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Started by kebmo [Ignore] 19,Jul,18 05:03  other posts
I'm sure a lot of people here don't want to talk about the US President. I am also sure that there are a lot of people that do want to so let's do it here so they won't have to "listen" to us if they choose not to.
I watch a LOT of news, Canadian and American. I don't get Foxx News but I do get CNN and MSNBC which are very left leaning. The two Canadian news networks, CBC News and CTV News are more middle of the road. I watch the late shows too and I especially like Seth Myers' "A Closer Look".

Let's talk Trump!

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By #592419 23,Aug,20 18:04
[deleted image]
By phart [Ignore] 24,Aug,20 10:49 other posts 
It makes no sense to think that those few blue states,full of fruit cakes,should run the rest of the country full of the working class that has to pay for their hairbrain schemes.
By #188992 24,Aug,20 16:46
I've been trying to get you to notice the difference between "sarcasm" and "irony", phart.

OK, here goes:

When you type "hairbrain", when you are trying to mock intelligence, that's ironic.

When I say "You're fucking brilliant at making your point on these forums, phart", I'm being sarcastic.

Does that help?
By phart [Ignore] 24,Aug,20 21:31 other posts 

I am not calling you a hairbrain? You have NEVER called me brillant, where did all this come from?
Check your meds despenser,you mighta missed a pill.
Just jokeing.
By #592419 24,Aug,20 22:36
The blue are blue.. Red are red.. The swing states are the one's that choose.. That's why the democrats want popular vote instead of electoral college.. Ohio, North Carolina and Florida are the real election that chooses.. If they split then its PA.. Michigan, Wi and PA leaned left until Hillary Clinton refused to campaign there. She costed them the 2016 and now the 2020 because that snowed downhill and people see the real truth.. Let California and NY bitch all they want. There is nothing they can do other than the 90 votes they have to offer..

By mr_blue [Ignore] 23,Aug,20 18:21 other posts 
“All he wants to do is appeal to his base. He has no principles,"
By #610414 23,Aug,20 19:36
By #551147 24,Aug,20 21:09
Hiya Bluey!

You are SO right!

He has NO MIND left either... Poor thing! I think they should be charged with elder abuse. It's really shameful!

🇺🇸 TRUMP 2020 🇺🇲
By mr_blue [Ignore] 24,Aug,20 21:40 other posts 
I read that on the fox news website,the story was buried quite far down the page.

Elder abuse who is this 'they' that you speak of...?

Seems to me you've got a lot of elders flinging shit in America...

By Gntlmn [Ignore] 24,Aug,20 01:15 other posts 
Diarrhea-diaper Donnie, and his $enate asshole-buddy, Bitch McTurd'l are responsible for 178,000 US deaths. They need to face a firing squad

By dgraff [Ignore] 21,Aug,20 05:51 other posts 
It’s my belief that no one over the age of 65 should be able to hold any government position. From the presidency clear down to a town ship worker. It’s a young mans game my biggest fear is that sleepy Joe Biden gets in office and falls asleep and pisses his pants at the world peace agreement in front of all the other countries leaders how embarrassing would that be some world power we would be . I’m not big on Trump saying shit without thinking first either and I think he’s even to old why can’t we pick a decent candidate my pick would be wrestling great Steve Austin he’s 55 years old stands 6ft 2in he’s 252 lbs with 31 inch arm’s a real kick ass son of a bitch
By #610414 21,Aug,20 09:19
It's not about looks or age. How sharp your mind is makes it right. The current Clown can't handle it.
By dgraff [Ignore] 21,Aug,20 12:17 other posts 
It most certainly is about age I’m not as sharp as I was in my 20s and neither are you how can you run the country if nap time is at 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon when you hit 70 your tired I’m afraid sleepy joe will pass away before his term is up and with the running mate he picked will will have a fricking dot head running the country what kinda message does that send to other countries it says we are weak
By #188992 21,Aug,20 12:58
"Dot head"? Racist fuckwittery, dgraff. In the past I think you have "flirted with the line" when it comes to being offensive, but that is a shitty way to talk about a fellow human being. Don't tell me you're a "straight shooter" - it won't wash on this occasion.

On the substantive issue, however, I think you have a point. The US political system results in you having to choose between two septuagenarians who both have a tendency to talk utter bollocks? Are they the best 2 public servants your whole Nation can offer up? Sad.

If a "dot head" ends up running the US I think it will send a rather positive message to the rest of the world: doesn't matter what colour, race, gender you are - you can still achieve the highest office.
By dgraff [Ignore] 21,Aug,20 13:46 other posts 
Racist fuckwittery
--------------------------------------- added after 32 minutes

Hey Huxley I betcha you don’t know how to tell a pull start Indian from a push start Indian a pull start Indian you have to pull there turbin it spins them around allowing centrifugal force to start them so they can work and a push start Indian has a dot that you push and a battery starts them up so they can work
By #610414 21,Aug,20 14:09
only registered users can see external links

You are full of it. A mind is aa fresh as the body allows it
--------------------------------------- added after 98 seconds

And you weren't the sharpest tack in the box to believe in
By dgraff [Ignore] 21,Aug,20 14:27 other posts 
Hunny your chart is a bit out dated they have buck obumma as president of the United States 🇺🇸
By #610414 21,Aug,20 14:35
Only by four years..
By #610414 22,Aug,20 12:00
Dgraff, your knowledge of motor vehicles is impressive.........As long as you are talking to a layman. How about telling us how a photocopier with dry ink makes copies? How about telling us how an amplifier circuit amplifies the signal?
By dgraff [Ignore] 22,Aug,20 13:18 other posts 
That has nothing to do with cars I’m an automotive technician of 40 years or more not a jack of all trades I did create a pickup truck that runs on hydrogen it’s self contained I fill a water tank on the truck and run the water through a series of pipes removing the hydrogen from the water running the truck
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

I think you’re straying from topic again you will catch hell from kebmo again
By #610414 22,Aug,20 14:47
Dgraff you did not specify automotive. You just WANTED to sound superior because you know motorcycles and cars. I wanted to show you that your experience is relevant. As far as kebmo is concerned, it is what it is
By dgraff [Ignore] 22,Aug,20 17:40 other posts 
You do realize when I was talking about Indians I was referring to the people from India you know rag heads and dot heads not the Indian motorcycle
By #610414 22,Aug,20 18:58
So, Afghanis are pull start and lower Indians are push start?
By dgraff [Ignore] 22,Aug,20 19:06 other posts 
Yep that works for me
By phart [Ignore] 22,Aug,20 20:08 other posts 
I thought if you got a woman with a dot on her head if you married her you would then pull off the dot to see if you won a convenience store or a hotel!

Real Indians are kick started! With a gear shift on the WRONG side of the gas tank and the clutch and brake on the wrong sides,from a Harley that is.
By dgraff [Ignore] 22,Aug,20 21:07 other posts 
Good old candy was showing a blonde moment again I’m talking about sleepy joe Biden running mate being a dot head and she thought I was babbling about a motorcycle
By #610414 23,Aug,20 09:58
Dgraff. Even a blond needs some intelligent sentence and subject matter.

Hey Huxley I betcha you don’t know how to tell a pull start Indian from a push start Indian a pull start Indian you have to pull there turbin it spins them around allowing centrifugal force to start them so they can work and a push start Indian has a dot that you push and a battery starts them up so they can work

By dgraff [Ignore] 23,Aug,20 10:15 other posts 
Hunny you need new glasses and you have the attention span of a 4 year old read way above were I reply to you about age most certainly does make a difference and as far as my punctuation I just don’t think it’s needed people know what I’m talking about and if it bothers a few on this site that’s a plus then my time on this site is well worth it
By #610414 23,Aug,20 11:42
Oh, kick in the balls? HAHAHA
I tend to agree with dgraff and would prefer a younger president, because older people tend to think less about the future as much. A younger president would need to live with the consequences of their actions longer.

I don't know Steve Austin. Maybe he's a brilliant guy with great ideas. He looks healthy, but is that going to help him improve healthcare for the American people? Is he going to arm wrestle the other world leaders for trade agreements and peace deals?

So, I think policies matter far more. What do you want your president to do? Don't you think there are problems that need to be adressed? Don't you want changes to improve your life and, if you have them, the future of you children?
By #610414 23,Aug,20 12:49
Hungry children on the streets of our cities. Almost 200k dead from a pandemic. Millions of unemployed. Riots in our cities. I want all that to change. And more.
My president has to start the ball rolling. He has to get interested. He has to inspire and hire experts that will help resolve all these problems. That's me. What bout you?
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes

BTW. I'm 68 years old. My hero? John F Kennedy. "It's not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country." I lived that and my children and grandchildren are doing it too. Policies are good. Action is better
By phart [Ignore] 23,Aug,20 13:17 other posts 
JFK's words would help alot today if people would listen to them.But they fall on deaf ears as millions of people sit back and do nothing but expect others to do for them in 1 fashion or another. My President is not a gloom and doom President,he tells me of progress made towards treatments,he trys to motivate companys like Google to develop a website that could be used to help with Covid but they act like they didn't hear the call to act and didn't understand what he said. Greedy company.
Trump tried to send feds to Portland, the feds were ask to leave by the local government,appears they enjoy the chaos?
Millions were employed until Trump was conned into shutting down the country.
Many more would have died from the wuhan virus had Trump not been a "racist" according to Biden and shut off China and Europe.
We could go on,but I promise you, Biden will not be the cure all he is being toted as .When the hammer drops he is just a puppet,a shiny object used to distract the Trump haters from the facts.
By #610414 23,Aug,20 14:19
We will see
By #610414 23,Aug,20 15:42
Phart, that's a load of horseshit. Millions of people, if there were no pandemic, would be working. Paying for their lifestyles. They would be having relations, kids, even political parties. Your president is not full of doom and gloom. He's full of lies and a dark heart. He tries to motivate social sites and tries to close them down. Some poor looser
Hi phart,

Trump was RIGHT in closing the borders, to prevent Covid from entering the US. However, he did nothing when it had already broken out in the US. If he had done a big shutdown early, he could have stopped it then. It would have prevented so many deaths. The damage to the economy would have been less than it is now and far less than it will be.

I do think it's too late now. You would need a complete shutdown for several weeks, like they did in Italy. Many of your people would not let that happen. If this is done, I hope it's under Trump, because if Biden would try it, former Trump supporters would start civil war.

So the only thing you can do is help the people who get Covid, for example by not having them go bankrupt from medical bills and help the people who lost their jobs, for example by not letting them loose their homes.

About the protests.
Do you think people have no right to protest?
Do you think the best response to those protests was sending in a military force to knock down those protests?
Don't you think the police is (at least partiality) to blame for these protests?
Don't you think Trump could have calmed the waters if had promised to do anything significant to reduce police violence?

By kebmo [Ignore] 22,Aug,20 18:18 other posts 
Just to be very clear, all this violence in Portland, the murders in Chicago, California burning and the hike in New York’s crime is happening on Donald Trump’s watch while HE is president. As president it is his responsibility and has nothing to do with Biden as Trump would have Americans think.
By #592419 22,Aug,20 19:05
No,, its all democrat...state jurisdiction is state..Democrats refuse help
Why are there fires burning in blue states where red states are doing just fine.
They made the mess so they will have to clean it up.. Only this time people are moving out of them.. Less votes.. Dems are done
By phart [Ignore] 22,Aug,20 20:14 other posts 
Kembo,Trump sent some folks to Portland,the Mayor ask to have them removed as the local government clamined they were CAUSING unrest.Apparently,they don't want help and don't even realize that riots and takeing over parts of a city is NOT the right way to do things.As for the fires in California,Terriable thing. But for the life of me I can't understand why wind and powerlines in 49 other states do not give the same amount of fire trouble as they have in Cali. IT could very well be their strict rules about clearing for all practical purposes,weeds and junk trees growing along power lines unchecked. All those inmates in the air condtitioned cells, while brush and trees grow wild to cause havoc later. Cut the trees,clear the underbrush BEFORE a fire.
Murders in Chicago,been happening since Al Capone was hanging out in that part of the country,seems during the struggle to be equal to someone the minoritys followed the gangster example instead of trying to be BETTER people and a asset to society.

If Trump Truely did since military into chicago to FIX the problems,people would be angry saying he overstepped states rights,and blah blah blah.
By #592419 22,Aug,20 20:20
Because they refuse to clean up all the undergrowth such as dry leaves and dead trees.. California is dry for 11 months.. you get lightening with high winds its fire time..
By dgraff [Ignore] 22,Aug,20 20:14 other posts 
Yeah and it’s all over that criminal Floyd those police officers should be released immediately returned to their job and awarded a Medal of Honor for doing their job
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

And if they don’t us white people should hold our own peaceful demonstrations police officers lives matter
By #592419 22,Aug,20 20:19
I agree for the most part but even though he was being a dick and trying to escape the cop should be disciplined for excessive force..
By dgraff [Ignore] 22,Aug,20 20:22 other posts 
Perhaps maybe a week suspension without pay

By #610414 22,Aug,20 13:32
The Criminalization of Immigration in the United States
For more than a century, innumerable studies have confirmed two simple yet powerful truths about the relationship between immigration and crime: immigrants are less likely to commit serious crimes or be behind bars than the native-born, and high rates of immigration are associated with lower rates of violent crime and property crime.

By #551147 16,Aug,20 02:15
May Robert Trump rest in peace, and best wishes to the Trump family... 😔

🇺🇲 TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸
By kebmo [Ignore] 16,Aug,20 05:26 other posts 
COVID-19? I can smell the irony.
By phart [Ignore] 16,Aug,20 08:45 other posts 
Robert Trump, who took blood thinners, had experienced brain bleeds that began after a recent fall, according to a close friend of the family’s.

Having a freind that fell and is suffering from the exact same thing,it is nothing to laugh about.
By #188992 19,Aug,20 14:09
You've clearly never heard of "Witzelsucht"!

How's things, phart?
By phart [Ignore] 19,Aug,20 18:06 other posts 
I think when a man dies,the sarcasm should at least take a break until he is buried.If family were to read jokes about their dead family member that soon,it would have a terriable impact.
Wait a while
By #188992 20,Aug,20 14:41
All that post demonstrates is that you don't know the difference between irony and sarcasm (surprise, surprise!) and, I suspect, that you haven't bothered to Google "Witzelsucht"!

Terriable (sic) effort, phart!
By phart [Ignore] 20,Aug,20 15:25 other posts 
I googled it before I posted,and still,I can't see the defense for sarcasm about someone's death.
By #188992 22,Aug,20 12:28
It's still not sarcasm, phart. Buy a fucking dictionary, dude.
By phart [Ignore] 21,Aug,20 20:12 other posts 
I copied and pasted this so you wouldn't have to look for it.NOTE although his brothers funeral was in the white house,Donald will be paying for it himself.So the libtards can't be whining about the cost of the funeral on the tax payer.It made perfect sense really from a security standpoint.No extra money spent by anyone BUT Trump, instead of trying to get him in and out of a church and cemetary and etc.

President Trump held a private funeral service for his younger brother at the White House Friday afternoon.

Robert Trump died Saturday at the age of 71 after he was hospitalized with an unspecified illness. President Trump visited him the day before his death at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital.

President Trump issued a statement at the time, calling him “my best friend” and saying “his memory will live on in my heart forever.”

Journalists who cover the White House watched in the late afternoon as Robert Trump’s casket was carried down the steps of the White House to a hearse waiting outside. The president, first lady Melania Trump and other family members followed as bagpipes played the Christian hymn “Abide With Me.”

The president said earlier in the week that he was considering a White House service for his brother.

“That would be, I think, a great honor to him. I think he’d be greatly honored,” the president told reporters at the White House. “So we’ll have, probably on Friday afternoon, a small service in honor of my brother, Robert.”

Robert Trump formerly managed real-estate investments for his brother’s company, the Trump Organization. He was one of the president’s four siblings. An older brother, Fred Trump Jr., died in 1981.

There have been services for presidents at the White House and weddings for family members and close friends, but a White House funeral for a family member is unusual.

A White House official said President Trump would be paying for the cost of the funeral.

On Friday evening, Mr. Trump tweeted: “Robert, I Love You.
By #188992 22,Aug,20 12:32
Cool. No cost to the taxpayer.

However, your very own evidence states it was a "great honor". Why should a public building be used to honour a real estate investor? What did he achieve that warrants that honour?

I'm guessing pretty close to fuck all. He was, however, related to the President. Pretty sure that's the only reason he was given that honour.

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