![](/avatars/495/495558.jpg) | First of all, I love guns. I own several and love to go shooting. For me, gun control is a nice tight pattern on the target. Or, my right index finger. I have always respected guns and never in a million years thought of turning one on an unarmed civilian population. I think that is the very definition of cowardice.
I am however interested in hearing everyone's opinion on the matter. Specifically, as it pertains to these mass shootings that keep happening. I don't see gun control or background checks stopping these from happening. It may help to some degree but that is not the end all solve.
In my opinion, and this is not meant to make light of the situation at all, is we have a country full of pussies. To make that sound more professional, I think this country is full of entitled people who think they deserve everything and don't want to work for anything. It is full of politically correct bullshit and kids who don't get graded in school and everyone gets a trophy. Well, that is not how the real world works. We all know this to be true, good bad or indifferent. It just isn't real.
These kids attend college etc and live in this bubble. When they enter the real world the smallest of offenses or setbacks sends them off on a rampage. We have failed to set boundaries and realistic expectations.
Again, just my opinion. You can post anything you want here. |
If the data and article are accurate that did some as a shock......
Yes, I agree with you about Americans feeling they are entitled. But wouldn't you agree, much of the entitlement mentality begins at home. I'm not sure how to correct that, I think our government makes it too easy for many to make state assistance a "life style" rather than a limited time only, helping hand.
It frosts my ass when I've worked 1 and often 2 jobs while someone who is entitled to state assistance chooses not to work only because $ 7.50 to $ 8.00 per hour is not "worth it".
But getting back on track, these senseless shootings, where are the guns coming from, how are they acquired with such ease? I am naive but I do know the Internet provides so much information on many other questionable "things", is making a gun one of them?
By the way, what does "****" translate to in your title of your post?
And the ease at which Americans can acquire firearms without any over site is terrifying. These most recent mass shootings have seen these gunmen armed to the teeth. This UCC shooter had seven guns on him and six at home. And your governments lack of ability to oversee gun sales allowed this man to go by without anyone asking, "Maybe we shouldn't sell him that fourteenth gun?"
1. Businesses are already responding to this change by installing kiosks and other systems to reduce workers altogether. Or, they are reducing the hours worked to keep costs down. Promoted to part time work isn't the ideal outcome.
2. An unforeseen by-product of this is that with the wages raised, many people no longer quality for low income housing or healthcare. A sick irony I would say.
If anything sorts out the wage issue, it is higher education. It needs to be more affordable. I have been saying that for years. Who wants to have a $250K bill for a four year UNDERGRAD degree? That is on the high end, but it is happening.
I also think the Ivy league schools should stop acting like glorified hedge funds and use some of that endowment money to LOWER tuition. It is just untenable. And it is getting worse. Goggle Harvard and hedge fund. It makes for an interesting read.
In my opinion....
Secondly, aside from the problems you listed, minimum wage does nothing more than devalue currency, if you don't believe me it's a simply matter of supply and demand.
Also the very existance of billionaires actually ruins economic balance and falsifies the scarcity of currency
It frosts my ass that people can apply for assistance and can remain on assistance until, unlike unemployment where you know you have "x" amount of weeks. I'm all for using my tax dollars to provide assistance to people in need but I used to get all fired up when I stood in a line in the grocery store behind someone dressed to the 9's, carrying a Michael Kors purse and paying with food stamps! Government assistance makes it easy for young women to stay at home and pop out babies every year. And the men without jobs are available for booty calls because they don't have a job, either! There has to be something that our government can do, like employers with regard to sick leave, ie so many weeks at this percent, then the percentage drops down to this for so many weeks until it's time to say NO MORE unless there's some physical or psychological reason the person is unable to find and/or hold a job. When I was staying at my s1ster's condo, this past winter and when it was up for sale, I wanted to make sure that the side walk ( maybe 20 to 25 feet ) from the parking lot to the unit was kept clean and salted. I didn't want prospective buyers to know how unreliable the property management team was, the parking lot was always plowed but the side walks weren't done by the same company. I approached a couple of young fellas, 14 yo, that had just been dropped off by the bus and pitched my proposition, $ 15.00 per shovel, I provided the salt, you are "expected" to shovel when it snows. They looked at me like I lost my last marble and said, no thanks.....There is no ambition to work!
I don't know why our society is so messed up, is it because "we" were allowed to eat McDonalds hamburgers?
And since in most of countries taxes are progressive and depend on absolute wage numbers it means the society in average will pay more taxes and those taxes will be taken from the pockets of the consumers, i.e. same people who you raised the minimal wage for. Therefore they eventually will be slightly more poor, not more wealthy.
But what's to be done when large companies like Mcdonald's, Walmart, etc... That make billions in net profit yearly, and employ thousands of full time and part time help. Don't offer there full time devoted employs the opportunity to work overtime, a wage you can support yourself or c hildren on, benefits, or the opportunity to unionize. Knowing full well that these companies have the means to support their staff that way?
May I ask, why do you possess a gun?
Also, mass shootings are, contrary to popular perception, not actually increasing. James Alan Fox, a criminologist at Northeastern University, has found that the number of mass shooting victims, perpetrators, and incidents didn't change much from 1980 to 2010.
And I'd like to add more context - in 2011 about 32'500 people died in US by motor vehicles. 3 times more than from all gun homicides. And there are 88 guns and 80 cars per 100 people in US. I.e. there are slightly more guns than cars in US, but guns cause several times less deaths than cars.
If you take guns away it is not going to deter h_ate in this country(USA). There will be other means of v_iolence and most criminals are not going to make sure the guns is properly registered before going to kill someone. The black market is going to make a fortune if they outlaw guns
The 2 reasons we have violent issues in this country is:
//Media controlled topics on racial and religious hatred. This is making a lot of money because the people in this country are spending money to read about hatred rather than looking up topics for the better good. Because it is making a lot of money for the newspapers and sponsors they are flooding the media with h_ate versus good. //
The lack of education in this country, especially mathematics and music theory is making this country grow to be fat, stupid, v_iolent people. Look what is happening to our c_hildren. If you check the statistics on the best and worse educational platforms, USA is just about dead last in every category especially mathematics and reading comprehension. Embarrassingly, their scores in English, which is their native language is dead last compared to other countries regarding native language. ///
This is the result of lack of music theory education as well as importance regarding mathematics. It is proven that the more you spend on music theory there is a stronger development in "Grey Matter" cell formation thus increasing intelligence and creative thinking. Because our country of over 300,000,000 people are not educated including those that do not know a word of English is causing racial and religions h_ate involving guns and the media is contributing... Our president is regarded as a terrible leader that leaks are coming out he is spending more time giving Iran nuclear weapons of mass destruction as compared to educating his people for the better good. High Schools are not preparing our c_hildren to be productive citizens and go to college. That is why the only thing on their mind is their h_ate which is learned.. Its not the gun that is the major issue. It is the consistent lack of leadership that our country has suffered from 1963 that has caused anarchy in our country. Lying stealing politicians that are a syndicate that makes even Al Capone blush.. Lies and more lies. Those that wish to disagree are welcomed to however I can back up these statements with several documents that support this theory.. Thanks for sharing this here..
Music theory is a guide to orientate the student a wide variety of methods in order to reach his or her true potential. There is an actual physiological change in the brain when you are exposed to music theory at an early age, whether playing a flute, clarinet, piano or even chorus that enhances thinking ability and utilizing all resources to come up with ideas in becoming successful. Europeans, namely Ukrainians, Hungarians, Finland, Norwegians for example are very explicit on learning music therefore it is easier to solve complex ma thematic functions as compared to people that have not been educated in this field..This is a theory to promote a C_hild's educational needs to reach their full growth potential.//
A great example was from Albert Einstein who once said that he would not have envisioned the Theory Of Relativity if he had not learned to play Violin at the age of 4. berksmusic.com/whymusic/whymusicsciencescores.html
/////// So it is my summation that with proper music training thus helps all human beings When you can identify musical patterns at a young age it is easier to maintain focus and later in life it is easier to love oneself leading to loving others regardless or race, religion or sexual orientation leading to reach full potentials, therefore less h_ate, Therefore less crime. If you compare crime rates in other countries, namely Canada, Hungary, Singapore for example. //// It is easier to know right from wrong. If your surroundings are easier to decipher you are less likely to h_ate. Have you ever wondered why USA has the highest ADHD diagnosis in the world? There is your answer..Clear cut and dry....///THis USA president has not been sincere to his people. His interest is not to make changes for the better good of people but rather make changes for the new world order..
True. But why do you use the pronoun "this" and not "every", and why use the noun "president" and not "politician", and why talk about "USA" and not "the world". The sentence should therefore read:
"Every politician [very few exceptions] in the world is not sincere to people."
By the very definition of the word `politician', a politician must be insincere. He or she should have mastered the art of deception. The better they're at it, the better politicians they become.
And as for ADHD, as someone diagnosed with ADD at a young age. I hypothesize that ADHD is like allergies a lack of exposure early in life creates an inability to cope later in life. Both with mental focus and peanuts.
"Regarding mass shootings and suchlike events, do some research on what is known in political and military circles as a "psy-op" (psychological operation".
I'm not American, but English, so this comes from 'an outsider looking in'. I have several American friends,..like most Americans I meet,...admire Americans generosity, kindness, humanity and ability to 'get things done'. In addition, I admire the 'American way' in so many things not least the lack of class problems that still blights life here in the Old World.
Firstly, I have come to believe that the American 'problem' has nothing to do with guns, per'se. I see it as a "chicken and egg" situation.....the problem exists and gun ownership along with improper use is the expression of that problem. If guns did not exist the 'problem' in the American mind would still be there and sill have an exporession in some violent way.
Americans, although loaded with wonderful character traits such as kindness and generosity have this awful black streak running thro' their psyche. It's emobodied with the sudden desire to kill others on a moments whim, often without any real thought or need.
Outside of America we see this displayed daily on our TV screens in both news/current affairs programmes and in American entertainment progs. This American 'dangerousness' seems to operate at all levels of American society from policemen 'hunting' black people on the street to government foreign policy drones hunting people in far away countries.
If you turn on the TV you quickly learn some essential things about America.....everybody has at least one gun on their person (womens ones are usually bright silver) and all dramatic situations involve the characters (whether real or fictional) pointing the guns at others......and most if not all the situations are 'dramatic', so that's invariably a gun moment.
American people like to kill and guns offer the best way to do that whether it's shooting black people (witness Furgeson) or killing a n i m a l s for no reason other than a sadistic pleasure (witness the dentist and tame lion horror)..or the hideous tape of the helicopter pilots murdering innocent civilians that was disclosed by wikileaks.....the problem runs right thru American society like a name thru a stick of rock...very sad but true and there is nothing that can be done about it.
First is all the crazies who still want to commit gun **** would find a way to illegally optain one to commit there cowardly deeds.
Two, watch out folks, our government would very quickly become a huge tyranny. And gun **** would still happen.
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