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Shall i get a cock ring?

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Started by #118112 [Ignore] 24,Feb,11 16:45
Hi all

I like the idea of a cock ring think it will make me feel harder!
My wife brought one for me but its way to big for me, are ther smaller sizes?

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By german_guy [Ignore] 22,Feb,21 14:24 other posts 
I've a few different ones and I like them all

By #636801 22,Feb,21 13:05
There are two types of penis ring. There are those that are meant to increase erect penis girth and maintain and erection. That's what people usually the termcock ring. Then there are penis rings that are purely decorative like this one only registered users can see external links . These fall under the jewelry category.

By newwt10 [Ignore] 17,Sep,20 16:36 other posts 
,,, Just love to edge in these!

By #591921 01,Jul,20 12:20
I have a few had to buy about five before I got one that did what I wanted but its a little uncomfortable under clothes. I got mine to hold my balls out and up so I dont sit on them. My balls hang very low and are big so sitting on them hurts quite a bit. I dint like women looking at me like I'm doing something wrong when I grab my package and pull it out to sit down. Some women think this is perverted and for those who do think that way you can't just outright tell them hey I'm trying not to squish my nuts by grabbing my junk ok.

By #526977 01,Jul,20 06:22
Elastic ones are easy.metal ones come in lots of sizes...don't wea ones more than say 40mknutes. Correct size is ok for 4hours or more! Never sleep in one! /pic_of_month.php?id=9105

By leopoldij [Ignore] 05,Mar,19 07:03 other posts 
get two [deleted image]

By leopoldij [Ignore] 05,Mar,19 07:01 other posts 
two cockrings [deleted image]

By #580165 05,Mar,19 02:54
I am also into wearing a (nearly) permanent CR. I like donuts and triple the most. Of course one must find out the right seize!

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By DeepThroatThis [Ignore] 01,Mar,19 02:56 other posts 
Love cock rings and have moved up to metal. 2" metal around cock and balls at hardware stores for under $2 check my pics

By #581231 28,Feb,19 19:33
I've been thinking about getting a few different sizes to see and feel how they work. Since I'm new at this how should I begin...1 around my cock or one around the top of my cock and down and under my balls? Trying this to last longer and give the wife a better experience.
By #545468 28,Feb,19 22:30
Putting the cock rings in different places will give you different feelings. One at the base of your cock shaft will feel different than one at your cock head. One around your balls will feel yet different. Try out for your own

By #577720 21,Jan,19 21:49
Yea I wear mine most of the time. Ive got steel leather and glass rings. I wear the leather one if I need a nice tight fit Love um.

By #576878 14,Jan,19 00:18
[deleted image]
You should. I am using homemade cockring.It does the job nicely.Keeps my erection harder and longer.

By #527723 06,Jan,19 19:12
I have recently bought a cock ring and I totally enjoy using it. My gf loves it when I fuck her while wearing it!

By #281008 26,Dec,18 12:46
get wat u want u turkey who cares

By Rob00 [Ignore] 26,Dec,18 03:07 other posts 
I do like my S/steel cock ring,it helps for a horny wank,check it out

By #573687 25,Dec,18 21:05
I am into permanent CR. I like Donuts and Triples but one need some "bulging" undies for Triples-
[deleted image]
[deleted image]

By #463848 25,Dec,18 08:30
I do not know what a cock ring would do to enhance my experience, so no, I won't be getting one.

By #485312 02,Apr,17 00:33
use a rubber band, or a cable tie *lix*

By RealTitsLover [Ignore] 01,Apr,17 08:38 other posts 
Too big for you?! I've never had that problem before... if I gave you my address, would ya ship it to me for a few bux?

By #531019 01,Apr,17 07:55
Get a wide band like mine that fits you, she'll love it!

[deleted image]

By pipcock [Ignore] 26,Mar,17 15:55 other posts 
Any form of ring on cock, round balls, or round cock and balls, is erotic. Love to experiment with homemade, but also have a buttplug and cock n ball ring combo....that is nice but a struggle getting it into my virgin ass!

By #281008 18,Jun,16 03:11
get wat u want u turkey who cares

By #421927 05,Jan,16 18:41
I prefer shaft rings...several sizes, from 1 1/2-1 3/4! Also glan rings, foreskin restraints & scrotum weights! Plenty of pics on my profile
By spermkiss [Ignore] 06,Jan,16 12:29 other posts 
You do have a nice collection of genital jewelry which you have so kindly modeled for us. And it certainly helps that your genitals are really attractive without adornment. So keep your pants off, your camera at hand and keep posting photos.

By raybo36 [Ignore] 31,Dec,15 16:45 other posts 
I wear a glans ring all the time. Luv the feel

By #220845 31,Dec,15 14:15
I have several

By #503815 31,Dec,15 08:57
I have a nice collection of steel ones. I'll sometimes wear mine most of the day.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 30,Dec,15 21:13 other posts 
I just bought a new leather cock ring.
[deleted image]

By #311947 24,Nov,15 08:15
Yes get a cock ring. Get a few of them. They feel good to wear.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 25,Nov,15 11:18 other posts 
My sentiments exactly. I wear mine 24/7 and have for more than a decade.

By Texas_Born29 [Ignore] 14,Nov,15 14:33 other posts 
I certainly like mine.

By #311947 24,Nov,15 08:14
Nice dick

By #281008 18,Nov,15 20:36
get wat u want u turkey who cares

By Texas_Born29 [Ignore] 14,Nov,15 14:31 other posts 
Sorry for double post.

By Texas_Born29 [Ignore] 14,Nov,15 14:30 other posts 

By Texas_Born29 [Ignore] 14,Nov,15 14:29 other posts 
URL=/qzlzdhc6l077pic.html][/URL] I certainly enjoy mine.

By spermkiss [Ignore] 19,Sep,15 13:10 other posts 
Well, the original poster of this topic is gone but I'll weigh in, nevertheless.

Yes, cock rings come in various sizes.

I wear mine 24/7 and have for years. Even to medical appointments, even with a urologist. No doctor has even batted an eye upon seeing it or advised me that it was in any way unhealthy. So I guess it's OK.

I use a c-h-I-l-d size jade bracelet which I got in the jade market in Hong Kong. This has the advantage of not setting off the metal detector in airport security lines.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 24,Sep,15 18:30 other posts 
How do you wear it? On your cock or at the base of the balls? Is it metal?
By spermkiss [Ignore] 25,Sep,15 12:18 other posts 
I wear it around both my cock and my balls, as in the photos posted by foreskins4ever below.

The main reason I wear it is to hold my balls down in my scrotum for a better appearance when I'm nude and for a nicer bulge in the crotch of swimwear. My balls are somewhat small and ride high and when I have an erection they draw up into my body and practically disappear. Oh how I look longingly at guys with a nice pair of low hangers that hang low even when they are hard and swing around while they fuck. The cock ring holds mine down.

Does it in any way effect how my dick operates? I don't think so. I get hard, I get soft, I can pee and ejaculate.

No it is not metal. I tried metal ones, even ones claiming to be surgical steel, but they caused my skin to break out. So did the neoprene ones. So I turned to the jade bracelets. I go to Hong Kong with some regularity (I'm going again next week) and they can be purchased in the jade market there for only a few dollars each. If there is a store where you live that sells Chinese imports, look for them there. And since I wear it 24/7, it does have the advantage of not setting off airport metal detectors.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 25,Sep,15 16:04 other posts 
Amazing! I thought that wearing a cock ring is something that can't be done continuously, that one should not wear it for more than half hour. I've never tried metal ones. Only latex/plastic--whatever it is.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 25,Sep,15 16:13 other posts 
Well, I've worn mine essentially 24/7 for well over ten years now with no ill effects whatsoever. And no doctor, not even a urologist, has ever advised me to stop.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 25,Sep,15 18:05 other posts 
I have a few cockrings, all silicone (I guess), stretchy ones, my favorite one is a simple circle like below. I shall consider wearing it for longer periods because I like it.
[deleted image]
By spermkiss [Ignore] 25,Sep,15 20:37 other posts 
Do it, buddy, and enjoy. I, too, know how satisfying it feels.
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

And for what it's worth, a dear friend who has since departed had a stretchy cock ring prescribed by a doctor for ED. It was worn snug just around his penis to restrict bl00d flow out so he could maintain an erection. He put it on, got hard, had his sexual encounter and took it off. I would NOT advise wearing a ring like that for an extended period.

By #220845 25,Sep,15 13:44
1 3/4 for me I like the thin ones .

By #10886 24,Feb,11 20:02
I like rings, so I would say yes. The two rings below are from Expensive, but top quality. Very heavy too! Follow measuring instructions on the site.

By #311947 24,Sep,15 11:31
Nice rings

By youngjpcock [Ignore] 19,Sep,15 10:05 other posts 
how about this type of rubber rings?

By #355258 13,Mar,13 11:56
My opinion is this: Homemade is the better!
I wear vacuum hose and quick coupler.
[deleted image]
And many more on my page.
By Pierogi80 [Ignore] 03,Oct,13 09:18 other posts 
I did a home made one too. An o ring.

By fancyabit [Ignore] 03,Oct,13 00:25 other posts 
My wife loves it when I wear one, says
It feels like a different cock. Beware though when she's giving a blow job she better be gentle or it'll hurt when she sucks too hard!

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