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We have a Kitkat down, we have a kitkat down

Discussion Forum on Show It Off

Started by Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 20,May,24 07:19  other posts
It seems the kitkat (a saggy granny and known rat) has self detonated... again!

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(this member nick was KITKAT, the account was recently deleted by the user)

Some people are just not made for the big leagues! It was a very short tenure this time.

We expect her old rat -gringo- to go soon.. into the light?

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Similar topics: 1.NEW STUFF, OLD STUFF, ANY STUFF IV.   2.NEW STUFF, OLD STUFF, ANYSTUFF IV.1   3.Toilet times for the Liter Box Of KITKAT  

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 21,May,24 17:49 other posts 
This member does not exist

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(this member nick was KITKAT, the account was recently deleted by the user)

This member does not exist

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(this member nick was -gringo-, the account was recently deleted by the user)

Two scummy rats blown up - confirmation of their self-detonation!

By PITBULL [Ignore] 24,May,24 12:03 other posts 
Two scummy rats blown up - confirmation of their self-detonation! that's funny
By tecsan [Ignore] 29,May,24 04:12 other posts 
On the prowl.

By MilaBoobs [Ignore] 21,May,24 17:23 other posts 
I used to eat a Kitkat because here it is a kind of candybar
By dgraff [Ignore] 21,May,24 21:22 other posts 
Don’t eat to many of them they have a tendency to go straight to a woman hips
By MilaBoobs [Ignore] 22,May,24 17:44 other posts 
oh yes....i have wide/round hips and like it to keep it that way

By dgraff [Ignore] 21,May,24 16:53 other posts 
Who was old chuckles victim a boy or a girl that is some sick shit and to think they talked all high and mighty i would laugh if the feds kicked in their front door and ceased their computer
By _AxCx_ [Ignore] 21,May,24 19:22 other posts 
The case doesn’t show that info, only sexual assault on a minor under 12. I hope he dies a painful death.
By dgraff [Ignore] 21,May,24 21:32 other posts 
Thank you for the information he is a sick man this hits home with me because my girlfriends x was repeatedly rapping Kayla the daughter at a young age and it mentally screwed her up for life she’s 23 now and still has nightmares about it she does feel safe and secure living at my house because she knows I’m a no nonsense person and I would kill him if he ever showed up here but for now he’s rotting in prison
By _AxCx_ [Ignore] 21,May,24 22:16 other posts 
I’m so sorry to hear she went through that. I hate anything related to sexual assault or anyone hurting kids. That shit makes me so sick to my stomach.
By phart [Ignore] 21,May,24 22:53 other posts 
sad and sickning for sure.Glad the person is in prison that hurt Kayla, hopefully he has to wear depends from his own ass being blown out.

AXCX, apparently you replyed to 1 of my post and now I can't find it, I did get your pm though.

By tecsan [Ignore] 21,May,24 03:01 other posts 
Gross as hell. Look on main page for this person Gummispritzer
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 21,May,24 08:56 other posts 
Are you requesting an attack on this cunt ??

By tecsan [Ignore] 21,May,24 22:44 other posts 
I was wondering if you thought used soiled panties (probably smelly) turns you or others on. Disgusting to me.

By bella! [Ignore] 20,May,24 08:45 other posts 
This post was made 5 years ago by JustWill. Guess who he is speaking about? His post was and still is very profound.

By JustWill 16,May,19 11:30
Dismiss the Crazy Wagon at your own peril! The Crew of the Crazy Wagon make their living by sneaking up and grabbing folks who don't believe in them. We're talking Monster Under the Bed-grade skulduggery here.

Do a site search of crazy wagon if you're looking for a good chuckle.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 20,May,24 11:35 other posts 
I will check that out
By _AxCx_ [Ignore] 21,May,24 09:18 other posts 
Justwill Where the heck have you been?

By dgraff [Ignore] 20,May,24 13:34 other posts 
Hey what ever happened to that sand nigga that wanted admin to change the games around so he could win once in a while I haven’t seen him around
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 20,May,24 16:39 other posts 
By dgraff [Ignore] 20,May,24 17:27 other posts 
Notynyt I think was his name
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 21,May,24 06:30 other posts 
He is still here- banned me years ago.

A total loser. notynyt

He is mad because the US bombed his village
By dgraff [Ignore] 21,May,24 08:22 other posts 
He banned me years ago too

By tecsan [Ignore] 21,May,24 03:21 other posts 
Should not have acted like others I know and abandon ship and come back with a different name. It was suggestd to me a few years back and I said hell NO. Besides you would have figured it out in a couple days and I knew that.

By PITBULL [Ignore] 20,May,24 08:31 other posts 
yes -gringo- is next. I need to expose him too
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 20,May,24 11:36 other posts 
Outstanding site work
By PITBULL [Ignore] 20,May,24 12:06 other posts 
You have too with the blogs about her.

By bella! [Ignore] 20,May,24 07:52 other posts 
Look on the bright side, at least we still have "Charlie".
By _AxCx_ [Ignore] 20,May,24 08:19 other posts 
Is that like the saying why go out for milk when there’s a cow at home?
By dgraff [Ignore] 20,May,24 08:26 other posts 
oh old Charlie has a cow at home that’s for sure
By _AxCx_ [Ignore] 20,May,24 08:28 other posts 
And when he yanks her tits she shits the floor, EI EI O.
By dgraff [Ignore] 20,May,24 08:30 other posts 
By bella! [Ignore] 20,May,24 08:32 other posts 
You have been knocked down from the pedestal she once placed you on, lollipop!
By bella! [Ignore] 20,May,24 08:29 other posts 
Well, kinda!
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 20,May,24 11:36 other posts 
Charlie won’t last long.

He’s playing Risk.

And he’s surrounded!!

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