![](/avatars/0/1.jpg) | It seems some members think their points number is a meter of their importance on this site or something like that. Well, I don't really know what happens in their heads. But the fact is - some members hoard points and never use them. I personally do not care because if members do not use points they mean nothing. But this annoys many paying members and I have to respect their feelings. So from now on unused points will be converted automatically (happens overnight during all other points distribution calculations) into treasure chests for all non-paying members with points balance over 700. The chests can be converted back into points without any loss, but only if the current points balance is less than 200 or the member recently purchased points or membership. Big chests stays forever since I still respect the efforts some members took over many years to gather huge amounts of points, but small chests will vanish after 60 days if not used.
If I did not screw up with the coding you will see first results of this tomorrow. |
I save them until 1750 so I can convert to premium with those points. I use the premium to see the full-size pics and videos
700 is too low to convert them to chests. Make the threshold higher, like 2000.
How many points for a big chest?
And I really recommend to swap gift memberships with someone else you know. You gift it to them and they gift it to you. This way you spend 250 points less.
As for members having an abundance of chests "until they are pushed out of profile fronts by other gifts.
Nice use of members suggested ideas over the years...
--------------------------------------- added after 8 hours
I will see a lot crying about it..
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