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Started by #431354 [Ignore] 19,Dec,13 17:10
For those who are tired of the random negativity in forum feel free to post wild sexy topics and no attacks on anyone...

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By #485312 13,Aug,17 23:56
what hand do you wipe your arse with??? and are you a scruncher or folder??? *lix*
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By #535670 14,Aug,17 00:56
My left hand and I wipe and release
By #485312 14,Aug,17 22:47
lm right handed, and l scrunch... *lix*
By #502711 14,Aug,17 02:09
Right hand. & I fold & then scrunch.
By #485312 15,Aug,17 04:13
you forgot the naked bit... *lix*
By #535670 15,Aug,17 21:17
What naked bit?
By #536760 15,Aug,17 22:28
Lol yea what naked bit?
By #485312 21,Aug,17 20:52
he likes to get naked while he's on the crapper, not sure why, just one the many things that makes him who he is *lix*
By #535670 22,Aug,17 07:32
oh yeah I seen a few guys when at the urinals pull the pants and underwear all the way down to the floor to take a pee It was like they wanted some ass play
By #485312 23,Aug,17 02:40
maybe they did, but l wouldn't let my pants fall on a public lavatory floor lol, *lix*
By #502711 24,Aug,17 02:12
I don't have to get completely naked. I just like to have my pants & underwear off as it's more comfortable & I can spread my legs to let the crap out

By leopoldij [Ignore] 17,Aug,17 19:51 other posts 
What does COVFEFE mean?
By JeffinKS [Ignore] 17,Aug,17 21:21 other posts 
By #485312 20,Aug,17 18:32
means the mans head nearly exploded and his fingers couldn't do the task his brain sent them *lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 20,Aug,17 20:42 other posts 
To date, there are 505 definitions of the word:
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By #485312 21,Aug,17 20:46
lm still none the wiser to what it could mean. l wonder when it became viral, if it now warrants a place in the dictionary?? *Lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 22,Aug,17 00:45 other posts 
It means nothing. The guy writes faster than he thinks. It's like us when we type fast here and words come out mumbled. I've always maintained that he needs an honorary membership at SYD.
By #485312 22,Aug,17 01:12
maybe we should enter it into the acronym page and see if it has some hidden meaning lol, and lm sure his wife should join too, we need the numbers on the ladies side *lix*
By #536760 22,Aug,17 03:13
your lips are makeing me dizzy.
By #485312 22,Aug,17 04:44
cant wait to see you on a ferris wheel *lix*

By #485312 16,Aug,17 01:32
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whats the first thing you do after you finish
having sex??? drink, smoke or fall asleep?
By #539433 16,Aug,17 01:41
By #485312 16,Aug,17 01:57
l used to smoke, now l have to soak up the wet patch and hope its not on my side of the bed *lix*
By #535670 19,Aug,17 07:26
Turn a fan on maybe that will help.
By #485312 21,Aug,17 20:48
l would if it wasn't the middle of winter here, and in summer they dry up pretty quick out in the country, with temps in the 30 most days, everything is parched *lix*
By JeffinKS [Ignore] 17,Aug,17 21:22 other posts 
have a good pee...

By #535670 20,Aug,17 11:20
What is the most times you have been fucked in one day?
By #527431 20,Aug,17 11:21
is that some trick question?
By #485312 21,Aug,17 00:35
depends where one fuck starts and the other one finishes.. *lix*
By #535670 21,Aug,17 17:32
Yes fucking could go on all day I guess.

By #485312 17,Aug,17 04:33
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By #535670 17,Aug,17 06:34
Something or someone that you think about all the time.
By #485312 17,Aug,17 09:13
mmmm l must be obsessed with aussieman, l cant get him off my mind *lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 17,Aug,17 09:50 other posts 
Good for you. Anything that makes you happy and doesn't hurt you or others is worth pursuing in life.
By #535670 17,Aug,17 20:53
this one is hot >>>> /member.php?w=498811
By #485312 21,Aug,17 00:35
mmm very hot...*lix*

By leopoldij [Ignore] 08,Jun,17 13:02 other posts 
I like to post closeup pics of pussies I fuck.
I also like to see other's pics and vids.
By #485312 08,Jun,17 16:15
l love pics of arses, usually ones that l don't fuck
l also love watching vids of the bloke l fuck while fucking him..
By #460385 08,Jun,17 16:24
By leopoldij [Ignore] 08,Jun,17 20:18 other posts 
રેન્ડમ બુલશીટ
By #23212 08,Jun,17 20:55
BS is BS, even in Gujarati, et non?
By leopoldij [Ignore] 08,Jun,17 23:30 other posts 
Let the Yankee figure out. Canadians shouldn't be smart asses, should they? 😂😂😂
By #460385 09,Jun,17 09:16
@ Leo. Is the term Yankee what you use to describe all Americans from where ever your from? Because here in the US, we use the term Yankee to describe people from the Northern US. I was born and raised in the South, which requires a different label. Plus I H A T E the Yankees, I'm a Reds fan.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 09,Jun,17 09:42 other posts 
OK, got it, my bad. I just used the word as a term of endearment, sort of equivalent to "american", thought it was the same as "gringo", as the mexicans say.
I've no idea who the "Yankees" or the "Reds" are. I take it they must be names of some sports teams. American football? Rugby?
By #511804 17,Aug,17 21:26
Baseball Teams
By leopoldij [Ignore] 08,Jun,17 23:33 other posts 
Il n'a pas vu que le titre du sujet est la même chose, n'est-ce pas?
By #23212 09,Jun,17 01:22
Mais oui, c'est la même chose.
Attendant que la plupart des hommes ici des Etats Unies comprendents? Bonne chance mon ami.
By #460385 09,Jun,17 14:09
Yeah it is the same thing. And I as an American do understand. And Leo doesn't need good luck. Je vous remercie.
By #23212 10,Jun,17 01:30
Y gracias a tu, amigo.

By #535670 13,Aug,17 17:23
This cock is hot>>>> [deleted image]
By RealTitsLover [Ignore] 14,Aug,17 11:22 other posts 
I think your forgot to show the cock. I don't see anything.
By #535670 14,Aug,17 16:00
To see more click on this link > /member.php?w=539765
By RealTitsLover [Ignore] 14,Aug,17 22:10 other posts 
Whoa, calm down there, MickeyMouse... I just said I don't see anything, that doesn't mean I want to. I'll keep my distance.
By #535670 15,Aug,17 21:20
I am calm, Just giving you an option RealTitslover you seemed interested.

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