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Started by #559941 [Ignore] 22,Nov,18 12:56
Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a neologism describing a reaction to United States President Donald Trump by liberals, progressives, and anti-Trump conservatives, who are said to respond to Trump's statements and political actions irrationally and with little regard to Trump's actual position or action taken.

So far there is no cure for this sickening affliction. My suggestion for your hatred for the president is to move to a different country,, lets try Iran for a while.. There you can bitch and complain about Trump all you want.. You can assimilate to the govt where if you are gay they castrate you and throw you off of buildings.... Which is notion you can have a common frame of reference and perhaps what you totally fucked up with by throwing away everything..

The term has also been used to discredit criticism of Trump's actions.In December 2016, Justin Raimondo divided the "syndrome" into three stages; in the first, those who "lose all sense of proportion," next, they experience "a profound effect on ... vocabulary" and begin to "speak a distinctive language consisting solely of hyperbole," and, in the final stage, the afflicted "lose the ability to distinguish fantasy from reality."Jonathan S. Tobin defines it as "disgust at his manner and his tweets such that all distinctions between him and genuine villains is lost." In April 2017 Fareed Zakaria defined the syndrome as "hatred of President Trump so intense that it impairs people’s judgment." CNN's editor-at-large Chris Cillizza called TDS "the preferred nomenclature of Trump defenders who view those who oppose him and his policies as nothing more than the blind hatred of those who preach tolerance and free speech." Pointing to previous allegations of Bush Derangement Syndrome and Obama Derangement Syndrome, Cillizza suggested that "Viewed more broadly, the rise of presidential derangement syndromes is a function of increased polarization – not to mention our national self-sorting – at work in the country today." Bret Stephens has described the term as something used by conservative groups whenever someone speaks out critically against Trump, regardless of political affiliation.

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By #610414 08,Apr,20 15:07
Here’s the truth
It’s only one case
We are up the 15 cases, soon they’ll disappear
Everyone will say how well we contained it
I really like understand this
I take no responsibility

By Gntlmn [Ignore] 07,Apr,20 00:48 other posts 
Trump needs to suck some Coronavirus cum.
By kebmo [Ignore] 07,Apr,20 03:06 other posts 
It's a great time to be Canadian! Any time is but this is especially good.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 11,Dec,18 18:58 other posts 
[deleted image]
By #559941 12,Dec,18 20:03
I'm sorry did you say something Leo? I thought I heard your mouth open.. Worry about England other than who is president here.. Your country already has enough problems...
By #551147 14,Dec,18 10:18
Well said my friend!
By phart [Ignore] 15,Dec,18 11:42 other posts 
It seems the whole damn world is eat up with shit wrong with it. I just wish we could all focus on fixing our problems instead of poking into each others bussiness.
I think the French people are going to burn their government out at the rate they are going. Same will happen here in the US if that carbon tax shit really takes hold. The people of the world are not going to step back in technolgy time 100 years just to please a few climate change nuts.
If the liberals want to go back to plowing with Oxen,so be it,leave the rest of us alone.
By milesbferry [Ignore] 15,Dec,18 19:10 other posts 
Leo is in England? Shit!

By #539433 15,Dec,18 17:37
[deleted image] order your Trump bear.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 11,Dec,18 19:05 other posts 
only registered users can see external links

By #573274 09,Dec,18 10:23
Trump will win in 2020, you hatebags might as well save your breath. This will happen.
By #573189 10,Dec,18 17:52
Time will tell-my thoughtd are with ya-

By #573189 02,Dec,18 18:23
Wow...Certainly a topic which I did not expect on this site.
Here's what I like to say as an outsider from Germany.
After Bush and Obama and now 2 years of Trump I realized that Trump is way less bad than the two others. The deep state seems to **** him cause he is not too much interested in their "policies of war" and the people here in Europe just don't like his haircut, it seems.They all admired Obama the smooth talker, fell for his show, allthough he was the worst. In both his terms he was in war with 7 Contries.he was actually worse than Bush and thank you americans that killery Clinton did not gain power.
By #551147 02,Dec,18 18:25
Wow! Well said, and I would gladly trade one of our fucktards for you. Welcome to America!
By #573189 02,Dec,18 18:28
By #559941 02,Dec,18 18:33
Freedom is not free,, even when you have it you still have to fight..
By #562152 08,Dec,18 18:30
Scorpio, this is why you should stick to popcorn
By #562152 08,Dec,18 18:22
Cambusera, Numbers are just a way to count events or pieces of something. The US military was at war in 7 countries because it needed to be. I can't imagine the president saying, "Wait, we already have 6 countries we are warring with, let's leave that #7 alone to maim,kill,etc."
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes

The other point is this. If a mugger shot you 3 yrs ago and left you in real bad way, would you say that a mugger with no weapons today is someone you would not worry about?
I find that what happened in the past is not a defense for the current administration's fuck ups.
By #573189 10,Dec,18 13:57
Well , lets say what took place in LYBIA.
It was economicly and socialy a good developed State. It then was invaded by several countries , european and US, therefore the operation was mainly controlled by the US-Deepstate (and whatnot!). Lybia was bombed away, whats left was a crippled country in chaos.Numbers are not just a way to count events, but brutal reallity for the people in those States. For what was it good , if one really can ask that question. 10 Years ago I never expected the Democrates to become what they became. And what about Hillary , she's spookie. It seems to me that the bar hangs quite low for Trump.
--------------------------------------- added after 21 minutes

The other point is this. If a mugger shot me 3 yrs ago and left me in real bad way,would I say that a mugger with no weapons today is someone I would not worry about. -
I did not get shot yet , but I certainly worry about muggers, try not to go to muggsie places.
Trump , it seems, did not get shot yet (in a manner of speaking), and thats good , this is not an defence issue!
--------------------------------------- added after 56 minutes

If you compare lets say , the wall , against invading souvrein states, the wall seems less wrong to me. It is wrong , in a sence, but it is a becoming statement , to defend the country on its own boarders and not abroad.
--------------------------------------- added after 95 minutes

Let me get back to your mugger story. Remember 2014 , Ukraine. Europe got mugged. CIA managed a Regime change to throw the elected President Yanukowitsh, to position the West up-on Russias borders. Damn it . Europe ist in unrest , There is chaos in Ukraine .
Trumps idea of politics seems to change things with money and not bombs. I hope it will remain so. ......and here we are , going full circle, I like Trump cos he opposes the Deepstate like no one else before, THANK YOU ! FAKENEWS - he's dead on.
By #562152 10,Dec,18 14:25
Never the less the bar is still there. Now, tell me, What does Lybia, the Democrats and "Hillary " have to do with the Trump fuckups? I guess I thought that showing that numbers don't correlate to reasons for events was enough. You need a more basic approach. What I was trying to say is this: you are basically comparing Trump to previous administrations and government personalities. In other words, you argue that Trump is better than Hilary, Obama, or Bush. I say that even if those 3 are Hitler,Stalin, and Caligula, they have no bearing, zero, nada to do with Trump and his fuckups as a man and more importantly, as the leader of the strongest and best country in the world.
By #573189 10,Dec,18 15:39
They all fuck up cause they're supposed to fuck up ,cause its complicated and time will tell in what way Trump fucks up.
--------------------------------------- added after 7 minutes

I really love the States. I spend two years in Chicago and had a really good time and i agree with you that you have a very really good culture, the music especially for me etc... and I sadly have to agree on the other thing, the strongest! -No good- if I may say so.
By #562152 10,Dec,18 15:44
I won't argue that. More than likely you are right. Shall I be happy that he does?
By #573189 10,Dec,18 15:48
Have my best regards
By #562152 10,Dec,18 15:51
politics aside,,,yummy cock,,

By #562152 01,Dec,18 00:43
TRUMP LIED TO YOU ABOUT MEXICO PAYING FOR THE WALL and the President of Mexico, laughed at him, just like most of the world did.

Here is an idea. why don't all you Republicans give back your tax cuts to help TRUMP THE LIAR, pay for his stupid wall? I'm sure that he would appreciate it greatly.

or, you could hold him accountable for failure to keep his promise!

No, don't bother because everyone knows that Republicans with Trump have already been castrated and they are terrified to do anything against the new GOD of Republicans.
By phart [Ignore] 01,Dec,18 19:04 other posts 
I still have my balls damn it!
He would be held accountable in 2020 if anyone was running that could do the job any better.BUT there wont be. It will be some one like hillary again and we will YET AGAIN, have to vote for the lesser of the 2 evils. I knew trump was a 5th grade bully when i "hired" him for the job. But he sure as hell was better than hillary.
By #562152 02,Dec,18 11:35
you just didn't want to be bullied by a girl
By #559941 04,Dec,18 18:45
Well after the 2020 election AFTER he wins and with the House and Senate and Supreme Court in full control,, don't worry darling lollipop.. It will be all over soon..
By #562152 04,Dec,18 18:47
If that happens America is doomed
By #559941 04,Dec,18 18:57
Well,, if it is that terrible..... We all can say the word "Pussy" from now on...
By #562152 04,Dec,18 19:04
Tell you what, if he gets in I'll spend a week with you
By #559941 04,Dec,18 19:25
By #562152 04,Dec,18 19:26
I assume you are volunteering for the reelection of Trump in 2020
By #559941 04,Dec,18 19:31
Don't need to. He will win in 2020.

By #568769 28,Nov,18 14:51
Why God! Are you asayin' ya be a racist dimwit?! Let me get this part straight...Quoting now..."Ooooga Booooga Island?! That sounds jis a tinge lak ya be...a WHITE supremist? Is ya is ya ain't won ov dem? Twould splain yer loyality to another one of them. Who is sadly our El Prezidente Keep posting, God. I will keep replying from Ooooga Booooga Island...
By #559941 28,Nov,18 17:46
So you admit it.. What is Is ya is ya ain't won ov dem? IN ENGLISH...
By #551147 29,Nov,18 03:12
I noticed you been quietly absent for some time, talk5s.

They finally release you from the nut house?

Did they certify, TO YOU, that you suffer from liberalism?

YOUR post's validate that liberalism, is in FACT, a mental disorder. The problem with mental disorders, is... The person(s) suffering from them, rarely knows that they are ill. I realize you may be unable to grasp this news. But, I'm informing you, out of genuine concern for my fellow man.

Now! Try your best again to spout something, other than NONSENSE. I implore you!

IF! Your tooth count goes like... One, two, skip a few, and they are butter yellow or mossy green... Forget everything I said. I now understand! Years of inbreeding will most certainly be the culprit as to why you speak like you do. Hope that I wasn't to harsh, as I dislike being the bearer of bad news... 😐
By #568769 29,Nov,18 12:22
Hi Scorpio! Thank you so much for your concern What you took to be a mental disorder was simply my imitating what I believe 'God' sounds like. Thanks also for the concern over my dental health. 67 and only 4 cavities, teeth cleaned twice a year. And actually, I used to be Talk4s. So 'hi' to you in my new identity...Or did you take my 'mental disorder' to be that I see the prezidente for what he truly is? I sincerely hope you aren't a Trumpite. If so, please get help...See? I kin talk da king's english two!...Let's read something ole trumplehead stated jis yesturdy in new post for God...n ya two?
By #559941 29,Nov,18 14:30
You can't even spell and your grammar sucks so bad nobody can understand you. Every picture you put on your site is TRUMP trump.... That severe mental disorder.. Trump derangement syndrome.. You are definitely a pure specimen for the labs in the universities..
Donate yourself to science for medical and mental experiments. You are a rare specimen...
Regardless of your stupidity of making fakes on a sex site--Donald Trump is president , not Hillary Clinton...
By #562152 29,Nov,18 14:52
And that is a crying shame
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

[deleted image]

There must have been a shit load of stupid people

(Thanks talk5s)
By #551147 29,Nov,18 16:23
@ Twowarm... I'm most certainly certain that talk5s wasn't clever enough to create that meme, himself.

That being said... Were either of you mocking then President Obama for his, WORSE, actions towards i.ll.egal immigrant's, OR those trying to infiltrate OUR country? Afterall... He himself was a product of an Immigrant. Where was your outrage, then? It's EXACTLY things like described, that shows the amount of lunacy with libs.

This is the part where you blah blah blah and disregard, or ignore the factual point before you. Go!!!
By #562152 29,Nov,18 16:52
Scorpio, I don't know what talk5s was doing during Obama's administrations. I do know your argument resembles a c.hild being reprimanded by his MA for doing something wrong. His defense was, "Well, Johnny did it too". Mr Obama is history and what he did or didn't do does not give a pass to Mr Trump. Weather I was outraged or not,makes no difference on my outrage now.
By #559941 29,Nov,18 17:04
I love your pussy spread avatar showing your labia..
By #551147 29,Nov,18 20:56
You're absolutely right! You are entitled to be outraged now, ESPECIALLY since Donald J. Trump is OUR leader. But the fact that you weren't outraged under Mr. Obama, and your steady trying to gloss over it, just illustrates your hypocrisy. Thus making any future arguments, FROM you and any other on the subject at hand... NULL and Void!

Now! I will do a good deed here and give you a VALID EXAMPLE:

Unno... I realize that President Obama did some pretty awful shit to those poor poor waifs trying to infiltrate my country. All they wanted is peace and happiness, daisy's and butterflies. Now here this awful President Trump is doing the same thing. Why can't they be more tolerant to others...


See the difference? A bit more genuine, don't you think? Blasting one administration and NOT blasting the other current or not, is COMPLETELY disingenuous.
By #562152 29,Nov,18 21:21
I did not say I was not outraged with Obama's policy. You assumed that. What I'm saying is that what happened in the past stays in the past. Hyprosity is when different values are applied to similar ocurences. I'm just interested on the present administration. So,because I don't like what Trump is doing I should shut up because Obama did the same or similar? You are also applying false logic when you say blasting one administration and not a previous one is disingenuous. You assume that I have to say something about Obama if I'm going to talk about Trump. Think of it like this. If I say you are dishonest, according to you, I'd have to say your Dad was a crook too. No, baby, it doesn't wash
By #451452 29,Nov,18 23:07
I believe that this confuses **** immigration with legal and orderly immigration.
By #562152 30,Nov,18 07:04
By #559941 30,Nov,18 13:48
It doesn't confuse anything. It is unlawful.. The only way the dems can win elections are to do it illegally. It explains their desires on bringing in caravans outside our country. They do not care of the criminals that come in because this is the only method they can survive. They know if they debate on constitutional law would only mean the end.
Their strengths are propaganda, race cards, sanctuary cities, media. and stupid speeches that even a 4 year old scratches their heads.. The conservatives(not republicans) strength is constitutional law and do speeches on that concept.. NOT who colluded with Russia which turns out to be the clinton foundation, not the trump campaign.
White supremacy is also a tactic the dems use but if you notice, the senate has just become 2 stronger and Florida is totally controlled by conservatives now.
Antisemitism has really surfaced. CNN is exposed and had to fire a piece of shit antisemite who went to the UN and begged the UN to destroy israel...THIS IS THE SAME SHIT THE GERMANS DID BACK IN THE 1930S.
You want a country? Support its law and sovereignty. That's why it exists.. Stop being confused..
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 30,Nov,18 14:06 other posts 
Two, serve us refreshments. And put a rush on it
By #559941 30,Nov,18 14:08
TWO,, come here and let me eat your pussy..I will show you the REAL truth and will become very clear..
By #562152 30,Nov,18 14:09
Yes, Daddy
By #559941 30,Nov,18 14:14
By #551147 29,Nov,18 16:06
@ talk5s... Ahhhhhhh I hadn't made the correlation. Thanks for clearing that up.

Forgive my o.c.d. But! to = at, too = also, two = 2
By #562152 29,Nov,18 16:53
By #559941 29,Nov,18 17:06
I love your pussy spread avatar showing your labia.. Show more of it and I'll believe anything you say..
By #562152 29,Nov,18 17:18
By #562152 29,Nov,18 17:38
BTW my ****,ter in law quit on her own. Tell ShitWill he's funny.
By #559941 29,Nov,18 18:07

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