Ignore] 27,Nov,19 05:13 other posts 
Trump said that there was talk about changing the name of Thanksgiving. I doubt that.

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By phart [Ignore] 27,Nov,19 08:31 other posts 
It is a shame Trump had to leave his home state because it has turned into such a crap hole but maby his presence in Florida will help that state before it is to late.
If it were up to the liberals,everyday would be a holiday and no work would ever get done.
The only change I would like to see made is to move the holidays to Sundays instead of them landing on week days.
This would save millions of dollars in paid holiday leave and the trouble of shutting down factorys and restarting the machines and so forth.
Schools could teach 5 days a week.The holiday celebrated on the weekend, the workers could be back on the job monday,the kids back in school and so forth.The country could operate alot smoother.
By kebmo [Ignore] 27,Nov,19 12:32 other posts 
No holiday weekends? I know that would never fly in Canada. Some days just can't be changed like Jan 1, July 1, Nov 11 an Dec 25.
By #551147 27,Nov,19 17:48
Except for the Jan. 1st and the Dec. 25th, what is the significance of the other dates?
By phart [Ignore] 27,Nov,19 19:57 other posts 
It is a thought.Think about the extra trouble companys have to go thru to shut down plants mid week,the money they pay for "holidays" they get nothing from.Which paid vacation is basicly the same thing but the plant or company works on with a sub or whatever.
I just think Thanksgiving could be on the 4th Sunday of november,Christmas the 4 th sunday of december.Of course new years date can't be moved but the date of observation could be.
By #551147 27,Nov,19 20:20
Hmmmmmm I disagree!

I think people lose TOO much of their lives already, putting in 5 or more day weeks, generally making someone else rich. I would be an advocate for 4 day weeks maximum, UNLESS people wanted or needed to make more, via overtime for some dire need of more money for a short term reason. That would give 3 days a week instead of 2 to enjoy life, spending more time with loved ones. Albeit, I appreciate companies for giving me a position, or a job, let's face it. They don't need to be SO fucking greedy. I could personally NEVER bring myself to say oh the poor company has to pay for holidays, vacations etc. I think that's the least they could do for someone who dedicates 40 years of their life to the company all the while the company gets rich and the worker never gets much more thanks for their efforts other than a paycheck. BOO HOO for Companies... Pfffft Please!

--------------------------------------- added after 17 minutes

I've had one too many positions where the company has gotten rich from MY hard work and dedication. Some of it is my own fault as many times I've learned of what the company was actually making off of ME. I was the one out there representing them, I was the one doing all the work. I got 1/10th of what was being charged. Don't you think that's just a little excessive or greedy? Don't get me entirely wrong, I appreciate that THEY founded the company, find the work, etc. It's all the things I have NO interest in doing myself. Therefore I'm grateful to a certain extent. But the person out doing all the real work gets crumbs. It's something many people don't really realize how much they actually make for someone else. I think the margins are despicable, to be honest. Is it REALLY necessary for a Company or an Organization to be grossing hundreds of millions of dollars and paying their employees barely enough to get by? Why should that be ok?
By #601496 28,Nov,19 12:39
Well, for once I agree.............to almost everything. I don’t like the four day week.
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

The reason is that the third day would fall in the middle of the week
By phart [Ignore] 28,Nov,19 12:49 other posts 
Well you have to remember,if folks didn't start companys,and employ people at all,we would be vultures and cavemen as there would be no income.
The risk that people take to start companys that employee others is great,and not all succeed.

40 hours a week is manageable.it is the people that are greedy for the Bmw's and Starbucks 7 days aweek that work 3 jobs to cover the cost.
Scorps ,You say 4 day week so folks can spend time with fanily.How many people do you think would actually do that? Hardly any.It would be more time to work a second job,another night to party and sober up the next day,and so on.
Seesh,the thread took a drift because of a small thing that has bothered me.
But folks want to "create" jobs. Why not open the bank a second shift,the investment in hardware ,building and such is there,just open it so folks can do bussiness more often when it is best for their work schedule. Want to reduce wait times for surgerys and employee folks? Great Idea, doctors offices open 3 shifts 24-7. Operations at 2 am be there at midnight.
The work is there,the equipment is there,just the people want to work 8 hours and shut down and wonder why folks can't find jobs.
By #601496 28,Nov,19 13:33
Perhaps, and I’m not passing judgement, you don’t know how hard it is on family life to work a second and third shift. Also, some jobs lend themselves to be successful in operating more than one shift. Some it would not pay. For instance, the ER dept of a hospital. It’s open 24/7 but at night, few patients arrived and almost all are emergency while I the daylight hours there are lines waiting service.
By #601496 28,Nov,19 12:46
You can’t change Christmas, Fourth of July, New Year’s, or Thanksgiving. All national holidays are employee perks and part of their work contract
By #23212 28,Nov,19 18:00
Scorps, I thought you were a well educated guy, but since you asked:

November 11 is 'Remembrance Day' in most of the Western World ('Veterans Day' in US.).

And kebmo, as you can readily see here, is from Canada, where July 1 is 'Canada Day', (easily found in any search).
By #601496 28,Nov,19 18:09
Sorry to say I forgot about Canadian holidays but., like in the USA, they also fall between Jan 1 and Dec31.

By mr_blue [Ignore] 27,Nov,19 16:15 other posts 
[deleted image]

By #551147 27,Nov,19 18:34
A REAL fighter! 😍
By kebmo [Ignore] 27,Nov,19 22:33 other posts 
Of course! 🤣
By mr_blue [Ignore] 28,Nov,19 02:10 other posts 
He posted that on his Twitter....
I guess he sees himself a bit differently..
Or maybe he's still bothered by this guy?
[deleted image]
By kebmo [Ignore] 28,Nov,19 02:21 other posts 
Barack HUSSEIN Obama will drive Trump nuts for the rest of Trump's life. You can't buy class.
It's snowing in Denver this Thanksgiving weekend. It's that fucking Obama's fault of course.

By #551147 23,Nov,19 04:19
@ Twowarmtts!

You just keep repeating over and over endlessly how Obama is in the past and why do some of us keep bringing him up. I will attempt once again to illustrate the HYPOCRISY that you just cannot seem to grasp.


The ABSOLUTE proof of spying on an American citizen, AND a political opponent, Donald J. Trump, started under Barry's watch! There's NO way, as the POTUS, that he did not know what was going on, on HIS watch. COLLUSION with Russia and Ukraine to UNDERMINE Donald J. Trumps campaign was initiated by the DEMOCRAPS!! That's where the REAL COLLUSION was going on. You people are SO upset that he mentioned Joe Bidens name on his call with the Ukrainian President. So, just the mere name mentioning has your feathers all ruffled up but not the fact that there was a REAL effort to undermine our current President, then candidate. THAT'S HYPOCRISY 101!!

NEXT! There IS proof that something was afoul stated by Joe Biden himself, his own words, no one else's. JOE BIDEN stating... Fire the prosecutor OR we are not giving you the aid. Reeks of quid pro quo to ANY sane person. ON VIDEO no less which I have previously linked for YOU before! The VERY thing you people are accusing Donald J. Trump of. Here's the exception! The Don, has gotten NOTHING in return for ANYTHING from the Ukrainians! YET! Joe Biden stated himself that they (the Ukrainians) DID in fact do what he asked for, thereby making his bad decision a REAL CRIME or a quid pro quo!

As you people like to preach... NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW!!

Not Hillary Clinton, Not Barry Obama, Not Joe Biden, Not Adam Schitt, Not Hunter Biden!

JUST because Joe Biden is running for President, does NOT give him a pass for HIS OWN STATEMENT of a BRIBE, QUID PRO QUO, or whatever you wanna label it. NOR does it give him a free pass simply because his time and Obummers time in the oval office has expired.

Now! You want them to be forgiven and forgotten, perhaps they shouldn't have started throwing stones at someone KNOWING GOTDAMNED GOOD AND WELL that THEY actually committed the VERY crimes that they are accusing President Donald J. Trump of.

THAT'S HYPOCRISY! For the umpteenth time for YOU!

Once again, we have actual proof of the previous administration's transgressions. You people have ZIP!
The Aid was released, there was no statement made by the Ukrainians, and they did in fact meet. What you got is a bunch of conjecture, opinion, guesses, simply put... A BUNCH of BULLSHIT!

Lastly, the BULLSHIT started by the Democraps is making us the laughingstock of the world. NOT the President! That only exists in YOUR mind. This whole BULLSHIT scam is dividing our country which is not good for American citizens.

You don't like the guy, fine! You don't like his beliefs, fine! You don't like his policies, fine! You don't like his ideologies, fine! You don't like his abrasive mannerisms, fine!

Then BEAT him the proper way and put someone forth capable of doing such. NOT BY A BULLSHIT IMPEACHMENT SCAM! That alone shows how cowardly the Democraps truly are. You can't beat a duly elected President so, you start scratching for every crumb you can and try to beat him with an ill conceived impeachment cause you can't beat him at the ballot box.

Frankly, it's sad and disgusting and dividing a nation who's strength comes from be UNITED!

Have you figured out HYPOCRISY yet?

Oh! The other thing you like to imply around here is that he's getting rich somehow or another by his Presidency. Perhaps you should look and see what Obummer was worth before he took office and what he's worth now. Allowing him to purchase a multi-million dollar mansion in an exclusive area. Now! Who actually got rich from their Presidency? I believe even the Clintons net worth substantially raised after serving. Donald J. Trump is already rich and I highly doubt ANYONE is buying him. Unlike the last two crooked ass Democraps to have held office. Put that in your pipe and smoke it! 🧐

By #601496 18,Nov,19 09:38
How FedEx Cut Its Tax Bill to $0

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By phart [Ignore] 18,Nov,19 10:10 other posts 
How did this fuck the middle man? Not trying to be a ass asking that as much as trying to understand why that hurt the middle man.
The Way I see it it clearly states they invested in large contributions to employee pension plans.That improves the middle mans FUTURE. Unless you expect the middle man to drop dead the day after he retires?
Retirement accounts are really drained,and alot of baby boomers are retireing every day.So that is a major investment.Better the folks live off the retirement account than trying to make it off government pensions only. Which is why the NY times does not like that,it is not a socialist idea to have a independant retirement from the government.

At least shipping cost didn't rise alot.That affects the middle man.
By #601496 18,Nov,19 12:09
The CEO of FedEx said himself that the company did not re-invest that savings. If your 401K has FedEx stock then you get dividends but it's not that much. The trend, reported by non-partisan economic studies, have started to report that this tax break is not being reinvested into manufacturing or jobs. Trickle down economics have not worked before and it's not working now.
By phart [Ignore] 18,Nov,19 13:17 other posts 
It is not working "quick enough" for the younger "want it right now" folks.That is the issue. I don't know how much dividends you get on your investments,but the folks I know with money that have large investments,are doing WELL and never touching the princiable.
Later on I bet they will invest it back into the company.But as with a sinking ship,you patch the biggest hole first. The retirement system must have been their worse problem,so they attacked it first before policy changes left them without the option to do so. When Trump has finished his 2 terms as President,if a democrat gets in there,you can rest assured the "big companys" will be gouged yet again with tax burdens.Fedex's retirement wont be the first thing to suffer,and probably by then,nor will their infastructur for a while.Perhaps long enough to survive the 4 years of a dem prez.
It takes time for Trickle down to work.That is what frustrates some folks. A trickle from the sink takes longer to fill up the bucket.but the bucket has water in it.Unlike a deluge from a fire hose,all once then 6 months later,no water.
By #601496 18,Nov,19 17:36
Really? every one wants it "right now". Trumpo has been president almost 3 yrs. Any other president who made a promise to the voters like he did would be in trouble.

By phart [Ignore] 17,Nov,19 15:33 other posts 
Copied from my weekly email.

The day President Donald Trump was sworn into office on January 20, 2017, the Washington Post ran the headline, "The campaign to impeach President Trump has begun.”

This was over two years ago. Since then, we have been bombarded with even more headlines and stories as Washington Democrats continue their partisan efforts to impeach President Trump. Earlier this month, I wrote a letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi and I’d like to share some of it with you: “Our Founding Fathers warned of the impeachment process being abused for partisan purposes. In the Federalist Papers No. 65, Alexander Hamilton warned ‘there will always be the greatest danger that the decision will be regulated more by the comparative strength of parties, than by the real demonstration of innocence or guilt.’ Last week when the House of Representatives voted on the impeachment resolution, H.Res. 660, there was only partisan support for it to move forward, while opposition was bipartisan. Despite the clear message sent by this vote, the majority party continues to push forward with this political farce.”

Unfortunately, important work Congress must get done has been completely sidelined. Last week, Speaker Pelosi suddenly recessed the House so Democrats could focus exclusively on their partisan impeachment scam. That’s unacceptable and you deserve better. Instead of working in a bipartisan way to address the most pressing issues facing our nation, they have continued the witch hunt that began on Inauguration Day and continues to waste time.

For starters, we should be working on funding for our government – which is set to run out this week. Absent of a deal to fund government programs for fiscal year 2020, Congress will have to pass a continuing resolution which will kick the can further down the road or the government will shut down.
End of copy
I wonder if the government shuts down,will the impeachment process have to stop to? I mean,it is tax funded?
By #601496 17,Nov,19 18:36
Phart, there's only 22 members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Nine are Republican. They are the ones that will decide if Trump should get impeached. If they reach that decision, there is a vote in the House to impeach or not. The vote will take less than one day. There are 435 House members out of whom 413 are working through other things that are important. What's more, and we saw this when they stopped for a vote on the floor of the house, other House business continues. So, why do you imply the work of the House has stopped?
As far as the talk about impeachment at the start of Trump’s presidency, it was not a stretch to believe he would screw up big enough to impeach. Case in point, now.
I remember when Obama was sworn in, many, many, many right wingers swore they would not let him finish his 1st term, let alone getting reelected. It hurts getting the same treatment, doesn't it?
--------------------------------------- added after 7 minutes

BTW, you always bitch about the "partisan" way things are done. Do I have to remind you nothing is being done in the Senate because McConnell is blocking everything and every Republican there has already said they will not convict the president NO MATTER WHAT?
THERE'S AN old saying. Don't cut off your nose to spite your face. We need a new president. Republican or Democrat, anyone but this lawbreaking one.
By #601496 17,Nov,19 18:43
Phart, there's only 22 members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Nine are Republican. They are the ones that will decide if Trump should get impeached. If they reach that decision, there is a vote in the House to impeach or not. The vote will take less than one day. There are 435 House members out of whom 413 are working through other things that are important. What's more, and we saw this when they stopped for a vote on the floor of the house, other House business continues. So, why do you imply the work of the House has stopped?
As far as the talk about impeachment at the start of Trump’s presidency, it was not a stretch to believe he would screw up big enough to impeach. Case in point, now.
I remember when Obama was sworn in, many, many, many right wingers swore they would not let him finish his 1st term, let alone getting reelected. It hurts getting the same treatment, doesn't it?
By phart [Ignore] 17,Nov,19 19:53 other posts 
Your congressman is in the same building as mine,I can't help if he is not seeing the same thing as mine.I just copied and pasted what I marked as copied from my congressmans weekly email.Contact your own congressman and read his weekly reports as I do mine.May help clear things up.

I did ask the question,will the impeachment be on hold if the government shuts down? I would hate to think the democrats would want to risk homeland security or something trying to keep the horse and pony show going.
By #601496 17,Nov,19 20:17
You can't take everything you get as truth. I don't need to contact my congressman to realize what makes sense. The Republicans have no way to defend the president so they come up with crap to scare the public. I just sent you true reasons why your email lies. You are smart enough to verify it and agree. Congress does not shut down if government shuts down. The costs are funded in a secure way. Use your noodle. If Congress shuts down, who would vote the new budget needed to get the government going. Remember when the asshole-in-chief caused the government to shut down when they wouldn't vote to fund the wall? Congress continued.

By kebmo [Ignore] 15,Nov,19 21:27 other posts 
Now a sixth person has been convicted or pleaded guilty to charges because of the Mueller investigation.

"A federal jury on Friday found Roger Stone guilty of lying to Congress and witness tampering in relation to his work on President Trump’s 2016 campaign, which means the longtime Republican operative joins the roster of former Trump associates who ran afoul of the law as a result of Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian election interference."

The "Witch Hunt" continues.

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By #601496 17,Nov,19 12:53
[deleted image]

Let it continue. Soon, with GOD's help my biggest wish will come true

By #601496 13,Nov,19 08:59
On Tuesday it emerged that a top official in the Trump administration added more than a little embellishment to her CV: according to an NBC News investigation, Mina Chang flaunted a Harvard education that in fact amounted to a seven-week course in 2016; she invented herself a role on a UN panel; and even created a fake Time magazine cover with her face on it.

Maybe she was just following in her boss’s footsteps – after all, Trump has shown himself to be partial to fake covers. In 2017, he was asked to remove his own phony framed Time covers from several of his golf clubs.

Trump hit back. "It was only one club."
By phart [Ignore] 14,Nov,19 14:29 other posts 
You know there is something called photoshop.
And so what if Trump had a 1000 photoshopped Time covers hanging in HIS GOLF clubs? DUH, HIS clubs.He could hang photos of YOU in there if he so wanted to.
By #601496 14,Nov,19 15:54
Yes, he could photoshop and did. Yes, it was his club. The covers of Time are intellectual property and copyrighted. Trump can't use it without permission if he let's the general public see it. The same with a person's pic. He has to get a release.
By phart [Ignore] 14,Nov,19 22:21 other posts 
UM,I don't know,if he were to post a photo of you on a Time magazine cover,he might not need a release.Here,you are under a ficticous name. So you are a charactor like in a movie.So it would be similar to the memes we see with tv stars and words under them.Now,if you had photos of yourself here,and were posted under your name, Mary Jane Brown for example,then he would be expected to contact you and ask permission.Just a theory but I would think there is a grey area.
By #601496 15,Nov,19 06:39
That's why members get kicked out for using other member's pic without permission.
By #551147 15,Nov,19 06:19
This is just TOO ridiculous to even comment on...
By #601496 15,Nov,19 06:42
Something else that's ridiculous but true.

No matter how sweet the hand soap smells, never smell your fingers when coming out of a public bathroom.

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