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Donald J. Trump - Accomplishments

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Started by #551147 [Ignore] 03,Nov,20 00:26
Simply IGNORE this if YOU choose to remain an IGNORAMUS!

I decided to post this, to serve as a record for the UNINFORMED dumb shits amongst us. Unno, the kind with their head up their own ass? Yeah, that kind!

It is quite long, indeed, but it's ALMOST a complete SUMMARY of the man's accomplishments, in JUST 3 1/2 years. Also, take note of ALL the things he's accomplished for Black Americans. I believe these are important to know, since some like to paint him as the devil incarnate.

PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP and his cabinet accomplished...

1. Trump recently signed 3 bills to benefit Native people. One gives compensation to the Spokane tribe for loss of their lands in the mid-1900s, one funds Native language programs, and the third gives federal recognition to the Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians in Montana.
2. Trump finalized the creation of Space Force as our 6th Military branch.
3. Trump signed a law to make cruelty to animals a federal felony so that animal abusers face tougher consequences.
4. Violent crime has fallen every year he’s been in office after rising during the 2 years before he was elected.
5. Trump signed a bill making CBD and Hemp legal.
6. Trump’s EPA gave $100 million to fix the water infrastructure problem in Flint, Michigan.
7. Under Trump’s leadership, in 2018 the U.S. surpassed Russia and Saudi Arabia to become the world’s largest producer of crude oil.
8. Trump signed a law ending the gag orders on Pharmacists that prevented them from sharing money-saving information.
9. Trump signed the “Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act” (FOSTA), which includes the “Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act” (SESTA) which both give law enforcement and victims new tools to fight sex trafficking.
10. Trump signed a bill to require airports to provide spaces for breastfeeding Moms.
11. The 25% lowest-paid Americans enjoyed a 4.5% income boost in November 2019, which outpaces a 2.9% gain in earnings for the country's highest-paid workers.
12. Low-wage workers are benefiting from higher minimum wages and from corporations that are increasing entry-level pay.
13. Trump signed the biggest wilderness protection & conservation bill in a decade and designated 375,000 acres as protected land.
14. Trump signed the Save our Seas Act which funds $10 million per year to clean tons of plastic & garbage from the ocean.
15. He signed a bill this year allowing some drug imports from Canada so that prescription prices would go down.
16. Trump signed an executive order this year that forces all healthcare providers to disclose the cost of their services so that Americans can comparison shop and know how much less providers charge insurance companies.
17. When signing that bill he said no American should be blindsided by bills for medical services they never agreed to in advance.
18. Hospitals will now be required to post their standard charges for services, which include the discounted price a hospital is willing to accept.
19. In the eight years prior to President Trump’s inauguration, prescription drug prices increased by an average of 3.6% per year. Under Trump, drug prices have seen year-over-year declines in nine of the last ten months, with a 1.1% drop as of the most recent month.
20. He created a White House VA Hotline to help veterans and principally staffed it with veterans and direct family members of veterans.
21. VA employees are being held accountable for poor performance, with more than 4,000 VA employees removed, demoted, and suspended so far.
22. Issued an executive order requiring the Secretaries of Defense, Homeland Security, and Veterans Affairs to submit a joint plan to provide veterans access to access to mental health treatment as they transition to civilian life.
23. Because of a bill signed and championed by Trump, In 2020, most federal employees will see their pay increase by an average of 3.1% — the largest raise in more than 10 years.
24. Trump signed into a law up to 12 weeks of paid parental leave for millions of federal workers.
25. Trump administration will provide HIV prevention drugs for free to 200,000 uninsured patients per year for 11 years.
26. All-time record sales during the 2019 holidays.
27. Trump signed an order allowing small businesses to group together when buying insurance to get a better price.
28. President Trump signed the Preventing Maternal Deaths Act that provides funding for states to develop maternal mortality reviews to better understand maternal complications and identify solutions & largely focuses on reducing the higher mortality rates for Black Americans.
29. In 2018, President Trump signed the groundbreaking First Step Act, a criminal justice bill which enacted reforms that make our justice system fairer and help former inmates successfully return to society.
30. The First Step Act’s reforms addressed inequities in sentencing laws that disproportionately harmed Black Americans and reformed mandatory minimums that created unfair outcomes.
31. The First Step Act expanded judicial discretion in sentencing of non-violent crimes.
32. Over 90% of those benefitting from the retroactive sentencing reductions in the First Step Act are Black Americans.
33. The First Step Act provides rehabilitative programs to inmates, helping them successfully rejoin society and not return to crime.
34. Trump increased funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) by more than 14%.
35. Trump signed legislation forgiving Hurricane Katrina debt that threatened HBCUs.
36. New single-family home sales are up 31.6% in October 2019 compared to just one year ago.
37. Made HBCUs a priority by creating the position of executive director of the White House Initiative on HBCUs.
38. Trump received the Bipartisan Justice Award at a historically black college for his criminal justice reform accomplishments.
39. The poverty rate fell to a 17-year low of 11.8% under the Trump administration as a result of a jobs-rich environment.
40. Poverty rates for African-Americans and Hispanic-Americans have reached their lowest levels since the U.S. began collecting such data.
41. President Trump signed a bill that creates five national monuments, expands several national parks, adds 1.3 million acres of wilderness, and permanently reauthorizes the Land and Water Conservation Fund.
42. Trump’s USDA committed $124 Million to rebuild rural water infrastructure.
43. Consumer confidence & small business confidence is at an all-time high.
44. More than 7 million jobs created since election.
45. More Americans are now employed than ever recorded before in our history.
46. More than 400,000 manufacturing jobs created since his election.
47. Trump appointed 5 openly gay ambassadors.
48. Trump ordered Ric Grenell, his openly gay ambassador to Germany, to lead a global initiative to decriminalize homosexuality across the globe.
49. Through Trump’s Anti-Trafficking Coordination Team (ACTeam) initiative, Federal law enforcement more than doubled convictions of human traffickers and increased the number of defendants charged by 75% in ACTeam districts.
50. In 2018, the Department of Justice (DOJ) dismantled an organization that was the internet’s leading source of prostitution-related advertisements resulting in sex trafficking.
51. Trump’s OMB published new anti-trafficking guidance for government procurement officials to more effectively combat human trafficking.
52. Trump’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations arrested 1,588 criminals associated with Human Trafficking.
53. Trump’s Department of Health and Human Services provided funding to support the National Human Trafficking Hotline to identify perpetrators and give victims the help they need.
54. The hotline identified 16,862 potential human trafficking cases.
55. Trump’s DOJ provided grants to organizations that support human trafficking victims – serving nearly 9,000 cases from July 1, 2017, to June 30, 2018.
56. The Department of Homeland Security has hired more victim assistance specialists, helping victims get resources and support.
57. President Trump has called on Congress to pass school choice legislation so that no child is trapped in a failing school because of his or her zip code.
58. The President signed funding legislation in September 2018 that increased funding for school choice by $42 million.
59. The tax cuts signed into law by President Trump promote school choice by allowing families to use 529 college savings plans for elementary and secondary education.
60. Under his leadership ISIS has lost most of their territory and been largely dismantled.
61. ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi was killed.
62. Signed the first Perkins CTE reauthorization since 2006, authorizing more than $1 billion for states each year to fund vocational and career education programs.
63. Executive order expanding apprenticeship opportunities for students and workers.
64. Trump issued an Executive Order prohibiting the U.S. government from discriminating against Christians or punishing expressions of faith.
65. Signed an executive order that allows the government to withhold money from college campuses deemed to be anti-Semitic and who fail to combat anti-Semitism.
66. President Trump ordered a halt to U.S. tax money going to international organizations that fund or perform abortions.
67. Trump imposed sanctions on the socialists in Venezuela who have killed their citizens.
68. Finalized new trade agreement with South Korea.
69. Made a deal with the European Union to increase U.S. energy exports to Europe.
70. Withdrew the U.S. from the job killing TPP deal.
71. Secured $250 billion in new trade and investment deals in China and $12 billion in Vietnam.
72. Okay’ d up to $12 billion in aid for farmers affected by unfair trade retaliation.
73. Has had over a dozen US hostages freed, including those Obama could not get freed.
74. Trump signed the Music Modernization Act, the biggest change to copyright law in decades.
75. Trump secured Billions that will fund the building of a wall at our southern border.
76. The Trump Administration is promoting second chance hiring to give former inmates the opportunity to live crime-free lives and find meaningful employment.
77. Trump’s DOJ and the Board Of Prisons launched a new “Ready to Work Initiative” to help connect employers directly with former prisoners.
78. President Trump’s historic tax cut legislation included new Opportunity Zone Incentives to promote investment in low-income communities across the country.
79. 8,764 communities across the country have been designated as Opportunity Zones.
80. Opportunity Zones are expected to spur $100 billion in long-term private capital investment in economically distressed communities across the country.
81. Trump directed the Education Secretary to end Common Core.
82. Trump signed the 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund into law.
83. Trump signed measure funding prevention programs for Veteran suicide.
84. Companies have brought back over a TRILLION dollars from overseas because of the TCJA bill that Trump signed.
85. Manufacturing jobs are growing at the fastest rate in more than 30 years.
86. Stock Market has reached record highs.
87. Median household income has hit highest level ever recorded.
88. African-American unemployment is at an all-time low.(was until Covid bullshit)
89. Hispanic-American unemployment is at an all-time low.
90. Asian-American unemployment is at an all-time low.
91. Women’s unemployment rate is at a 65-year low.
92. Youth unemployment is at a 50-year low.
93. We have the lowest unemployment rate ever recorded.
94. The Pledge to America’s Workers has resulted in employers committing to train more than 4 million Americans.
95. 95 percent of U.S. manufacturers are optimistic about the future— the highest ever.
96. As a result of the Republican tax bill, small businesses will have the lowest top marginal tax rate in more than 80 years.
97. Record number of regulations eliminated that hurt small businesses.
98. Signed welfare reform requiring able-bodied adults who don’t have children to work or look for work if they’re on welfare.
99. Under Trump, the FDA approved more affordable generic drugs than ever before in history.
100. Reformed Medicare program to stop hospitals from overcharging low-income seniors on their drugs—saving seniors 100’s of millions of $$$ this year alone.
101. Signed Right-To-Try legislation allowing terminally ill patients to try experimental treatment that wasn’t allowed before.
102. Secured $6 billion in new funding to fight the opioid epidemic.
103. Signed VA Choice Act and VA Accountability Act, expanded VA telehealth services, walk-in-clinics, and same-day urgent primary and mental health care.
104. U.S. oil production recently reached all-time high so we are less dependent on oil from the Middle East.
105. The U.S. is a net natural gas exporter for the first time since 1957.
106. NATO allies increased their defense spending because of his pressure campaign.
107. Withdrew the United States from the job-killing Paris Climate Accord in 2017 and that same year the U.S. still led the world by having the largest reduction in Carbon emissions.
108. Has his circuit court judge nominees being confirmed faster than any other new administration.
109. Had his Supreme Court Justice’s Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh confirmed.
110. Moved U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.
111. Agreed to a new trade deal with Mexico & Canada that will increase jobs here and $$$ coming in.
112. Reached a breakthrough agreement with the E.U. to increase U.S. exports.
113. Imposed tariffs on China in response to China’s forced technology transfer, intellectual property theft, and their chronically abusive trade practices, has agreed to a Part One trade deal with China.
114. Signed legislation to improve the National Suicide Hotline.
115. Signed the most comprehensive childhood cancer legislation ever into law, which will advance childhood cancer research and improve treatments.
116. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act signed into law by Trump doubled the maximum amount of the child tax credit available to parents and lifted the income limits so more people could claim it.
117. It also created a new tax credit for other dependents.
118. In 2018, President Trump signed into law a $2.4 billion funding increase for the Child Care and Development Fund, providing a total of $8.1 billion to States to fund child care for low-income families.
119. The Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit (CDCTC) signed into law by Trump provides a tax credit equal to 20-35% of child care expenses, $3,000 per child & $6,000 per family + Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) allow you to set aside up to $5,000 in pre-tax $ to use for child care.
120. In 2019 President Donald Trump signed the Autism Collaboration, Accountability, Research, Education and Support Act (CARES) into law which allocates $1.8 billion in funding over the next five years to help people with autism spectrum disorder and to help their families.
121. In 2019 President Trump signed into law two funding packages providing nearly $19 million in new funding for Lupus specific research and education programs, as well an additional $41.7 billion in funding for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the most Lupus funding EVER.
122. Another upcoming accomplishment to add: In the next week or two Trump will be signing the first major anti-robocall law in decades called the TRACED Act (Telephone Robocall Abuse Criminal Enforcement and Deterrence.) Once it’s the law, the TRACED Act will extend the period of time the FCC has to catch & punish those who intentionally break telemarketing restrictions. The bill also requires voice service providers to develop a framework to verify calls are legitimate before they reach your phone.
123. US stock market continually hits all-time record highs.
124. Highest GDP growth in American history.
125. Almost 400 miles of wall built.

PHEW! 😳 ALL that, while trying to defend himself, for just about his ENTIRE presidency, over a BIG LIE (Russia Collusion) AND a stupid, idiotic IMPEACHMENT, and now a PANDEMIC. Just imagine how much MORE he can accomplish if given another term.

Donald is NOT perfect, NO MAN is, but he's certainly MORE accomplished than his opponent who has 45+ years in politics and what are HIS accomplishments? Don't hurt yourself trying to come up with something, but good luck!

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By luv2lickpussy [Ignore] 09,Nov,20 09:52 other posts 
Your ALL pissing into the wind....if your lucky enough to be around in another 10 yrs you'll be able to read that Trumps Presidency will go down as the worst in history. He's headed for his 5th bankruptcy this year & another divorce. 2022 The year Trumps empire collapsed!!....The books are being written already
By #551147 12,Nov,20 05:04
I think you should lay off the pussy eating...
It's rotting what few brain cells you have left.

Obama was the most divisive do virtually nothing President in American history. Handily stealing the title of the WORST President from Jimmy Carter.

Just because you may have been born an doesn't mean you HAVE to be one your entire life. Get a clue before you start typing REALLY STUPID SHIT.

It's not very flattering for YOU.
By #610414 12,Nov,20 09:19
scorps you are the asshole. Nothing that Obama did comes close to what this fool brought on us. Only reason you don't like Obama is that you couldn't stand a "blackie" showing off you yahoos
By dgraff [Ignore] 12,Nov,20 11:49 other posts 
I liked Obama’s husband Mikey he was hung nicely
By #610414 12,Nov,20 16:02
So, you evenrode Mikey?.........HOMO
By dgraff [Ignore] 12,Nov,20 18:26 other posts 
By #610414 12,Nov,20 18:28
Racist old republicans
By dgraff [Ignore] 12,Nov,20 18:42 other posts 
Honey you have 10 years on me who’s old
By #610414 12,Nov,20 19:54
Old is a state of mind
By dgraff [Ignore] 12,Nov,20 20:24 other posts 
Old is a state of loosing your mind like old joe Biden
By Strongmember# [Ignore] 13,Nov,20 04:21 other posts 
I read that some people are thinking about an event to re-certify the independence and superiority of the US scale systems of inches versus centimeters, maybe doing elections Pure style which was popular in the 1600s, giving power to the political group with the most penis size in Inches.
By dgraff [Ignore] 13,Nov,20 05:52 other posts 
My idea was to put frail old joe and Trump in an octagon ring and let them fight it out to the death winner take all

By tecsan [Ignore] 13,Nov,20 02:49 other posts 
One of the best compared to the worst in history (obama) little jimmy should thank his ass...makes little jimmy the second worst president...༼☯﹏☯༽

By #592419 04,Nov,20 18:32
[deleted image] Joe Biden's accomplishments in 47 years.
By #584899 04,Nov,20 20:11
By WristThick [Ignore] 05,Nov,20 23:00 other posts 
By #551147 06,Nov,20 13:49
It's true though... 🤭
By #202392 12,Nov,20 12:32

By RealScorpio3 [Ignore] 08,Nov,20 22:36 other posts 
Trump has been the best 'Put U.S.A. First' president in recent history. He has advanced the lives of all citizens more than other presidents have done by providing an environment for business to thrive in the U.S.A. thereby giving the lowest unemployment rate. He got Europe to pay for their own defense, He brokered a mid-east peace treaty.
Biden now wants us deplorables to agree with the socialist views of his party. A party that NEVER cooperated with Trump's proposals but always wanted the opposite.
By #551147 12,Nov,20 05:05
Well said!
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 12,Nov,20 08:55 other posts 
How much did the republican party cooperate with the democratic party during Obama's presidency?

I am actually disgusted how much Biden is preparing to work with republicans. He might even put republicans in his cabinet. Have you ever heard of republicans considering that?
By phart [Ignore] 12,Nov,20 09:22 other posts 
He may put a couple Rhino's in his cabinet to look good.But not real conservitives.
Republican in name Only
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 12,Nov,20 11:16 other posts 
That's still a million times more cooperation than any republican, during Bush, Obama and Trump. They have done nothing but obstruction.

Actually, I do respect the fighting spirit of the republicans. The democrats are gutless, feckless weaklings. The republicans at least try to please their base.

Democrats puke on their base constantly. Biden didn't concede to anything his base wants. He is only trying to appeal to the mythical swing voter and republicans who are fed up with Trump.
Biden is so afraid of being called a socialist, that he pisses on anything his base cares about. Did it help? No, you still call him a socialist. Why would he try to appeal to you? You will never vote for him.

Biden should realize that progressive policy has large majority support in the USA and conservative goals only have about 30% support.

Biden should have first appealed to his base and then to the non-voter, who stopped voting because neither party does anything for them.
Biden shouldn't cooperate with republicans on anything, unless it is in line with democratic goals. It would be a better strategy on the long turn, because no one would ever have a reason to vote for a fake populist again, once they have had the real deal.

By #610414 07,Nov,20 11:31
By #551147 12,Nov,20 04:41
By who's authority?

Don't be a gotdamned dunce ALL your life...
By #610414 12,Nov,20 08:44
Give it up, fool. You know it’s true. Insurmountable leads in many states make Joe Biden the president elect. But, like always, you want to knit-pick when it suits you. So, will the electoral college have the last say so on Dec 14? Or Congress on Jan 5? OH NOOOOOOO. It will be when a bunch of yahoo’s like you say so.
--------------------------------------- added after 15 minutes

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Trump's efforts "are unlikely to move a single state from Mr. Biden's column, and certainly they're not enough to change the final outcome," Rove wrote in an op-ed published Wednesday in The Wall Street Journal.

Democratic nominee Joe Biden was projected as the winner of the presidential election on Saturday and Trump has declined to concede that he was defeated.
--------------------------------------- added after 26 minutes

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Senator James Lankford of Oklahoma (a republican) said in a radio interview that he was ready to “step in” if President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. was not briefed by the end of the week. Mr. Biden spoke with more world leaders and agreed to meet South Korea’s president.
--------------------------------------- added after 32 minutes

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WASHINGTON (AP) — The Latest on the presidential campaign (all times local):

1:40 p.m.

Sen. Mitt Romney, the 2012 Republican presidential nominee, is congratulating President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.

The Utah Republican tweeted Saturday that he and his wife know Biden and Harris “as people of good will and admirable character.” He says, “We pray that God may bless them in the days and years ahead.”
--------------------------------------- added after 39 minutes

This what has to happen

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Joe Biden is president-elect. Here’s what has to happen before he’s sworn in

By #629627 10,Nov,20 09:17
You are deranged. Stick to showing your dick. you missed off the list all the stuff about him being a self confessed sex molester, fat arsed useless bully that hides behind his office and crony/foreign donors. How many people would leave this big fat slob in a room with their daughter? He cant employ anyone that will stay in a job for 6 months. He is literally full of shit and a total moron. Everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie or stupid. " We supported Pfizer" No he didn't. "Hey lets get sunlight inside the body to treat covid." What a moron. The death of american democracy. 4,000,000 more votes to the other person. Second election in a row. Only person ever to be humiliated in the popular vote twice. Crying like a baby. "it was a BIG win" Literally anybody off the street is a step in the right direction. Russia and china are pissing themselves at us.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Nov,20 09:48 other posts 
UV light is being used in stadiums and such now to kill the virus.
It does work.
You missed the whole point of him mentioning that.
It was to prompt research into alternative treatment methods. Same could be said with the bleach comment.There are several foods that contain the same active ingrediant as bleach that actually do remove toxins from the body.
If you remember he briefly mentioned Google setting up a website that folks could go to for information and tracking and such. IT was to motivate Google to step up to the plate and provide a public service.Which of course,they didn't.If it doesn't make millions,or have anything to do with censoring search results,they won't do it.

As for employement with Trump, He hires people and Expects top performance and RESULTS.IF you don't work to suit him,your ass is gone.
How could you run a company with ineffective employees? It would not be profitiable.Afirmative action causes alot of companys to hire and keep poorly performing workers to maintian a certian number of minortys.
Profit killing regulations.

DO your research before claiming Trump is so bad.
By #551147 12,Nov,20 04:54
I'm "deranged"?

I'm not the dumb fuck frothing at the mouth as I type lies and hatred.

You poor thing!

You suffering from the very real psychosis commonly referred to as, Trump Derangement Syndrome or TDS? 🤔

SEEK professional help!
Only thing around here are a bunch of dicks, and trust me, they are incapable of helping you.

BTW, eat shit you uninformed, uneducated pustule. I bet you didn't hesitate cashing that check from him, did you?

Fucking hypocrite!

By #621142 10,Nov,20 10:58
You're posting the presidents participation trophies to your porn site forum...and that pretty much sums up the president.

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 10,Nov,20 10:11 other posts 
In Memoriam: The Trump Presidency
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By andrew999999999 [Ignore] 07,Nov,20 15:41 other posts 
67. Trump imposed sanctions on the socialists in Venezuela who have killed their citizens.

No, the opposition supporters killed supporters of the democratically elected government. The sanctions Trump increased during a pandemic, making the already difficult task of getting any medication and protective clothing virtually impossible, have killed more people. His, and Obama's sanctions have killed more Venezuelans than have been killed by other Venezuelans.

Venezuela is another country under US sanctions in order to get the current President out, so they can install their puppet Guaido, and pillage Venezuela's resources. They tried it in Bolivia too, but fortunately they failed and the right wing interim President was voted out, and the previous government has returned to office. The US did succeed in overthrowing the governments of Brazil and Ecuador though, unfortunately.

Read this:

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There are many other stories regarding the US's interference in Venezuela and other countries there too.

By dgraff [Ignore] 03,Nov,20 05:11 other posts 
Very nice scorps good work now of course our site ding bat and our foreign members that seem to think they know more about our country then we do will certainly disagree but you have to admit all trumps accomplishments are a big step in the right direction
By #551147 03,Nov,20 09:53
Thank you my good man! 🙂

Only the dumbest motherfuckers would try to "disagree" with actual facts.

I ONLY provided this list because many of the foriegn
shit-for-brains around here, keep parroting the same old song and dance. Dur dur dur What has he done? Dur dur dur He hasn't done anything since entering office, except play golf. Dur dur dur

Just like the good little gimps they are...
By #551147 06,Nov,20 13:50
Notice how the ding bat didn't respond...
By dgraff [Ignore] 06,Nov,20 14:46 other posts 
Yeah I noticed that
By #610414 07,Nov,20 12:48
And yet, old Joe Biden is our president elect. I guess your clown didn't do enough. Old Joe got 52% of the popular vote. I don't disagree with the list. It makes good toilet paper.
BTW, Scorps didn't you bet you would quit the site if Trump lost?

By phart [Ignore] 07,Nov,20 06:21 other posts 
May I make a small correction to your list?

1,Kept Hillary Clinton out of the White house.

By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 05,Nov,20 21:45 other posts 
Wow you are so full of it. Do you work for him? If so be careful because he will stab you in the back and then fire you soon!
I would not believe any of this stuff ever with out some massive checking. If this guy tells you the day of the week you better go check that as well.
Every speech he makes is so full of lies it is amazing. Every news organization tells us about all of his lies after each speech. Oh yeah that is from his DAKE NEWS group I guess.
What about the inject bleach to cure the virus that I actually witnessed him say? How about the billions of dollars he had to send to the middle of the US to save them from going broke due to his fuck up in that area with the rest of the world? What about talking with people from all over the world that think of him as a joke leader???
What about his lies about how good a business person he is? He is the only person to ever loose money ruing a **** casino?His golf course in Fl is only still in business due to his going there and having to have the gov bolster up the financials by paying for all of the people and things th PRES spends there? Why has he still not released his taxes so the world can see how bad a business man he is. Every Other PRES has done it in history of the IRS just look it up!
The wall is a disaster! Some of it is falling down because the crooked company he forced the gov to hire did not check all of the environmental stuff and built it too close the the edge of the water and it is sinking. Oh yeah and it had already has been breached several times!

I do not have time to type any more of the crap this crook wife cheater and porno fucker has done to this country in the name of MAGA!!! Wee are in a much worse financial situation and health for sure than we have ever been!

Please check your facts on all of this b4 you spout it out as TRUTH!! Most is only partially correct. Each thing you lied about here has parts of it that hurt many more people than he ever helped.
HE DOES NOT CARE ABOUT NYONE BUT HIMSELF AND HIS ENTIRE PURPOSE IN BEING PRES IS TO REMOVE ANYTHING DONE BY (AS HE CALLS IT) THAT NIGER BEFORE ME!!! Look at what he has done. Anything the last pres did he has had his people try and remove from the record. Nothing will be left and we all will pay of it for years and years after he is gone now or later!

By #551147 06,Nov,20 02:24

Do YOU truly expect ANYONE to listen to a jack-off from arguably THE WORST RUN STATE IN OUR UNION?

Let me tell you how FUCKING dumb you SLOBS are in California... Highest fucking taxes in the United States, outrageous crime rates, mind numbing homeless and poverty rates, rampant drug abuse IN/ON THE STREETS, shit and urine stained streets, out of control forest fires, electricity blackouts due to lack of energy, and clean drinking water shortages, hundreds of thousands fleeing the state (that's the smarter ones), just to name a few problems.

What do you dumb cunts do???


That being said, go fuck yourself idiot!

YOU'RE in NO position to preach a gotdamned thing to a soul around here. EVERYTHING you've spouted off is a bunch of bullshit and I'm not going to waste my time disproving anymore of it.

Primarily because... At YOUR age, YOU'RE just not worth my effort. Continue being an old ignorant cocksucker, I don't care!

As far as ME and THIS site goes... I pay to play, because I don't expect a handout from ANYONE.

How about you, welfare recipient?

SEE! I got YOUR #! Your a typical liberal shit for brains that believes WHOLEHEARTEDLY that someone owes YOU something. Like Mr.Admin of this site, he owes you, right? 🤔

If you don't like me here, take it up with him!
Maybe later you can tell us how that works out for you.

In the meantime... Eat shit you dumb motherfucker!
By #551147 06,Nov,20 13:54

By chris51 [Ignore] 03,Nov,20 08:11 other posts 
Wow, long list!
By #551147 03,Nov,20 10:21
Indeed it is! Funny part... It's NOT complete, I helped pen that like 3 months ago. 🥴 There's been more!

Have a terrific day!

🇺🇲 Protect the 1st AND 2nd Amendments - TRUMP 2020 🇺🇲
By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 05,Nov,20 21:49 other posts 
This guy should just go back to the crazy home he lives in and far from this site! Or maybe back to cheating on his wife and having russian whores pee all over his as his furor has don!
By #551147 06,Nov,20 13:53
I think I forgot to mention... GO FUCK YOURSELF!

By #610414 03,Nov,20 10:42
Wow, scorps most comprehensive list of special interest or do nothing for the majority of the country laws. Nothing for Cobid-19? Nah, that would be work.
By #202354 03,Nov,20 12:06
He must be worried. Otherwise he wouldn't be trying so hard to convince people to vote for the Trump. People have already made up their minds one way or the other, nobody is going to take the time to wade through all that.
By #610414 03,Nov,20 12:19
By phart [Ignore] 03,Nov,20 13:14 other posts 
how is 106. a do nothing for the majority of the country? Hell it takes the burden of protecting allies off the AMERICANS backs.
101, how is that a do nothing for the majority? It is allowing people to take experiamental drugs that could save a otherwise lost life.
You liberals are so narrow minded.
By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 05,Nov,20 21:47 other posts 
I bet he does not know anything about the real people that built this country. I also believe this guy must be a real Trump being racist just like his furor DRump!
By phart [Ignore] 06,Nov,20 09:59 other posts 
YOU are the 1 that does not know his ass from third base.
Prove your statements about Trumps accomplishments. HE did the things listed.
By #551147 06,Nov,20 13:52
You tell'em! 😠

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