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Started by #431354 [Ignore] 19,Dec,13 17:10
For those who are tired of the random negativity in forum feel free to post wild sexy topics and no attacks on anyone...

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By #610414 08,Aug,20 15:44
[deleted image]

and it continues
--------------------------------------- added after 1000 hours

[deleted image]

By #578610 05,Jun,19 22:07
Once agaij she rides her broom. This is great entertainment. The One Eyed Bitch Witch and her little cunts are running around like mice. All kinds of theories. Candy is Charlie. Charlie is BonBon. The Pope is French. Hotpussy is getting ready to attack Normandy. The Witch is breast feeding the Professor. CC54 is getting an hourly finger fuck. WetNoodle couldn't possibly be Little Red Riding Hood.
What a bunch of stupid, asswipe fucks. As if anyone cares. Losers in life. Losers here. Losers everywhere.

By #578610 05,Jun,19 10:12
[deleted image]


By #536760 11,Nov,17 14:30
Just another charmer.

Nov 11, 13:24 Whistles: Speak up nigger lover

Nov 11, 13:23 Whistles: Are you out begging for money to feed yer window licking mongoloids ? Does that fat cow you married know u take Indian knobs up yer rotten AIDS ridden arse ?

Nov 10, 13:32 Whistles: Niggers, abo, and Indians. You will suck for food

Nov 10, 13:31 Whistles: Heard you were seen sucking off abo cocks in Wilcannia.

Nov 10, 13:29 Whistles: Poor old cunt

Nov 10, 13:29 Whistles: Did Kevin Spacey wreck yer scummy arse?

Nov 10, 13:26 Whistles: I bet Christmas is going to fuck off at yer rotten house. Will u suck an Indian to buy presents ??

Nov 10, 13:25 Whistles: Are u at the soup kitchen begging for a quid?
By #485312 11,Nov,17 21:57
yeah that's hellraiser and her wonderful grasp of the English language when she cant get attention, she cant get enough from one profile, has to make fake ones to down vote and degrade others, just a loser, ignore it and let her be the low life scum that she is on her own... no skin off your nose ICU *lix*
--------------------------------------- added after 28 hours

hows that razor blade sandwich gondor sent you lol, *Lix*
--------------------------------------- added after 47 hours

if it looks like a duck, acts like duck and quacks like a duck, it must be a dog according the great all knowing here lol, *lix*
By mr_blue [Ignore] 12,Nov,17 03:07 other posts 
It's not hellraiser...and don't you think it's ironic you're calling out grammar when you write the way you do ?
You need to take a look at yourself....
By #485312 12,Nov,17 06:37
its not her grammar l was pointing out, its her wonderful use of words, shit slinging and name calling lm drawing attention too, lve seen all those comments on her numerous other fake accounts, and yes l do look at myself, l don't make fake accounts and stalk other members, down voting them. when l don't like them, l just state it, in my blogs and let everyone see it from my own mouth, l don't hide like a moron behind fake accounts slinging shit at others. l don't think theres anything ironic here... its just your take on the matter, and you don't know the half of it.. you should take a look at yourself l think before telling me to check myself out.. who do you think this moron is if youre so smart and all knowing Alex??? and whats your problem with my grammar, writings, or the way l do things here??? it seems to be annoying you that l have an opinion all of a sudden, and isn't that what you stand for??? attacking opinions and not looks?? l didn't call her a two faced, gondor riding, can of spammed ham, walrus faced mother fucking dick wad with a pube hanging out her arse, like she has called me, or is that how you took my 'opinion' on her *lix*
By mr_blue [Ignore] 12,Nov,17 07:34 other posts 
You want to post yourself everywhere,you gotta accept your behaviour is offensive to a lot of people here....
It's not hellraiser attacking you....if you've been here long enough,and have been in the chat room fights from old, you'll understand there are people here who just bust balls cuz that's their thing, don't think you're the only one this has happened to here,...hellraiser will tell you directly what she thinks of someone ,just like you your problem seems to be,that you can dish it out,but not take it...
And I don't have a problem with your opinion,I just think you need to chill out a bit....and if you have a problem with my name calling,tell your friend to not be offensive to my friend... get personal and it's all fair in love and war.not everyone will like you, it's just life....if you're offended by what people write about you,you just have to live with it..
By #485312 12,Nov,17 19:16
take your own adviced Alex, that's not even my message for a start, lve blocked that account before it had time to PISS RANT at me, you just carry on and believe the liars (YOUR FRIENDS) and don't tell me too chill, lm here to tell it how it is on my account under my name, not a fake account, youre the one getting offended that l tell the truth here, your friend is the one dishing out the dirt on fake accounts because shes too scared to stand behind what she says about and at people.. and excuse my BEHAVIOUR for posting sexual content on a site called SHOWYOURCUNT, l would never of known this to be a site to only discuss how much eggs cost in Detroit or what mustard to put on hotdog.. your friends seem to think the site is called SHOW YOU'RE A CUNT, if your friends are so good, stick to talking to them about standing behind their convictions, and mind your own business if it upsets you when lm telling my friends who these backdoor arseholes are.. l have just as much right to post my opinions and if you have a problem with my partner, work it out with him, not me ... act like a man instead of a mouth piece for an arsehole with an attitude.. and again to ICU.... THE ARSEHOLE WHO WROTE THIS SHIT TO YOU IS HELLRAISER... but lm sure you can see that for yourself now..if it looks like a PISS RANT, it usually is just that ... *lix*
By mr_blue [Ignore] 12,Nov,17 23:50 other posts 
You making such a fuss over people expressing their opinion here, I'm telling you how lots of people see you and you don't like it,oh well, that's your problem,you have over a thousand friends and you're bothered by the few that don't like you... that's your problem....and people here are allowed to talk about other things besides sex, it's a social network based around sex,not just sex....
And so what if hellraiser cursed you ,you can do the same to like I said,you can dish it out but not take it...or maybe you just lack the emotional stability to handle it like an adult,you act like a spoilt brat...
And your reaction to a bit of criticism shows everyone here from someone who stood up for you says all we need to know...
I'm not offended by you,I think you're a joke...
Everyone can see you have nothing except this site...
,....but you keep thinking everything is about you here..
And so what if hellraiser is my friend,take your issues up with her,oh yeah you got your ass handed to you by another female and threw a hissy fit,like you normally do...
And this is the internet,collecting internet friends is a mental health issue now,so think you are popular here,gimme a break,guys here will fuck anything....
You're the perfect example of that...
So want more home know where I am...
You can't handle that your behaviour is disgusting to so many people here they've told you just what they think of you and you blacklist them,yet you still go around accusing people of attacking your friends,unless you've got proof is someone having another account to attack you or your friend,I suggest you re-evaluate your thinking...

Spare me the self pity attitude is it's all about how you feel,you just can't accept others views,or how they feel about your appearance or sexual activity,or you partner getting attention from other females...
By #485312 13,Nov,17 02:11
lol, yeah, youre so right, lm a victim, you just keep telling yourself that, so many here tell you this, keep telling yourself that, l'll just go and have my pity party, post more pics, and be happy.. you think this is all l have, shows just how deluded you really are Alex... lol, *Lix*
By mr_blue [Ignore] 13,Nov,17 03:13 other posts 
I'm not deluded at at are playing victim, it's not like you haven't shown it one is telling me anything,I can see it you do have a problem....
And good for you that you're happy, you're still missing the point though....ever consider that your actions might offend people here,I don't think you do,cuz it's all about how things affect you...not how you impact on others....
So be self absorbed and up your arse.....a lot of people find your behaviour abhorrent...
And you're saying be happy,yet you focus more on what people that don't like you do and say....
That's insecure behaviour and you know it..
And it's self evident that this site is your even met your fella here, you're all over the site with your cheap ass ploys to gather friends on the internet....
So I'll just delude myself with the observations that everyone else can see too....
Your behaviour isn't anything new here,think you're special and are entitled to something,this site used be a lot rougher than what is was,and you wouldn't have survived...some of those folks still pop up from time to time here and fuck about pretending to be you think accusing someone without proof is ok just cuz you're bothered by someone who you don't like,sorry but that's not ok....
By #485312 13,Nov,17 04:58
so many words, so much bullshit, l cant be bothered to read it, what will l do?? post another picture and live my insecure existence for another day. *lix*
By mr_blue [Ignore] 13,Nov,17 06:37 other posts 
But you did read it truth sucks don't it...
You can't dispute what I say so try to brush it off....
By #485312 13,Nov,17 15:50
youre full of it alex, you suck and you know it, youre turnig into bella, if you say it long enough and twist it to sound bad, it makes it right, go one bullshitting as much as you like, like lve always said, l stand behind everything l say, l don't care what you believe or think, because l think different, you can back bullshit all you like, your friend is a bad mouthing loser, yes l'll say it again, she is a loser, and arsehole who admitted she makes fake accounts, and admitted she is an arsehole.. lm just agreeing with her *lix*
By mr_blue [Ignore] 13,Nov,17 16:31 other posts 
I'm full of it, look at yourself.....look at your cheap arse ways and tell me I'm full of it here...and you do care what I say cuz you keep replying even after you said I was talking shit....
And take your issues with my friend up with her and don't accuse her of attacking your friend without proof..
You got put down by a female and just can't handle it.....same as you're jealous of your fella if he talks to a female you know you really are talking crap....
By bella! [Ignore] 13,Nov,17 16:40 other posts 
Whoa! That skanky thing brought my name into this!? She is such a freaking whack-a-doodle!
By #485312 13,Nov,17 19:28
l must be upsetting you.. you have an answer for everything.. *lix*
By mr_blue [Ignore] 13,Nov,17 20:17 other posts 
Not an answer for everything,just more than enough answers to your antics and comments here.....

It's not like your behaviour is something new..
There's been a few like you here....
By #485312 14,Nov,17 00:40
your behaviour has just made my message box light up with well wishers.. funny that my behaviour is so rotten it makes people like me more *lix*
By mr_blue [Ignore] 14,Nov,17 08:36 other posts 
So what, doesn't change the fact that you are a self absorbed person with no sense of shame does it,still hasn't changed the fact that what I said about you is true....and you keep reaffirming what I've said by your comments and do you really think I'm bothered that you've got so many internet friends..I don think so...
--------------------------------------- added after 58 minutes

Remember this ?
you're a top bloke, a champion really, thank you for being a rational and intelligent man..its nice to see a real gentleman here *lix*

Funny how you changed your tune cuz I disagreed with you, I've always been an opinionated person here...
By #485312 14,Nov,17 17:32
no l haven't changed, nor will l, l will continue to post pics here, but you have changed, l still stand behind everything lve said, the message is hellraisers, and she knows it, she's like clock work, same messages, same behaviour, same people to attack, and you, well l take that back, because youre not a gentleman.. you've proven that these last few days, see you really are turning into bella, find old material, copy, paste, rehash shit, twist it and spew it into the net in the hope that someone believes it.. *lix*
heres a site lm recommending to you all only registered users can see external links
By admin [Ignore] 14,Nov,17 18:40 other posts 
I don't think it's HR behind that account. Someone who'd been on the site before for sure and likes to stir shit. May be Boyd, he can copycat other members style pretty well. May be someone else from the collection of sociopaths who had been here over years. But unlikely it's HR.
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Nov,17 22:58 other posts 
The TRUTH does not matter to her because she CHOOSES to believe what she wants. Apparently, this selective approach allows her to justify her abhorrent (yeah, that word works perfectly to describe her) attitude.

Her issue is with what another member has directed at her yet it's another opportunity to throw my name in the mix.

All I have to say about her is that she's straight up bat shit crazy!
By admin [Ignore] 14,Nov,17 23:24 other posts 
You are not winning any sympathy from me with these comments. If you truly think she's crazy, then right now you are mocking an ill person, which is disgusting.

Also, she has reasons to believe what she's saying. In past (not recently, may be a year ago or more) some unpleasant anonymous comments with similar style were left on lix's wall and the site resolved IP to HR's account.
By bella! [Ignore] 15,Nov,17 00:33 other posts 
I'm not looking for any sympathy from you, there's only so many people/comments that I can post on since I am blacklisted by licksipsuckit.

She CHOSE to believe that HellRaiser13 was behind the message sent to Icudoiwill2 even after alexblue said "no way" and she either chooses not to believe you or she has not seen your post. She CHOSE to believe to believe that I conceptualized and formed a h@te group about her, it wasn't my doing.

There's no doubt in my mind that someone who CHOOSES to believe something, even when they are told "it cannot be", has some screws loose, aka bat shit kray-kray!
By #485312 15,Nov,17 02:37
l doubt that very much. the only sociopaths here are the ones that cant see past their own bullshit because theyre to busy blowing hot air out their arse all the time, you may doubt its her, but l still say it is, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to work that out, its so transparent that even blind freddy can see it.. unlikely?? not at all, you can clearly see from the responses of the onsite sociopaths, they stick together because they only have each other to back themselves up..and they wallow in it like strippers in a mud bath... *lix*
By mr_blue [Ignore] 14,Nov,17 21:04 other posts 
You really are ignorant to how you act aren't you?
I'm telling you what I see,so tough shit if you can't handle it...
And you change how you act towards me cuz I told the cold inescapable truth of how shallow and self absorbed you are...
By bella! [Ignore] 13,Nov,17 19:40 other posts 
alexblue , licksipsuckit does not want to take any issues up with anyone. Her method of dealing with an issue is to blacklist the member and talk crap about them because in her head, what she thinks is the "truth".
By bella! [Ignore] 13,Nov,17 03:13 other posts 
Seems like you've pushed her buttons. I get the impression that you might not be invited to join her "by invitation only" group.
By #562152 26,Nov,18 11:20
[deleted image]

i can imagine how you feel,,
--------------------------------------- added after 75 seconds

Too bad putting down people seems to be your greatest contribution to the site
By #543863 27,Dec,17 15:23
The walrus seems ghosts... even during the day
By bella! [Ignore] 11,Nov,17 22:29 other posts 
Since I cannot respond to suckit, Icudoiwill2, I must respond to you. No way is that HellRaiser13. She would definitely not establish an account to badger you, Icudoiwill2, nor would she send a private message like that.

And to suckit, I might normally say, "stick a sock in it!", but since it is you popping off at the mouth, I will just say, "shut the heck up!"
By leopoldij [Ignore] 12,Nov,17 03:57 other posts 
Just say "shut the fuck up".
By #543863 12,Nov,17 23:31
Eat ass Alison. Feeble minded window licker. You know this isn’t HR. Your nasty fish pie made my cock soft. I know your midget lover has a seeing eye dog. Only the blind would shag you. Your cunt looks like the butchers leavings.
By dgraff [Ignore] 13,Nov,17 06:04 other posts 
Omg this is great put a dick in your mouth suckit and shut up once
By #543863 14,Nov,17 20:53
When the blind Aussie goes to shag his walrus with its pimpled arse... I wonder if he wears one of those suits like they use on "Stranger Things".... the hazmat ones.

So when he enters his lovers massive cunt cave, he goes in with a Hazmat suit and o2 tank. Of course, there is the need to use a flamethrower to clear out all that nastiness. Her cunny looks just like the portal to the upside-. Gooey mess and all.

"Stranger Things" is such a great show and seems pertinent with the Blind Aussie and his pet Walrus.
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Nov,17 21:16 other posts 
Walrus slime is the worst
By #487013 13,Nov,17 19:23
I haven’t even been on the fucking site you fucking ugly fat ass slob. Not that it’s anyone’s biz but I’ve been dealing with the death of a family member. And watch this disrespectful garbage disposal find a sure way to come at me for even mentioning it. I don’t have fake accounts and haven’t said or done shit. Get your goddamn facts straight before you accuse me of wrong doing. All I did was send a razor to the dumb ass and he knows why. I’ll say one last time if I attack I do it directly and will say what the fuck I think. Admins no freaking fan of mine but he’s no dumb fuck either, I’m sure if I had attacked I’d be gone by now. I could give a fuck less about you and what you think of me. You’re still miffed cuz I said you’re an ugly old fat slag that looks like you should have a catapult strapped to your back with a rider blowing a trumpet as you make your way into Gondor and adding that stupid lix to everything makes you look senile. Get the fuck over your self you attention seeking tub of lard. Not my fault you have nothing at all going for you other than showing that stretched out chewed up bubble gum gut online for attention from a bunch of fat old smelly fucks on the internet. Stay the fuck away from me and keep my name out of your stupid mouth. You can go shove a porcupine up that torn up trash bag you call a cunt , it’s the only thing that would probably get you off. And if I get deleted for voicing my opinion so be it, just hope Dev gets his money back for my membership.
By #460385 13,Nov,17 20:34
Don't let the kangaroo's groupies get to you.
By #491031 13,Nov,17 22:22
First, I am sorry for your loss. Nothing anyone can say will make the pain less, but you will be in my thoughts none the less.

Second, I get the impression from reading your post that you are not a big Walrus fan. Not sure why I think that--it's just my Coyote-Sense tingling.

Third, I'm not sure a single porcupine would adequately fill that particular gash but, even if it did, why would you wish such a horror on a poor defenseless woodland critter? That's just mean!
By #543863 13,Nov,17 23:18
By 2nice [Ignore] 14,Nov,17 01:09 other posts 
Holy drama, Batman.
By #491031 14,Nov,17 11:00
I am NOT Batman. Batman is a wuss. I am Rocket Raccoon, dammit!
By 2nice [Ignore] 27,Nov,17 14:08 other posts 
Batman is NOT a wuss, Will.
By #491031 27,Nov,17 14:44
Compared to Rocket, Batman is a TOTAL wuss!
By 2nice [Ignore] 02,Jan,18 17:00 other posts 
Out the door to see Justice League in a few minutes.
By #491031 03,Jan,18 12:45
Okay...but that's two and a half hours of your life that you will never get back.
By #487013 14,Nov,17 09:09
No I’m not a fan of the hatchet faced sea cow and her shitty posts and pics all over the site like a bad Seinfeld episode filled with geico commercials. Substitute the porcupine for a cactus then. Fucking bitch looks like a blob fish.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 21,Jul,18 07:10 other posts 
what happened to you?

By leopoldij [Ignore] 21,Jul,18 07:11 other posts 
--------------------------------------- added after 3061 hours


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