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Any thoughts on the "The Big Guy" being held accountable for corruption?

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Started by epep50 [Ignore] 22,Oct,20 11:33  other posts
So with verified emails from two separate law enforcements, LT Bobulinski's very detailed on the record confirmation as to the validity of the emails and being personally involved with the business deals profiting the Biden family profiting from his VP influence while in office. Is he going to be held accountable?

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By #592419 19,Jun,21 14:34
[deleted image] Get your obama dental plan today..
By #623135 19,Jun,21 15:47
You are mistaken. He doesn’t go to Jewish dentists
By #592419 19,Jun,21 16:51
Naturally, he has no teeth ... Who treats your rotten filthy smelly diseased infested wart driven cunt?.. Not a jew. you did that all by yourself. I can smell it from
So what numbered fake with photochopped images is this one. Nobody likes you here.. Don't you have anything better to do trying to impress people that you disgust? Why not just die already..
By #623135 19,Jun,21 19:53
A Palestinian dentist. I don’t go to dentists who get their training from cadavers.
I don’t try to impress. That’s for insecure filthy little Jews. And I’ll go when the good Lord calls me. Not when an idiot opens his mouth. Too bad when they circumcised you they threw out the good part and left a PRICK.
By #592419 19,Jun,21 19:53
Look what just came out of your dead mothers cunt..
By #623135 19,Jun,21 19:59
Don’t complain. You came out of your mother’s woumb. The one she would give away for free to the guards in Treblinka. I hear there’s a swastika tattooed on your ass
By #592419 19,Jun,21 20:03
Sir-Skittles: Saggy granny--- she is out in the cemetery.... digging up her dead daddy for a shag
By #592419 19,Jun,21 20:37
[deleted image]
By #623135 20,Jun,21 19:46
Your so called “reason”. You left reason behind 20 yrs ago.
By #592419 20,Jun,21 20:50
You bore me
By #623135 21,Jun,21 11:47
Then go away to play with your circumcision

By Gntlmn [Ignore] 19,Jun,21 15:48 other posts 
You like eating shit, don't you?
By #623135 19,Jun,21 15:58
Gntlmn, I believe I know whom you are talking about,but,for the benefit of those with an eviscerated brain, please name whom you are talking about.
By Gntlmn [Ignore] 19,Jun,21 23:35 other posts 
Sure. This thread's author.
By #623135 20,Jun,21 09:29

By #592419 19,Jun,21 13:52
When you get your $2 Trump bill you should frame it and amuse your friends.. [deleted image]
By dgraff [Ignore] 19,Jun,21 20:50 other posts 
Remember the 3 dollar bill for bill Clinton
By #592419 19,Jun,21 20:58
Obama got on the Zero Dollar bill...
By phart [Ignore] 19,Jun,21 21:32 other posts 
I thought he got on the 0 cents coin?
By #592419 19,Jun,21 21:39
[deleted image] ONE BIG FAT ZERO
By phart [Ignore] 19,Jun,21 21:11 other posts 

By #592419 19,Jun,21 20:10
[deleted image]

Just like a flaming hemmerroid.. no matter how many you remove.. you just can't get rid of them.. I see a festering cunt has returned to fester up

By thebeewolf [Ignore] 19,Jun,21 11:01 other posts 
The 45th president of the United States is so obviously criminal he's like a parody of a Batman villain. Will he be held accountable? We're in uncharted territory here, so who knows. I rather doubt it, myself.
By #623135 19,Jun,21 11:46
I do too. At least we voted him out.
By phart [Ignore] 19,Jun,21 13:36 other posts 
BUT HE WILL BE RUNNING AGAIN! So enjoy your chaos while you can
By #623135 19,Jun,21 15:46
Wanna bet?

By phart [Ignore] 22,Oct,20 17:04 other posts 
No he is a Democrat,and for whatever reason,just as Bill clinton,they are not held accountable for a damn thing.
By #623135 18,Jun,21 19:14
Neither was THE CLOWN
Obama? Yes he was a clown, and so is the documented racist Biden and his **** son who is screwing his **** niece.
By phart [Ignore] 18,Jun,21 20:11 other posts 
By #623135 18,Jun,21 21:50
Trump's relationship with his daughter Ivanka; columnist Richard Cohen quoted Trump asking "someone I know" of a then 13-year-old Ivanka: "Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?"
Obama ,right or wrong, worked for the people and this country. What exactly did the Clown do for you? Prescribe bleach to get rid off COVID? What’s more, who cares about Biden’s son? When did he get elected to office. One last thing, state for the record what made Biden a racist?

IN OTHER WORDS,Rockoutwithmycockout you are full of shit
By phart [Ignore] 19,Jun,21 08:29 other posts 
biden back in the 70's was against busing blacks and whites seems unless it was bleached from youtube there is a clip with him saying it.

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 18,Jun,21 13:41 other posts 
Are you kidding? There has never been so much corruption and fraud discovered for all presidents combined as what they have on Trump. And you are talking about Biden? Ridiculous!
By #535408 18,Jun,21 17:06
Can I have some of what your smoking? Must be some primo shit!
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 19,Jun,21 08:18 other posts 
Even before he was president he was constantly indicted for al his scams. And there is no way to be in construction in the 80's and 90's, without having ties to the mafia.
He has been bankrupt six times, he never pays the money he owes and suspicious banks still kept lending him billions of dollars. And you think he's clean as a whistle?
As we speak, he's screwing over people who once donated money for his campaigns, for more money than they were willing to donate. And he's using that money for purposes that are not legal to use it for. These are only a few examples.
I'm sure his prosecutors his shelves full of evidence on his transgressions.
Why do you think all people around him go to jail?

I'm sure you know at least some of this, so you're just being partisan.

By #592419 22,Oct,20 13:09
Three is a political law associated with Moral Law. The right thing to do would be jailed for Treason,
By #623135 18,Jun,21 19:15
What treason?

By Gntlmn [Ignore] 30,Oct,20 23:34 other posts 
Coprophagia addict, you.

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