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New Comment Rating: 12 Similar topics: 1.RAND0M BULLSHIT 2.The ORIGINAL "Random Bullshit" thread is now in the Dumpster 3.RANDOM STUFF..... 4.RANDOM STUFF, JUST FUCKING BULLSHIT STUFF 5.RANDOM BULLSHIT Comments: |
Many moons ago, there were a group of men that objected that the employer afforded the women employees a lounge area in every restroom on every floor. Apparently, the intent of this lounge was to give the women a place to go if they were feeling poorly, but not bad enough to go home. So, the men filed a class action suit, saying that they were "discriminated against" because they were men and to put this all to rest, the company provided the men folk one lounge on the 12th floor of a 22 story building.
Now fast forward to the 21st century and women are given a "nursing" room, an area for nursing mothers to retreat to to express their milk. Do you men feel left out where you work? Do you need an area that is designated just for men? I don't know what would possibly ever be the reason, whether it be a real need or a mental health need..... Ha! Maybe you need a "wanking room", somewhere to go in the middle of the day where you can bust a nut which could put you in the right mindset to work til 5 or 6 pm?
"Hey Boss I'll be right back. I need to go to the PRA."
You're on to something Bella.
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes
i have not paid for anything yet it just takes time
--------------------------------------- added after 169 hours
One week later........I finally finished level 30. At this rate, I don't think i will finish all 257 levels until I'm 302 years old!
One of my friends insist that SCRABBLE is not about making the longest word, it's about word placement. Whatever!
It's been blue a little over a month now, but it faded a bit. Looks a lot better now that I've touched it up.
--------------------------------------- added after 24 hours
Why the fuck did this post here too. I posted it into the Christmas songs thread
Once the blue wears off I'm thinking either red or purple.
• The U.S. government considers bitcoin property, meaning every single purchase made with bitcoin has to be reported on your taxes.
• If you've held those bitcoins for less than a year and sell them, that cash will be taxed as income. If you've held for over a year, it's taxed as a capital gain — which could run 20 percent.
• A bipartisan bill was presented to Congress in September in an effort to create a tax exemption for cryptotransactions under $600.
Whether you've used bitcoin as an investment or as a currency, you owe taxes on it.
As far as Uncle Sam is concerned, bitcoin is not currency. It's property. That means whenever you buy something with bitcoin, it's two transactions, not one. What you're actually doing is selling a property (bitcoin) for a cash value and then using money from that sale to buy a product. So every single purchase you make with bitcoin has to be reported on your taxes.
For many, though, bitcoin is just an investment. If you've held those bitcoins for less than a year and sell them, that cash will be taxed as income. If you've held for more than a year, it's taxed as a capital gain — which could run 20 percent. Adding on transaction and accounting fees could raise costs to 60 percent, as was the case for one early bitcoin adopter.
But here's the problem: Almost no one reports this.
From 2013 to 2015, fewer than 900 people each year reported bitcoin transactions to the IRS. That prompted the IRS in 2014 to label cyrptocurrency as property back and to recently serve a summons to Coinbase. In it, the agency called for the records of over 14,000 users who have "bought, sold, sent or received at least $20,000 worth of bitcoin in a given year."
A federal court narrowed the scope of the summons but ultimately ruled in favor of the IRS. The tax status of those transactions is still unknown.
Moving forward though, there may be some relief. A bipartisan bill, "The Cryptocurrency Tax Fairness Act," was presented to Congress in September. It's seeking to create a tax exemption for cryptotransactions under $600.
Some remain hopeful for amnesty, but it looks like Uncle Sam is still poised to get a decent cut of the bitcoin action.
Bitcoins are 'mined' using computers by some people, and I imagine they can be bought or sold by you or me if we know how. You don't have anything physical though, these 'coins' are held in wallets online somewhere.
I saw yesterday that a Japanese digital currency 'bank'? was hacked and lost over $400 million !!!!!!!! of customers currency.
I am sticking to my local savings accounts.
He seems to think that disabled people go 10, 15, 20 years or more without physical contact and to add insult to injury, their inability to pay for sex because often, they are on welfare/public assistance. He asks that people support sexual equality for the disabled.
I don't understand what he's seeking, sexual equality, does anyone have an idea?
[deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 21 hours
[deleted image]
As for supporting sexual equality for the disabled I don't think it is for us, fully able people, to say what that means. We need to be advised by those who are suffering from this inequality as to what steps we can take to help them gain equality.
Just my opinion, there's got to be a bigger underlying problem other than a wheelchair or crutches that keeps someone from fulfilling their sexual needs and desires.
I agree with you that sexual inequality applies to other sections of the community too. Which was why I said that we need to have it explained to us just what the sexual inequality is that he was referring to and how we, the fully abled can help overcome that predjudice.
As far as I am concerned, if you really want to "get lucky", all you need to do is just "put it out there", cuz somebody will oblige. But if you're looking for something more substantial, ie a "real relationship", that's altogether something different.....
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